p. 8


Toe 01 Exciting Races. Big Programme Pana event lows: Book Binding!
Two Day Races Burlesc. Margot, Dad, and Ma. THE PRINCE OF WALL To Morrow Races nua took part being won by STREET Huge Success. Ma got in the last time of ont minute and one second.
There will be nine races at atte ad inca this At Cristobal Silver Clubhouse Juan Franco Park tomorrow The Panama Jockey Club occasion was very good and afterroon; four of these will earned all around praise for the some were reward with hand.
The Colon and Cristobal be for native horses and the two days, Saturday, July 4, some su os from the pa matuel, folks will have the privilege, others for imported horses American Independence Day, a9 Milonga sprang surprise and Sunday July of real sport when he wou the forlong race JUAN FRANCO TRACK on Tuesday night next, of The program will be opened at Juan Franco Park. The first for class. imported horses seeing. The Prince of Wall with a four furlong dash for diy program of eight racas. and paid 20 50 on each straight Street a melodrama in four the following six native fror native horses and four ticke. ana Oiental, in the TO MORROW acts. This play was staged horses: El Chichi, with 115 for imported thougnhreds. furlongrc for class imrecently at the Variedades lbs up, El Bebe 95, Gran drew a record crowd to th. Dopu po tnorenaria 13. 80 for lar tort The collapse and WL ticket and 11 20 for Theatre, where it commanded Senor 102, Fermin 90.
Sunday, July 12th 1925 sub quent death of Pluto, uisce.
full houses and was enjoyed The event for class fant in the Chesterfield to the fullest by everybody. native horses will bring out Handicap, however, somewhat WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE We feel sure that the folks at Baby Peggy with a top dampened the enthusia of all the Atlantic side will enjoy weight of 120 lbs to conpete The crack thoroughbred of the Sparklets this great play, the production over six furlongs against CaQ. Sabe stables fell in coming up the home stretch and (Continued from page 1)
of Milton Gravey, a local tal ribe 112, Rialto 111 and Fedied a short while after. desire to add this: Race conesient, as the play is a screamer nomeno 103.
Mr. Parades Petronio also osnuss. Alexander Pope wrote: from start to finish.
Burlesco, carrying 128 lbs, died after tinishing last in the All nature is but art, unknown So much has been publish will face the barrier with fifth ráce a six forlong distance to thee; for native horse ed in these columns on this Manua with All chance, direction which Races For Imported horses 124 lbs and With th: death of Pluto. the thou cans not see. melodrama that we hardly Tribuno with 123 to run a six race was left to Factor Ruso, All discord, harmony not and for Native bred Ponies think it is again necessary to and one half furlong race for Frou Frou, Mary Erb and Tribu understood; add anything further but that a purse of 500.
ne; the last named having won, All partial evil, universalgood; everybody should go and see Infimo with 120 lbs top with Factor Russo and Fra And, spite of pride, is erring it for himself.
weight, will again take his Frou taking second and third reason epite; Another places, respectively. Tribuno is One truth is clear, whatever is, place at the barrier with Toto owned by Mr. Raul Espinosa aud is right.
116, Renown 110, Dardenela was ridden by Jockey Quiroga Non members and opposers of the Monster Parade by. 107 and Candlewood 104, for The Chestertield cup, a beautiful Association may not be willing to a five furlong race: while the trophy donated by Liegett and ow. this fact the fact that Garvey Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
Myers Tobacco Company of New has achieved a good deal in bis (Continued from page 1)
last event will bring out three York was, therefore, won by Mr. race consciou ness pronum. In First Race Starts p. Sharp Espinosa in addition to 750 of doing so he probably succeeded.
Respect and obey it! One day, it imported horses in class you follow the Scout teachings, for a furlong competition.
the one thousaid duilar purse ilso, in telling the ignorant man you may be placed in authority, Neptuno with 128 lbs, Celia offered in the race.
something that he cannot under.
and, having learnt to obey, will 116 and West Meath 98 are ADMISSION: Saturday races were as fol stand, but the idea of race then be better able to command, consciousness has scored brilliantly tue ones booked for this Some of you are living First race: Distance furlongs An Unknown Author wrote If vou Grand Stand Ground 50c. ma and some of you in the Canal for eative maiden pontes. purse think you are rutclassed you are; Zone. You enjoy mnny adv ntages 125; wou hy El Bebe of the you ve got to think high to nie from both. Therefore obey and Ntuu Aliado; time min sec You u ve got to be eure of yourself respect beir laws, and be, as of DRAMATIG PLAY Triumfo second. Pool paid 30 before you can win a prize. Life course you are as Scouts, polite to on the winner. No plac: tickets battles don always go to the their citizens.
