
PAGE FOUR THE HORKAAN. SATURDAY, J: NE 27 1925 THE WORKMAN Great Reduction GOOD LUCK HERBS BRINCH STORE The American Bazaar El Excelsior Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applies package free with each 50e order.
WALROND, at the office No. 33 Central tloo. Correspondence on all matte Loadstone 50e; magnetic sand, 50c; of public interest invited IN PRICES OF Avenue, Panama, de things kept secret from foundation of All copy for publiertion must be the world, 75c; private lessons for me PO Box 74, Panama diums, 75e; East Indian spirit healing, written on one side of paper only, and 50e; the secret of Hindu visualization, Rates of Subscription must accompanied by the name of 50e: the reader of souls, 50; the SHOES for Ladies, Gents and Children the writer, not necessarily for publicapriesthood of India 50e; the drugless One Year 40 Cy.
Six Months.
road to perfect health, 2: Manta Yoga, 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
5Ce; physician in the house, 50; Three Be.
We do not undertake to return reSOCKS for Men and Children five finer grass, package free with One each 75e order; Mantram words of 25e.
jected corresponuese.
power 2: the master kry book, 3; good assortment of Ladies Stockings signet and seal symbol rings for ladies and gents, 14 karat gold, only 20. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS lucky seven stick pin for men, 9; one package John Conquerer Root and SATURDAY, JUNE 27 1925.
HATS, TIES One Adam and Eve root free with each order: lucky seven ring for ladies. 7: lucky sevea ring for men, three headed soake ring, 18; the under MINISTERS AS JOURNALISTS. AT THEground treasure book, t; hair dressing for ladies and gents 50e; perfume 02. 50e: face cream, 50e; gloss oil 50e; face powder, 50e; greater key of Solomon, 16; the silent friend book, 25; good deal of dissatisfaction is being expressed in the Egyptian secrets book, 75e; lesser key British Parliament with the growing habit of Cabinet Mincf Solomon, 50. long lost friend book 75e; fortune telling cards, 25; the isters of supplementing their not inconsiderable Ministerial OF THE sealed book, 3; the great book of incomes by constant contributions to newspapers. The magical art, 15; the sixth and seven books of Moses, 75e; gazing crystal, subject is a little delicate, and the Prime Minister, who ineh, with stand and instructions, has just been questioned on the subject in the House of only 5; de la Sphinx Hindu temple incense, Sl; secret of black art book, 1; Commons, was not prepared to give any definite ruling parchment paper, 15; special ink as regarding it. It is understood, however, that the matter used on parchment candles all colors, per dozen 75; genuine parchhas been before the Cabinet and more will be heard of it ment skin, 50; lilly rose vanvan, vet. It is, of course a fixed tradition of the British ConOz. 50. With any order for ten dol.
stitution, that on matters of Government policy the whole Corner Street, No. and Central Avenue lars worth of goods at one time we will send you the following goods absoluteCabinet stands together and any member of it is entitled to ly free: paekage devil s, the famous seals reprinted from the six and seven express in public opinions which his colleagues, as a books of Moses, on old time parchurent whole, would not endorse. When the former Labour Gov.
with gold ink, Fig. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; lode stone, magnet sand; also the origi.
ernment was in power, Conservative members took strong Dal lucky glass with full instructions.
exception to one or two articles written by Mr. Philip pest some time ago with a valuabl: Herb Ageney, No 2802 Cottage Grove Address all orders direct to De laSnowden, then Chancellor of the Exchequer. To day, consigoment of stones. As the ma Ave. Chicago, Ill. bour members in their turn are criticising the Secretary chine was late in arriving, his of State for India, Lord Birkenhead, who writes voluminbrother informed the police, und ously for the Press, mainly on legal questions which do after five days Lasker dead body service will be held. Addresses will be not, of course, affect the office he at present holds.
was found near Sophronia, Austria. delivered by Rev. Nightengale, Rector of St. Paul Church.
