
Fuller Jewelry Store each Be Prepared for that Pain PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JUNE 6, 1925.
Motor Car Success That o Governor Approves DO YOU WANT Rivalled Ford Deportation ELECIRLITY in Your Home?
The Governor of the Canal What is said to be the largest Zone bas approved the recomcash deal in the history of mendation of the Chief of Police PHONE 1059 American industry was comand Fire Department of the Or Call at 122 Ancon Ave.
pleted the other day when the Zone for the deportation to the Dodge Motor CI Company B United States of two Balboa boys, sold for 100 000 000. It is exHarold Shes, who is now NIMBLEY and SANCHEZ pected that the new company serving sentence imposed on him will be capitalized at 300, 000, 000 by the Balboa Magistrate for dis Electricians thug making it one of the great orderly conduct, and Ray Dourindustries of the world. The las. an accomplice.
founders and creators of this trial will convince You.
It is alleged that the two boys vast wealth did not live to taste this final triumph, though both took two young American girls from the Canal Zone into the Wire for us, we ll wire for you.
of them were multi millionaires Republic of Panama, where they when they died within a short visited a saloon, filled themtime of each other about a year selves with intoxicating beverago as the result of Imbibing ages and afterwards took the acc dentally some poisonous fluid two girls out of the city limits Horace Dodge and John and assaulted them with Intent Dodge left their widows and to rape.
their families this tremendous accumulation of money which The recommendation states th y wrested from a keen con that the boys, who are also petive field It took them less Americans, come within persons whose presence in the Canal Zone than twenty years to do it, is a menace to public welfare.
a with the exception of Henry Ford oo man ever made so much money so fast out of a nuSleeping Sickness in facturing industry. Much of Ford success was due to them, England.
In every form can be seen and much of their success was due to Ford. For years they cable despatch fron London here at its best See our were in partnersbip, and whe date: May 21st, states that ofthey separated both Ford and ficial statistics just issued sbow Wrist Watches, Dodge brothere went forward that the sleeplig sickness from to greater success thau any of which Viscount Milner recently Bracelets, them bad 8C ieved in partnerdled, bas been steadily increasing ship in England and Wales. The numDiamond Rings THE FOUR OF FORD ber of cases advanced from sixteen in 1918 to 407 in 1924. and a hundred other adornIt is possible that if there had ments and you ll recognize been no Dodge brothers, the world would never have heard of Liner Fraconia Transit why this is the LEADING Henry Ford. Certainly it would the Canal on Around the JEWELRY HOUSE in town not have heard of nim so astound.
inzly. This is not said in detracWorld Cruise, ask prices and you ll find still tion but to emphasize the opinion another reason that the talents of four me, the The Cunard liner Franconia Dodge Brothers, Ford and James arrived at Balboa Sunday mornCouzens were complimentary to ng, May 24, on an around theother. Combined the four made a financial success that world tour, which will terminate 122 Central Ave. Phone 629 dazzled the nation. Separately upon her arrival at New York about June 1, after a cruise of they continued to show Unusual ability and the reco for two of approximately months.
them is far fron complet The Dodge boys were sons of a Mithe passengers disembarked fo chigan machinist and ironworker a few hours sight seeing on the They had the ordinary scbo ling Pacific side. The vessel began and then became machinists the transit of the Canal at 11. 14 themselys. Before they were a and arrived at Cristobal at YOU can stop excruout of their apprenticeship they 45 wbere the passenger ciating pain instantly had shown signs of Dark meagain disembarked for a few if you will only apply cbantcal ability. It is said that hours asbore at the Atlantic the peple for miles round would terminus. The vessel sailed for SLOAN LINIMENT take their clocks to the Dodge Hababa at 35 a. May 25 Sloan Liniment is boys to regulate. They showed The Franconia is 601 feet long. pain greatest enemy, an uncanny ability with gas with a gross registered tonnage and is backed by 40 years engines, just beginnig toke of 20, 158. She is somewhat larger of success the world over.
their appearance some thirty odd tban the Empress of France, years ago. It was generally which transited the Canal on It is an invaluablo rempredicted that some day these May 15, 1925, on a similar around edy for boys would grow into comp tent ibe world cruise. The Franconia Rheumatic Scotia mechanics and perhaps han a paid 12 607 50 in tolls, as comSore Throat Badkach shop of their own pared with 11, 153, 75 for he Sprains Bres, o THEY TOOK CHANCE Empress of France Chest Paine SHE Neck That did indeed happ bat Franconia transited the It penetrates right to the shop came by acciient. In Cana! previously on November the seat of trouble, 1900 they were competent machi23, 1923, on an around the world warms and soothes the pists with a shared gift for cruise, at wbich time, howar, nerves and tissues, banexprimenting, and they had saved she made the transit in the oppu ishing pain.
a few hu dred dollars. This they site direction.
