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PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 13 1925 THE WORKMAN Great Reduction IN PRICES OF GOOD LUCK HERBS The American Bazaar El Excelsior as to the secutively Publisbed on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applies package free with each 50c order.
WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tlon. Correspondence on all mattes!
Loadstone 50e; magnetic sand, 50e; Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
things kept secret from foundation of All copy for publication must be the world, 75c; private lessons for me PO Box 74, Pansus written on one side of paper only, and diums, 75e; East Indian spirit healing, 50e; the secret of Hindu visualization, Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of 50e: the reader of souls, 50; the the writer, not necessarily for publica 40 Cy.
SHOES for Ladies, Gents and Children One Year priesthood of India Se; the drugless tion but as a mark of good faith.
a Six Months road to perfect health, 2; Manta Yoga, Be; a physician in the house, 50; Three ble.
We do not undertake to return reSOCKS for Men and Children five finer grass, package free with (be 25e.
jected correspondence.
cach 75e order; Mantram words of power 2: the master kuy book, 3; good assortment of Ladies Stockings signet and seal symbol rings fot ladies The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JUNUIS and gents, 14 karat gold, only 20; lucky seven stick pin for men, 9; one package John Conquerer Root and SATURDAY, JUNE 13 1925.
HATS, TIES One Adam and Eve root free with each order: Jucky seven ring for ladies. 7: lucky seven ring for men, So; three headed soakering, 18; the under TENDENCIES IN CRIMES. AT THEground treasure book, S4: hair dress.
ing for ladies and gents 50e; perfume 02. 50e: face cream, 50e; gloss oil 50e; face powder, 50e; greater key of SoloThe complacent respectability of the average British mon, 16; the silent friend book, 25; BRANCH STORE seerets book, 75e; lesser key citizen has received something of a shock from the crimes 75e; fortune telling cards, 25; the statistics just published by the Home Office (Minister of the sealed book, 3; the great book of Interior. from which it appears that in 1923, the last year OF THE magical art, 15; the sixth and seven books of Moses, 75e; gazing crystal, for which figures are available, the number of crimes known inch, with stand and instructions, to the police was higher than during the whole of the 67 Only 5; de la Sphinx Hindu temple incense, 1; secret of black art book, I; years for which reliable statistics are available. Fortunately parchment paper, 75; special ink as the conclusions to be drawn from the figures are not as used on parchment 75; candles all colors, per dozen 75; genuine parchserious as they look, the increase being in more trivial ment skin, 50; lilly rose vanvan, forms of crime, rather than in the more serious. Crimes of OZ. 50. With any order for ten dol.
lars worth of goods at one time we will violence, for exemple, are clearly diminishing, but there is, Corner Street, No. and Central Avenue send you the following gus absoluteon other hand, a substantial increase in what are dely free: package devil s, the famous seals reprinted from the six and seven scribed as crimes of dishonesty; cases, for instance, of books of Moses, on old the parehwent breaking into shops and warehouses by night and removing with gold ink, Fig. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; lode goods in motor vans having been disturbingly numerous.
stone, magnet sand; also the origiDal lucky glass with full instructions.
There is a similar increase in cases of fraud and commercial Address ail orders direct to De ladishonesty, and the official report makes a rather interestBritish Consulate Notices. Herb Agency, No 2802 cottage Grove. ing suggestion that these classes of offence are, in many cases, due to the long continued debasing effects of the The British Consul at Colon war upon conduct and character. The improvement repre.
would be glad of iofoamation as to New Star Lodge sented by the diminution of the more serious crimes the present whereabouts of Jason appears to be connected with the reduction in the number Price, a native of Barbados, who Organized.
of prosecutions for drunkenness, which in 1923 were less JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP arrived on the Isthmus about 1906 and was employed by the than half as many as the average of the years 1909 13. The Corner 12 Street East Avenue Panama Canal as a carpenter.
