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Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applies package free with each 50e order.
VALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all matte Loadstone 50e; magnetic sand, 50e; Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited things kept secret from foundation of PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be the world, 75e; private lessons for me wpitten diums, 75e; Easi Indian spirit healing, obe side of paper only, and 50e; the secret of Hindu visualization, Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of Sve: the reader of souls, 50; the SHOES for Ladies, Gents and Children 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publiesOne Year priesthood of India 50e: the drugless Six Months road to perfect health, 2: Manta Yoga, 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Sce; a physician in the house, 50 Three 60e.
We do not undertake to return reSOCKS for Men and Children five finer grass, package free with De each 15e order; Mantram words of 25e.
jected correspondence.
power 2: the master key book, 3; good assortment of Ladies Stockings Signet and seal symbol rings for ladies The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS and gents, 14 karat gold, only 20; lucky seven stiek pin for men, 9; one package John Conquerer Root and SATURDAY, JUNE 20 1925.
HATS, TIES one Adam and Eve root free with each order: lucky seven ring for ladies. 7: lucky sevea ring for men, 9; three headed snake ring. 18; the under THE VALUE OF REPRESENTATION. AT THEground treasure book, t; hair dress.
ing for ladies and gents 50e; perfume 02. 50e: face cream, 50e; gloss oil 300; face powder, 50e; greater key of Solomon, 16; the silent friend book, 25: To represent a cause the cause of an individual, a Egyptiap secrets book, 75e; lesser key family, an organization, a people, a nation is one of the of Solomon, 50. long lost friend book 15e; fortune telling cards, 25; the most important ducies a man or a committee of men can be sealed book, the great book of called upon to perform. Representation and leadership are OF THE magical art, 15, the sixth and seven books of Moses, The; gazing erystal.
brothers, almost wins. Proper representation in itself is inch, with stand and instructions, sound leadership, and it is not logical to assume that al only 5; de la Sphinx Hindu temple in cense, St; secret of black art book, 1; representative who will either distort the facts to be repreparement paper, 75; special ink as sented, or is constructively incapable of representing them, used on parchment 75 candles all colors, per dozen 75; genuine parchwill be able to successfully lead. To represent facts is to ment skin, 50; lilly rose vanvan, present them as they actually exist or may have existed, oz. 50. With any order for ten dol.
whether these facts are to be represened in detail or in a Corner Street, No. and Central Avenue lars worth of goods at one time we will send you the following goods absolutenutshell. We touch upon this subject for the reason that ly free: package devies, the famous seals reprinted from the six and seven prese day affairs are mide so complicated, they demand books of Moses, ond time parchwent representations waich would not ordinarily be needed with gold ink, Fig. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 5; lode stone, magnet and also the origi were the multiplication of simpie matters not carried to nal lucky glass with full instructions.
such enormous proportions.
Address all orders direct to De laSome and street lams Herb Agency, No 2012 Collage Grove Primarily, representation cannot be properly made by have been erected bere and Ave. Chicago, Ill.
an individual or deputation who are ignorant of the facts ther about the streets, but they to be represented. Secondly, one may have grievances but are left to light, and take care of is ignorant as to the proper way of presenting his case, and themselves, consequently, theyət. Barnabas Church, Empire solut ly no use to any body, Matins and address, 11 a.
therefore the causes that need rectificativa still exist for the Alth, and with more too, Church School, and Confirmation class lack of intelligence to represent them. Ald this also applies JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP arth conoces the tax to committees, who are at times appointed to repr sent pa e of w Providenc. CloChor Everong and address a cause when nearly all their members ar absolutely ignor Corner 12 Street East Avenue Chew sutfr Musionary service and addresses, ant as far as the cause to be represented is concerned. The Thursday, 25th inet. at 30 necessary qualifications of epresentatives th: full know Ne make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also D: oite the inclemency of the cordial invitation to all in the district, weather, Eldur Burke, Pastor of ledge of the causes they are to represent, and their ability watches. Our prices are the lowest and our the tian Mission Church MULCARE Priest in Charge to represent them. uld be the direct object in view Workmanship is guaranteed.
and Can. Missionary when selecting chim ds these are vitilly essential whether from the San Blas Coast, paid us Our rate of interest on Pawns is modera e and you those to wnom representations are to be mide are familiar St. Bartholomew s, Church a visit on Thursday, cooducted or watimiliar with the condicions which they are to be may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may services in the Union Baptist LAS CASCADAS, called upon to rendy or o herwise dispose of.
drsire, provided the monthly payments of Church, boin Thursday and Morning Prayer, and addrome 11.
