p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY JULY 18, 1925 OUR SPORTING PAGE Excursion Train common Races! Races!
Red, and an first ni pins Cracker Jack Races CORRESPONDENCE REWARD Last Sunday Races Sparklets TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN Dear Sir: The large number (Continued from page 1)
As previously announced nine LOST On Tuesday eve of young boys and girls from races were on the card at Juan minating and critical bunch over ning 14th inst, a Lady Gold twelve to nineteen years of age Franco on Sunday afternoon last. there over in Kingston. and then Wrist Watch; either in the seen in and around the city from There was also an unusual large Cecil de Mille and the bunch from LABOR DAY, MONDAY SEP. America Theatre or in auto given rise to a question which morning until late evening, bas gathering of enthusiastic turfitęs. Hollywood have nearly monopolizWhile the pools did not pay very ed the attention of theatre goers in mobile from Cristobal Silver bere follows, and which am From Panama to Colon and return large returns the enjayment was that metropolis.
Clubhouse to th: Theatre. asking you to publish in your of bigb standard as competition Finder please return to Mrs. columns.
WIGGAMS INADVERTENCE on tbe turf was keen. Cadogan, corner 9th Are we allowing our boys and Manga of the Stud Valparaiso that fellow Wiggam who was find UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE Street and Broadway and re womanhood unmindful of the glels to grow to manhood and won the 64 furlong race for the ten pounds sterling for his inadGRAND UNITED ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS ceive ample reward.
responsibilities that eventually best imported horses. He ran a vertenre in the counting of votes confront one at this age!
match race with Tribuno, Bur. during the late general election of Are we satisfied with the pres.
lesco, the third entry booked, representative of the parish of aving been scratched. Manua Westmoreland, Jamaica, had not Train leaves Panama 71. a. with stops at Balboa The Prince of Wall at advancement of the race?
won by a length yet caught up with the spirit of the Are we Heights, Red Tank aud Pedro Miguel, returning of present civilization, so much Street Mr. R, Diez Caribe won the times. that in these days the leaves Colon p, so, that we are contemp uously six furlong race for class common people need real represenallowing our future generation native borses; Rialto second, tatives. It is not sure whether we Baby Peggy third. The pool paid of this age will ever succeed in Real Successful Negro to go without any form or means The management guarantees there will be no conby which they sbould be able to 50 and 60 on the first horse educating every man up to the end 10 on the second horse. standard of a BA, LL. or any work for a living? In the West Achievement.
gestion. All will be comfortably seated Indies boys and girls of this age In the race between Marua and so men like the Mayor of of those higher degrees of distintion are commanded by their parents and Tribuna the pool paid 90 Kingstoo will always find a place and guardians as they leave (BY PILGRIM WILKINS)
on the winner; no place tickets in the hearts of the REFRESHMENTS ON SALE FROM THE STARTschool to learn a trador prowere sold in that race.
ING OFF UNTIL THE RETURN In attended the Atlantic Side lession. They are told that El Crichi of the Stud Aliado people.
Execution of the most recent without same poverty and diswon the first race, a distance of COLON SOLIDARITY Get your train Tickets early to avoid the rush Negro production. The Prince of giace will enter their paths, four furlongs for class native After hearing the qurtet from Wall Street and am of the honest when thetime should have come hor. es: Fermin second and Colin sing at St. Paul Church on opinion that it deserves commen. for them to take on responsibiWormwood third; winner ridden Suoday evening last, DLP Leacock dation as a successful Negro lities of manhood and woman.
by Jockey Aranguiz. The pool remarked that it was the first achievement.
In the West Indies we paid 10 and 20 on the first artistic ringing he had heard do not think that need to wending their way in the early the youeg boys and girls horse and 85. 10 on the second since leaving Barbadoes. He meant make horse.
to have added of a quartet.
any apolog for having mornings, to the work master witnessed the in comedy Malvaloca owned by A Car. However, there is some weignt referred to be share accident the general code of machines, in is above shops where they are persuing bone and ridden by Jockey Mr. Leacock expression. It consequent of a hint a professional Cowen won the second race, noted, also, that the Colon Fraacquaintance of mie get in ad its many branches; and at eve.
another four furlong distance for ternal Choral Company reored vance from the Pacific side that he hear them discussing the tech.
piog tine you are pleased to ativa borses. Saguila second fifty fifty with the reputed should not miss it, which tip he and Peter Pan third. Pol paid Black and Green Choir of Panama, niques and worthwaite points pass ed ever to me.
