
Weekly London Letter ALBOA Up ts date Jewelry EST EER to it was notable chietly for the Fuller Jewelry Store REWED REMEMBER!
Pain Enemy BACK flags and, indeed, seems increase year by year, inte De by The name of that cel (BY WARREN POSTBRIDGE) tei borse race is now famle lar almost throughout the world for in Germany and Australia WAR LEGACY.
and Dumbers of other countries London, June, 1925. Quee We name has been borrowed for the principal race of the Every year, at least, the itish year.
public is forcibly reminded of This year, at least, the the appalling burden of war Derby was run in pouring rain, fact wbich makes much l88 expenditure it still bas to carry.
Toat is when the annual vote difference to the race itself than to the tens of thousands of In every form can be seen for war pensions and allowances is under discussion in the House spectators who gather by motor here at its best See our of Commons. This, of course, car and motor bus from all quarters of the compass. Last Wrist Watches covers merely the actual payyear the motor buses sank up to ments to disabled men. or the widows and dependents of soi their ankles in mud, and some Bracelets, of them bad to be left there all diers killed in sction, and bas Digbt. they were unable to nothing to do with the still Diamond Rings move out of the morass by their heavier burden of interest on war cebt, but it is su ficently owo power. This year the Comstartling to realize that this pany responsible for the major and a hundred other adorn year we are spending in war ity of the buses bad taken the ments and you ll recognize pensions and allowances alone precaution to bave two motor why this is the LEADING 66, 000, 000 That, it is true, is tractors in readiness, and in a little less than the amount addition the vehicles were rug JEWELRY HOUSE in town voted last year, for certain empty on to the worst ground, ask prices and you ll find stil so bat be weight of the passen number of recipi nts of penanother reasongers iybt not drive them too ons die each year, and the deep into total sum will therefore tend steadily to decrease until, in the fact that of the end, it disappeara, altogether.
Phone 623 As a matter of fact, it will not wiuning borse, Steve Donoghue, 122 Central Ave.
registered bis sixth Derby disappear at all if a scheme victory, a record no previous already brought forward by the jockey has acomplished. It is present Goveroment is aproved, for the Government protrue that two of Donoghue previous successes were in the poses that as the war pensions diminish year by war years, when the Derby did year, the money hitberto expended in not quite maintain its normal this way shall be devoted to a prestige, but that detracts little new scheme of idowa pansions from the fame the most celeand earlier old age pensions, brated English jockey bas thus achieved The margin by wbich any various exteosions of the Dongbue won, moreover, was already existing National Health Insurance system. It is a rather abnormally great for a race as surprising fact that new cha ms closely run as the Derby for war pensions are stil como commonly is. The favourite, in at the rate of about 600 a Lord Astor horse Crossbow was nowhere, and the French week, even though it is now seven years since the war ended, trained borse, Ptolemy II, whose journey from Paris by special The explanation is that a num.
ber of men find themselves suis Lain and beat, with an imposing guard of detectives througbout, claimed the world over as fering from distasts which they being Pain greatest enemy.
wad ben a feature of the British claim, rigouy or wroogly, can Multitudes of people use and be traced to hardships and French press, failed to get recommend it.
a place undergone during their period Rheumatic aches and pain of war service. The majoriy instantly obey its command of these clain, are disallowed, and disappear.
but quite a numbur die admitEffect of Prohibtiion. It penetrates right to the ted, with the result that the sore spot. No need of rubbing.
annual decrease in the number It does its work thoroughly.
Give it a trial.
of war pensioners is a good deal The Chicago Church Federa: smaller than migut be expected.
non Bulletin One bottle will convince you.
says Another Biciking laci mentioned Uncle Sam started on bis sixth At all druggists and dealers.
in the House of Commons yeur water waggon journey, happy Debate on the suj. ct is tot so prosperous and hopeful. Each SLOAN lar over 60, 000, 000 bas bien month he earns seven billions, LINIMENT spent by the Government on saves a billion, pays premiums on a (PAIN ENEMY)
medical treat. nent done for dis.
billion dollars worth of new insur.
abied mel, quite apart fro. o the ance, gives in charity twenty five paymeul on ne pensions.
million dollars at home and forr million dollars in philanthropic WILKINSON New Hopes for Coal gifts to wet Europe, and carries in The dificulues into which the his pocketbook, unbanked, over Contractor four hundred million dollars.
