
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1925 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres Ses TheN CANAL ZONE NOTES tidsly on behalf of himgeleerd El Excelsior Alcalde.
ATLANTIC SIDE To Reduce Prices of TO TABOG OUTING Rent and Foodstuff. Continued from page 4) False And Wicked Miss Jones lead rencil by Rumour.
An enthusiastic open air meet.
other than fair means and aning was ld in the veint lot of other distinguishod member of land ath orner of 13 Strut the norty also relieved ber of a and Hud on Lane on Wedoesday Colon, July 6, 1925 connl of mangoes. law enloons night th 8th lost for tbe vor CECILIA AMERICA were inspected and samples of TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN; pose of making representtios some native stock tried not. We Sir: Will you permit mes ace to His Excellency the President (PANAMA. COLON)
boarded the good Taboga in your most valuable papar to of Panama, in protest aeairst TODAY SATURDAY, July 11th TODAY. Saturday July 11th, around 30 and enjoyed an make a few remark, with regard the enormous rent in the City of and TOMORROW Sunday July 12th Enid Bennett in uneventful trip back to Balboa to another bold attack that has Colon and the ever increasing THE FOOL AWAKENING in time to witness the last of the been made upon me by the ene price of food stcc and other Theodore Roberts in Balbon Fourth of July Celebramies of the Colon boys lostitute, necessaries. Addresses were THE TEN COMMANDMENTS TOMORROW SUNDAY, July 12th tion Program. Whereabouts of woo have maliciously spread a delivered in Spanish and Eng the first batch that returned to dangerous rumour from Colon lieb and all who happened to be MONDAY, July 13th Florence Vidor in Balboa around o clock is 10 Panama stating that was put present felt that the cause was a unknown. HUSBANDS AND LOVERS Jack Pickford in in jail tor misdemeanour, although just one, and one that would this report bas done me little or receive favourable bearing if WAKING UP THE TOWN properly represented MONDAY, July 13th no baim.
Song Heart of Flowers. Miss But it bebooves me to contra In spite of the constant driz Eleanor Boardman in Cicily Cumberland TUESDAY, July 14th dict same as so many persona, zling rain and the threatening TRUEAS STEEL Recitation Lady of the Lake Bessie Love in boub wbile and black art making state of the weather there was a Master Herman Baybe SUN DOWN enquiries, some by phone and larko gathering of several hup TUESDAY, July 14th Humourous reading. Mr.
others at the Police Station, to dreds who patieotly remained Hayles Tom Mix in know wether or not this report is until the meeting was brought WEDNESDAY, July 15th song Angel Sereoade. Braga to a clase TROUBLE SHOOTER irue.
Mrs. Olga Kios Other meetings of like Thomas Meighan in Recitation Lady Clare. Mrs.
Sir, beg to say that the whole COMING THROUGH WEDNESDAY, July 15th Florence Smith thing is ablolutely false, and has character will follov in various Theodore Roberts in Recitation Llewelyn and his emanated from the inost envious parts of the city.
dog THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Mr Geo. Roberts and malicious bearts. One of the THURSDAY, July 16th Sene Anchored Mr.
enemies ebiet sim, was to poison CRICKET.
Florence Vidor in THURSDAY, July 16th Bayne the minds of the people against HUSBANDS AND LOVERS supporting the excursion toat Jack Pickford in Reading. Mr. Smith Recitation The Warriors of the was to be run by me on tbe Fourth West End Defeats Pick WAKING UP THE TOWN FRIDAY, July 17th Mr. W. Reynolds of July.
The fact is, that three small wick In Last Week Cup Eleanor Boardman in FRIDAY, July 17th Recitation The Warrior Bola boys from the Institute, on SunMatch. Mr. Clan McKenzie TRUEAS STEEL Bessie Love in Song In the Calmness of a Viday June 28, went out to sell SUNDOWN sion Mrs. Olga King papers. Two of these boys are SATURDAY JULY 18th and Recitation The Present Age each nine years of age, Rod toe On Sunday the 5th inat. a first SUNDAY July 19th SATURDAY, July 18th Mr Alfonso Ferreira other ten the boys wentinto class cup match was played on Rodolph Valentino in cloth store, and stole two pieces the Victoria Oval between the Thomas Meighan in At the conclusion of the program of cloth, and pair of boots.
They West End oc. and the Pick SAINTED DEVIL Father Young said he was moet COMING THROUGH gratified over the high class of prosold the cloth two Spanish wick C, ending in a victory for Women, gram rendered and was sure that it aod tbe buolo to the former by 76 runs.
was enjoyed by the entire audience.
chinamin. The boys and the winners batted first and gave an Father Young introduced Mr.
buyers were taken up, aod excellent account of themselves with 98 McGrath, one of the directors of Monday 29th. toe boys were runs for their inning.
the Pacific Dramatic Association.
tried and sent back to the Iosu The principal scores were tute, tor oneyear each.
