
83 838353, seksoise Britain Naval ProThe best Tonic in the World gramme For 1926 VIGOR TONIC The Daily News Correspondent States That Britain Exceeds This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend One Power Standard ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up BUILDING PROGRAMME EXCEEDS TEN THOUSAND a run down constitition TON CRUISERS.
It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tone and energy to the whole systeme Cable despatch from London, dated June 17, says: DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or times a day.
ID review of the British naval programme for the next year, the naval correspondent of JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
the Daily News, usually very well informed makes the satemen that in ships that are building completed the British Enpire, is now far above the oneSOMO:403 sex power standards laid down by tbe Washington cooference.
The British have fourteen vir couisers, to the eight of Japan, and thirty smaller ones to her Great occult. Latest master feventeen. Against France and Italy combined the Britisb supmind of South Africa. Master eriority is overwhelming. It seems certain that before tbe end of the present fiscal year of mystic science. Can help the Government will present o Parliament supplementary estiyou in case you are suffering Of every description mates for the naval programme in love, in business or other affairs wbicb will include the laying down of at least five new 10, 000 of human interest.
ton cruisers, at cost of a little short of 300, 000, according to he same correspondent.
Consultatior, in person or write for price The Admiralty, he says, alrea: list. Strictly confidential Udy engaged in creating a favourable atmosphere for the plans, Address: 206 129th St. New York City, AT THE and basis of wbich is that the Graat Britain is falling behind in the naval race, practically all the cruisers lordered during the war being more or less useless in modern oceanic warfare.
Tne naval correspondent asserts this argument is untrue, CALL IN AT because the total of British ships ac ually built or building, is only o e lese than the aguregate for all the other powers, and in CHURCH SERVICES addition to the Panama, Arosemens Street, House 25, ten thousand tɔnners now building, the British San Miguel Gospel meetings at 11. 30 am. And 30 Sunday (Continued from page 4)
Raleigh class scarcely inferior School at p. Meeting OD (Continued from page 2) to fighting value.
Tuesday evenings 15 we are all satisfied with the winNo. 93, Central Avenue If it is true that the wartime Seventh Day Adventist Church Elder BAILEY, Pastor ners and look forward with de cruisers are useless, wby did the STREET CALIDONI ROAD termination to our next meeting Admiralty press on the com at Demerara to wards the close pletion of ten of these floating (Deer Isthmian Park. PANAMA. Bethlehem Church of God ASSORTMENT OF of the year.
futilities, at a cust of several Bunday Evening 80p. Preach Holiness This bring me to the point. million ing Service. The general public is No, MARIANO AROSEMENA 86. What are we bringing farward scrapping them forth with? asks pounds instead of GOOD STATIONERY cordially invited to turn out in large SAN MIGUEL this season in the way of the Daily News in an editorial numbers. Freshmen. The next question In the face of such indisputable SOUVENIRS, Rally Day today a good programme Sunday o clock Prayer Meeting may be. Have our reliable stagers significant facts. wbat in the is being prepared for the day.
11 Divine Service Preacher of the past reached their zenith in name of patriotism and common Babbath (Saturday) 45 mm, Sab Bro. Small the game? There can be ne doubt sense is the reason for chal bath Sabool; 11, 15 General Worship p. Sunday School, Superinten that the natural law applies itself lenging the world with a new 30 pm. Spanish Class; to every phase of life and and costly naval programme. p. Programte achievement. There 30 Society, meeting Is no such We are menaced by do paval 15 Gospel Service, Preacher thing as evergreen on the power in any part of the world, 80 to. Junior and Senior Standard Bro. Web ey.
higbway of sport. Decline is the nor any combination of naval of attainment Class p. Vespers.
natural Moday 20th clasical Centata representative sportsmen. It is opponents of a big navy policy way followed by all powers. Even the most fantastic entitled Dhe Childred Miecial and the way followed by men like bave at last accustomed them.
Seventh Day Adventist Church Golden Gate by the combined Choir of Gocdman, Jackman and selves to the undeniable fact that Bed STREET BROADWAY. COLON jhe Bethlehem Church, Doors opwa at others, while men like M, the German Fleet, our menace of Sunday evening 7, 30 Preaching 45p. Cordial invitation to all.
Austin, Tarilton, past years, lies peacefully at the service. You are cordially invited to Tuesday 30 Gospel Service. Challener and a few others are bottom of the sea.
attend these service and bring your Thursday 30 Sister meeting now midway in the last lap of The newspaper appeals to the final stretch. Then there are members of Parliament to vote iriendo, and Testimony AND Babbath (Saturday) 45 am Sabbath Saturday 30 Choir Rehearsal other runners up not far distant against appropriations for naval from these leaders.
School; 11. 15 am. General Worship Elder T, C, FRANCIS, expansion to meet an invisible, 30 p, Young people meeting Pastor in charge.
