
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 11 1925 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSS THE WORKMAN GOOD LUCK HERBS NOTICE TO CHAUFFEURS (SE ALQUILA This Jitney Sign FREE 99 Stop and Listen! You get good value and save money when you buy. BRANCH STORE package free with each 50c order, Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemn on appliea.
Loadstone 50e; magnetic sand, 50e; WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspoudence on all mattes!
things kept secret from foundation of venue, Panama, de of public interest invited the world. 75c; private lessons for me PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be diums, ise, East Indian spirit healing, written on one side of paper only, and (LUCKY 50e; the secret of Hindu visualization, 50e: the reader of souls, 50; the Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of STRIKE priesthood of India 50e; the drugless One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica road to perfect health, 2; Manta oxa, Six Months.
5Ce; a physician in the house, 50; 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
five finer grass, package free with Three 6Ce.
We do not undertake to return reLUCKY each 75e order; Mantram words of De 25.
jected correspondence.
The Sign Is of baked enamel, power 2: the master key book, 3; STRIKE signet and seal symbol rings for ladies fine workmanship and can and gents, 14 karat gold, only 20. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. NUIS be secured free for lucky seven stiek pin for men, 9; one package John Conquerer Root and one Adam and Eve root free with each SATURDAY, JULY 11 1925. order: lucky seven ring for ladies, 30 Empty Packages of LUCKY STRIKE or 7: lucky sevea ring for men, 9; three headed nake ring, 18; the under ground treasure book, t; hair dress.
THE NEED FOR WEST INDIAN 60 VICTOR Cigarettes ing for indies and gents 50e; perfume 02. 50. face cream, 50e; gloss oil 50e; COHESION face powder, 50e; greater key of Solomon, 16: the silent friend book, 25; AT Egyptian secrets book, 75e; lesser key of Solomon, 50. long lost friend book The oft repeated question why are West Indians not 75e; fortune telling cards, 1, 25; the BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. 93 Ave. sealed book, 3; the great book of considered in the civic life of this country like all other magical art, 15; the sixth and seven alien communities is one that grates with a telling jar on the OR books of Moses, 75e; gazing crystal, 26 inch, with stand and instructions, ear drums and causes a curious sensation to possess only 5; la Sphinx Hindu temple in.
those who are cunscious of the great opportunities that have cense, 1; secret of black art book, 1; FIDANQUE HENRIQUEZ CO. ING, parchment paper, 75; special ink as been allowed to slip through the hands of these people who used on parchment 75; candles all now bear the sobriquet of unfortunate but who, had they 102 BOLIVAR STREET. COLON colors, per dozen 755 genuine parcbment skin, 50; lilly rose vanvan, been observant a decade or so ago, would today be a oz. 50. With any order for ten dol.
tolerant and respected community in this promising RepubSave your empty packagos, we have a large assortment lars worth of goods at one time we will send you the following goods absolute lic.
of other Premiums ly free: package devil s, the famous The fact is that it has just begun to dawn upon thinking seals reprinted from the six and seves books of Moses, on old time parchment West Indians that the numerous assertions unfriendly, unwith gold ink, Fig 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; lodekindly and unjust aimed at them directly or instone, magnet sand; also the origi sos ovos SXSXSXSXSS ESSE Dal lucky glass with full instructions, directly are intended to undermine and antagonize them not Address ail orders direct to De laHerb Agency, No 2802 Cottage Grove only in this place but in all Central and South Amerrcan Ave. Chicago, Ii.
conntries where it is probable they may turn their steps.