The Myers. top score) 24 DwoMr. McGrath said among other thin that he con buyers were tined Twenty five 17; Clarke 16; Porter 18.
Dollars for each buying stolen Wickets were captured by goods from children ouder age. Goddard, for runs: Fud: his colleagues Tucse three days are serveeringhim for 99 and Hay.
appreciation of the splendid proLa Boca Pars.
wood to 16.
gram and at any time their Assoturee months indoor punishmen at the lasutu. c, and not 10 be At the close of the usual interciation can be of service to the Arbenseum they will be glad to see vu le streets, by order oral the Pickwick C. was called Ibe upon to face the destructive JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP The monthly business meeting, give all aid possible.
Oo uesday the 30th June, it Wickets fell fast: for 10, for bowling of Mootoo and Lynton of the Orpheus Musical Club will Corner 12 Street East Avenue take place at the Clubhouse on was unu ed about the streets, 12, for 12. for 13, for 13, Monday night next, beginning at The idea of a Charity Ball to tual I had been arrested, for for 15, for 15, for 15, tor half past seven o clock. The Club be given on the 15th of next month sending these boys to steal silk, 22, 10 for 22 Mootoo captured We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also aud ibat my house was searched for 13 runs and the remaining has accepted the invitation of the at the Clubhouse by the Women watches. Our prices are the lowest and our La and a great lot of silk was found went to Lynton for Bcca Athenaeum to render the Life Problem Club is attracting the AllDougo was ta musical part of the program for the unuch attention. Invitations are Workmanship is guaranteed.
distribution of medals to wioners already being issued and arrange.
enemies saw me, yet in order to bring about some disgraceful The Wanderers Westmoreland Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you of the elocution contest held at meots are being made for the ser.
the Clubhouse last April; after vices of a good orchestra for the scandal, they thought this tha and Victoria Kant cup matches may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may this it is understood that it will occasion.
ouly way to drive bard at the which were fixed for the 4b drsire, provided the monthly payments of take up the quesiton of preparing Rood work that am doing. This Were washed out.
bas not been the first time that West End and Silver City are interest are duly met. play or another musical program to be rendered within the next three RED TANK to wicked, false and milicious scheduled meet the months. The Club Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall seems to be rumours bave been propagated grounds of the latter, while in will do against the Institute and its Sussex and Pickwick be pleased.
creasing rapidly in female members leader. Nut for the evil that battle on the Sussex oval but there is a conspicuous absence Fallin is Married.
of male members. More male bave done, but for the good thing cup fixtures for tomorrow.
members are necessary for a club that am doing. But little do the of this kind which promises to de quiet wedding took place at enemy know that as oft thay try WEST END C, velop into a most useful organize the Catholic Church, Red Tank, to raise false accusation against tion for furnishing amusements to on Tuesday evening, the contractme they are doing me a good by the community from time to time. ing parties being Fallin promoving me and making a reThe West End C, and supand Miss Ida Campbell. Mr.
cord for my future life.
porters are in high spirits as the which he will spend a short of the new St. Joseph Church Fallin is Secretary of the Silver for it is said in by writ; result of two recent cquisitions vacation. He is expected to on the same premises are soon The Superintendent of Schools Clubhouse at Paraiso in the Can Fre not thyself because oi that have been made by that recurs early in September. to be laid also bas is ued a very useful Circular al Zone, and the bride in a papu evil doers, neither be thou envious team.
of Information for Teachers and lar member of the Social and reagainst the workers of iniquity, Mr. James. Artenu, late of The Fourth of July on the for they shall soon be cut down Castries CC Luci Parents which will, without doubt ligious circles of Red Tank. football league is soon to be help, to a very great extent both Tbe ceremony was performed like the grass and witner as the arrived on these shores sbort Atlantic side was a rainy day started in Colon, it is reported. parties. Among other things the by Father John Colbert. The green herb. But trust to the time ago is one of the two sodi One of those head. showers. There are tive teams at present Circular treats upo Ability to see couple left for the Panamanian Lord and do good, so sbalt thou tions. He is a centurian by well in Colon dwell in the land and verily thou babit and many time repre pear widday, flooding tbe streets Tigers, the International and the see and seperate the important and receptton at the Paraiso darbed in the line up, viz: St. Joseph and comprehend relations. This bealth resort Taboga Island, at about a. and lasted until Lyceum, the Amateurs, shalt be ted. Deliver. the term, it says, means the ability to ard will return in time to have sented bis island in the Inter Lord from evil man, preserve we colonel matches of the Wind od rendering the day quite schools. Such a com. from the unimportant in facts and Cluobouse on the 15th Instant.
from the violeat man, which ward Islands. In the year 1928 autit for any kind of enjoyment. petition would create no little situations having a relationship imagine mischier io bis heart he created a sensation in Grea interest among lovers of the continually, they gather together ada and was selected to repre Independence of thoguht PARAISO for war, they bave sharpend thru sent the Wiodward It is rumored that Street game, and it would also be the ability to think for oneself Islands tongues like a serpent. Add ses against Trinidad, where he just welcome news for all the Colon 118000 to be payed. This will be very welcome idea to the public. without relying on others or being poison is under their lips. Kuey tied all expectatiors. During the residents, and the day this is controlled by others, Initiative Mr. Etbel Leecunt of Panama me Lörd from the band of the same year, six centuries were done should be New quarters are being erect. Itude whi. the energy or apu: and her daughter Volder, were wicked, preserve me from the made by Mr. Jonatean in one proclaimed ha pupil displays as the violet man. wbo bas purposed season in his native land.
ed at silver City, Mount Hope, result of study and consideration of the guests of Mr. Mrs. Martin boliday.
