
AGE SIX THE WORK MAN SATURDAY JULY 18, 1925, Weekly London Letter United States of America ALBOA Up to date Jewelry EST EER Balboa Division at ancom, Canal Fuller Jewelry Store REWED Be Prepared for that Pain REMEMEER!
Private Academy House Rent Receipt Books CANAL ZONE (BY WARREN POSTBRIDGE)
In the United States District Britain and hes Dominions.
Court of the Canal Zone, Balboa Division at Ancon London, June, 1925 The probCanal Zone.
lem of putting the British Dominions on a footing of proper working relationship with Great CIVIL No. 716 In every form can be seen Britain is eternal. When the minions were Colonies, taking Notice of Pendency of Suit.
here at its best See our thair orders from this island oft the coast of Europe, everything Wrist Watches was simple enough. Now that CECIL MARKLAND Plan, tif they are self governing and tend VS.
Bracelets, to be ratber more sensative hbout their independence than MARION MARKLAND, Defendant.
Diamond Rings Great Britain itself, matters are far less easy to arrange, It is in TO MARION MARKLAND and a hundred other adornfact, next to impossible to maint.
GREETINGS: ments and you ll recognize alu proper contact between Great Britain and a Dominion as TAKE NOTICE why this is the LEADING distant, for example, as AustraThat on the 9th, day of July, JEWELRY HOUSE in town lia, if what is meant by proper 1925, the above nsmed Cecil ask prices and you ll find still co fact is an effective sbare ty Markland, filed an action against tue Dominions in the framing or you in the United States District another reason imperial foreign policy. You can, Court, District of the Canal Zone, of course, discuss broad princi ples at Imperial Conternce held Zone, praying for a decree of ezery three or fours years, but Vioculo Matrimonii, according to 122 Central Ave. Phone 629 that is of comparatively little law.
value when rapid decisions have Now, therefore, unless you the to be taken on some question said Marion Markland, shall perthat suddenly emerges. If a sonally appear before the Unite.
Dominion sends permanent States District Court of the Canal representative to London to Zone, at Aneon, Canal Zone on or maintain contact with the British before the 21st day of August, Government, be is likely to be of 1925 and plead, answer or demur to comparatively little use unless he the said complaint, the matters and You can stop excruis a man of the rank of Cabinet things therein charged and stated ciating pain instantly Minister, and Dominion Cabi will be taken as confessed, and a if you will only apply net Minister, after he has been decree entered against you accord SLOAN LINIMENT six months in London, begins to ing to the prayer of said petition get seriously out of touch with GOOLSBY, Sloan Liniment is the country he represents. While pain greatest enemy, the main problem is still un.
Clerk, Unit. States District and is backed by 40 years solved, constitutional change Court. of success the world over.
of secondary Importance has just DAVID LEON, It is an invaluable rembeen made in the separation of th. Dominion administration in Attorney for plaintiff.
edy for London from the administration Rhe Sciatica of those territories which are Sore Throat Badache still merely Colonies. As well as Sprins Bruins, etc a Colonial Secretary there is now Chest Pales Stif Neck to be a Minister for the DomiLIBERTY HALL It penetrates right to nions, though in point of fact 29 Street, Panama the seat of trouble, the two offices are to be beld, for warms and soothes the the present at any rate, by the ENGLISH CLASSES nerves and tissues, bansame man. The change will mean by Day and by Night are ishing pain.
much in practice, but the Dominions have never been quite now opened for the Try it now.
happy at being treated, so far as Sammer At all druggists and the British Government is conFor particulars apply on the spot to dealers.
cerned, as if they were on the BARTON, D, same tooling with minor Colo SLOAN nies.
Now they will be in a Principal, LINIMENT separate category of their own, and different section of the Colonial Oitice will deal with the British Consulate Notice.
lesser dependencies.
The British Consul at Cola WILKINSON Great Strike Plans.
would be glad of information as to the present whereabouts of one good deal of menace and Isaac Reid, recently a resident of Contractor rumbling is being heard on the Colon, who is stated to be enpart of one of the great British ployed on board one of the vessels and Builder trade unions, that in the colliery using the Panama Canal.
trade. The union boasts a rather House No. 20 lively secretary made permanently notorious by the warmth with the left centre of the Labour 28th NOV. STREET, wuich on one occasion he dec.