The two bodies formally number of crimes does not, of course, correspond in any known as the Eleazer Temple way with the number of criminals, as one man is constantly No. 913 and Shining Star Chamgulity of a number of offences before he is detected. The We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also The British Consulate General ber No. 5734, of the National at Panama would be glad of Order of Mosaic Templars of record appears to be held by one enterprising law breaker watches. Our prices are the lowest and our information of John Hinds a native America was organized into the who was proved to have committed 72 offences against the Workmanship is guaranteed.
of Jamaica who came to the Pacific Star Lodge No. 16, of the law before the police succeeded in laying hold of him. In Isthmus of Panama about 20 Ancient and Illustrious order Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you view of the trememdous volume of unemployment in Great years ago. He is said to have of the Star of Bethlehem by Britain, it is rather surprising that the level of serious may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may worked in Colon after his arrival Worthy Sir Arthur Wellester drsire, provided the monthly payments of on the Isthmus.
crime keeps as low as it is.
Crooks, Grand Organizing Legate at the Order, for the Pacitic interest are duly met.
His Britannie Majesty Consul end of the Isthmus ut Panama Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall General in Panama will be pleased on May 23rd, 28th and 29th con to receive information On this auspicious House building Troubles.
be pleased.
wbereabouts of Miss Jestina Red occasion forty eight men and wood. Miss Redwood was last women were initiated into the We Buy and Sell Pearls heard from by her daughter Star mysteries of the Oder of tbe of Bethlehem оо about a year curious controversy over the builing of so called mony was ably ard impressively steel houses has arisen in Great Britain at a tinte when the performed the Grand Organihousing shortage is as acute as ever. One or two enterprising The British Consul at Colon zing Legate proved bimself wins firms having struck out a new line in the building of so evidenne as there is of the operation or meat trusts does the present whereabouts of Gustus this domain. The Legates, Past would be glad of information as to worthy to be a representative in called steel houses, the walls of which are composed, in the main, of light steel plates, opposition was at once not seem to convict these bodies of seriously excessive Tapper, whose laut address was Commanders, Sirs ard Ladies manifested by the Building Trade Unions, who insisted that charges, but there is a special recommendation that the Cristobal Post Office. Mr. Tapper from the various Sister Lodges the wages paid for the erection of these houses should be situation in Argentina should be carefully studied, because is stated to have married recently, gave their cuperation in such one Miss Maude Harrison splendid manuer that marked similar to those for the ordinary brick or stone houses. As it is believed that the cold storoge companies influence the fraternity of the vider of the a large part of the value of the steel house consists in the prices paid in the Argentine by their control of shipments Star of Bethlehem.
fact that all its parts are turned out in large quantities in through the Freight Committee. That system, in the Com St. Barnabas Church, Empire On the night of the 29ih over 300 Sirs and Ladies were pres.
factories, and can be erected anywhere by unskilled labour, mission view, must exist to avoid waste, but it is con Matine and addrem. 11 a.
the whole advantage of the process will naturally be lost if sidered to be open to abuse. The socialists, who hoped for Church School, and Confirmation class. ent, to witness and welcome the p.
newly made Sirs and Ladies of skilled men wages must be paid to any one engaged in the fies, titest disappointetic Government control of staple food evenwone pod addrom, the Pacific Star Lodge No. 16, these houses stuffsare. Schemes in the closing of their organizi with by the Government, who appointed a small commis laid before the Commision, but the Commission as T MULCARE Priest in Charge tion especiaily in the Installaa whole will have none of them.
The Commission What it does sion to enquire into the whole matter.
tion ceremony, special mention is the establishment of a Natioral Food St. Bartholomew s, Church must be made of Sir has now issued its report, which declares that a steel LAS CASCADAS.
Myers Past Commander of the bears no real resemblance to a brick house, since both the Council to continue the work of investigation which It has recom Holy Baptism a.
Red Tank Star dge No. 13, production of its parts in the factory and its erection on the the Commission itself has initiated.
acted as Grand Marsbali building site involve methods essentially different from mended, in particular, that at least two housewives Litany. Holy Ruchariot and Sermon. For that ceremony anains Minehan.
those of ordinary building. The Commission has therefore shall be members of this Council of 12. Its powers will be Church School and Confirmation Clas were duly installed by the Grand at 11 a.
