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PRICE Cts. Cy.
Jamaican Signally Honored in Music Competition and to a vojs retired fingering Woen FREE FOR SHOOTING Great Changes In The ALL FIGHT TRAGEDY Faculty of Howard Univ. In French Chamber of At Martinique During Deputies.
Kelly Miller is Dropped. Geo. As cableslispatch from Paris 3oth reports the following The St. Lucia Voica of May Miss Eulalie Domingo Walks Away June 23. Cook is Retired. May be After To day session of the Chamber Castries, St. Luci. May 30. With Leading Honours For of Deputis considering the Move On 24th May the elections wera to math of the Strike. can question broke up in a frre for come off at the town Ducos Toe Playing on. Piano.
for all fight, when Coonley Pirot, mayralty had been surrou. ded by Deputy of the Right Bioc, rushed barbed wire and in fron of the building armed gendarmes were Com New York, June 10th. For the June 1, the board of trustees abolished the junior of Set the face as the batter eps y taskrtice liken as a rule and consequently appearing single is a musical en Washington, June 15. At its meeting on Tuesday, touche rose purwa borist the lion stationed. It seems as though such third time within recent months Steamship Service munist Deputw squirely precautionary steps have not been at least three coloured persons soci. Deputy ology in his place thus leaving Prof. Miller without a posi staggered, but clinched his assaila: a photographer wanted to snap the grammes in this city with white Between Canada And The tion Communists from the left and scene fotais the officer in charge persons have walked away with West Indies.
Nationalists from the right came objected and the photographer was the leading honours: Julius Bled.
This action has stirred a storm of protest, culminatin. climbing up the steps of the rost pushed to a house where wire Louis sor, at Town Hall; Doris Trotman, in a meeting of alumni of Howard, business and proof ssion rum till twenty five Deputies were des Etages aad Caarles Zizine. They. Carnegie Hall, and Saturday Mr. Hance Logan, the Canaal men, and the formulating of a drive to place Dean Miller there milling around, wrestling and both came out and Mr, back on the faculty. It is understood that the trustees hitting each other wildly It was to show that there zine tried night, Mrs. Eulalie Domingo, of dian Member of Parliament, who Hall Guiana recently, gave an account Mrs.
break up the var. ous fights an the photographing the myraity. dis. Domingo received an of his stewardship in the House of and raising an endowment for the school, but he has not president of the Chamber, Herriot, cussion ensued ovation from the critical audience Commons at Ottawa on April 3rd.
decided to accept.
couldadjourn the session.
trouble des Estages and Zizioe for her briliant interpretation Dealing with the steamship George Cook, for fifty years connected with the Before the disturbance startet, Just thea a gendarme by the name into a corridor near by, of Moskowski difficult piece question, he favoured entrusting Capric Espanol. Her playing the Canada West indies service to university, was automatically retired by the boards action Premier Paioleve had commented of Roquet threatened fire especially marked for its clear Merchant setting 65 years as the age limit for instruc ors, retiring them in an address to the Chamberupa did fire without furt. der provocation and distinct phrasine; its rich and Marine, which should be thinks, the situationHe said on one third their salary.
France must present tool lil cerot er een on the electrocasked him frill, wet mellow togeits terivacity as pernate Rawith the Canadina Sergt. Dorsey Rhodes, director of the symphony orches. Morocco the last the result of he of movement and of National Railways, aud whose name should, in his pinion. be surplanting Miss Lulu Vere Childers and Roy Tibbs, would be interpreted as weakness firea from the rear our acis urouad The iatal shot which was occasion of her appearance changed to the Canadian Nation at Aeolian Hall was the eighth al Steamsbip Company. He sogA. who has been ordered hereafter to report to Rhodes and make our situation more dif PASSED THROUGH Des Erages annual concert given by the gested a service of six ships with a for instruction.
ficult. Evacuation of Morocco and also through Zizine.
Junior Musical Art League for the sea speed capable of being devDwight Holmes, dean of the school is also out of would be the signal for a general the people learnt of the assassinan benefit of the New York Found eloped to at least 15 ku ots.
a job, that department having been abolished.
These ships would make a massacre of all French in Northern tion they were furious and sympa ling Hospital.