He in the vacant spac: opposits the a subject, which leads to the ex sent day was spent after which at Paraiso last Sunday. ples to overthrow my good work. The has already demɔnstrated his St. Vincent Catholic church. It pression of thought that is new proud have bid a snare for me, ability as a cricketer to the satisand cords, they have spread nos faction of the lovers of the game were drowned on Monday morned to take care of the employees teacher has not considered or pre turned to the city.
It is reported that three men is believed that these are intend to the pupil, or a phrase which the Mrs. Loecunt and daughter reby the wayside, they bave set for in this city, and he is now ing the 6cu inst. while crossiug now living in the old Freach type sented bimself or herself. her me. Let burning coals fall upon regarded as a dangerous oppo ibe Gatuu lake in a cayuca west of quarters at Folks River as subjects are, Sense of obligation ideas, let them be cast into the nent by many.
of the line.
GATUN It is stated these it is uaderstood, are to be for performing, school work.
fire, ints deep pits that tbey rise Mr. Small, recent arrival the bottom of the small crait demolished. Maintenance of interest aad efu akio. Though walk from Barbados is the other rested on a submerged stump torough the valley of the shadow addition to the West End wbich overturned it, throwing fort. Forcefulness of expression Correct ness of statement. Abi. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald of death will fear faoill for thy In his native land he was its occupants into the water.
rod and thy staft they comfort member of the Empire Chaplain Deibert of the lity to follow directions. Ability Suns on Monday evening July me. thousand may tall at my during which time he gave 6th a bouncing baby boy weigbSubmarine base. Coco Solo, will to work independently.
ing nipe and a half pounds, both Bide and ten thousand at my right good account of himself. He preach his farewell sermon to hand, but it shall not come pigo also has demonstrated his ability laid down for the use of pedes Colon Baptist Church tomorrow matber and baby are getting concrete sidewalk is being the members of the CristobalOn the 28th of last month the long nicely in their quarters, me. Only with my eyes will see and favourably impressed the trials entering the Cristobal evening at o clock. During his Athenaeum readered an excellent while Garaid who is employed of the wicked.
With two such a lditions to its Docks. This is a very necessary four years stay on the Isthmus, program before a packed house at on the Gatun Locks as helder is He that diggeth a gt for bis already powerful team, West comiort and safety of the public, pulpit, and he will leave a warm gram was given at the request of ing around Golofina Cigars to his step, and beside ensuring the he was often to be sean in this the Community Hall. The pro wearing broad smiles and bendbe toat rolleth a stone it shall being the first winner of the ance of the already attractive gregation.
neighbour shall tall therein, and Ead is feeling more confident of will add much to the appear spot in the hearts of the con Pather Young for the benefit of co workers.
those among whom he is doing edu!
return upon bim.
Surprise cap, and is to be conplers.
cational work. The directors of gratulated on the acquisitions.
the Pacific Dramatic Association of Kent could not cross bats Yours truly. Isaiah a well known dealer in Balboa were special guests. Presi. with Victoria on July 4th, COMMANDER WATSON.
News Notes Work has been commenced on coconuts, fruits, ice, bottles and dent Jump of the Athenaeum pre. on account of the beavy down the new St. Joseph college other such commodities around sided, and the following program pour of rain which fell in the which is to be erected at the Camp Bierd Silver City and Folks was rendered, each item of which early part of the morning. but The color public is complaincorner of 9th aod Streets. River, is 8000 to. face the Cris was received with marked appre. Captain Baker tells all other ing over this recent advance in prices of various art cles of food tor of the Colon Wesley Church for the foundation, and it is ted on a charge of violating the The Rev. o.
Surgeon, pas. Excavation is now being done tobal District Courts it is repor ciation from the large audience: Clubs 10 play carefully as he is determined to win the Piago selection. Miss Leanor games in the second half of the stuft and other commodities. sailed on Wednesday of this understood that the building is drag law of Canal Zone. It is al Jump.
The merchant themselves appear week for Costa Rica, where he to be rushed for completion be leged that in addition to his reseason.
to be disturbed and state that will be engaged in evangelistic fore the end of the year. It is Rular stock, cocaine was also Recitation Psalm of Life.
they are not responsible. work for about two weeks, after also stated that the foundation found in his hand cart. Continued on page 8)
Miss Undine Smith on We Buy and Sell Pearls no


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