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cre mon, The Passing of a Prominent West Indian THE WOMAN THE WORKMAN READ LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY WEEK AND PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY Stormy Scenes in The British House of Parliament Chinese Being Smuggled Into Great Britain now for are surely VOL. 13 No. 48.
PRICE Cts. Cy.
BRITONS DEATH OF PREDIGT WYNTER Prince WiN Marry After Passed Away After LingerSouth African Tour ing Illness.
Lady Astor Challenges Opponent cable despatch from London, The death of Benjamin Big Increase in Alien Populations dated June 26 states that a good Wynter a prominent figure in In Pension Bill For Calling many Briton never tire of asking, West Indian circles took place at of Seaside Towns by Immiwhen the Prince of Wales is to about 10. 30 o clock on Sunday Her a Cat marry. In connection with celebra morning last at the Santa Tomas grant Stowaways.
tion of the Prince thirty first Hospital to which institution he birthday last Tuesday it has been was taken on the previous Weders.
London, July The interest of Lady Astor in the recalled that his fiber married at day suffering from appoplexy THE SUNDAY News of Loudon men to get on board boats manned fate of the Pensions bill is so keen that she sat all through the age of twenty eight and that Wyater had a chequered career says, in a recent issue:by their fellow countrymen bis on of lasted until Edward, was Facts which have lately come to last night session of the Commons, which It some cases they are stowed only twentytwo devoted hie life to the service of the knowle the immigration away until the vessel is well under 15 o clock this morning, and it was her repartee that when he married the beautiful se his race as as the following briet authorities and the police point to way, and as the Europeans on roused the House to fresh vigour when day was breaking king daughter from over the sea sketch of his life will show. a well organised system of smug board never dream of goog into and human vitality was at its lowest.
Alexandra, who survives him. Wynter was born at kling Chinese into this country. the fo e sle they are practically During the debate the Socialist menbers resented Lady While there are many in England Spanish Town, Jamaica, December Many of them come by way of safe from detection Astor opposition to their proposals and made her the tish heir never will marrv, and ad 21. h1899, arrived at Bocas del foro population in Rotterdum, and the were discovered hidden in boxes on Not so long ago several Chinese who are of the opinion that the Bri 26th, 1879. He left Jamaica May Holland There is a large Chinese target for a number of gibes in doubtful taste. For instance, mitting that lie was not centered May 18, 1899, was first employed immigrants often stow away on a vessel, almost dead from being when she protested against the statement of a Socialist his attentions upon auy particular by the United Fruit Company boats manned by their fellow coun long in a cramped position and member, Duncan Graham, that we represent the men who girl lately, there is, nevertheless, 1902, Founded and organized the tremen without food really won the war, he retorted: increasing belief among the know Bocas Literary and Debating The Limehouse colony is again SLACKNESS IN REGISTRATION The noble lady has nobody lying in France. have his Africana nd Sou American Founded and organizer The st Liverpool and Cardio are also ing to these shores by unauthorised it alls that up in the completion of Association March 12 1903 on the increase, and the coloni in But in many stancos meo com and you give men nothing. and it my capital you took. tour the Prince will turn his Indian and Pamama Club April 3, growin, means have no need to hide, But rerriment came when Neil MacLean, supporting a thoughts toward matrimony. 1911, established branches in TRAFFIC FROM HOLLAND. owing to the laxity on shins manned proposal to increase widows pensions, said it would cost When the Prince does marry, it Colon and Jamaica 1913, organizIn all the large centres where by Chinese crews more to maintain a dog in a cat and dog home than it was has come to be accepted, it will be ed the Friendly Societies War Car Aviatics are numerous enough to It is much aster proposed to give a widow. The laughter this extravagant a real love match, having nothing Contingent Committee continent form as colony such as london, Chinese to get into Britain than it ried Jamaica 650 picture provoked incensed Mr. MacLean, who, when the to do with diplomacy.
merriment subsided, commented: During the war. cf course, alien Writers seem to agree that after men enlisted in Bocas del Toro and Liverpool and Cardiff populations was a year or two ago.
Cola in 1917. These men were e steadily but growing. The dogs are silent. There no barking now, and the Prince present tour, with drafted intogthe West Indian War While the authorities haye no de registration was strictly enforced, its broadenins experiene. would Coatingent Army.
there only one cat here.