they learned during the day; but 10. 80 and 240 on the first on Saturday night last, in a singing This is not the time or place to here what do we see what. cocqual amount on contest. At the Colon Wesley JUAN FRANCO TRACK tha cond borse and 10 on Church, an evening with the great say what might to do the justice fronts us at every minuts of th: the bird horse.
music inasters was a huge success which the play, merits, when we da. from all angles; the efforts brought take into consideration the porno We see the young boys and The third race of five furlongs near TO MORROW mic, social and like handicaps n will dressed, if should for native borses was won by pearly a thousand dollars. This is under wbich our people labor call it so, io sheik suits, dang Renown with Jockey casas im typical of Colon; when the inhibit the saddle; Dardenela second and anything you may deperd woon ants over there get started in Sunday, July 19th 1925 this one ting sent of exist in this country. tem and they meet in group discussInfimo third.
Pool paid 30 and them to do their purt and do it perament cannot avoid saying, ie ing the rac 8, ibe grand pie 90 on the horse and 90 that if there was a lacks un well. In the last strike influenced on the secone nic and their dance Partners borse by Howard Severs, USAIAN, et al, WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE doubtedly there was greater. wbere there will be a first Cana of the Sud Valparai Colon was one hundred percent success of the Production of the class jazz orchestra playing o won the fourth race of six solid. Prince of Wall Street in the tonigbt. aed many other such furlongs for class imported Cristobal Silver on Tuesday subjects tha: d: not amount to horses; Alta Mae and Pab RE THE PRINCE of WALES ANG evening last it was caused because cond and third, spectively.
MYSELF of the back of proper administr Peasu was ind for man, Jockey Arangu rode the winner Brooking over my many misfor tion and need of adequate per but cant you visual ze the Pool paid 14. 10 and 60 on the tunes, or rather my inability to a proper or suitable auditorium morals of a horde of young men, tirst horse and 90 on ibemake two ends meet. struck and the sitting accommodation whose beilet is that they have second horse.
upon an idea after reading so ruch Races For Imported horses which many of our own people ard come into this world for pleasure Mi Pollera, ridden by Jockey about the adventures of the others would willingly pay far with only? Seemingly thinking that Quiroga, won the fifth race a six Prince of Wales in the land of my. and for Native bred Ponies wise apportionment.
science. art, and the lesser furlong race for class import ancestors; and the many gifts of am not going to speak along achievements, which are to make ed borses; Buck Dancer and gold and other precious things the lines of generalities which the this earth a beautiful place to Chumba Loca second and third which my six hundred and fifteenth varions features or acts of the play nourished and developed by live 00, must be exploited respectively. Pool paid 80, No cousins handed out to the future place tickets sold in this race. heir apparent to the British throne wright (as might find time ete tn Jockey Moore rode Linda to wader whether the Colonial do at some future time, but must bis race!
win in the seventh race a dis Secretary and his staff of subal bere commend Mr. Milton Garvey was given an instance by a tance of five forlenge: Dictador terns would allow a humble eufor his foresight in not immedia els good friend of mine who deand Hero took auu 3rd laces, tion of Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
slip granting what was almost a urani clared sadly, that on passiog the respectively.
am mous wish of his ar ditors at his street one day he came to a would unhesitatIn the last race, A6f forlong the young man First Race Starts p. Sharp first rendition of his play at this group of well dressed young distance for class imported ingly listen to reason know he and to repeat cn the following men, intelligent looking young horsts. West Menth came in the is rational. My experience, Israly, evening under the same or similar men, when one informed the wioner: Neptuno scord. Celia has however caused me to be a bit ADMISSION: auspices, feel sure that greater others that the Pope is dead third Pool paid 86 40. No place skeptical about this thi also and better results await the his friend surprisingly tickets were sold in this race.
believe that order is heaven first law, and this co fessed, some Grand Stand Ground 50c. and that of the production of the play in žhis city asked if the o e in Panama! This earliest occasion sion does not belo to illustrate the are, and must be greater than the rest. And know that the Prince, possible if the management should lack of trade knowledge but it To Morrow Races too, kuows this, and that the side àrrange to get one of the Atlantic clearly demonstrates that he theaters whose management. is without knowledge of the reason believe he would coosider feel positive will not deny our also without kcowledge of the our way be should earn a living is my case in the same vein as am support their every Tomorrow race program coasideriug the request for a donaundertaking, especially taking into world in which be lives and at Juan Franco Park has been on to the Women Life Problem consideration the attempt of an which space be occupies for educational advance on the part Daught!
attractively arranged. There Club charity box will be eight races of which JAMAICA GOVERNOR and in the history of Neroes in Every tradesman five will be for imported Panama whose effort in such and fessional man of the city would It is learned that Governor Sir.
