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PRICE Cts. Cy.
Monster Parade By FRAUDULENT THE PRINCE Supporters of Garvey Baden Powell Boy Scouts Working For His Release a influenced that is the brup One of NO GARVEY DELEGATION AT THE WHITE HOUSE COUNTING of Votes Deprived Win. Goes Down in South ning Candidato.
African Gold Mino.
British Minister Delivers Memor Late arlvires from Sav la Mar, natch from Johannesburg, dated Direct West India cable desDelegates Petition President Coolable Address at Isthmian Park. Jamaica, there to libero traies June 25th states ou at the Prince idge to Obtain Pardon For GLEANER, the effect that On July 4th.
Mr. Evans has been duly of Wales had today the novel Leader.
elected member of the Legislative experience of descending into the Council for the parish of West greatest gold mines in the world.
rowo mines, They are the go in Colon SPARKLETS scouteraft in Panams as an out. 1925 competition, and badges and the Returning Officer who was shaft he drove in an electric train Royal Weller. Dem. 21st standing event, was the investiture service stars to the Scoutmasters responsible for the counting of about four miles to another shaft led a committee to the White of the British Minister. Major of the troops in this District to the votes at the general election beld where the white overseers bad House to plead clemency for MarCharles Braithwaite Wallis as Chief Scout who had earned tih emasented ordered to pay ten pounds sterling, aspected the drillers and other idge, Tuesday on the 5th of February last was gathered. The Prince eagerly cus Garvey before President Cool. BY JACK 0)
Readers of the first part of my Commissioner of the Boy Scou rict Commissioner Harris presented Organization in Republic out to the Chairman of the Local costs by Hi Honour Mor, Justice machinery and insisted that each In a letter to William Sherrill, superfirial observations of the Pauum on July 4th. Indeed, the Association a silver cup donated by Anthony De Freitas wbo presided eatire day was devoted to exercices Mr. Sydney Fuller for competition at a special sitting of the Circuit overdeer be personally, presented chairman of the Universal Political Neill recollect that observe to him by the various troºps of the Boy in reneral excellence in Scoutcraft Court to decide upon the result of was riven a pure gold paper weight Weller said in part: On leaving, the Prince Union, Negro organization, that Mr. Garvey is posserved with a dynamic force, created and Scouts in Panama, and the excur. among the troops of the Panama the re count of votes. Permit me to acknowledge your visions of an unworkable plan to with a qurtz handle.
intensified by sion train from Colon brought over District The British Minister At the general election in letter repuesting me to go to Wash raise the a large umber, who, together with congratulated all winners of badges February another candidate, Mr.
ington with your committee in the raise Standard of bis with the troop of Panamanian Boy and then delivered the very elo Williams, was declared electpeople.
etc. In this it is not my opinion it. terost of Marcus Garvey, now 90: that he is not Robbed of His Savings Scous, formed one of the largest quent address which follows: ed by a majority of thirteen votes, fined in Atlanta Penitentiary. You serious to the parades of Boy Scouts that has ever Scout: the totals being Mr Williams 801 also ask me to present the delega contrry believe he is juete inspected you this morning and votes, Mr, Evans 788, with no loss The troops started from the Pa told bow pleased am to become than 181 votes declared spoilt It is reported from Port limon, you to the President, with whom serious as was Booker Washing have an ton in his de ire to lift bis people nama Railroud station up Central your Chiui Commissioner. Your Uotil the result of the re o unt of that while one Walter E1 shall be very glad to serve on up the ladder of human progress.
Avenue to the Presidencia where organisation and reputation are votes Williams had been Watson West Induan, was attend this committee and do what ever But he difference in the two is they were received by the President world wide, and there can be no acting at representative of Wet english a place onarned 25 can do to help Marcus Garvey, Garvey is not as soher as was entered by a feel he Rodolfo uniform better known and more moreland in Wasbington, neithar Legislative been the real Chiari, who was much delighted to respected than the one you ate Council.
all ged to be Harold Wea, leaders of the coloured race in our educator; and so the hos long see the boys and graciously accept wearing to day. It is a great non thers a bad character, who carried city and take great pleasure in which he proposes to travel and ed the position as Chief of the our to be a Scout. Think of the by Me Atkinson, a taxpayer of fur un tred de llurs in twenty your representative in Congress, dangerous. To reach bis objective The re count was brought about away his yeure suvings. sum unxing with citizens, not only as lead seem extraordinarily dark and National Boy Scouts of the Re. difference there is in public La tronor ofobe occasion, the became one. Then you were war against Mr. J, Wiggam as Return burglar was arrested three days cau to persunde the President to waneemerytandoquntolari rabuffs you since you who succeeded in getting a suit 20 follar gold pieces the alleged puu as a neighbour, to do anything he will subject his followers to Prerident entertained lavishly and trained; now you are being trained, ing Officer and Mr. Williams later and on investigation it was exercise executive County Commissioner learving some of the most. delivered no madrese in which he waluable things to me, which mit An order was then obtained from found that he made hedged three comercio excecutive clemency in bo polowen wie followed with staggering death thanked the President for his be priceless to you later. Make no the votes, and the Registrar of the gold pieces with the British Consul Garvey en waste on victed of selling to reach his vhjective by his for rate; that is if he will ever be able luterest in the movement and mistake, life is a battle, and the expresved his apprecintion of the spoils go to the trong How then Buns was found to have scored arrest seinad a clip Supreme Court did this.