He took up sire to make distinctions to the de tor obvious reasons, and for a time Lady Ástor, being the only woman in the House, regard. be tatt under for the future King to silence in Panama september triment of the Chinese, they are de after 1918 the system continued to see fit to bring his bachelor days 1917 ed it as an allusion to herself, so she challenged Mr. Macaned and lead an English url to Followed newspaper work termined that our immigration laws be administered rigidly, shall not be But this is no longer the ense flouted.
lightly Lean.
the altar. ontinued on page 8)
One reason for the greater latitude Only the other day, when five now allowed is that registers are You called me a cat? she demanded.
Chiniese were charged st Cardiff badly ia ceed of revision No didn t, denied MacLean with contravening the Alies Act Well, am the only cat here, Lady Astor replied, and SPARKLETS by landing without permission, DODGING THE REGULATIONS was stated that thº Home Office is Chinese inmigrants, until they the House callapsed in laughter.
BY JACK seriously concerned at the number have been in this country for two REFERRED TO AS SAUCY SUE.
of Chinese who have lately illegally mooths, are under no obligation to entered this country.
register, and once they have set foot London, July The British House of Commons, or Co OPERATION things the right way: and so while on wwdinarily a polite and decorous assemblage, has had a week For one to preach cooperation Mr. Garvey four act melodrama Laciready the, Moxton NRC Cesarz dodge registration by moving from invasion has reached of all night sittings and the result has been bad for its among men is in itself not a bit of is not comparable to those one colony to another.
When challenged, they can temper. It was o ciock this morning before the sitting evidence that he will himself reputed playwriters, it is the socha seale that special measures which began Wednesday concluded and it was high time it cooperate with men. More and product of setive thinking along are being taken to check it, nu if carne to an end in view of the fact that a Minister had been more am getting to like Alexar der right lines coupled with that deter these fait legislati o sireng he easily say they have not been here of the autheri ies wil for the specified period, and ueless describəd by a Labour member as a cad.
Por e as my favorite poet. Pop med elfort and the tenacity their passports give the date on said Know then the set per study thing.
achieve any worthwhile probably be framed. Unionist member had dismissed a speech by Com not God to scan; the proper Inquiries have made show that to disprove their statements. They which they landed it is impossible munism sole representative as Red and the only occu of mankind is man. terlile deeper! The Association efforts have most of these Chiruese now landing know that if the truth is revealed without going through the formali pant of the Liberal benches had fallen asleep.
study of man this week has made met with the wholehearted support lies required by the Aliens Act they are sure to be derorted, and of this they have a wholesome The members were still touchy when they assembled firmer my belief that. man, like of West Indians and others; and it reach this country vid Holland.
There is a large Chinese popula again to day and only the spectacle of Miss Wilkinson, La the gen rous vine, supported, lives; deserves the support it revei ved.
the strength he gains is from the There is reason to belleve that bour only woman member, raising to a point of order embrace he gives.
tion in Rotterdam, and it is com The CONCERT.
crowned by a male member straw hat headgear of some Mr. George Roberts of La Boca paratively easy for a few yellow (Continued on page 8)
is repu ud as having inberited a woooww sort being necessary on such occasions under the rules of BETTER OUTLOOK the House prevented another explosion early in the tion here said, recently, that sur vocabulary. He was One interested in the labor situa large percentage of Noah Webster. ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN heard evening.
plus West Indian labor on the advanta e a few Sundays ago It was Neville Chamberlain, Minister of Health, who isthmus will soun be a thing of the while acting as chairman for a Miss was caled a cad, and the term was applied by Neil MacLean past; that at least in the next five singing costest at the Guachapalı Enriqueta Morales, is soon to resign and, it is one of the tiery Clydesiders, to describe the Minister in the years there will be enough orivate UN. LAball. On Sunday last he President of the Panana Red understood will accept a early hours of the morning during the series of closure enterorise to so absorb the surplus was booked, together with some Cross, sailed from Colon on position with the United reasing lines mutions to force through his new bill for pensions for of unenployed that used to press for an elocutionary effort at Divi the Toloa for Europe Fruit Company in Honduras.
widows and orphans. Not until he had been called to order forward and prayed to be lucky sioa 17 of the A; but when, via New York on an official three times by the Chairman did MacLean withdraw his to get a day work, a thing for the with two members of the elite, mission in connection with Madame Mamie Hightower expression.
