
S0y8:30: 00 The best Tonic in the World VIGOR TONIC MENACED BY INTERNATIONThis elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend AL RING NOW OPERATING ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blod, and to build up 30, 000, 000 IN FEES a run down constittion It promotes digestion, impi uves the appe125, 000 Annually Are Taken In By Bootleg Immigration tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or (Special to The Mail and Empire) times a day.
New York, May 10. Bootlegging immigrants is the new JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
American Industry, It bas taken its place with the bootlegging of liqoor and of narcotic drugs in the extent of its operation and seems fairly on the Sosex way to rivalling them in the amounts of money invoiced.
More than 60, 000 aliens were PROF. A, INYANG smuggled into the United States during the last six months of last year.
Unless the traffic Great occult. Latest master suddenly and unaccountably slackens, at least 125, 000. and mind of South Africa. Master perhaps 150, 000 will have been smuggled in during the first full of mystic science.
Can help year of immigration act of 1924 (which ends Juge 30 sext) and you in case you are suffering the international rings wbich Of every description conduct it will have pocketed in love, in business or other affairs more than 30, 000, 000 in fees.
of human interest.
The Federal Government has taken extraordinary tasures Consultatior, in person or write for price to curb this bote king of immilist. Stricly confidential grants. but toey are altogether inadequate. This new bootleg Address: 206 129th St. New York City, ging bas develp from bap AT THE hazard border runninz into a thoroughly organ zu and power Tul busiuess whose rawitications extend throughout the old world and the new, a. which corrupts law enforcement ou cers when it can and daties them when it cannot.
CALL IN AT The estimate of 125, 000 to 150, 000 smuggled aliena for the tiscal year, ending Jure 30, is at variance with several oticial CHURCH SERVICES Red Tank, Ciral Zo0. Gospel meeting Give Uncle Sam. guesses, including triat of 2, 000 on Thursday night 730 pm. Sun a dy de by Secretary bu, bou, Jam DV. The estiday School at P. Continued from page 4)
maie is made after investigation Sis GRAY (Continued from page 2) oi the situation along the torders No. 93, Central Avenue Seventh Day Adventist Church Paosms, Arosemens Street, House 25, effect. We are supposed to tak. and in Havana, Moatreal, Toronto San Miguel Gospel meetings si aud Oiber suggling bedQ STREET CALIDNIA ROAD 11. 30 and 30 m. Sunday all this boycotting without a mur. nent Isthmia Park) PANAMA, School st 3p. Meeting o mur. It would shock Uncle Sam were we to match his tarifi with Tuerday evenings 15 ASSORTMENT OF Charging what the traffic will Sunday evening 15 Stereoptione of our own. Against suc bear, the smugging rings take can Leeure, All are cordi y invited.
Eldar BAILEY, Pastor policy our Government speaks from a few dollars to 2, 500, from GOOD STATIONERY Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Fab.
and acts deprecatingly. The idea each man they banale, the avergo bath School: 11. 15. General Worep Bethlehem Church of God of retaliating against our good price for a white man being SOUVENIRS, 12 noon Communion Service.
neighbour is denounced by our about 200 exclusive of steamship Holiness! 30 pm. Spanish Class; Premier, but when it is ever sug passage to Cuba, Mexico Canada, 80 Society, meeting No, MARIANO AROSEMENA gested that an embargo be placed or some other hopping on pace.
SAN MIGUEL upon some of the raw naterial the Buccaneers of the Caribbean, 30 Junior and Senior Standard United States draws from this business men of good standing, of attainment Class p. Vespers.
Sunday o clock Prayer Meeting country the American eagle st am stip agents ship crews 11 Divine Service Preacher, screams.
and officers, rum runners, larm.
Seventh Day Adventist Church Bro. Phillips p. Sunday School, Superinten circunstances? How many times chants who want foreinga labour, What is Canada to do in the ers, Mexican apaches forgers, manufacturers and mer 3rd STREET BROADWAY. COLON dent after one side of her face has local and government officials thu Sunday evening 30 pm. Preaching p. th. Programite been slapped is she to turn the boldest of border runners and th: service. You are cordially invited to 15 Gospel Service, Preacher other? It is freely admitted that craftiest of crooks all are bound attend these services and bring your Bro. Phillips the United States has a perfect friends Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a to Sabbath Tuesday 30 pm. Gospel Service. right to adopt as high a taril as together by the prospect of huge Thursday 7, 30 pm. Sister meetio) it pleases and to make its market the immigration laws of the protits in conspiracy to beat Schnel; 11. 15 am. General Worship and Testimony inaccessible to Canadian producte United States.
120. ou Communion Service.
Saturday 30 pm Choir Rehearsal Are we to bebave revengefully. AND 30. Young people meeting Elder T, C, FRANCIS, No one has suggested that we THE BIG OPEN DOOR. 30 mn Vespes should do so. But we must look Pastor in charve.
Between the United States and after our own business. It the Canada there are 3, 100 miles of BEULAH 11 am, Divine Service United States does not buy our land and river border, besides Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Baptist Churches Bro. Small.
staples, we mustesell these else the Great Lakes. The Mexican (Under the suspices of the Suthern p. bunday School, Superinten: where. If the united State does boundary in 1, 800 miles long, and Baptist Convention. 30 Gosp. Service, Preacher not want our merchandise, we the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Bo G Phillipe.
should not be receiving the mer coasts total about 5, 000 miles.