Africa, men, women and children. thecie They followed the bodies At the conclusion of Mrs. Do complete circuit of toe West Indies resulting from the recent students strike, and that the on Deputy Doriot was precipitated carried for a post mortem examina the hospitalario de of the speak sail from Canadu weekly and It is declared that all of these changes are the aftermath The attack of Deputy Pico: up to the hospital where they were mingo performance Federal Judge and the northern Reputulics of.
his could teachers thus singled out are those accused of being too by the latter declaration. We tion.
are with Russia and against you Ai o clock wtren the ballot boxers of the evening sympathetic with the students.
alternate the route. That is to say, We are with Morocco; we are with was staled and being transported on one week this service would be COMPLIMENTED HER HIGHLY Dr. Sinclair of Philadelphia and Thomas Walk every nation in revolt against your by the eastern group returning via (Continued on page 5)
and presented her with an en er were dropped from the board. Sinclair had served for 16 capitalistie civilization.
nortbera South Amerien, Jamaica, graved gold pin, a token of affee Haiti, Caba and Nassau. The folyears, and had been connected with the school for fifty www tion from the officials of the lowing week the voyage would be years. Walker was the alu nai representative and recently ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN hospital.
via the western route to Nassau, gave 1000 to the endowment fund. She is perhaps the best of those Haiti Cuba, Jamarca, northern who have taken part in this splen. South America, re urning via the The three gold medals to be This defeat prevents him told the audience. She has added would sal weekly from St. John did programme, Judge Mantoneastern group. In winter the ships SPARKLETS awarded to winners of the meeting, at this time, Kid more than any other student to the aud Halifax and would alternate olocution contest held at La Kaplan for the featherweight fund of the New York Founding betwe u these two ports and MouBY JACK Boca Clubhouse on the 14th championship of the world. Hospital.
treal in summer. For instance, of April last is expected to Mrs. Domingo, who now teaches ship would leave Halifax and se.
Harry Wills, music, and is also a pupil of Mrs. John and proceed via the Leeward Concluding my ramblings of last older ones do not seem to bother arrive from the United States week, readers will note that have with them, and so to be fair you at an early date, and the La Negro heavyweight boxer, is holds diploma from the Royal and Trinidad, to Demerara. On her American Margaret Weis of Carengie Hall, and indward Islands, Barbados touched upon the A. for this will agree that the greater part of Boca week end will continue same in the blame lies with the parents. whose auspices the contest Charlie Weinert in the second land, and won the leading musical La Guayra Venezuela. Curacoa, Athenaeum, under reported to have knocked out Academy of music, London, Eng; return she would call at Trinidad, Preper educational institutions was held, is preparing another round of their scheduled 15 should be provided for the scholarship in ber native home in a port in Colombia, Jamaica, a ANOTHER ILLUSTRATION sters, for, in happened to piss by the Bal and from my superficial observa program to be rendered on the semi final to the Greb my humble opinion good literary and musical round encounter which was Jamaica, West Indies, for two Cuban and a Haitian port, Nassau. to boa Quarantine Station a couple of The remainder of the programme The week after the above tions the uneducated boy and girl the night of the presentation. Walker bout years as in the recentemennot be disciplined. And we are The winners of the contest Grounds in New York on Judge Manton in a short address a ship would leave Montreal ta king at the olo covered a wide range of selections, sailing from Halifax a id St. Joha, attention was directed to about at the ga eway of the New World! were: Clan McKenzie, first: Thursday last. Greb won a tol tbe preset time, he said, it was Canadian Forester and the Canadian 500 sailors who were detained at of. cargo being the station and were being enterH. Russell Phillips, second decision over tained by some entertainers from The UN. AMONG US. and Miss Panama City. The entertainers Lilias Cragwell, Wills, by a series of crushing with ut regard to race, creed or towa, I, through tho strait Walker and carisg for more than 1, 200 babies, Pisher, and proceed via CharlotteIt is pecdliar and conspicuously third. Miles who came rights, sent Weinart to the colour.
were mostly young women and of Canso and on by the westero they were in their tights. they were also kicking high and Singalar that very little, if any fourth will be awarded con floor for the final count, after thing, has been written in the Mrs. Domingo a daughter of group and the South American ports bow did th. se hundreds of men Negro Improvement Association But press on Garvey and the Univeral solation prize, knocking him through the Mr, Manhertz who was for a num to Demerara, returning via friobehave themselves? Splendidly, with exception to its local activities ropes in the first round.