similar directions can lead into the willingly help the mothers and horses and three for native Robert Wilson of Jamacia bas de. Why throw away your old, but no spheres of Moviedom and its fa bers to prepard these boys horses. Sixteen native horses cided to accept the offer of a posirelations to Isthmian life, for the struggle of life If only are booked, wh le thirty im of States for the Colonie: and that doubt interesting, books when you tion as Permanent Under Secretary they would ask, but they allow repeat again by way of closing them to grow to a point where ported ones are to take part. this positioa will allow him around can have them neatly bound at this humble comment pro tem, tnat they sre uncontrolable, then The program will com three thousand five hundred pounds despite the handicaps above epokea they tell of the boys bad ways mence with a furlong race sterling per annum; while to be THE WORKMAN of Mr. Garvev play is an advance and tendencies.
step in Negros progress on the for seven native horses: Li governor of my native Jamaica one This is exactly the same with pac, Ruso, Zapito. Malvaloca, pulls down five thousand and five 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Isthmus from its human view point, the girls. Their only thoughts and only tends to show what we are the dance balls, the picnic hundred pounds sterling and Dios Fermin, Gloria and Checkers. rabe how much in perquisite. But might accomplish with honest grounds, the automobile drive, In the fourth event Cieero for all this I don blame Sir. Rob.
Opposite Cecilia Theatre concern, adminisrtativa genius and the pretty drese. They seem to tion and similar essentials availa. their knowledge, and even those will take up 128 lbs against ert for his decision; may be he will. Super Gloria 116, Confetti tion and then he will be at home be more dignified in the new positoat are sent out to schools 108 and Mi Pollera 11o. The land near to the King, and he will maritons and Daughters of Sams. and Sis Barnett, P.
and to learn trades etc. are distance will be furlongs. also be in line for the position of ria, excelled all previous records in At the close of the ceremony seve, seen messing around these In the event for class Secretary of States for the Colonies the elaborate installation ceremony tal eloquent speeches on the good Band At Red Tank. good for nothing, boys, whose only aim is to bring disgrace to The governorship of Jamacia is no which they carried through in their and welfare of the Order were de imported horses Burlesco will sinecure. The parliamentarians lodge rooms, 21st. Street, Central livered, Sisters Lewis Armatrading, the race, to keep it in serfdom carry 128 lbs, Manua 126, over there are not an easy bunch Ave, on Thursday evening the 9th Frindley, Bruce and Heary display Tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon to have us being estimated by Tribuno 120. Margot 120 and to contend with, especially when it instant. The attendance was all ing their customary oratorical skill. at 4: the West Indian Band, the tooliganism. Oh would to Dad 116. These are the en comes to a point where the Gover that could be desired, several visi. Then to the singing of Rule, Bri under Director Goding Godlatbat some social standing tries for a furlong race oor reserves the right to carry ters from Sister Lodges helping to tannia, all march to the banquet will render a program of selected would be standarised among the Purse 600.
over the top a bill labelled Par swell the throng, The offciating. com, tastefully decorated for the pieces in form of an open air middle class of people, and that.
our young men and women Confetti 133, Tigre 90, officers, Sisters Armatrading occasion, there to partake of the concert at Red Tank and Lindsay of the ose of the toothsome dishes specially and The Red Tank and Paraiso would take a more serious stand Chomba Loca 125, Buck Danprepared in of folks will the affairs of life car io9, Starry 112 and Pi. Eden Bloom Lodge of Excelsior, were at their best and the social advantages of the Order. entertained in the open air by this son en obere Bod fathers employ some means by piolo 96 will run in the last the ability and solemnity displayed Here again several brilliant toasts well organized brass band.
of help to lift the race out of the their task! were offered, the function ending race, a distance of 674 fur INSTALLS OFFICERS. greatly impressed all present. Those with the singing of the British mire! For, it no use climor longs.
log for dye respect, and welinstalled were: Sis Lewis, National Anthem. The occasion Sis. Bruce, F. Bro. Box, was pronounced by all present as Rent Receipt Books in Span come on the civilized platform, when you are doing nothing to Advertise in the Workman Eden Bloome Lodge Noem, of the Findley, Bro. Myers, speaks volumes for the future proThe Officers and Members of S. Sis. Douglas, Sis. one never to be forgotten which ish and English for sale at the merit same.
IT PAYS. British Independent Order of Sa Sis, Henry, Sis, Layne, Igress of the Lodge Workman Printery LEACOCK Another big day for Turfites to the hands of through into Dext and who perple who Book Binding!
and proble.


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