were sold in this race. Rider of stronger and faster man; but soon: And when you are marching with The Eben zer Church of God in winner Jockey Navarro or late the man who wins is the your band playing and with the Calidon a ron! will be staging a Sec. od race: Distance four fellow who thinks ne cao. And so Union Jack flying gaily at your mozt excellent Drama extracted fu longs for class native Sally follow Garvey when he head, let your minds turn for a from te story of the Book of horses. purse 125; won by advocates that we glory in our own moment to the meaning of that Esther at the No 17 Division of Repulse of the Stud Valparaiso; achievements and honor our own Why throw away your old, but no mighty little symbol fluttering in the UNIA, Street on Limo 36 115 secs Zip 2nd Linda people. And po arm in arm with tie bateze. Over 450 million the 11th of the present morth 3rd Pool paid 500 and 30 on him against Negroes who lose doubt interesting, books when you pople are under its sway in Satur la night starting 30 m.
the tirst horre, 70 on the recious time in trying to straightterritories comprising an Empire so promptly This Drama was held second and 50 on the third, en their kinky hair and whiten can have them neatly bound at Vast, so rich and so diversified, last month at the Behlehem Rider of winter, Jockey Aran their skin. Nagro trying to that roihing to equal it has been Church of in San Miguel by guiz.
straighten his hair, in my hamble THE WORKMAN seen since the history of the world the abuve me tioned Church, and Toird race: Distance furlons defeat and should not be granted opinion, bas openly acknowledge!
began there was an urgant call to repeat, for class imported borses May all you Boy Scouts grow up the same at the y earliest purse 225. won by Neptuno of any relief by the white min for the 93 CENTRAL AVENUE to be real men in the truportun ty possible. Those who the Stud Aliado; time win. 35 simple reason that he considers meaning of the word; useful have read this beautiful story, will sees; West Meath send himself humiliated in wearing the Opposite Cecilia Theatre citizens in the world; loyal to your know what a most thrilling and Guitarra thira; pool paid 30 kinks ich he will never succeed in country; and true to the teaching interesting scene it displavy, the and 60 on the first horse and straightening. The state of the hair of that sulendid organization of story will be represented in four 80 on the second burs and the colour of the skin are Scouts to which we, including scenes, all brilliantly displayed by Jockey Araugu rude the really not acid tests nor qualifying myself, have the great honour and the gay gttre of those taking part ones factors in proving the capabilities winner.
privilege to belong.
therein The seven songs to be Fourth race: Distance 61 fur brain production, Ro and Hayes, of min, What really counts is real CANAL ZONE NOTES Items of Interest District Comissioner Harri renderd are all composed by the loogs for class native dones Booker Washington, Hector Elder and Pastor of the same (Continued from page 5)
thankeu the Minister for the very (Continued from page 1)
Du se 50; won by by kind aitvice which he had given the Church. Elder Odle, all adapted Peggy; owner of winie CR Josephs and Marcus Garvey; don believe these fellows, ever Word has been received from days of slavery in Jamaica, boys, sud after performing the to fit in with the course of event D: 2; tiune min 39 sec. worried over the kinks in their hair Mes. O. Laurie wife of o. At a recent church meeting Scouts Rally the troops dispersed during the different scenes The grent king Ahasuerus, and the two rante second Pool Dad 6k they study how to think straight. Teached the inate the sprinter this where the Honorable Hector Queens, the princesses, maidens, the winner. No placckans Isle of Springa safe chamberlains and princes, the id in this race; winner riuen hair is what we are going straight ly. We all wish her a pleasant Josep is, was preserte with an address on his new wicked plan of Haman against Jo Fifth rac: Distanca fur. virtue of ace consciousness as th with. have not touched upon the line in her native home.
appointment, Mr. Benson was Mordecai agd how hereaped ju longs for class native börses will take up a page of this junroal, what he sowed all bleading to there and was the happiest The surely makethe evening an extra happy purse 175, Won by Perda: but at a subsequent date may giving the car owners and chaal and proudest man to have time. We are sure that those who nela, owner of winner Diez: include this in my superficial miss this chance will be very sorry time min. 23 5 secs urs a hard time, not o fly in congratulated the honorable Pota ramblings But this say: Garvey buying tires and tubes, but pay gentleman; he having known afterwards secord, Renown third. Pool paid has score 130 percant on this ink what little they earnt the Mr. Josephs when the latter 30 anc 83. 70 on the first börse questio There has been and will Magistrate churiat Cristobal. was a mere boy and he a and 100 on the second borse ever be genuine results from this Lav ly four drivers licenses have man past his prime.