stock and using the kind welcome which the boys had are you going to shape your lives?
Mere Watson, it is stated, while under mals to defraud. Mnny coloured presentes routesSome rowill say, paper however, that no great and received You must first be strong, physical 39 votes over Mr. Williams. was found in his pocket by one of residents of Harlem believe that worth while objective has ever been ly The Honorable Smith the police oficers and immediately the fraud committee was not inter reached by traveling in path ways mentally. the British Legation where the must have endurance, ep your instructed by Mr. A, Clarke, swall wed it. It also developed national and on these grounds are strewn with roses; ko thipathways pleading agree.
British Minister received them and bodies and brains fit by exercise. appeared for the petitioner, while that before his arrest he spent free also thinks there may be some inspected be e various het oops. Budv, and simple. vine. ThenMr. Radcliffe, repre ly oo wearing apparel and some grounds for this belief and is willing GARVEY 18 SERIOUS.
Frilowing this the boys returned whatever career you choose, or to sented luxuries to do what he can for the cause.
to De Lesseps Park and dispersed whatever walk of life you go, learn Gurray is serious! He was born in the island of Jamaica and he of shorus ing the in the inora u ludilu om belie van oro ugoy ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN reliability. that a man Washington, Afro Bureau. people, a history replete with course, studied the history of his ing the various troops of Scouts re rely, and who is therefore a really honet man, is, literally, worth his supposed engagement of unkindnes from the white race to assembled at the Isthmian Park in delegation representing the Unithe African slaves. And in him the ufternoon, despite the iuclement weight to gold. Then cultivate this According to the Canal Clubhouse next Tuesday versal Negro Improvement Asso travels he has found that we are weather, to continue the day pro reliability, and with the other Record local passengers may night the 14th inst. ciation with the President did not hard pressed at home and abrond.
things you are learning in the materialize Tuesday.
Scouts, you should succeed in life sail through the Panama CaDistrict Commissioner But if you take up a profession; nal, from terminal to terminal Representative Weller stated cort izint of the fact that we Harris opened the afternoon Fire practically destroyed that the committee presumed that are given to understand from some ing attention to the fret that exact thorough. Do it wi all your Pacific Steam exercises with a brief address, call Andeed, whatever work you do, be tor six dollars on ships of the the city of Manizales, Colom tentative arrangement bad been quarters that the Negro 19 an irreNavigation bia on saturday night and Suns made for them to see the President parable less and he knows that ly one year ago, July 4th, 1924, the night out well, and do your Company, Pacific Mail day last, according to reliable in Garvey behalf, but as a matter many of us have been foolish to Panama Contingent of Boy by to job is to in:40. Tai Suvuto Sated tor en land to attend nubit of thoroughness will s00 Steamship Company, Grace information reaching here. of fact no such arrangements had enous But the question at issue is: the Imperial Jambore at Wembley, come be you, and how valuable is Line and Chilean Line: other The damage is conservatively been made.
Will the route which he has char further stated that the Presi ted out bring us any amount Lines charge ten dollars for estimated at twenty million dent will not listen to any plea for relief, if it is followed? have to of whreh trip was made possible DY supreme exeel the trip. The several services dollars; while 40, 000 people executive clemency for Garvey un. first answer my or question; and Ladies Committee He stated that leace of discipline. It is one of the together afford about four are left homeless, the fire til petitions for a pardon for him in doing so have to conscien the indefatigable efforts of the Learn also the Boy Scouts appreciated ady Coundations wil hlife and builds transits of the Canal each having razed over thirty have been submitted to the De tiously way that to the best of my without it help that was given them and have character.
blocks in the principal city partment of Justice and passed up knowledge and belief think ofteu ill kept, slack and slovenly way every week.
always demonstrated this apprecia: not. My readers, of course, reLicha tangible manner. Accord while meals are unpunctual, and area. Some newspapers of this on by the Attorney General.
serves the right to answer as they ingly, the Panta Local Associa the children late for school, Lack unique flistic encounter city have already started to All Ready For The Musicale see it.
