
PAGE TW THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1925 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Workman Stationery Store Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD JAMAICA TRINIDAD e: conducted by Rev. Laurie.
He leaves a widow and four children besides many other relatives to mourn his loss, to all of whom Hon. Josephs The Canadian Conwe extend our heartfelt sympathy.
BARBADOS FEELINGS OF TRINID ID EXPRESSED In its issue of the 6th Iostant, Bill to Amend RegisThe GLEANER says: Until the appointment of the The Select Committee of the tration Office Act.
new Chief Justice ot the Trinidad Legislature Council Supreme Court of Jamaica is appointed to advise generally on IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF announced, there will be only the question of reviewing the The WEEKLY HERALD of the two Jurges in the place of three, Canada West Indies Trade agree.
13th Jupe says; position that bas existed nowment of 1920 presented its report for a considerable time. The recently. The House of Assembly met result bas been that the two on Tuesday and passed a BHI The report substantially PupJudges, Mr. Justice DeFrietas to amend the Registration Office and the Junior Poisne Judge, ports the opir ion that Trinidad Act 1903, which was substituted Mr. Justice Brown, have had to cannot afford to grant greater fer a similar Bill recently passed split the work of three mer concessions to Canada than thosre by the House and sent up to the contained in the 1920 Agreement.
bet een them, bearing High Legislative Council where it was amended and returned. Tbe bers as well as travelling on Cir Treasurer, and George Hig Court actions, sitting in Cbabe The Committee which consisted of Hons, Walcott, Colonial Council amendment which was, cuit in the country and doing gins, were the delegates chosen Suitable for odge Business on Mr.
Reece motion disagreed the routine work that comes to represent Trinidad at the Otto merely for the purpose of within their sphere.
giving place to the new Bill.
ta wa Conference, and Mr.
eliminated the condition attachWhen the appeal Court begins Reilly say:ed in that Bill to the appointts sittings next week, Hon. We find that the Trade Agree.
Hector Josephs will, it is went with Canada of 1912 and AT THEment of Registrar that he sbould have been a JBarrister or Soliunderstood, appear in two 1920 have as shewn by the atactions, which will be heard by tached comparative statement of this island for a period of not citor practicing in the Courts of the full Court (so far as it is the Colony imports and exports less than five years. Mr. Reece said it had been found that this cases are finished. Mr. Josephs 1912 to 1924, resulted in a large constituted. Immediately those from and to Canada for the years condition rendered the Bill will be appointed to the Bench continuous in ceease in the Co.
temporarily at least.
From present indications it is bave been of little benefit to the lony Imports from Canada but sem AD NOS AD AD ARAD Maaranan gaan anggoango gargaangaanange gangnango mpango gagamaa impracticables there was no possessing that dificult to say when Mr. Josephs Colony inasmuch as the Agree.
who was willing to accept the will leave the island for British ment bas so far failed in finding SOOOOOOO appointment. Therefore it was SASS OSS Guiana, where he is the Attor a market in Canada for the Colproposed to abandon the old Bill ney General designate. In some ony product, the exports of a altogether and bring in a new Bill wbicb embodied the Coun.
quarters it is said that he will small incaease in cocoa and co cil amendment, and also pronot be transferred from this conuts being about the sama as colony.
in 1912 posed that the salary attaching to the office of Registrar should We are therefore of opinion be 550 a year instead of 600 as that unless some steps can be MUST PAY IN ADVANCE the the other Bill proposed.
taken to obtain for the Colony a corresponding benefit to that Certain American Colleges are now enjoyed by Canada, the CoDeath of Mr. George lory in Demanding at Least One would be justified extending the present Agreement Year Fees From IntendBelgrave.
which expires in 1930.
ing Stndents.
They recommended that article be amended and an increased The same paper says: preference be asked for on sugar, The Herald has received cocna, cocoa butter, lime juice. The death of Mr.
George information that certain Col.(concentrated. cocoanut, copra Recommended for Removing the Humors of Belgrave principal of elgraves leges in the United States of coconut oil, coffee, grapefruit, Curiosity Shop one of the best America are makicg stipulations citrus and other fruit Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, known antique and curio depots which may affect many persons Witb regard to Article They Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic in these parts occurred at his who go from Jamaica to gain recommend that in return for residence, Bay Street, on Weda profession at Colleges of this any increase preference wbich Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disnesday morning 10th June. Mr.
may be granted by Canada on Belgrave was a respected citizen It is learnt that the Colleges products in our recommendation eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
and an authority in bis profession in question have made a rule under Article 8, the delegats be and his name and work bave been that at least one year fees must authorized the add to the articles An Alterative recommended for purifyfamous beyond these shores for decades. He is be paid in advance to the Ameri specified in Schedule as may ing and enriching the BLOOD.
can Consul here before intending be suggested by Canada.
survived by Mrs. Belgrave and students leave our shores.
