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PRICE Cts. Cy.
VOMITING CHURCH SICKNESS SPLIT Governor Walker Receives Employees Deputation Black Cross Navigation Ship Booker Washington an were of ANXIOUS FOR JUSTICE slums.
be At Jamaica Traced to May Determine Fate of The Salt Used in Empire Says Solicitor The Bread.
General in interview Yesterday Morning Returns to New York After Maiden Which Lasted for Over One Hour. In the last issue of this paper London cable despatch dated Voyage of Four and a Half Months we published an account of a mys. May 28 says:terious outbreak of vomiting While America is witnessing Yesterday morning Governor Meriwether Walker of the ca, which caused much epeculation controversy, England to day is four and a half months ago, with SPARKLETS siekness at Spanish Town, Jamai fundamentalist molerist church New York Wednesday, Sailing Panama Canal received three representatives of the Panama as to the outcome. It has since engaged in a church war, which the playing cf bands and impres Canal West Indian Employees Association in his office at been stated that the alarming one branch of the contestants sive ceremonies by resplendent, the Balboa Heights Administration Building. The request malady has been traced to salt claims may even shake the found. uniformed members of Marcus (BY JACK 0)
for the interview, it is understoud, was made by the Asso used in the bread, as the following ations of the Empire.
Garvey African LegionBlack ciation. We have not been formed as to what questions excerpt from the last issue of the The Church of England, originat. Cross liner Bookerton, Washinek West Indians IN BUSINESS.
show:ing from the Catholic Church, is tɔn literally crawled into port took a quiet walk down Central One eveuing during this week have been taken up with the Chief Executive, and it is not The inhabitants of Spanish split into three groups.
yesterday ading her maiden likely that we will be informed for some time, although we Town are still suffering from the are almost sure that the representatives discussed working effects of arsenic maintain the Church voyage by setting a record for slow Avenue, after travelling from the arising out of the bread turned out glo Catbolic, would link with Indies and Central America.
poisoning as it is; another, kaowa as the An. time for the round trip to the West doors of the Panama Lottery Office, with a view to and living conditions with the Governor.
from Bennett Bakery in that Rome; and a third wants an alliSeen by a representative of this paper, a member of the town a week ago as subsequent ance between the Church and the at Pier No. 15 Hudson River on certain conditions and be able With the dorking of the vessel things so as to ealighten myself committee stat that the Governor received them in a investigations have indicated. 50. called free churches Baptist, came a recital of disaster after to supply a few here and there jotmost kindly and cordial manner and the interview lasted Fortunately, so far there have Methodist, Presbyterian and the disaster, which showed that the ting from these superficial observ.
been no deaths traceable to the like.
important member of the crewnations for this column, with the ver une hour.
The committee was composed of Whyte, President poison, though several of unwards The issue boils down to whether Lady Luck had deserted Crestin hope that they may furnish a little foud for thought. It struck me for of the Association, K, Walters, First Vice President and stricke hundred percomitinho de Canterbury the present seat of the before the trip was fairly started by the course get this with and Church of England, shall distance There also came the report that which Bernard Ellis, Correspunding Secretary.
excruciating abdominal pains, td rule or whether ome shall direct of Improvement Association, who ing at the Panama Railroad stais about a mile, endvery seriously ill, including the Church. Sir Thomas Laskip, assumed control when Garvey was tion, noticed only one business Mirs. Taylor, wife of Mr. Taylor, Solicitor Genera in the Baldwin taken to Atlanta Penitentiary to establishment, in the mor: Clas, CUBA DOES NOT WANT ANY MORE the Irrigation Superintendent Cabinet, an anti onanist, de serve a clared a five year sentence for sical couple of days aco, Dr. Blair taken, and that these might per. to abandon Garvey widely heral Woraun Printery. But moving that decisions must soon be misuse of the mails, have decid ALIEN WOMEN, man, and this is the ty ved med and operated and the polior took samples of sugar, flour, salt and other articles, haps even be so far reaching as to ded scheme to found a Negro state duw. towards the Railroad Station from the bakery in question and determine the fate of the Empire in Africa by operation of freight was more fo tu vate in observing in the future.
Passes Law to Prevent Them Landing Unloss submitted same for test to the and passenger vessels on the high 10 Island Chemist.