The officers of this new Loire declared against the claim of the Building Trade Unions, limited to investigation and report the view being apparentbut the Unions seem indisposed to abandon the conflict, ly taken that to tell the public the truth about food prices Evening Prayer and addreso p. Organizing Legate assisted by the Legates Past will be the best mothod of keeping food prices moderate.
and there is prospect of further difficulties which may This is not very much to offer a nation discontented because MULCARE Priest in Charge ers acting as Grand officers, the Command continue to impede the production of houses in spite of the ceremony was impressively per need of the working classes, in particular, for houses to unreasonable profits out of the food it has to eat to keep Matine and address 11.
it believes, rightly or wrongly, that someone is making St Jude Mission, Summlt. formed; one that will mark historical event in the anasis of live in.
itself alive. The whole question is bound to be discussed in Church School and Confirmation Claro installed were: this noble order. The officers Parliament, but the people shall have, in the main, to be 30 Sir Uriab Bonner, Commander content to go on as they are.
Evening Prayer sad Addrese 30.
The Cost of Food.
Lady Matilda Bryan, Vice Commander. p. Church Sebool St. Simon Mission, Gamboa Sir Job Qneely, Seribe.
Great Britain, is gravely concerned about its food Church Services.
Lady Gayle, Accountant. 30 Evensong, sermon Morning Prayer and Addrese 11 a. Sir James Foster, Smas, prices. The cost of everything has, of course risen heavily Mr. Osborne Catechist.
Church Sebool and Confirmation Clase Lady Lillian Beresford, Cbapas compared with the pre war figures, and when it is a case AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH lain.
of vital necessities like foodstuffs, the increased expendi(Anglican Con muoion) MULCARE, Priest in Charge Lady. Louise Woods, Inside ture causes the greater anxiety. What is more, if there is St, Matthias Mission Sentinel.
First Sunday After Trinity Sir Samuel Bowen, Outside any widespread suspicion in the minds of the workers LAS SABANAS Wesleyan Methodist Church Sentinel that they are being exploited by what is called in Britain St. Paul Church, Panama (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, Lady Eva Johnson, Right Aid profiteers. and are, that is to say, being made to pay (Rev. Nich engale, Rootor. Priest in Cbarge. BRITISH CONFERENCE. to Commander more than they ought to pay for their bread and their meat a. Holy Communion Sir Cuthbert Ga uple Left Aid p. Church School.
Panama 11 a. Mr. Theo, Fuller and their milk there is in that suspicion all the raw mater 10. 15 a. Marios, 415 Evensong and address. 30 Rev. Wade. Subject to Commander.
ial for serious social discontent.
10, 30 a. Holy Eucharist sermot The Government accordMr. Richards, Catechist The Mystery of Human Personality the Rector.
Lady Francis Cain, Right Aid ingly appointed a Royal Commission to investigate the Colon. 11. Mr. Airall; 30 to Vice Commander.
12 Holy Baptism Sir H, Heury, Left Aid to whole question of food prices, and that Commission has p. Church School, St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca Rev. C. Surgeon.
just issued its considered Report. No one considers it a 30 Choral Evensong sermor (American Epireopal)
Wade (Cmmunion. p. m, Anniversary LA Boos. 11 a. Rev. Vice Oos, Gill, Senior satisfactory document. That, of course, may not be the Preacher, the Bishop FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Service, Rev. Wade will pre Past Commander.
fault of the Commission. If the popular suspicions were, Holy Communion at 30 a. celebrant side; 30 Mr. Lindo Tbe charge and instructions in fact, ill grounded; if, that is to say, prices were in reality St. Alban Church, Paraiso The Rector.
Monday. Young People Demon by the Grand Organizing Legate Matins and address, 11 a.
to the newly installed officers no higher than they ought to be, the Commission could CANAL ZONE.
Church School Parsino 11 a. Mr. Johnson; was of such that proves in bim hardly be expected to devise means of making them lower.
a real christian man elaborate At any rate, the proposals that are made are the reverse of (Rev, P. NIGUTENGÁLE, Choral Evensong and sermoa, 30 m. 20 Mr. F. Walters.
Priest in Charge Preacher The Rector Now Providence 11 a. Rev. speeches of welcome that mark revolutionary. Certain criticisms are embodied. It would Mid Week service; Wednesday 30 Surgeon. Communion)
the occasion were wade by 11 a. Holy Eucharist Sermon appear, for example, that the people are paying too much Empire 11 Mr. Payne.
members of the Order. Tbe Prenche he Rew, Cowan, for their bread and a good deal too much for their meat. Such T. MULCARE, Rector. Continued on page Continued op page 5)
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