to distribute of discipline show Thanks Badges, the bikest honor maupers, in your dress in your a ten. round bout between, inisevictibscriptions in aid of) At St. Paul To Morrow. RETROSPECTIVE VIEW that the Boy Scout Asociation bearing, in your yielding to temp two young women, Miss the victims.
confers He then called upon County tation, and in many other ways Rosa Ortiz, Columbian, and oberved when the good ship Everything is quite in rea liness Booker Washington arrived Com issioner Barham to distribute much your uodoing. Good and Miss Maria Rodriguez, Chilean the badges to Mrs. To Amil, polite manners cout you a thing took place at the Panama air speed king and winner row afternoon commencing at 3:30 siasm as the Frederick Douglas Larry Carter, the British for the Musicale to be given by st at Cristobal recently, that it was Paul Church, in this city, to mor not greeted with as much enthu.
Miss Malcolm, Miss Saint but go a mighty long way, a yuu and Scoutiuaster Denniston, whose are taught in the Scouts. Be, Bull Ring on Saturday night of the 1923 Air Derby in odlocke of the Black Star Line; although distinguished work on behalf of the therefore, poi. te and Association merited them this and respect authority. Good man draw. Miss Ortiz weighed died from injuries received and rare inasmuch as several dis a bigger and better ship. This was courteous, last. The bout ended in a England, is reported to have The program promises to be rich the Booker Washington was ners will give you tact, wii for other 107 lbs and Miss Rodriguez when a new plane which he tinguished vocalists and instranten indicative of the consciousness Promptly at o clock Maior and people feelings. Learn to keep 104 lbs.
was trying out and which he tali ts will contribute exceptionally of members shat very little, if any, Mrs. Braithwaite Wallis arrived your mouths shut and your ears hope rould be en ertained for the and were accorded the general and eys open. Learn to observe, expected to use to break the Mr. Charles Lowe, the popular sucre of such project at such an saiute Fotlu wing an inspection of and to instantly obey the orders Unfounded rumour that world record of 278 miles Cuinese soprano, will be heard inopportune time in the life of the the troops he was immediately of those placed in authority over José Lombardo, an hour, crashed and was again at this church, the former Ass tion The whole affair was nvesud with the office of Chiet you. a blatant talker, a bluffer, featherweight Panama damaged on an airdrome in ccasion being three years ago.
an ill advisi proposition to which Commisioner of the Boys Scouts has often but ttle in his head, and died in New York, was dis siructed specially for the Air purchased at the door by all who with less than a score of passengers boxer, had Tickets are on sale by the mem was annexed inevitable failure, London. of organizavou in Panams. At the is laugbed at or avoided, and is the Church and may be Takmg a ship out of New York completion of the ceremouy of always discredited.
investature the Chief Commissioner up agaiust an empty kerosene tiu, mation which reached here known in aviation circles as if you kuock pelled by cablegraphic imfor Ministry of England and was have not yet proc sed theirs.
and no cargo; no of shook hands Scout fashion with his it will make a noise because it is stating ither, a ship whose operating exthat fellow officers.
Lombardo empty; but when it is full it is resumed light training on the the Mistery Plane.
penses capoot be reasonably less The first official act of the Chief Dot so noisy. The best, wisest and 8th inst, following light Popular Recognition. than 250 a day, preposterous.
Commissioner was the investiture most cu tivated men are nearly trouble with his left arm after These are facts; and its no use for nr. A, Butchar as Assistant almost the quietest and most St. Andrew, Jamaica, is We take great pleasurt in pub auto try to get around them; they Mr. Clifford Bolt, Commisiouer full of wisdom, and this has taught District Countnissioner for Panama, bumble, because their heads are his fight with Babe Herman. credited with having a citizen lishing the attached letter written should be fully met by members of to Commandant Martin of the for Wolf Cubs, Mr. Ford, them what a little they really named Benson who is one the Salvation Army in this City, x OUR HUMBLE SPHERE.
District Scoutmaster and Mr. know, and what a mighty lot there hundred and three years old the letter being a confirmation of bell, District Cubmaster.
The Panama Melodramatic dan retains the gifts of eye cablegraphic advice with respect to ons as see them in in our humble In drawing attention to conditis to learn Tue Ewing Shield presented by Authority is put over you for the Association has arranged to sight and hearing. The old the appointment of his daughted sphere, would like first to add to former British Cousul Ewing for good of the community as a whole. stage Milton Garvey new gentleman was born in the Miss Martin, as one of the tour last week rambling on the actus annual competitione in reoutcraft production, The Prince of selected to proceed to Londoa, utame 18 of the UN. Continued on page 8)
efficiency, was given to une Third Wall Street. at the Paraiso (Continued on page Jontinued on page 8)
Continue on page 8)
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