It is reported that delegates of seas, Dapuarently progressive cigar Possessing Authorization From Husband.
factory, a couple jewelry repair From what could be gathered Mercier of Belgium soon with the New York Jan. 18. At Philadel. from Fuller up to date jewelry the Church will meet Cardinal The Booker Washinton left shops and a pharmacy a few doors on Saturday, the poison was traced Areobishop of phis the engines broke dowo. On establishment at the corner of to a sample of the salt submitted approval of the GLEANER of the 6th inrt, tim the BRITISH MINISTER to analysis and the police have Centerbury to discuss the pro the way to Norfolk members of Central Avenue avd 22nd Street.
It was stated in the Jamaica DoBei Rome alliance.
taken over possession of Cubin Govermont has recently be The Anglo Cathe ics am svid to the crew set the forex tle sfire un bakery premises, pending further, have obtained a heavy following Havans the vessel wis held for After mıking thi tour it struck their efforts to keep At Could be BETTER REPRESENTED pussed a law to check the inflax Returns From Visit To developments wimen to the Republi: at that through their charity work in the thi law would have theek upon Costa Rica.
debts contracted by Garvey m: that we, as Wes Indians, could former maritime Venture the Black be better represented in business Jamica imigration to that country The split within the church Star Line, and finally was released Toelw mends the Cuban ImThe people of Spanish Town are migration (White Slave) Law and His Britannic Majesty Minis anxious that those responsible for results from a small but important when fluoda were able tiroteles ed alote this popular section of this incident Recently, the Anglo York metropolis; takinz into consideraby Presidential decree came into ter and Mrs. Braithwaite Wallis the dastardly astahouldCatholic element succeeded in for At Kingston a new firebox be ence of mind however, cime to me tion our spendios capacity. Pres.
effect on the 19th of May last. returued from their three weeks brought to justice, and further man who travels alone to Cuby, stant. During that time they went awaited with interest. Indeed, the proposal to adpt the Catholic tbe Universal Negro Improvement years and found that we had This law provides that an wo Visit to Costa Rica on the 7th in action in the matter is being ing through the church assembly came necessary and directors of and retrospected into the past ten even if she is a Cubun passenger, and cther places They had op the authorities should offer a Capt. Hirth and so will be prevented from disembark of and Carter inessioners of Immigration of Cuba By the Minister that their interests. arrest and conviction of the guilty steadfast Church of England group the ligerame Colon.
Britisn West Indians who were told mation that would lead to the cor the Anglo Catholics, and was car of the association, ended with present ab ence must be the result regarded as a the the discharge of the commander of of our eliminating ourselyes as that if she does not give the guarantees the authorities may think fit to deas Botinha subjects of the Empire, party or parties. he chief was the only logical conclusion De Inskip and other prominent engineer obtained a lien on the could arrive in view of our On Saturday, Detective Corporal churchmen, including Desn Inge, Any woman under 21 years of The Minister was met at Limon Bocetone of the clever sleuths of recent visitor to the United States, Booker Washington until his numerical strength and our spendby metropolis, Yg bark, unless she is accompanied by and the next day His Excellency Spanish Town to assist the local signed a declaration against this wages were paid. More money fron ing power and capacity.
BUSINESS TRAINING AND TACTICS move, declaring it created a crisis the matter to a which threaten to change the her father, or other members of and three officers in her Also, at Colon the chief steward We lack business training! This family, or authorised tutor Whoo special train which had been sent officers to Sun José in the successful character of the Church.
was arrested on charie of decided. then walked into in the meantime the matter is Bishop Weldon, one of the accomp she must present shooting a woman there in 1914. Rickett jewelry shop pentru marimetion From the father down for by the governments the one absorbing topic of the signers, declared the orchurch of the climax came as a Charleston retracing my steps over a few and full proof must given in all Tue Minister and Mrs. Wallis Ancient Capital those who other cases to satisfy the authori. Celebrated The King birthday on escaped a touch of the malady are England was not fitted to plav the when theoriessel was badly dama chains, and asked him to regulate ties. And even with proof she will the 3rd instaat by colding a large considering themselves very for ture, adding that many role of god in a colision with Catholic More money from New York. decviving me on consultation about only be allowed to land at the dis reception in the afternoon. It was tunate.