Such a condition of things cannot but be distasteful to a peoChurch School and Confirmation Clar ple who through circumstances over which they had no control have been compelled to adopt this country as a Evening Prayer and address p.
place of permanent domicile, and who have so rooted (Mr. McCarty Officient)
themselves in the land of their adoption as to be a proJ. MULCARE, Priest in Chare nounced factor in the life of this community (although not considered) for they have become absorbed into the Wesleyan Methodist Church cosmopolitan citizenship of Panama and have been identified in its corporate life. BRITISH CONFERENCE. It will be difficult to change this condition, for as a coloPanama 11 a. Mr. H. Walter ny West Indians are settled in this place and although they 30 pm. Rev. Wade. Subjeet. The Great Charter.
maintain their original nationality, they do not fail to grasp Colon. 11 a. Mr, Layois; 30 every opportunity that presents itself to assist in promoting to, Rev. Mr. Gregory of the Bible the welfare of this country. In the face of these stubborn. AT THEHouse.
facts it should not be averred that West Indians are undeLa Boca. 11 a. Rev. RER sireable and subjected to the unkindly treatment that is Wade. Communica, 30 Mr. Louie meted out to them from time to time. What is there, or Lindo, Now Providence 11 am. Mr. Airall.
what has there been in their general conduct here that it is Parsino 11 a. Mr. Harrison. 30 sought at every opportunity to stigmatize and ostracise them Mr. Tbeo, Fuller not only here but throughout the Latin. American countries, OF THE Empire 11 a. Mr. Payne If West Indians had organized several years ago and sought to better their economic advantages as other alie1 commuThe Salvation Army nities here have done, they would today, far from being the target of the most menial devices, be a preponderant factor in the civic life of Panama, and instead of being PANAMA CITY CORP.
looked upon as so many undesirables and shunted into Bunday, 12th July, Continuation of the Red Hot Campaiga, oblivion, they would be looked up to as prosperous and financial aggregates whose presence here would be considCorner Street, No. and Central Avenue Services for Sunday are follows:5 a. Early Marol and Prayer Moot erea an asset and not a nuisance as is wont to be established ing.
against these unfortunate and misguided people.
GREAT REDUCTION 10 Children Directory Meeting But even now West Indians can find some way or sod Brigade. United Open Air Meeting means by which they may gradually attain the position 11 am. Holiness Meeting where they may be considered and respected. Did it ever To be conducted by Commandant Martin.
dawn upon these people that had there been even so low p. Y, P, Company meeting and as a score of financial West Indian business men in this city Brigades Open sir?
or the equvalent of property holders to any great extent p. Junior Open Air.
the present unpleasant and distasteful situation would 48 m. deparate Brigade Open Air never have existed. The fact must be forced home Meeting upon West Indians that their present pecuniary condition over with us Our party chalr. Church Services. Hunter. Officient) pm. Salvation Meeting, in the Hall Church School p.
To be conducted by Commandant is all their own making. The deplorable lack of unity and man pald for 100 lbs. After a Martin support of the race by the race have been and is still the sbort discussion we decided to turn the block over to its owner, AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH Choral Evensong nod sermon, 30 Preseber The Rector cause of the present hand to mouth state of our people here. the Hotel Asplowall. Coffey then PLEASE NOTE (Anglican Communion)
Mid Week service; Wednesday 30 Monday There will be a Special fareThe Chinese, the Greek, the Italian and every other known bluntly refused to ride over to Fifth Sunday After Trinity fwell meeting of Corpo Cadet Mar nationality in business here get the unstinted support of the bathing pavilion on a native St. Paul Church, Panama T. MULCARE, Rector.
sin, Daughter of Command ot and Mrs.
West Indians whereas a fellow West Indian doing busi cayuca with me; said he prefer.
Martin who bas be selected Salvation Army Headquarters for Train by the people and with the inevitable result that he eventually goes and change bis breath. All (Rev. Nightengale, Restor. st. Barnabas Church, Empire ing in London, Englanu, Repreentative ness is passed by and purposely shunned by his own red to pass through the town arrived at the pavilion, toe usual a. Holy Communion persone will speakine udiug Res.
out of business for lack of support. It is not to be expect routine was followed by this first 10. 15 a. Matins, Matinspd address 11 a.