Winner ridden by Juckey Moore. line of thought. POPULAR RECOGNITION been taken away. We will not Sixth race: Distance 1 mile, Chesterfield Hindte. p, for ONLY RELIEF Is By EDUCATION. call na nes but would advise di vers to be more careful DAV (Continued from page 1)
imported borses purse 1000 and From my observation can see Miss Lila Lee, movie star England, for training farewell Cup donated by Liggett Myers no signs of relief for Negros but who, with Thomas Meighan meeting has been arranged for Miss Tobacco Co. Won by pridono; through the avenues of proper eda Advertise in the Workman and others, took part in the Martin, to take place at the ia u owner of winner Rial Espinosa; cation. Through those avenues we PAYŞ.
time min. 13 5 secs. Factor will be able to understand the value making of the famous picture chapali Hall on Monday next: Ruso second, Frou Frou third of cooperation the base principle of The Ne er Do Well here, Saturday, July 4th 1925 Pool paid. 88 60 and 10 on the of the white man supcess. The build the pillars there is still some is reported to have made, To Commandant Martin, first horse and 83 80 or the se A, on the Isthm is is credite excavation to be considered.
Ancon cond boree. Winner ridden by with hundreds and perhaps thourecently, eighty tree thousand Rep. of Pamma.
Jockey Quiroga.
dollars in trading in sands of members, but is there any EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS the shares of the Maxwell Motor 1)ar Commandant, you will, no for claes imported borses in business? No. And so there is Seventh race: Distance mile spirit of cooneration among them NECESSARY doubt. De very much surprised by CO What a blessing to the world and Corporation.
Mejor Bax informing you that purse 300 Won by Pen que of where the the Association, lack th to the Negro rase would a million your cirughter has been selected the Soud Carmen; time min. 47 proper initiative there is where it dollar educational instution in the deserted speed boat, to be one of a party of four to go see on pah second, Celia third; leaves out the improvement in United States, Jamaica Panama or apparently a unit of the Rum to the Training Garrison in Eng.
41and 70 Fleet which operates off the first horse, 60 do the second thizers of the IA. should stirution attracting the eyes of Ya will be interested to know and 80 on the third Rider of able to outdo, easily, any other see the world by brilliant letter Gar: coast of the Unlted States, ext Session in London is winnur Jockey Hildago. tion of this community in business; vey Educational la titution for which was picked up three to biternational Sesion, and Eight race: Distance furlongs but where do they spend their mon the New Negro, or something months ago by the United Sris th Commmer was asked to for classy Imported borses ey? In other people business, of similar; an institution where our Fruit Company steamer San suht hamns of four young purse s350. Won by Chomba course. Then is the improvement poor people here and elsewhere Bruno off the coast of Floripeople from the West Indies to Loca of the Stud Aguila; time the most useful factor in there would be looking up to send attend this special Session of min. 19 secs. Tigre second and curriculum, not dis evarded? Gentle bovs und girls for learning and da with nine hundred bottles arry third. Pool paid 40 on readers, you are aware of the fact graduation in engineeri agricul of choice liquors and brought Training. The four chozen are:CARTER Candidate Walter Morris, British the winner. No place tickets sold that it is not possible for a man to ture, shipping, millinery, dressmak to Cristobal, was sold at in this race.
figure fractions if he is unable to ing, law, medicine, etc. Through auction in the United States add, substract and multiply cor such an avenue race consciousness Court at Cristobal to one Candte Beryl Martin, Panrectly; and likewise he will not be could BENEDETTI HERMANOS SUN PAYS PROGRAM taught to propər advan. Emmett Adans, for 350. The able to form a correct sentence if tage and that would serve as a Cadt Faily MoraBay, Jamaica he cannot distinguish between a living monument to the Negro hull of the launch Central Ave 3rd. St.
was verb and an adjective. And so it and a stepping, stone to Africa slightly broken but is has a Cadet DeLattibeau fore, Allman PANAMA Suodas program consisted no use to fool ourselves in trying to redemption, or in my owa words fifty horse power engine in Town, Jamaica Wising you every blessing and of five races for imported do big things before we ate able to a stepping stone logical reasoncongratulatioz you on this event.
througabred horses and three perform the little ones; it no use ings which would fit us to make good condition. The United aces for native ponies; the feat trying to build a rost whea we have proper advances for Africa re Fruit Company had previousYerely ure race for in port horses not touched upon the pillars of the demption. But there is yet time ly advertised the boat but no JOSEPH BARR distance of tive furlongs in which hcuse, and even when we decide to for this. Better late than never. one ever claimed it. LICULO GARTENS (la IN RACER Honduras INKS ASTES MUCILAG Always in stock at ama.
ODUCTS Chief Secretary,


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