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Prace Cos. ULS. Oy DEATH CUBAN Should Have Paternal SENTENCE ATROCITIES Community to remerteam to want means in the Protection Over Islands prisonTo West Indians That For Life.
Republic Ended.
Was Decision at a Meeting of Com The Cleaner harus diant the them Meie Weer liebe Communaa As Possessions Are a Menace to thing Creamenter in Priny Council tas (Metin is of June leth mittee of Prominent Negroes. dlesided to carmine the setu Americans says Congressman Fish af det passed upon simon am Mr. Murill (Untier Sementary of Catherine Chineunt Counterte for Foreign aflummy meniging New York (Special to the Boston Chronide. The by New York, June 29. The Spanish Americam War first step in the manning of the Harlem Hospital entirely by in tice House of Comwe. com alth changed the history of the United States said Hamiibom coloured physicians and surgsoms was taken on Tuesday at me, a native air fort Plusnuus, ww La Mejesty Minister at Errumu will the retuentibered that her Juwe stotterei tinet lust Decemiter Fish, Compressimam from Putimam, Orange and Dutchess meeting of the heads of Harlem Hospital and a committee atirargel on 18ch lay at panust sad srupnused thut the Jammier Counties yesterday in an address to Spanish War veterans of prominent Negroes, which five Negro physicians now own with murdering Gültent de comment should wide anat Garrison, NY. It changed it in that it made citizenship of engaged in aut patient work were advanced to the rank of Donald, whow tue supped several difficial to be attached to his staff the United ettes respected by the rest of the world. You times with a cutlass who would look after the interests of soldiers went to war in the mame of humanity, and for the Siswant visiting physicians and surgeons The facts of the case briefly till west ladian labourers fimum the Momtoe Doctriime. What we of these United States should The next step it was decided, will be the appointment were that prior to the art of blue of their laudius, ut turned do at this times is to buy till the islands owned by European of steest seven Megto physicians in specialities. This will January, Lamie was raugar at Cres about the auntry inestigating be followed at the next examination for internes, probably we property and succeeded when complaints and setriking thew as far nations in the Caribbean Ses. It is very easy to do, requiring in December, by the appointment of ten Neyro internes, Donald To December Me Donald setible on the spot and in can only the cancellation of portions of the war debts due us report to the kuwadanan peration with the local Cubway from other nations. It is necessary to pursuade European whereas there are one now, Dr. John McGrath President at the Board of Trustees Lame sud on the 20tones Thuat upto and powers to leave us the whole hemisphere, otherwise there January, Lameand Herbert Wooden apytb. ed both by of Bellvue and Allied Hospitals, presided. He said that, in bum, she heads. had a enrere Woje ty the will always be the dazzer at our throat in the exposed his opinion, the steps already resolved upon represent the dicono a levnt sense arutler being stalen. Cobus Goreniente early that position of the Panama Canal do not ask that we rule these islands. Rather, let us most iwward in the interest of the Negro race and that the Duterte destly, it stated that year and the letter appointed Lamie had that of to cooperate teorgimization un der way eventually will make Harlem w Me Denkle she sole the the new sem vitae tortorial have paternal protection over them. The whole thing is that Hospital one manned entirely by Negroes, which 10 day coffee. Ale that there was the sex streagement had been in their present condition they are a source of danger to us, makes up more than yo per cent of its patients. He said the quarrel between Lamie sod se most succesful His Majesty: You veterans of the Spanish War fought for the ideal of five Negroes to be advanced at once from out patient work bowald und Lambinflicted severe bepresentative at Havana hind humanity, and for the cornerstone of American diplomacy ere the only Negro physicans on the visiting staff of any sonderheiten McDonalds e out the return ported that he had at it is up to us at this time to make the fruiken of your last, which resulted in his death bad single complaint o altreat hospital in any Northern city of which he knows permanent and lasting.
after he had run for little dist st let the timest varer som hardships and sacrifices better The Negro thus honoured are: Dr. Johnson, Dr. sc.
condition prevailed Congressman Fish then took up the question of the Louis Wright and Dr. Ralph Young, in the surgical service. The delence met up provocation orgabere. and that relacions awarding of decorations for service. He said that many and Dr, Lucien Brown and Dr. James Granady in the white ca la o bene the Colon Government officers of the Spanish War had been honoured, but few Medical service. All, to date, have been doing out patient water whether it was an eye us. Tore, pari bere necesito be condentrated effort to prevent further unintentional the jury to do now wont cordial. It had, there enlisted men. He then advised the veterans to make fa work at Harlem which carries about 600 out patients on its slaughter, any further representation discrimination.
lists, The trial had leted up to nighet, sest year slthough, as the hon.