Wade. Rev. Thorbourne, otber ed that any West Indian business man will be patronised by batch with exception to the 10. 30 a. Holy Eucharist sermon Church School, and Confirmation clan. Brewster of the Panama Christian Mis 12 Holy Baptism Orientals or Asiatics if any of their race are in the same or writer who sat on a stump to at p. 30 pm, Musicale.
hion Church, Mamdames Connell and similar business. There is race unity among these people the unfortunated who were left 30 Choral Evensong, sermonmeditate over the misfortune of Choral Evengong and addrese Anderson, also Mro Major Bax, wife of hence their preponderant financial position in the civil life bebind. Coffey, however, espied Mr. Johnson (Officient) the Davislubal Commander, Dr. Consell The Musicale will be given for the IT MULCARR Pricel in Charge Will Prroide, of Panama ana the respect and consideration with which they me around 11. 30 and entreated purpose of raising fundo to sist in the are regarded.
me to take a brace up with repairs of the Church building Tue day, Band of Love Work Clan st 30 bim after wbicb Miss Maud Until West Indians learn to unite and practice race Cunningham prompted me to St. Alban Church, Paraiso St. Bartholomew s, Church Weduesday, p Life Saving Scout cohesion and try to build up themselves by patronizing their partake of a sumptious spread.
LAS CASCADAS, and Chume parade. public Home CANAL ZONE.
own people thereby assisting them to acquire positions in the marooned party had come!
Litany, Holy Rucharist and Sermon. Mr. Major Box at p. All women League meeting will be conducted by this community where they will be respected and consider The Taboga made another trip. Rov, I. NIGHTENGALE, Priest in Charge. 11 a. Rev. Cowan, from 18 years of age are invited to ed, so long will they be regarded as undesirables and looked wented and a right royal time The crowd was thereby RUR Celebrant and prescher. 45 am. Holy Communion att nd.
down upon. in this Community morey talks.
Church School and Confirmation Class was spent. details suppressed p. m, Church School and ConfirmaThureday Benevolent Suciety moet at p.
by the s. censor. Howtion Clare.
ing at pm.
Evening Prayer and address 5, 30 pm. to attend to transact business of ImportAll members are naked ever, McBayne had the time of 30 Choral Evensong sermon Mr. Skoen (Officient) left Taboga with the Rev. Cowan, party. When we passed Henry his life Taboga Outing July 4th.
iance to the Bosiety.
Ford ship, the Onondaga on second batch which included MULCARE Priest in Charge All are invited to attend these meet our way from the docks Dalby among others Jump, Robertson, St, Matthias Mission St Jude Mission, Summit. By the Seribe)
gave some brief information Clunes, and a member of the LAS BABANAS MARTIN. Commandant.
about the multi millionaire Society of the Elite. and (Rev, NIGHTENGALE, Morning Prayer and Address 11 am.
Church School and Confirmation Clare After a deuce of a time the ship, winding up that the least on our way to the Taboga landPriest in Charge, launch Taboga beaded from any employee on that ship re ing we inspected a specie of a p.
Salvation Army Hall.
Balboa Docks with approximate ceives is five dollars a day, the mam mal fish; am unable to p. Church School Evening Prayer and Address 30. 15 Eveprong and address.
ely 60 souls, leaving McBayne, captain receives 500 a month. answer any, querry as to this (Mr. Brathwaite (Officient)
Mrs. King and Jump on the dock There was no sea sickness on specimen of the inhabitants of Mr. Richards, Catechist MULCARE, Priest in charge. 30 Knee Drill.
to suppress an impending riot the way over and apparently the deep sea wbich bad been m. Hotine Meeting, were left behicd. happened to landed But Commissary and Mr. Mitchell Hedges, St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca St. Simon Mission, Gamboa among the unfortunates who all were in good spirit; everydody towed in by native fishermen; p. Sunday School. 80p. Open Air.
be in the first batch and there. Coffey and were left on the Ta was not with us. American Episcopal) 30 Salvation meeting.
Litany, Holy Eucharist and sermonfore bad toe honour of riding boga dock to deliberate on the wisgraced the party by securing Fifth Sunday After Trinity We extend cordial invitation to sh over with V; Dalby, perman. question of the ownership of a 11 a. Celebrant and Preacher (Continued from page 5) 11 a. Matins and address Mr.
ten oldtimer, and his select block of ice (300 lbs) which went Rev. Muloare (Continuedon page 7)
The American Bazaar IN PRICES LA BOCA CORPS Clubes


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