It is alleged he was murdered Naturally newspapers are prepared to pay large fees for his JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP by Panama, and Rev. Merith, private secretary and the pilot Dean of St Luke Ca bidral, Ancon.
articles written, or at any rate signed, by Cabinet Ministers, of the airplane, who seized the and Rev. wan, and the Times in condemning this practice points out that, Corner 12 Street East Avenue diamonds, valued at 2, 000, 000 in theory at any rate, a Cabinet Minister, unlike a State frines and threw the body over. very cordial invitation is extended to the general pubic.
employee, is expected to give the whole of his time and We make and repair sort of Jewelry and also board, after ward destroving the energies to the State. It observes that if a Minister while airplane.
watches. Our prices are the lowest and our The secretary is said to have es St. Barnabas Church, Empire in oftice can carry on the work of a journalist, there is no Workmanship is guaranteed.
caped to Bulgaria, and the reason why he should not equally carry on the work of a information of the police leads them itany. Holy Eucharist and Sermon.
Barrister, or engage in some form of business, British tra. Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you to believe he killed the pilot to at 10. 45 a.
ditions on this subject have, in the past, been rigorous, and Appointment of new Church Commit may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may avoid sharing the proceeds of the robbery.
it seems likely that the Prime Minister will intimate de.
tee after service, drsire, provided the monthly payments of Church School, and Confirmation class. finitely to his colleagues that it is undesirable that they interest are duly met.
Advertise in the Workman Choral Evenrong and address, 10.
at pm should be at the time Ministers and Journalists.
Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall Thursday, July 2nd. Grand be pleased.
Patrotic Rally will be held in the ReChildren And he Movies.
Church Services. creation Fail. Three islands Montserrat, Barbados, Jamaica will be ralled for.
Our members and friends are heartily AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH Lovited to turn out and take a lively certain number of estimable people in Great Britain part in the function, wbieb is in aid of a have been exercising their minds over the important ques. Anglican Communion worthy cause. Doors open at 30 tion of the influence of the cinematograph on the young, friction which for a time existed between him as CommanThird Sunday After Trinity JT MULCARE Priest in Charge and its proper place in their education. special com der in Chief in the field and Lord Kitchener as Secretary of St. Paul Church, Panama mission has in fact been examining and reporting on the State for War at home was one of the least satisfactory (Rev. Nightengalo, Rector. St. Bartholomew s, Church whole question. The necessity for clear thinking on it is episodes of the whole campaign. Sir John French held that a. Holy Communion LAS CASCADAS.
indicated by the fact that there are over 1, 000, 000, 000 atten the War Office failed in its duty in providing munitions in 10. 15 a. Matins dances a year at picture theatres in the British Isles, and a the quantity he needed, and he made little concealment of 10. 30 am. Holy Eucharist sermoe Church School and Confirmation Class Morning Prayer, and addreef 11 very considerable proportion of those must represent atten his views. Had Lord Kitchener been of a less equable 12 Holy Baptism at p. p. Church Sobool, dances by children. But that is after all rather a different temperament, it would have been impossible for the two Evening Prayer and address p.
miatter from the question of the use of the cinema in actual men to continue to work together. Despite such incidents Preacher, the Rector. 30 Choral Evensong sermon MULCARE Priest in Charge education, and it is rather surprising not to find the experts as these, Lord Ypres, by reason of his length of service and Monday Feast of St. Petere. Apostle who have studied the matter more enthusiastic about such a the positions he had held, had just claim to the title of the and Mastyr Holy Communion at St Jude Mission, Summit.
departure. They admit, it is true, that lessons in history foremost British soldier. a.
Morning Prayer and Address 11 am, and geography might gain to some extent in value if they Church School and Confirmation Class were illustrated by films, but it is left for critics of the St. Alban Church, Paraiso experts to point out what an impression is made on a NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES to furtber handicap the (English)
Evening Prayer and Address 30.
child mind by moving pictures illustrating a Polar expedi. tion or the attempt to scale Mount Everest, or showing the but we will watch development. Rev. P. NIGH TENGALE, From our Correspondent)
life history and habits of hirds or animals. Pictures, moreOurselves and our children are Priest in Charge.
St. Simon Mission, Gamboa loyal, and law abiding citizos 11 a. Matins and address Mr. Morning Prayer and address 11 a.
over, of ordinary day to day life in foreign countries do At last! the tirst step towards of this Republic, but we are Osborne, Catechist.
Church School and Confirmation Class more to make such countries understood, to children at the improvement of New Provichildren p. m, Church School and Confirmaany rate, than a whole library of books about them. In dence. Colony has been taken by cought both Spanish and English tion Class.
Evening Prayer and address 30 spite of all that, the cinema has yet to establish itself as a the government, and a few in education in elementary schols 30 Evensong, sermon Rev. MULCARE, Priest in Charpe recognised feature in the education of the child. The child were put to work simultaneouly, while they are of school age. J. Cowan, at New Providence and Limon. we may not teach our childrea of course is familiar enough with the pictures. He goes to 00 Wednesday last the 1716 English, why do Panamaniaus Mr. Osborne Catechist.
