p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY JULY 4, 1925 OUR SPORTING PAGE TwoDays Races JUAN FRANCO TRACK CHESTERFIELD CUP lur. Good Races to lice. he Turf. Today The Test of. Last Sunday Races Dis Time No Stan Like Befo Time Turfites will surely have a Last Sunday race matat (Continued from page 7)
Juan Franco Park was another grard time at Juan Franco 3 MARTINEZ successful program carried out Park this afternoon, as the four briges, there is a variety of by the Panama Jockey Club; the Sometime sit an wonter long; attractions in coulored lights.
ATPanama Jockey Club have such as luminous swans, croesTrue, true eight rases arranged having been Dere somet ing sure is going excelled themselves in pre diles, frogs and waterlilies!
run under the most favorable conditions, with live wins for Mr. wrong; Iruk, true paring what promises to be which float about on the water.
It is a veritable fairy playground Raul Espinosa entries, De tire is sur getting badtwo 1 program for both for It nough to mek a feller madTribano, ow by Mr. Epla growa ups.
today and tomorrow. There 1ODAY Saturday, July 4th Ir al y now am feeling sad; and ridden by Jockey will be eight races on the Park has many new thrills to Then again, the Amusement No. rue, true Quiroga, easily, won the day popular track this afternoon. oder. The extraordinary 030Ciasie, a seven Furlony race for We never know at gwine to. AND To be included in these, there larity of this section last year chuss imported horses, in be; will be which Dad, Mi Poliera, Factor the Chesterfield tempted the authorities to inTrue true TOMORROW Sunday, July 5th Ruso and Burlesco also took part. Da tamu cat comin we can, see; Derby of a mile and a quar crease rather than curtail its Tribuno left the barrier closely True, true, ter for the best imported attractiveness. On the whole the Amusement Park presente bebied. Dad, the latter having If we could see de distant day, horses. This race will carry a more finished appearance, and jumped oft in the lead, but in Who we bin use to draw we pay, uning up into tbe fourth We wouldn squander it away; purse of one thousand dollars bright colours, almost to dazzle long Tribuno overtook the leader, True, true angth Chesterfield cup the eyes are heap together within its area which will go to the winner.
ased him easily in the next Dis time no stan like befo tine and 1, 000 purse Tulog and won without being True, true In this classic five horses will The winter which has inter seriously cballenged. Dad steadWe country now is not so fine; Great Attraction for Today Meet and Seven ily dropped back and Pollera compete, and the are: Factor vened has mellowed everything ue, true and Fortor Ruso came up and other Classy Events.
Ruso, with a top weight of with a semblance of respectable De days gone by that we done beat him forsecond and thrid 128 lbs. Pluto 121, Mary Erb as a fact that strikes the eye of the visitor at once. The grass is spen, place, respec ively. Burlesco.
90, Frou Frou 114 and Tribu Presber and greener, the roads Dere was oongh money bout to ished fourth and Dad fifth. Tine.
len. no 113. Prognostications on are better, the transplanted trees The minute and 5 seconds. The pori An dere was good an gen rous this race have given rise to a more firm in the ground.
paid 40 anu 80 on the first state of affairs where every year, that the spade and pick frien. True, true feeling that one had last horse and 90 on the second.
Time change fo true wid every fan is at sea as to which of had been only just discarded Mr. Diez Caribe, ridden FOR TOMORROW PROGRAM iag; True, true.
the crack thoroughbreds will and must be lying somewher by Jockey Sebul won the An deres some awful change it carry off the Chesterfield cup. about, bas gone. Everythin fourth event, a tire furlong race brus; rue, uue for class native horses, by a De inutar varsan ins we meet, of the other races there seems to bave settled down Harrow nargin and after a keen en we go out upon se atret, Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
permancy, and it ha given will be four for native horses maturer and more solid air to the com ution with p. Result hour 10 wrick TV Caribe tirt. AL and three for imported ones, whole Exhibition ground.
complete; Luc.
First Race Starts p. Sharp Time min. 12 15 sec.
The program will be start Children will find the Wamonds. The pool paid 460 and De cuilaren now is ich ed by a four furlong race for bley of 1925 a bappy hunting 60 on the first borstand an True, tiue equal amount on the Secud Dey wat like how we use to be; four native horses, and four ground for childish advenora ADMISSION: and romance. In the place where huree.
imported horses will run a six the great band stand stood last Trut, true Dey waik de street at davau Grand Stand Mr. Espinosa Another of Ground 50c.
furlong distance in the eighth rear, there has been erected night.
race. Treasure Island, a little world entry, Gran Senor, ridden by As do such ings befo yo sight, where children will live crowded Smith, won the first race on the program, a four tu long distante WHO regard iu wrong or right, hours of glorious life, and assofor dative maiden ponie. Pet: True, wuc.
Tomorrow Program Peter Pan, Wendy, Long John ciate in the flesh with Alice, Pan, ridden by Moore, who came De parants now as such to blame; Southern Star Lodge in second, gave the winner a pood Silver, and other cel rites.
True, true.