Summary of Contents: Colon 11 a. Descon Rubie; p.
chandise of the United States GAMBOA SETTLEMENT 11 am with open arms. We must do rapidly growing traffic in aliens To endevour to check the in the alle Dion Chaplain Deibert History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years will bis far well addrew to the Devine Service Preacher. Brother business with somebody. If the Government last Summer orFull Particulars of 1900 Tour, Sunday school chi dr u. 15 Mr. Harris Uncle Sam says that Thrift p. Gospel Service. Preacher do business with him, then we patrol of about 460 men, about we cannot ganized an immigration border Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Garun 11 a. Pastor Thrift (to be Bro. Harris, must look for other customers. 200 of Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, whom were stationed foll wed by Lord Supper service) Note. her Se vices for the week Where are they to be had? The along the 100 mile Canadian Photographs of the Tea as and 16 Individual 15 Deacon Edwards.
will be made from the pulpit.
preferable place is at home. Let border, about 245 along the 800 New Providence. 11 a Descon Players Breme us hasten to double our popu mile Mexican border, and the relation by bringing in immigrant mainder in Florida.
Ebenezer Church of God Chorrillo 11 a. Deacon Yearwood Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and of sirable kind. The more we. In spite of small numbers. Holiness on Deacon Linton.
build up our human capacity for inexperience Interesting and p. Special Service, CALIDONIA DISTRICT production and consumption the equipment, the border patrol is Calidonis 11 a. Leader Tatt. less will we be dependent upon doing able work. It catches 15 m, Leader Saith Suoday 50 clock, Prayer Meetin outside Price 50cts.
demand. Uncle Sam enough smuggled aliens to keep Divine Service Preacher. followed that policy, and is in the the jails along the border filled Red Tank 11 a. Leader Crooks. 15 Corpl. Elliott, Elder Odle, most enviable position of any of and turas back many more. It has Empire 11 m, and 15 Bunday School Superintendent. the commercial powers. Let us capured several rings.
a number of smugglers pm. Programme.
Secure yours now there will be a great rush Deacon Meintosh turn away from contemplating and Puebo Nuevo 11 a. Deacon Linton 730 Gospel Service, Preacher the prosperity of our neighbour MP for them, On Monday evenin, at 30 pm Suppi ied, and apply ourselves to Nevertheless, the traffic the there will be public meeting.
Tuesday 30 Gospel Service building up of a prosperity of continues. The border patrol has Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN On e day evening at pm Panama Thursday 30 Sigtunia and Tes. our own Let the Klog Goverment curbed haphazard border Funbere will be a Rally in sid of be Build ti nopy meeting.
cleave to its idols at Washington ball hearted men both among be ning and has Weeded out the ing Fund of the Red Tank Church. 3sturday 30 Choir Rehrsale. and let Canadian people fix their smugglers and in its own ranks Elder ODLE determination upon the one or, with huge profits at take, purpose of making this a great smugglers will kill if necessary.
The Church of God Pastor in charge nation. We must throw off the The thoroughly organized rings, anti national Colon and Streets. Gospel meetGovernment and with their systems of espionage, permission to enter Canada as e automobiles or ferried over the ings at 11. 30 30 Sun. Bethel Church of God de nbe National Policy. Mail are stille smuggling lisele farmer, farm hand or fe Lawrence, Detroit Niagara and Emrin day School at 3p. Holiness traband on a large scale. The key male domestic aervant, Never and St. Clair Rivers.
bucks up Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON RIO ABAJO, LAS BABANAS men are rarely arrested. As soon theless, there were 105, 112 im. every population as one underground route is migrants other than Americans against the border, as at Bunale Detroit thousands slip Gstun, Canal Zone. Gospel Mostings Sunday. a. Prayer Mett.
Wednesday Sunbeam Class meets discovered and blocked, they to Canada last year, a large and at 11. 30 a. and 39 m; Sud 11 Divine Service. Preacher Wednesday 30 Bible instrueestablish another.
percentage of whom undoubted across in the crowds that ligitiday School at pm.
Supplied ly came for the express purpose mately come and go. As the Cantion and Prayer.
8p. Sunday School; Superintendent CANADA AND MEXICO Bro. GEORGE GRIPPITH of surrepsitiously entering the dinn bouodary is closed more New Providence. Gospel Meetings at 30 Gospel Service, Thursday Sisters 10 000, 000 times annually it SIEVES.
Preacher and Testimony United States.
prevent almost impossible to Canada and Mexico are mere 11. 30 a. and 30 Sunday Supplied.
meeting, The international lines can be aliens from stealing in without School at pm.
Tuerday Gospel service at the usua Friday Choir Rehersals.
sieves, The Canadian route is dis. JIM? 36 hour.
the more direct, but it in volves crossed in many ways. Thous inconveniencing the people who Bro. WILMOTT, Clock in charge the initial formalties of receiving ands of aliens are searching in are entitled to come.
STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 118. Where at p.


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