Caban Government during the preCongressman Fish was the principal speaker at the ing of the. of Among the committee, some of whom have been work to the very strange de fios sad llant Member soald be first annual pilgrimage of the Sergeant Hamilton Fish plished, were Dr Godfrey Nurse, who acted as spokesman: death was passed.
for 20 minutes and the sentence of paper issued lak year, strong pro namesake of their camp. More than 100 Veterans of the Dr, Corod Vincent, Dr. A, Corbin add Mrs. Corbin, Rev.
The Hon. Hector Josept Goversident in the past in regard Spanish War and their families attended. They travelled to tests had been addressed to that John Robinson, Dr. Allen Graves, Dr. Elliott Rawlins and James Hubert of the Urban League, prowested for the Crown, and Mr, to the treatment of British rub. West Point by boat, meeting there delegations from the Carberry, defended the prisoner. jects. It was not con idered that Newburgh camp, then crossed the Hudson River to Garrison Besides Dr. McGrath Vaward Buckley, director of the budebesisDowisk Nett, President of Harlem Medical Bible Lecture Tomor. While publication a further Congressman Fish, after which the delegation marched to there was present any necessity. was Board and Dr. John Connors, Dr. Herman Haubold Paper.
and Dr. Thomas Martin of the Medical Board attended, TOW Night.
the cemetery accompanied by a guard of honour of the All were described as most enthusiastic at the results do OBAR RIO DIES. Fishkill Station, New York State Police.
attained, which, Dr. McGrath said, could not be minimized.
The International Bible Students Association will lecture on businessman and respected citiOne of Panama most energetic SPARKLETS ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN hexplores the inner Refforbing zens, Alberto de Obarrio, died Experts are telling us that the on Thursday morning last. The BY JACK world is beaded toward apother La Tuesday the 14th, the Boys Week has been ik wu. local writer ways in war funeral was held yesterday morne By the grandest display of homici friends and acquaintance viewed replied, Then, said I, there is ing, when a large concoursec of The CHARITY BALL La Boca, clo the AthenWrench colony here celebrat arranged with a view to bring it breworks the world has ever his Test reming ed Bastille Day with the the young men of the country will ruly by the war to end war, condolence the beared finally are great strategists; and for this. Mulcare. La Boca, clo, Oh, by The leaders of the Women aeum; Sam Whyte, La Boca, o same it he WORKMAN offers sincere Life Problem Club of the Balboa Station; usual exercises. The annual into contact with the essent have to take my hat off to them, the way, cross out the last name We wee visit was paid to the French lal things from which the buwit will end the race ne well.
Minister who welcomed them boys will gain experience to being mud by the powers that Personal Their club secretary has sent you said you have already covered me an invitation to a Charity the parsons; G. Neelv, clo La in the usual enthusiastic help them to become useful, be for th gigantio conflict.
Ball which the club proposes to Boca Clubhouse; Photographer manner characteristic of the law abiding ard patriotic Poison gos, death rays, disease and Frenchman and of the occa citizens a most laudable step methods of wh slovuje naughter will other Dr. Rowe of Coloa was in give at the La Boca Clubhouse Gibson, so the Society of the is city on Wednesday last, on on the 15th of next month. In the Elite, Balboa Heights: Milton sion which was being com in the interest of the men of probably wipe out whole cities in business, and was a pleasant caller first place cannot dunce, and this Garvey. o Panama Melodra matic at this office.
the dear Secretary knows as well Association, Papama; Nichmemorated single night.