British coal indu. y bay lalle, Meanwhile three million dollars of parsly as a Iesult of and Builder the the publie debt are paid each competition of oil fuels and working day electricity macu acued from Water power, have some prospect House No. 20 Uncle Sam garage stores 15, of belok mitigated as a result of 552 077 automobiles, seven eis hath the extensive experiments now 28th NOV, STREET, of the world total. He daily in pogress in difierent parts of spends over a million dollars on the movies another million on the SAN MIGUEL the country in what is kwn as low temperature Cardination.
radio another million on outdoor Box 411, Panama, Tois simply sports He has cut over half means sp. cial treatment of co. wear the pitmillion from the yearly arrests for mouth, in such a way as to drunkenness. reduced his peniten Plans and Specifications Free produce from it considerable tiary population by five thousand quantities of a new kind of in the last year; closed the dror: First class Workmanship smokeless fuel. with still larger of many jails once crowded quantities Guaranteed ot spirit, decreased alcoholic insanity by together with a certain kind of two thirds, and loweredhis aims oil and a considerable vu. ome of house ratio from 91 per 100, 000 to DR. HOFFMANN sulphate of ammonia. The pricise 71 the smallest in our history. Only details regarding their cual ne drink cure survives for each products are not in themelves of ten that prospered under license.
vital importance, but anything He has increased longevity three Has removed his clinic to that can restore the Coalin ustry years per person. He erected No. 39 Central Avenue. En.
to the place it hus til recently homes for 205, 193 families during trance between Mascota beld in the commercial Ife of the the first six months of the past country is a matter of national year. His industrial accidents are and Chong Kee Store, CAN BE HAD AT consequence. Incide aily, it is 250, 000 fewer per year thao when hoped that the smoke evil with beer made men clumsy.
which all our Kreat maufacturing cities are cursed, 10 phones Few of his children are the considerable detriment of the poor He Ves seventy four million bealth of the people, will be to a dollar per year, once spent to relarge extent dispeiled in the lieve drink caused poverty. Instead HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA Midland city of Nottingham, for of beer, he buys bonds until one in it is near the city that the most five are security holders. Private CANAL ZONE.
extensive experiment in the buyers alone hold over four billion Office Hours: a. to p. manufacture or smokeless Tuel 18 dollars in foreign bonds, beside the to be carried out. It is too early enormous issues of domestic, to pm yet to speak of the process as a industrial and public securities, DAILY proved success, but the Minister Over twenty five million of his of Mines, whose business, it is boys and girls are in school, Daily PHONE 1288 BALBOA 10 study tbe situation from over three thousand new members every angle, declared recensiy join his churches, which spent two that the one hope for the coal nundred and fifty million dollars Specializes in all the branches iodustry was in the deveiopment in the past year for new buildings.
Dentistry, of Dew methods, such as bave been described here, of treating Britain who realises how largely opportune reminder of the civic already existiog. Io another British Consulate Notice.
TAKE NOTICE the coal convertiag it into o ber dependent he is on Argentine achievements of the Argentine field the provrasive return of products. Such bupes bave now, corn. fails, to some extent, to people. leading article in the the Argentine Repùblic to fully at least, a reasonable prosp. cu or appreciate the volume of mana Times on the Argentine Dio cooperation with the Lesgue of The British Consul at Colna The WORKMAN Newsbeing realised factured goods sent out from ner called attention to another Nations, as evidenced most re would be glad of information as to paper can be had at the folGreat Britain to the varione coun. point whieh comes as something cently in the decision to appoint the present whereabouts of one lowing places: Great Britain And Argentina les of Latia America, and of surprise to the averag permanent Argentine Del ga Isaac Reid, recently a resident of Lindsay Place, No. 2, be emA Dinner held in London to speech by Colonel Woodbine Englishman the fact that, apar tion at Geneva, bas been received Colon, who is celebrate Independence Parisb Mint, erandson of the from the United States, no for in Great Britain with andleguised ployed on board one of the vessels Street, San Miguel.
Day British Minister who, negotiated eign country receives so large a using the Panama Canal. March, Barber 55, Cali of the Argentine Repablic has the first comme rein! Treaty be number of British immigrants as atisfaction.
donis Roed.
served to impress in rather tween Great Britain and Argen Argentina. Much is hoped for new way on the public attention the extent of the wes which tips in 1825, to the city of Buenos from the Prince of Wales, visit The Derby Advertise in the Workman Rent Receipt Books In Spanbind this contry to South Ameri Aires as Th Paris of the South to South America as an agency The one great English sporting IT PAYS Ish and English for sale at the ca Toe ordinary man in dreat American Continent. was aa for drawing still closer the ties testival, interest in which never Workman Printery House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH Order Books mowr Secretary and Treasurer For Friendly Societies Uncle Sam has 14, 39 20. tele: Dentist Howell The Workman Stationery Store


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