ber of years master of the Poor dad, Barbados, and the Leeward Hon se at Mandeville.
and Windward Islands, and thence, They were just being entertained and what have been copied Complying with his wish not back to Montreal, but to st!
fron as were those at the Club on the result of my superficial John Johnston, American and Panama Canal to traffic on hy honest. to. goodness youngsters foreign papers. It is my firm opin before he died the ashes of John and Halifax The next voyage From the opening of the George Greene Bicycle a week later would start free entertainment Halifax and St. John and the observations, that should be said some pronounce rican War, was taken out to of business on June 30, 1925, Quarantine Annex made a couple Canda.
svinething a veteran of the Spanish Ame August 15, 1914 to the close same from Montreal, but it would Greene of the Balboa ulso give a weekly service from THEN WHAT THE IDEA?
ments should be made from time to Panama Bay on the tug Gor la total of 29, 705 commercial trips to the Balboa Police Station Dozens of other illustrations time, by influential members of could be corded but it is con ider our West Indian community as the gona on which he last worked vessels have transited the on Wednesday night last to report pany conducted the service the He argued that if a private comed that the above are sufficient activities of the Association affect, as engineer, and scattered in canal, paying a total of 119, the disappearance of his bicycle Goverment would at the end of paty a decide to set to work an compraunity. This herrer la meithet veteran last remains were the month of June 1925 two wheeler wheeled off but was belong to the company, but that if Perhaps someone after reading this com maior the other, the whole the wake of the tug. The 203, 341. 97 in tolls. Tolls fór from where he had left it in front of a barber shop at Chorillo Greene subsidy, while the ships would ten years have expended their indigoant pen. But on the face. however, young folks take in bringing then detailed workings and all the glar. local Camp. Chaplain, amounted to 1, 659, 517. 66. afterwards captured by a Zone the loves delwere ruptube. ebat that if the stand which a majority of our am gåing to delve into the origin committed to the sea by the policemat, the borrower. a dian soveroment, Canada would selves into prominence in a ing incidents connected to this Robinson, while a detail of News of the partial des took to his heels after being chased her yards and remainiug her own discarded it and benefit by the ships being built in soldier, having foreiga association; my only attempt is to sixteen sailors from the country sults on others feel satistied to fall strike upon certain phases of its Rochester fired three truction of the city of Santa by the policeman.
property, while the staff and sailors in line with Mr. Fletcher who activities with special reference to Greene had left the bieycle near would be Canadian. WEST INnenin connection with our conduct in doing so it will be necessary, of same vessel sounded taps. by intermittent shocks of the barber shop and it was where DIA COMMITTEE CIRCULAR.
some time ago flashed an indignant those affecting local couditions. And volleys and a bugler from the Barbara, California, in Cuba There are intelligent and course, that touch upon the There will be no night there earthquakes on Tuesday he left it after he got his head and hard workers among us who are try. priacipal phases of the movement and Beautiful Isle of Some morning last reached here. face free of all surplu: hair. But machine ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO in order, but there is a wave of ment; and this will be a consciea American ladies from Balboa. to be conservatively placed him the distance to the police JUAN FRANCO TO DAY AND TOing their best to keep things running sent to properly connect my argu where were sung by two The damage done is reported soldier canadense and enquired of THE POPULAR HIPODROME OP young hooligans who are bent on tious, honest to goodness effort, fooling themselves with the idea free from bias and genuinely unpre at fifteen million dollars and station. On informiog the army MOROW that they are making merry.
José Lombardo was defeat this include among other man, Greene turned away and ed in his fight with Babe things the crippling of the entered a nearby shop. Hereturned Mr. Greene late Wedņesday night.
MARCUS GARVEY Herman in New York on telephone and telegraph sys in a couple of minutes to find that The soldier having missed a free his ride home but was glad cf sot the atyoungsters are that doebe all appearances the perpetual head suffered a technical knockout without power or gas, and Custody at the Balboa police Judge Blackburn on the following The captured But to be frank, gentle readers Marcus Garvey, the founder and to Wednesday night last, having tem; while the city was left saddled with all the blame. The (Continuedon page 5) in the tenth and last round. Continued on page station where it was turned over tu mering.
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