Prophetie indications corro orata The Doctor spent a day and as do. On investigation, however, olson Nichols, o star Herthe abovo. time of trouble half on this side, calling on several for her reasons in asking me to ald Ellis, o the first The Colon Judicial au oh was says one friends who were pleased to meet take part in terpischorean exer bachelor quarters from the La Boca For violating the White Slave Act, Louis Meiggs thorities will in the near future prpbet. But for Divine inter. and greet bim since he has started sites, she replied Here, young Restaurant and Agard, fellow. pull. as m running into my two scores) Panama. mention these names tailoring establishment, was sentenced on Monday decide whether one tenth of Venting there would be no flesh practice in Colon.
another what we are after is that dollar because believe those inen won last, by special Judge Black last Sunday winning lottery It in iu doed a terrible outlook for Wynter III. the one mentioned on the bottom crowd into you dancing space.
burn in the Cristobal Divi. ticket belongs to Carmen poor humanity. But there is a of the card sent you for charity And, madam, Cash Street, Silver lining. The Bible uncovers a sion of the United States Dis. Alvarada of continued, Winter, well known in purposes. Have you served simi. you need help in selecting ladies for fiet Court of the Canal Zone, Colon, or to a soldier from Plan of the Agon in which the social. political and journalistic Er invitations on the parsons? the ball, dee me again; or in securreasons for the present situation circler, is at present seriously ill in asked the fair lady. Why, yes; ing refreshing and invigorating to serve five years in the Fort Davis by the name of dieouro, pouce, and the friends and aduirers wish for him to also furnish them with pretty on the night of the wrestling, see Gamboa penitentiary, Meiggs Mager.
The girl claims outlined and assurances Santo Tomas Hospital.
His maay sure we have, and we are prepared beverage to serve between rounds was fouud guilty of bringing the ticket which now values pursuit of happiness will be the speedy recovery, in this the ladies to dance with; mean ladies Jump of the Jump Fontenelle to the Isthmus for inmoral one thousand dollars and on General romult for all the Workman also joine, Mr Wynter to those who have not yet sworn Apiary, La Boca, for pure honey.
purposes, one Ana Julia which payment has been cature Times of Refreshing. At having been one time asociated against dancing on earth, she Negretti, having previously suspended. She declared that the Panama Capital Hall to night with this paper. He is in ward 9, replied. What the idea of tae The Prince of Wall Street.
Charity Ball anyway? then enticed her here by promises it was given to her by the Avangelist Louis St. Hill for the bed an.
Some one paid that Mr. Milton will explain these queried, with the foremost idea Garvey may try to pursuade the of a luxurious home. The girl soldier who at the time had matters. The usual ents free. no Mrs. McLaine in in my mind to prolong an argu Panama Melodramatic Association testified that she used to turn two pieces; he having been a collection invitation is extended Hospital.
ment with good looking lady to take to my native land, Ja.
in sums up to 35 every visitor to her home and to all, The Icture begins at 7:30 Well, you know, she said, our our maica, his latest production, club has decided to do some Prince of Wall Street which is The made it known to her that he night to the white slaver.
had loved her. The soldier, it Mrs. McLaine, wife of Cyril. charitable work for the balance creating a good deal of impression There are a few well is alleged, claims he only ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO THE McLaine, was admitted to the Pan the year.
on our local critical theatre goers, Under the auspices of the gave her the ticket to hold POPULAR JUAN FRANCO PARK ama Hospital on Thursday last, deserving cases in our community If there is any truth in this rumour Panaina Rotary Club Boys for him.
TU MORROW and it is expected that she will and we have no funds with which would like to advise our budding sabmit to an eperation.
to help them the truth is we author and playwright to hold his Week opened in this city on Mrs. Melaine is one of our have no more than one dollar and recommendation in abeyance; as Sunday last with the day invented in Munich by a gov leading pianists, having studied in twenty five cents, and so we have not yery long ago it has been raid dedicated to the boy in the It is repɔrted from Berlin erment official, The invention the Panama Conservatory of decided to give this ball. Ob, that a certain opera mpany lost church. Special services that a method for wireless will enable a person in one Music. She gives piano lessons to see said in the way help in beavily over there from lack of were eondueted in the communication many pupils with you names of between automobile to talk with a ous friends and admirers hope for more philantropists? would be support. They have a very diserichurches for the students, moving automobiles has been person in another.
her speedy recovery, very much thankfal, she quickly (Continued on page 8)
as bever Agard saved. says are


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