Siace the Booker Washington the time should go work, features were already used in the cretion of the Commissioner attended by the President of the Republic, Between twenty and thirty men Church of England and that efforts sailed down the East River in Jao: Fred gladly did this, aai when members of the Cabinet are thrown out of work consequent were being made to adopt other vary, members of the Garvey turned away after thinking Married women provide fo with Diploma coelo coros, the British on the closing down of the bakery. Catholic rite: him, must be Colony, and bave had to put up he called me back to listen to his nearly 50. 000 dollars to keep the latest chord in key something og Je15 25 authorisation from her husband and if reriding The Minister was very pleased cubit the shuthorisation Temust be at being ab. e to meet Tacid talk ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN members of the association hope a told me to bring back my watch it ship afloat, Convinced that a jinx his banjo enjoyed the music and rests on their marine ventures, he given at the port before the Com with so many West Indians ia steamship compiny will charter it Costa Rica; and His Excellency missioner of Immigration, deceive it should again attempt to It must be understood that that in watever part of the world the Booker Washington whien me. This time made ao of did not fail to impress upoa them Approximately twelve hun made a thorough success of cost more than 150. 000 dollars, under this law any persoa of either they may be, their interests would dred midshipmen from the the undertaking which now my journey, as in the next few minutes landed in Fuller Je1525G age. And maximum for a well of their loyalty to sex not a he was in age ange curler be looked uiter; adding that he United states Naval Academy helps to a great extent in MUSICAL PROGRAM asked MeFuller the price on a which thought person intending to embark is sixty the Crown and of their pride at arrived at Cristobal on Satur attracting pleasure seekers in years, but the Commissioner of being subjects of chat great day last on the Practice great numbers to the island, To be Rendered at St. about two dollars, but the price he Immigration may use his discretion far flung Empire to which they Squadron of the Academy, one of Panania in thi case of persons who are rot have honour to belong.
finest Paul Church Next Month quoted me would have co:sumed about half of my monthly pittance The Squadron was on a health resorts.
if had consented to the deal; the liable to become a charge on the practice cruise, and consisted grand Musical Programme will truth is, really don kaow much country: Any theatrical company or im. British Consulate Notice of the battleships New York be rendered at St. Paul Church, about the prices on this comodity prersario taking artistes into Cuba (flagship. Utah and Arkansas. One hundred and eighty Panama in the afternoon of Sun as never owned one for which under contract must present to the The Acting British Consul at The squadron transited the six commercial vessels and day, July 12th next. paid more than two dollars. Too The large choir of the Church is high for me, old man. said. We complete list of artistes with their colon would be glad of imfor Canal on the following day eight small launches trans making preparations for the oc: Save them at prices to suit you. photographs and all other par mation as to the present wherea. to Balboa where it remained ited the Panama Canal during casion, and several friends from he stopped me, and then started to ticulars with the necessary bona. bouts of Mrs. Eliza Phillips, a until Wednesday last when the first fifteen days of the outside of the parish are expected pull down clocks ranging in prices Any person who has served one native of Jamaica the trio deported for Seattle. present month. Tolls on the to contribute numbers. from scores of dollars to couple of year or more in prison can be decommeicial vessels amount the repairs of the Church which really did not want to buy even The proceeds will be devoted to dollars. Th trouble was that prostitution, or pay rent for her to 825, 589. 83 and on the are Mr. Malloy, proprietor Any person who disembarks at house, or pay her passage money, of urgent and immediate dollar watch at the time, and this (Continued on page 7)
any Cuban port can be forced to can be sent to prison, also the wo of the Hotel Aspin wal on the launches, 14 40 making a necessity.
Tickets for admission to this total tolls collection for the to the finger print identifica tion.
There are special clauses in this completing the term of imprison, the Panama Canal, died on on all traffic. The average It is hoped that the worthiness try from where they embarked on near the Pacific entrance of daily average of 55, 040, 28 may be had from members of the British Consulate Notice. law for the purposes of keeping out meat.
Consulat Wednesday morning last. Mr women who may enter the Republic It will be seen that this law is a for immoral living. It is provided rigid one and as stated above it Malloy took over the Hotel amount of tolls paid by each of the cause will make its own. Colon would be glad om as infor: wherethat any person who tàkes any wo came into force on the 19th of last Aspinwall from the Canal of the commercial transits special appeal and that there will metion as to the present be a liberal response on the part of abouts of David Mitchell, man into Cuba for the purpose of month Zone Goverment in 1921 and (Continued on page 8)
the public.
David Hall, a native of Jamaica.
mand up after Je 15:25 and ported.
subject to or
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