Sparklets run for the whole distance and Dey mat like dose frora which Adds Another Link Tomorrow program will Enough has been said to indi.
was only beaten at the post by we came; Hall a leegth. Malvaloca came is cate the freshness and vigoar of True, true. Continued from rage 1)
also be an attractive affair, the new Wembley on its lichter third. The pool paid 40 and Dey do tek de. ad 50 on the first horse 80 To teacni de young people TO THE FRATERNAL CHAIN opinion, becasue they are actually with eight more races to be side. The lightness to touch on the second an 40 on the receiving any good result from their run by Forty four horses, has also in vaded the more serious fear.
Another link to the chain of fra attention o it, but because the twenty four of which will be side. The Government Pavilion third Fu people wau advance in ear, ternal societies on the Isthmus doctrine of the movement is to imported horses.
bas been impr da redecora.
The Sud Carmet. torty, InTrue, true.
has been added with the organi found a place for us so that we may ted, and there is mo roomt zation of the Daughter of South: not be suljee ed to the indiscre fimo, ridden by Jockey Hildago, Oh, everyt ing is going wrong: In this meet the class examine the xnibita in the dir.
won the second race, a distacce True, true, rn Star Lodge, AF, on tion of the other fellows. There imported horses will include fer ni pavilion. The Palace of of live furlongs for native class De debil sure is growing strong: month the night of the 25th of last fore it is not possible that some of Pluto, Manua, Burlesco, Dad gineering has given to horses. Repulse came in This new True, true, cond and Peligro third. The For all aroun us we can see, organized by the International si vean conveniently separate our and Margot, and the distances ne Palace of Housins and Tran. the from State Grand Deputy and Organi selves from the influence of the to be run will cover five acica to dons icity baing a pool paid 10 00 und 60 00 tbe De mauy shares he have fo we, zir, Bro. Rawlins, and movement; hence, hollan of the furlongs. five hundred change in the ligh er and more test hrs, 84 40 on it wicond Di wollt icked as can be cpinion that and S3 10 on the third.
ww, uue sexscnteen candidates were then frankly discuss the matter dollar purse is attached to popular direction. Pa Palace of tiated into the mysteries of the from an uprejudiced standpoint this race: Cicero, Super Gloria, ilion people last year, mairArt, which attractel over two Fenomeno of the Stud lpaBut dis bere win is gettin chill: Order.
There were also four for the good of all roncerned.
raiso, ridden by Jockey, Aranguiz bin a sittin here so still, atliations. The ceremony was Mi Pollera, Confetti, and. 2108 its high standuri as an in wa, victorious in the third race a De kittle b iliu uow guess; a soul stirring affair which Mary Erb are also booked for x th: British Empire Aris ance of five urlongs for cliss better tek a sup an res. went to the hearts of all who WHAT ARE WE FINANCING?
a furlong distance. ste sense. imported borses. Renown o rally keep du systein were present.
net a bot pace after the raising of Deres not in like a heutty cup. The following night, Friday In the first place, what are we In all there will be five the barrier but was easilly taken the 26th, was never to be fancing when we give and give races for imported horses and Successtul West Indian.
down by the in the early running. Renownedro bato Man of Advanced Years forgotten one, as on this occasion they to this movem nt? It may be three for native horses, with a members received their that we are financing steamship four furlong dash for eight of the ce le place to Totod: Kills Himself.
Degrees along with other me mor of the Association, paying salaries; the latter, as the first event, this week that Frank. who passed him ano lilisan Nows reached the Isthmus during of second and third places, respectGruy, On the whole, turfites may formerly clerk in the employ of the. pool paid and Shortly after sunrise yesterday Colon. There was also the in subscribing to loans for the Liber 90 on the first horse and 90 to two days of Panama tilronde company that 24th, there was a sensation at the first admnis ration to ruide anything of the sort; Taying huge real sports.
on the second horse.
rentals, and the like. But are we Cristobal, Canal Zone has grada anted in medi ine from Howard Mr. Espinosa Confetti, rid. Hannah Town, when it was reported the destiny of the Lodge. They justified in the continuance of this den by, Quirogo, beat Cicero at that a man had committed suicide. were: Williams, Universi y, Washin ton, The story turned out to be true Moss, WDR, elren, method of promoting things for our Rent Receipt Books in Span. to specialize in obsteries while the vost in a driving finish. Star Doctor Gray, it is learnt, expects ry froished third. committed at No. Sectv. FirdeW. good and welfare? Are we a res. abadiy belbrand Tigre, tad Dumphries Street, the victim being Jobasur, Grains, w: that after these many years we are ish and English for sale at the pursuing the pinetice eci medicine Con; Willis a. Cap ainstill ignorant as to what the in the District of Columbia.
badly. This was a six and a half Robert Duno, man of advanced Feilding, S, and Ward, real cause we are contributing to Workman Printery furlong race for class imnor years, who is survived by a widow WO.
Are we really satisfied that the Doctor Gray commenced his ted borses. The pool paid 10 and other relatives who live at The R Degree was next course pursued by the leaders of studies while on the Isthmus, and 20 on the first horse and Lucea.