historians. As one interested in arrived at the hall, there was only Red Cross work. She will of the Golden Brown ChemiSir Doyle, Conservative, rose to a point of order at supply and demand, also have to be found an extravagant use of visit Red Cross headquarters cal Company at Memphis, o clock to call the attention of the Chair to the position better, and it may not be tong bee illuminate the place for the use of in many European countries Tenn. is conducting a for the electrie to of the Liberal Party. His reference was to Sir Hutchison, fore the machinations of the a jattitor who was left to act of for the purpose of gaining Beauty Contest in which the only occupant of the Liberal benches, who had fallen to relegate a certain section of uformation bureau and through experience for increasing the every colored girl in America fast asleep.
workers to nothing more exalted whom we were told that Jupiter efficiency of the national may compete. At the con Lady Astor had a share in to night bickerings. Mr, than messengers and train diggers Pluvius had intervened and there organization here.
clusion of the contest Miss Greenwood, Labour, said nobody on the Labour benches be obliterated from their home would be no concert; that the made curriculum.
regular Suaday evening service Golden Brown. of America had any reserve left to help the bill Lady Astor asked: was over and the managemeat had APPRECIABLE EFFORTS Huw, when you have been deriding this bill as an General John Pershing (the girl receiving the most decided to make more definite insult to the working classes, can you honestly help it along? Pilgrim Wilkinele article in last following Sunday afternoon. This Morrow, United States dele: to Atlantic City, a 100 managed to glean from Mr. arrangements with Time for the and Brigadier General Jay votes) will receive a free trip Jack Jones, Labour, retorted; week issue of this paper that he was confirmed by Secretary Tom gates to Arica, arrived on the Trousseau and a gorgeous That one from Saucy Sue.
was congratulating our esteemed Troson whom we met in his offfce isthmus day before yesterday Hudson Super Six Coach; Mr. Milton Mna Melodramureve and their peor dowostairs, deciphering notes. The and were enthusiastically re the next four girls will each Association item Local Passengers Held Popular Appointment In Quarantine Mr Claudius Harrison of this of Wall Street. believe Mr. LL. and tomorrow evening and Panaman ofticials. The fine trip to Atlantic City with their recent success in The Prince that to be given by Barton, ceived by both Canal Zone get a 100 Trousseau and a City has been appointed a subti, Wilkin opinion is but one vote in deo volente, shall make onother two generals will sail shortly all expenses paid and the All local passengers who Court of Panama, by Decree No. that direction. The young play countrymau.
tute Judge of the 5th Municipal 20 almost unanimous opinion in effort to hear our distinguisbed on the United States Battle next forty eight girls the arrived at ristobal ;on the 35 of the 10th instant. Nr. Harri: wright effort demand attention; ship Rochester to Arica, to leader in each State. will steamship Napoli of the son is a Clerk in the law firm of they are laudable efforts and those MORE INSPIRATION.
continne their work in con each receive a glittering diaItalian Steamshiy Line on known among the members of the able. The illustration is a striking hour of valuable time duri the dispute.
Fabrega and Arias, and is well of the troupe are no less commend After spending more than an nection with the Tacna Arica mond ring.
Wednesday last were pre West Indian Community here, to one, and the lesson a thorougti one early part of the week trying to is President of the TacnaGenerel Pershing vented from landing and are whom he has endeared himself on. Mr. Garvey accepts constructive decipher bieroglyphics, struck Arica Plebiscite Commission. presented to winners of an Three gold medals to be at present detained at the account of his many sterling quali criticisms in the best spirit and upon the idea taat my contemp Balboa Quaraatine Station, ties.
then goes away and benefits there oraneous collaborator, Mr. Pil elocution contest held at the the death of a little Italian New Providence Correspondent by; quite unlike some people who grin Wilkins, while preising Mr girl having occurred on the Dr. Connor, head of La Boca Clubhouse on April Notes unavoidably crowded out businessmen and the like, overwant to become artists, bankets, Milton Jarvey and the Panama the medical clinic of Ancon 14th last under the auspices (Continued on page 8)
of this issue will appear in next. night. It takes time to do big (Contioued on page 8)
Hospital in the Canal Zone. Continued on page 8)
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    EnglandFranceInvasionSocialismWorking Class

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