In Article They recommend being resident in Canada where Quite a number of Jamaican that ouly the respective parties that this article be amended so he is is attached to the P as an prolessional inen, especially For Sale at all Drug Stores eletrician. Two other sons Bel.
dentists and doctors, get their to the proposed new agreement grave, Barbados Scholar training at American Universi can enjoy the benefits thereunder ties and Colleges. They go to Canada or the Colonies concerned This, however, is not to (Science. and Belgrave, a present And ia Large Quantities by member of the Civil Service prethe United States to study dur from making mutual preferendeceased him. We extend our ing the Fall and Winter and dur tial arrangement with other part JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy condolence to bis sus viving reling the Spring and Summer of the British Empire, provided atives on their loss. His funeral some work in order to get their that the benefits so granted do which took AGENT place at the fees to go back the bext term.
not exceed those covered by Westbury Cemetery on Thursday rule will work hardship such new agreement.
afternoon was well attended.
on many who have the ambition Under Article 10 it is recoto go away and study.
mended that Canada undertakes SOXOXO Whetber this is a move to to arrange for a mail passenger Present Day Cricket.
further restrict immigration and freight service within two into the United States is not years from the date of the ST. LUCIA knowo.
agreement, BY MID ON.
An locreased subsidy is also recommended and the del gates Death Of Rev. Bourne, BRITISH GUIANA are authorised to recommend (From the Advcate. an increase to the coatribution Enough has been said in re.
of 7, 500 payable by Trinidad The VOICE of June 13th, records Regular Assortment of cent times on the gradual backIn a recent report issued by under Article 18. in the event of the death of Rev. Bourne, a Barward trend of the game in Bar Mr. Wilson Goode, His a satisfactory agreement being badian, working in that Diocese.
bados, and sufficient anxiety is Majesty Trade Commissioner arrived at in other particulars.
Our contemporary says:being exbibited by its closest for the British West Indies and There passed away at the Rºc and most competent followers, to Central America, the following tory. River Doree at a. on form good reason for my pro comment is made on the British CENTRAL RACING AU the 9th. Rev. Beresford Bourne SUCH AS phesy of a season of excepitional Guiana rice industry: interest. It is a strange coinciTHORITY. at the early age of 36 years. Rav.
British Guiana is the only Bourne was educated dence at the that the same anxiety Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, Colony in this area in which rice Philadelphia Divinity School, exists in England to day over the The Port of Spain GAZETTE and ordained Deacoa in the is cultivated for foreiga as well game, and some plain talking is Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine as for bome consumption. The of June 7th says:now being indulged in of the industry was developed by East We are pleased to announce Later he returned to Barbados, diocese of Forddulace, A, kind. The failure of the Indian settlers, and its expansion that steps for the formation of Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, entered Cotrington, obtained his last English XI to bring back the has been remarkable. Rice was of a Central Racing Authority A, of Durham and was ordained asbes from Australla has not been first exported from the Colony have at last been taken, aod Priest.
etc. etc. etc.
so servere a blow, as bas been 1902. 3, but the exports that year we can only hope that it will Ellist. Charcorteomas baratest which. place the glaring exbibition of the lack did not exceed tive tons. But in pot prove like so many efforts he came to Grace Church, Riger of that all round power necessary 1917 the export reached the to be only of mushroom grown, Dorée in for the grand achievement.
1919. The record figure of 14, 467 tons says the Gazeite (Trinidad) esteem be was helă ia by bis Our defeat by Trinidad in the valued at 1, 422, 805. In 1921. of 7th instant. We feel satisfied parishioners and friends was last Intercolonial Contest was a better display than we are at first however, the Goverment and the reportsme wil mengine proved by the demonatration British Guiana prohibited the that there is great and immediate made by the gathering of the 93 CENTRAL AVENUE inclined export of rica from the Colony. need for such an organization, whole country side at the River to allow. The finish provided an unprecedented strain of The measure was designed to it West Indian racing is to be Dorée Rectory, the large conexcitement which was released cheapen the staple food of the carried on a sound, practical course that followed his morta Panama City.
by Grant who took the final local population. In 1922 the and efficient basis. Now that remains to the Canoe at Choiseul catch when the tension was at exports amounted to 8, 792 tons, the several differences between which moved him up to Castries, its beight. The fact that the match but this quantity include the West Indian Racing Associations was completed beyond the time large surplus over local consump. bave been successtully bridged, and the number of beautiful that for Trawing of stumps, would tion during previous year. Last time is most opportune for the River Doree and Castries. Arrivprovide in a more boastful colony 10 971 tons, from which it is and we only hope that a meeting, was recived at the Prince Albert year the exports were reduced launching of such an Authority, ing here after p the coffin a deal of argument in favour of ADVERTISE the losing side, and a bit for proobvious that the industry bas not representative of the colonies Basin wharf and buried in the pbesy would, no doubt, beyinrecovered from the effects of the interested will be summoned church yard by lamp lights after dulged in. In our case, however, 1921 embargo with the least possible delay.
IN THE WORKMAN, IT PAYS an impressive service had been (Continued on page 77 This Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products right February The Workman Printery


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