Frioay evening; after which Church School and Confirmation Class great lesson in the value of representation has been interest are duly met.
Elder Burke left on Saturday 30 presented, recent y, in the election by orginized American for Coloa, aving Miss Cope to Boulog Prayer sod address p.
Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall employees on the Panama Canal Zone, of a man to repre.
continue the good work they MULCARE Priest in Charge be pleased.
begin of Thursday. Miss Coop sent them in conection with wages and living condiis not only a womaa preacoer.
tions, before the lawmakers and other authorities in Washbu a teacher also.
St Jude Mission, Summit.
ington. This act is one of the outstanding virtues which British Consulate Notice.
Morning characterizes not only the people of the great American and Address 11 am.
Church School and Confirmation Claes naton, but also the people of all progressive nations and org inizition: wn) know that conditions, however satisfacThe Britisa Consul at Colo Evening Prayer and Address 30.
try th: miy appar, niet to be improved, regulated or NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES known the civiliz parts of the would be glad of information as to adjusted from time to tin. This doininant virtue of priworld that swine are prone to the present whereabouts of one contageous diseases; such pigs Isaac Reid, recently a resident of Simon mission, Gamboa gressive peoples, Viz; th: ppointment of intelligent and From our Correspondent) therefore, ought to be kept in an Colon, who is stated to be em Matins and address 11 am.
capable representatives, who are also fully conversant with enclosure som where within a ployed on board one of the vessels Church School and Confirmation Class the cases they are elected to represent, should stand out as Mr. David Johnson has been reasonable distance from the using the Panam: Uinal.
2, a lesson to be carefully stuated and apphed by all others New Providence vice Mr. order to insure the Inspector of dwelling houses of the clony in T. MULCARE, Priest in Charge who desire higher standards.
healm of Moss, thap intment dated individuals, and to sanitatio of Church Services.
It is But there is also an unfortunate side to representation from the 29th Way last.
the villag.
and that is wen it is made without the proper sinction he maj ty of the Colonists, understood that it t is the wish Wesleyan Methodist Church and full support of those whose cause are to b: represented, and we co giatulate Mr. JohnAMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH Well, the dry season of 1925 is It is all over, and no one step further (Aules ommunion Our attention has been cilled to an incident which occurred on on his app intm nt. BRITISH CONFERENCE. here not very long ago: Working conditions hive been oned that he will be impartial has been made with regard to Second Su vay After Trinity Panams 11 m, and 30 pm ne rty unbearable for a gang of labourers, and sufficient in his investig tions of local the establishment of telephone Paul Church, Panama Rev. MC. Surgeon remaneration intensitied the feelings of th: so they him from time to time; be is a wile awaiting for ove a whole (Rv F. Nightongale, Reator) Wade. Subject: Nature, red matters which may come before communications to this colony.
Colon. 11 a. and 30 Rev.
decided to take up the matter with their emp. oyer. They young man, a Panamanian, of hour at Monte Lirio aion to a. Holy Communion in tooth and claw.
grumbled among themselves until they finally ceased West Indian parer tage, and he embark on a passenger train, 10. 15 a. Matins, La Bocs 11 Johnson Work.
The employer heard of the dissatisfaction and is educated in both the Spanish one can imagine why there BO 10, 30 a. Holy Eucharist sermou 30 Mr. Read.
commercial road to Colon to tre Rector.
New Providence 11 a. Mr. Brathappeared on the scene of the disturbance where he ad Eglin La quages.
New Providence, nor wil there 12 Holy Baptism waite found perfect quiet prevailing. No one came forward to be any such road, in the bear p. Church School, Paraiso 11 am. Mr. Theo, Fuller.
represent the dissatisfied gang, and so the employer de Pigs are again running about future; but one is lost in won 30 Choral Evensong sermoL 30 Mr. Walters mand from the men, who was the leader of thought the street N Provijence dering why th e td tule Preacher, the Rector.