Party, as a whole, of a dramatic lared bis allegiance to Lento. His Director. Some time ago the well SAN MIGUEL name is Mr. Coor, and his known actor, Mr. Arthur Bourambition is so to weld tu getaer chier, joined the Independent La Bóx 411, Panama, R, the miners. the railway men s, bour Party and lent it his theatre the transport workers, and the on Sunday evenings, for theatres engineers, unions that they will are not used for their normal Plans and Specifications Free be able by common action to hold purposes in England on Sunup the economic lite of the coundays; For some time political First Class Workmanshlp speeches were delivered there, try and brlog, the capitalists who ara Mr. Cook sworn enemies to but now apparently there is to Guaranteed their teet. In spite of the threat be an attempt to make the drama be pation is sleeping fairly coma vehicle of political propaganda. DR. HOFFMANN lortable at nights, for there is small prospect that plans so subDoctars And The Press.
Versiye will come to fruition. meeting of all the unious has 10While one section of the comHas removed his clinic to died been held bebind closed muuity in Great Britain is con No. 39 Central Avenue. Ep.
doors, and versions as to what cerned at the tendency of Cabinet trance between Mascota actually happened difier consiMinisters to write for the new and Chong Kee Store.
derably. The general impression papers, another section is equally bowever is that sagity prevailed CAN BE concerned at the tendency of over impetuosity and that the doctors not to write. The medical committee that has been appoiat.
stand ed to examine the minera, secreon strict etiquette and no doctor Dentist Howell tary proposals has ia fact been can certainly brought into being to prevent not a signed article, in any nonaction from being taken. Toe technical paper on a medical sub. HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA railwaymen ia particular are ject without the certainty of beuplikely to allow themselves to ing arraigned by a body known CANAL ZONE.
be rushed into wild action. Once as the Ethical Medical Commi Office Hours: a. to p. before miners, railway men and ttee of the British Medical Assotransport workers a. tempted to ciation. An eminent surgeon, Sir to p.
federate in a body called the Arbuthnot Lane, has just emTriple Alliance, and actually pbatically denounced this prohibiDAILY succeeded in doing so, but the tion at a medical gathering. How, PHONE 1288 BALBOA nast time the cobesion of the be very sensibly asked, is the federation was seriously put to public to be educated in matters the test, during a strike of one of of health if the people who know Specializes in all the branches the constituent bodies, it broke most about health, locDentistry, down alwgether. Since then the tors, are precluded from writing different unions have been conabout health in the publications TAKE NOTICE lent to go their own roads.
Play House, situated in a poor they like into the collecting box. vited the public to the ordinary man reads, namely come for part of South London, where As a financial enterprise, this nothing and contribute after the newspapers? There is none plays of the highest order, kind of experiment would seem a wards what Drama For Nothing absurd sec.
they thought fit.
The WORKMAN Newsadmirably acted, are presented doomed to failure in advance. The takings proved to be larger recy, as Sir Arbuthnot Lane The Drama never ken 8tirm hold on the parison with that Ona ving for entrance fees which by com: Its authors, however. do not take than these bowed have been one points out, in America, where paper can be bad at the folpubme of Great Britain as de theatres, are ridiculously low. England town, York, the experi been charged In another North of the ordinary entrance fee had medidal questions are regularly lowing places: which discussed with perfect freedom Lindsay Place, No. 2, votes tref the Drama would like Leeds, however, is to go one mont was tried last winter, as it is a much larger centre, is now by qualified medical men. The Street, San Miguel.
interesting better than this. It March, Barber 55, Cali were by accident. Repertory to try the experiment system. adoption of that practice in Great about to be made of giving arrange a dramatic season at Theatre Company there had atically and the result will be Britain would be all to the good donia Road.
people Drama for nothing. Wawhich plays will be given with two or three times to give per watched with a great deal of and there is some likelihood that have come fairly near to giving out any entrance fee at all The formances in a building where interest. So, by the way. will now a distinguished doctor has Rent Receipt Books In Spanit for nothing already. One of the public will be admitted for noth on account of some local regula another experiment, that of the spoken strongly on the subject for years has been the Old Vic their play they can put what charged. They accordingly in. Labour Party, which represents features of London dramatic life ing, and when they have seen tigas, no entrance fee could be appointment by the Independent common sense may, after all, ish and English for sale at the Workman Printery (PAIN ENEMY)
SPANISH ENGLISH Order Books Secretary and Treasurer For Friendly Societies HAD AT The Workman Stationery Store


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