What then do we need? We need up known foe, but admits there to encourage our youths to is little bope that the appeal will Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages 30 Vespers BEULAH 11 mm. Divine Service strenuous effort, and to belp be effective.
Bro, Harris them to see the glory behind the p. Sunday School, Superinten National game, which is superior Baptist Churches dent. 30 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher compensation for the strenuous Summary of Contents. Under the auspices of the Southern Bro. Harris effort and sacrifice necessary to History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Reception Service.
Baptist Convention. GAMBOA SETTLEMENT 11 a.
make a great all round cricketer.
Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Colon 11 am, and pm. Pastor Devine Service Preacher. Brother It has been argued by: good many judges Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Elder C, Francia.
of local cricket that our bowiling is alright, that On Wednesday night (the 8tb)
Garun 11 a. Mr, Wigga; pm.
our p. Gospel Service. Preacher batting has reached such a high inst, was the reception service Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Mr. Miller.
Elder T, C, Francis stage that we are frequently art of Elder Francis, at the Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Now Providence. Mixionary service Nota. Other Services for the work to belittle our bowling. With this Betbiebem Church. As already Players to be conducted by Mies Coope, totally disagree. And shall reported the Elder left here two Chorrillo 11 am. Deacon Linton will be made from the pulpit.
have no ditficulty in showing weeks ago, to visit the work in Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and pm Mr. Harris Calidonia 11 justification. The recent visit of Bocas del Toro, alter spending Interesting Ebenezer Church of God the Jamaican cricketers is all the two weeks of untiring labour; p. Corpl. Elliott. Church Anniver Holiness proof need offer in support of visiting many places and preach.
my contention. We could not win ing many sermons. which the Price 50cts.
Red Tank 11 a. Lender Tsitt; CALIDONIA DISTRICT a single day matob hearers testified to be new, be p. Descon Russell has returned to prepare for his Empire 11 a. and 15 Sunday 50 clock, Prayer Moetia BEING UNABLE TO BOWL 11 Divine Service Preacher voyage to the States for the Bupplied.
convention. He states that Secure yours now there will be a great rush Puebo Nuevo 11 a. and p. Elder Odle, should like to have seen the many souls has found the light p. Bunday School Superintendent showing we would have made of the Gospel, and also he has for them, Supplied 3p. Programme. 30 Gospel Service, Preacher Runs were certainly kept don a against them without Griffith.
Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN The Church of God Supplied.
Panama by the bowlers, but we were in captains than we are in first Tuesday 30 Goepel Service unable to obtain the wickets. class bowlers, After our indomi.
Colo and Streets. Gospel meetThursday 30 u. Sister and Tesings at 11. 30 a. 30 Suptimony meeting, Harrļsou College can offer notable G. whom have we serious rivalry this season in the possessin all the grit and the day School at p.
Saturday 30 Choir Rob coale.
first eleven games in particular. resourcefulness that can be Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Elder ODLE The Pickwick will bave a tower mentioned in serious vein, as planted quite a number of seeds. bat be is in the Master care Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meetings Pastor in charge of strength added by the inclo capable of leading a team in big that will germinate in beautiful and where. He leadeth there he )1. 80 a. and 30 m; Subsion of Birkett in this season matches, Many clubs, day School at pm.
Bethel Church of God Soft The Spartan will be overwhelmingls Superior to their trees tor the Masters Kingdom. must go. So we bow our heads Bro. GEORGE GRIPPITH Help to boast of the best wicket. opponents, have failed to do the expects you leave here on or be submission and say Thy will keep in the island, and perbaps themselves full justice in Cap States, and at his return he works of Christ Amen.
about 29th instfor the Holiness New Providence. Gospel Meetings at May the West Indies in Adams, the Matches through poor captaincy. expects to be able to spend two God keep him under His wings 11. 30. and 30 Sunday RIO ABAJO, LAS BABANAS young Barrister. Dr. Gibbs who Let me hope that this season Sobool at pm.
or three months there estab Lorever, Sanday a. Prayer Meeti. left oft playing on matting in will boom largely with import lishing, and founding work for Sis, CAMPBELL 11. Divine Service. Prenoher America, and towards the end ance in this department And it the Master, as the people is 8p. Sunday School; Superintendent of the last season, did tolerably can be certain there will be hungry for the word of God.
Red Tank, Coal Zoub, Gospel meeting Rent Receipt Books in Spanon Thursday night 30 pm, Sun 30 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher well on the turf will be watcb many a struggle to the last Our joy of reception was Supplied.
day School at p.
ed for development this season. wicket, and many a victory, the Bro. WILMOTT, Cleck in charge We are certrinly more deficient bearty team work Wone word about Captaincy. result of cricket generalship, and dimm. by the knowledge that ish and Englsh for sale at the he will soon be gone again, Workman Printery dent.
STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Deacon Reid Bis, GRAY


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