Empire 11 a. Mr. Lindsay.
One labourer popped up and broke the Village, this is very much unpbone comunic. Das among them.
make silence by saying that they had left work because they desirable excebt by those who such slow pogress, cause COMID ti ho fence; we whole need to be better remunerated for the class of work they do not objet to a soody having taxes have been coll cod, sud decade has passed, and St. Alban Church, Paraiso The Salvation Army CANAL ZONE.
were performing. The emp over enquired if there were any pic, bu Wish o safeguard yet nothing at all has bien done (ROV P. NIGH TENGALE, PANAMA CITY CORPS, more who were demanding higher pay; and the gang reverted our health, as it is venerally for the progress of ini coby into dead silence! The courageous but unsupported reprePriest in Charge.
Services for Sunday are as follows:7 45. Hly Conmunion and sermon a. Early Prayer Meeting.
sentative of a just cause was disch irged. The balance of 10 a. Children Directory Meeting the gang returned to work at the original rate. This little outstanding factor in the welfare of nations and peoples, The RV Nichten gale. p. m, Church School od Brigade United Open Air Meeting incident teaches that proper consent and full support of a organizations, groups and individuals. The newspapers Choral Evensong, address 11 am Holiness Meetingpeople, an organization or a nation must be at the disposal whose columns are always open to healthy discussions and 30 Osborne Catechist.
To be conducted by Commandant of representatives; otherwise the ones who go before will constructive criticisms are valued representatives standing Martin on high pedestals. This paper always welcomes healthful always be looked upon as ringleaders or agitators. p. Y, Company meeting and discussions in its columns, on topics dealing on the general Sr. Masthias Mission Open air.
Not long ago we were furnisned with a copy of the welfare of the community, and particularly in the interest p. Junior Open Air.
Annual Report of the Panama Canal West Indian Em of British West Indians in Central America. With the LAS SABANAS 45 m. Separate Brigade Open Air pioyees Association for the year 1924, which we consider completion of the Panama Canal and the gradual working of (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, Meeting a splendid effort at proper representation. Authorities and every organization and group to stability, there comes the Priest in Charge. pm Salvation Meeting, Subject Life for a Dance.
employers have little or no time to think about the welfare need for proper adjustment of working and living conditions, p Church School.
of workers; they must devote most of their time to the business intercourse, constructive thinking and criticisms, 15 pm. Evensong and address.
To be conducted by Commandant building up of their business. It should not be so, how discussion of subjects of general interest, publicity of Mr. Richards, Catechist PLEASE NOTE ever, as the most necessary element that should be con business enterprises; all avenues of waste should be Monday, p. Life Saving Guard sidered is the welfare of those who are responsible for the blocked, ideas dealing on economy and thrift should be St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca Parade also Sunbeams.
building up or expansion of the business, and that necessary propounded by representative individuals and organizations. American Episcopal)
Tuesday, Band of Love Work Class element is the workers. But as these are the conditions that all these call for direct mode of thought and action, and in Second Sunday After Trinity at 30 generally present themselves, it stands to reason that this work the Press takes a prominent part and its columns Holy Communion at a.
Holy Baptism a.
Wednesday, p Life Saving Scouts representation of working and living conditions must be should be used to full advantage.
Litany. Holy Rucharist and Sermon.
and Chums parade. Home League at made from time to time. In some cases it is looked for by for better thinking, pm Therefore, seeing the necessity employers, and welcomed when received: in other cases it economy, thrift, business expansion and the raising of the at 10. 45 a.
Thursday, Holiness Meeting in the Church School Hall at pm.
is asked for and when it is not forthcoming they assume general standard of our communities, we will gladly wel Choral Evensong and sermoa, 30 m. All are invited to attend these meetthat their employees are entirely satisfied.
The come new thought to be presented to our many readers.
Mid Week service; Wednesday 30 There is another phase of representation. it is Press This will surely create a stimulus that will furnish fresh MARTIN. Commandant.
Representation. Representation though the Press is an and healthful growth to our social and economic life.
JT. MULCARB, Rector. Contioued on page7)
We Buy and Sell Pearls p.
Martin ing
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