Try it now.
bad lent to the owner of The present cruise was ur der At all druggists and machine shop, taking bis Equipthe management of Thomas Cook dealers.
ment as security. In 1901 he Sons, and the vessel carriad could not repay the loan, and 309 passengers at the time of her they took possession of the shop transit.
SLOAN to prevent it being sold at a The Franconia cruise was the LINIMENT sacrifice. They knw nothing last of the scheduled tours to the (PAIN ENEMY about business, and it with Isthmus for the 1924 1925 sea.
misgiving that they established 50. Panama Canal Record.
themselves in the new role. The sboo was a small one, but of atber good appearrce, and the man who kept down expenses WILKINSON work turned out WAS sound.
and cut overbead.
Then, as they say in the moyies, QUARREL WITH FORD Contractor ther caune Ford. He also was a How the business grew is an machinist in tbe neighbourno old story. One of the secrets of obsessed wļih e idea of making Ford success is that from the and. Builder a motor car. Already he had first be bad the determination to formed one company wbich bad turn out a low priced, trustwor.
Rone to mash. He was bunting thy car. He had no ambition to House No. 20 round for new capital and for make a Rolls Royce. Later on the machine shop that would carry Dodge brothers began to wish 28th NOV, STREET, out bis ideas. passed the that they were making a better fa rly pretentious shop of the car at a higher price. Differences SAN MIGUEL Dodge broibers and was imof opinion arose. In 1914 they Box 411, Panama, R, pressed He talked with the retired from the Ford Company.
brothers and was furthr im taking some millions with them, pressed with their willingness to and started their own plant take a chance on the new faogled invention THIRTY MILLION FOR holdings in the Ford Company, First Class Workmanship 2, 500.
however and this brought them into a further clash with Ford. Guaranteed At the time Ford chief friend was Alexander Malcolmsen, The objected to the profits of the business being reinvested, owner of a coal yard, whos and brought suit to enforce their DR. HOFFMANN acquaintance Ford had made views. They won, and were paid when he was a buyer for a local in almost dustry. Malcolmson visited him pany was started. There is no 20, 000, 000 sbares sued upon, and later are Has removed his clinic to when he was tipkering with his doubt that ibe previous experinvention aod was accumpspiedience of the Dodge brothers said to have received LIBERTY HALL by James Couzins, bis book with eceentric clock and cranky amount from Ford to end their No. 39 Central Avenue. En.
keeper. Malcolison thought engines was of great assistance HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA 29 Street, Panama connestion with the firm. In the trance between La Mascota meantime their new cars bada and Chong Kee Store, that Ford would not get very to Ford in the development of far alone and advised him to form his motors. They threw them CANAL ZONE, ENGLISH CLASSES tremendous success though they a aod take in Couzos, selves into were in a field was JAMAICA PAPERS, agreed to do so, and Couzos pat turned out 1, 703 cars. Couzans to pm business judgment, their mecha now opened for the in the 2, 500 for which he was soon found is profitable to give Summer pical genius and their great later to draw out 30, 000, 000 up his job at be cal yard and DAILY advertising campaigns led them The Dodges also went For particulars apply on the spot to into leadersbip. They had been WEEKLY HERALD can be had To y confine him toif to the motor took 1, 000 worth o: stocks for business. He was from the first BARTON, LL.
just nineteen years in jhe motor at the Variety Store, No. 11 car business when they passed Street and at House No, 53, which they agreed to pay in 650 the business man, the efficiency Specializes in all the branches Dentistry, Principal, lout Exchange.
chassis. Thus the Ford Com expert, the cost accountant, the House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH The Order Books Secretary and Treasurer For Friendly Societies CAN BE HAD AT The Workman Stationery Store where their own ideas would be Plans and Specifications Free Dentist Howell Private Academy for the with who had 500 Invol? Ha enthustusm and in the ürst year Office Hours: a. to, 1p. m, by Day and by Night are proog competition. There their The DAILY GLEANER. and Calidonia Road, Panama City.


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