The Salvation Army picture theatres every week, and sees numbers of worth Inst. ing cu lass and light axend their childrən to Exgita less films which, if they do him no harm can do him very work. clearing the trail and schools and collages? We wiin St, Matthias Mission PANAMA CITY CORPS.
little good. During the mornings when the picture theatres preparing the way for the er os to make our children intellig ne LAS SABANAS are closed they might well be opened for the display of tion of telephone posts. It is and useful man and intentional Services for Sunday are as follows:(Rev. NIGHTENGALE, This is a. Early Prayer Meeting.
definitely educational films to which children could profit said that the work is to be given their nature. Years.
Priest in Charge.
by contract to the colonists. reasonable.
10 a. Children Directory Meeting ably be taken in their school hours as part of their school Well, that would be a very good p. Church School.
curriculum. But we move slowly in such matters and we way of getting the work done, 15 Evenrong and address, and Brigade United Open Air Meeting have not moved as far as this yet.
provided that the price offered special meeting of the Com Mr. Richards, Catechist 11. Holiness MeetingTo be conducted by Commandant be cumpatiale wita the labour munity Subool will be held at the required; the inclemeacy of the Nesleyan Church, on Thursday St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca Martin.
Weatber at pesen does nouJuly 1925, at 30 ro. p. Y, Company meeting and Great Soldier.
make it very favourable for interested in the (American Episcopal) Brigades Open air.
contractors who may uedertake school is asked to attend as very Third Sunday After Trinity p. Junior Open Air. 45 m. Separate Brigade Open Air inconvenience will be exper By the death of Lord Ypres, Britain loses the man who this class of work, od much end di business is to be Holy Communion at a.
Meeting to. The school Manage. Holy Baptism a.
might reasonably claim to be regarded as its greatest soldier. tenced, therefore we considerament Committee will meet at top 11 Litany, Holy Communion and subject: Message From Hallº Salvation the Owing to the British system by which distinguished men, tion ought to be given the con. Union Baptist Onurcn 09 sa urMr. Josiah Scott is day, the 27th (to night) at 30 Bermon. Celebrant and Preacher To be conducted by Commandant when they become members of the House of Lords, fre the foreman of the work, and all members of the conRev. Cowan, Martin.
quently change their name completely, it may not be easy that alone speaks good for the mittea are asked to be present.
Children Service, Parents and PLEASE NOTE. to identify the dead Field Marshall with the Sir John efficient performance of same, guardians are invited.
Choral Evensong and sermoa, 30 m.
Monday, p. Life Saving Guarda French, who first gained renown as a Calvary leader in the as no better pe: soo at the Preacher The Rector Parade also Sunbeams.
war between Great Britain and the Boer Republics in 1899 colony could have been chosen First Murder in an Air Mid Week service; Wednesday 30 Tuesday, Band of Love Work Clase 1902, or with the Commander in Chief who led out the that grading for the commercial We understand for that office.
Plane Reported.
at 30 p, first expeditionary force from the British shores to France road will commence with next MULCARE, Rector. Wednesday, p. Life Saving Scouts in the early days of August, 1914, at the beginning of the dry season London, June 11. Probably the Monday, the 29th inst. is St. Peter and Chume parade. Home League at m, first known case of murder in an Day. the Petronal Feast Day of the great war. Lord Ypres, as he was called after that bloodsoaked salient where the British Army under his command air plane is chronicled by The Parish. There will be Choral celebra Hall at p.
Thursday, Holiness Meeting in the held on by its teeth in face of overwhelming German An additional teacher has been Morning Post Belgrade correspon tion of the Holy Communion at 7, a.
All are invised to attend these meetattacks through 1915, had his enemies as well as his friends. Spanish) school, making a total to the government dent.
Let us keep the Feast. Let young and ing. wealthy diamond merchant old who can conveniently arrange to do Many of the former, indeed, were of his own making, for of teachers in all. Whether named Lasker, from Strassbourg so, attend. MARTIN. Commandant, he was not of an entirely stable temperament and the the appointmeut has been made left Vienna in a airplane for Buda) At 30, the annual Missionary (Continued on page 7)
We Buy and Sell Pearls p.
take Everybody


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