It appeared that the deceased conferred on the following mem the movement is the proper one to SHOOTING TRAJEDY u lizing almost all his spare time 60 on the secord borse.
bers: Weekes. Forde, follow if we are to regain lost while in the employ of the railroad!
Jockey Quiroga also rod. only went to live in the premises Johnson, and Gooding, after prestige and regain a foothold on company; en ering Howard Uni.
week occupied (Continued from page 1)
versing as a student in Marcela, another of Me Espino. suall room by himself. He waedot which they were in vested with Africa?
October ra entries, in the seventh race, show any sign a man 1921 the rights and privileges of the and won with Capitana coming by a strong squad of police and being Order. The reading of the report in second and On Poh third. This worried. On Monday night be was from the social and the returo. THE NAME OF THE ASSOCIATION police station a min passed near it piece of Mr CA Codogan, soldiers froin the town hall to the married Miss Maud Young Gray, while in Cristobal, Ca logan, a late hour a race of 4 forlongs for in the yard up to class imported horses. The was very pleasant. He retired to Lodge, the mother of all in the have struck upon a more appropri, made the people who were already speaking to the other teoants and ing of thanks to the officers and Mr. Garvey and the other pioa and he was immediately kneked real estate agent of Colon.
members of the Southern Star sers of the movement could not down and hit with a rifle. This pool paid 40 and 70 on the bed some where around ten o clock We wish the young doctor abunhorse and 84 80 on the and a woman who lives near to his Republic of Psoma, followed. ate name for an assuciation of high strung by the turn of dant success in his practice.
second borse.
Special mention must be made Ne zroes Universal Negro Improve events of the 24th, furious and Milonga won the eighth race, course of the night she did not hear of Sister Jeakings, Pcromoter ment Assoriation. But if we should they began to throw stones, The which was over a distance of anything unusual in the old man and Roy and Brother take into consideration the actual gendarmes then fired on the crowd TEMS OF INTEREST forlogs, after closely pressed by roum.
Allen, and supervisor of workings of the Associatio4 are with a machine gun, killing eight Guitarra and West Meath in the Yesterday ne Social. as well as members bound to ask What in a name? and seriously wounding fourteen.
home stretch. The two latter woman who recides on the premi from ha suthern Star Lodge: This is a logical question on the The Colonel of the troops who tialshed in the order named. Mi1 adership of our ground that in this name the prio hanpened to be in the crowd was n2a is also owned by Mr. Raul ses passing the room of the Dataty, th: Lodge is on a pinosa and was ridden by under the eastern door. she go members tram cola was also the Association must improve its Zizine was a political fugitive here mains and bursting of a rese, way o success. Tau presence of been overlooked or disregarded, If sure cipal factor improvement has also killed.
It will be remembered that Mir supply by the breaking of the also damage to the water Jockey Quiroga. The pool paid suspicious and called out, but got well appreciated. 80 2, 90 on the first borse, members and the race in general it last year and he returned to Mar asialla: amount on the second reply. She quickly aroused the wall must seek first to put into operation tinique on an amnesty froin the voir dam.
at borse and 4, 50 on the thrid the door and boarding up, calling hurried to the scene of the tragedy the basic principles upon which President. He was a keen turfite tered in the business section The shocks cenout to Dunn, but got no reply Theatud took charge of the body.
an IMPROVEMENT association and while here took great interest of the city and several build.
blood still continued to trickle The crowd wanted to get into the shold commence its work EDU in racing. The many friends helings including all those built Rent Receipt Books in Span from under the door into the yard; room to see tue dead body, and it CATION. In my opinion there are made while in St. Lucia were of brick and a bank, a hospithe door was burst open and to the was with some difficulty ihat they great possibilities in a movemeat greatly shocked at his death and ish and English for sale at the great susprise of all, the lifeles: were kept by the police, and the muder the name of Negro Improve joinpith the expression of deepest tal and three hotels were desworkman Printery body of Daun was seen iu a folding door had to be locked.
ment (out the sympathy to bereaved troyed. Nine deaths are rechair with his throat cut and a African Communities League for Later in the day tae body was ported and hundreds of razor in his left hand.
taken to the mortuary where the more convenient time) and so in wounded. The city has openALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO THE By this time over four hundred autopsy was performed by the my next week ramblings of this! British Consulate Notice led a twenty million dollar POPULAR JUAN FRANCO PARK persons were on the premises. The Hon. Dr. Lawson Gifford, to give you my further views in nature, will endeavor 10 MORROW pelices were communicated with for Kingston, and the interment the premises, ao will ate the cutie culoa would be glad of infor: the Acting Secretary of War The Acting British Consul at dent Coolidge has directed reconstruction fund and Presiaud Sergeant Pinkney of the Smith took place.
Advertise in the Workman Milwer and en het coas tables from neate and a corner inquiry wil duigence Villave Police Station, corporal The police have collected state ugaia respectfully crave your inmerioa whereabouts of David Mitchell, or to render all possible aid to the IR PAYS the Hannah Town Police Station, be held in due course. to be continued) David active of Jamaica. victims tirat (Continued from page 1)


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