
PAGE TW THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1925 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands TRINIDAD FOOT BALL.
Under the caption Round the Racing in West Indies Town the Weekly Guardian THE ATTENTION GOOD LUCK HERBS Friendly Societies and Secret Orders MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Suitable for Lodge Business Workman Stationery Store.
Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD SSSSSS was BaysThe spirit of intercolonial Action Taken to Have Controll football rivalry between Trinidad OF1 package free with each 50e order.
ing cing Body For Islands and Demerara seems firmly set Loadstone 50e; magnetic sand, 50c; things kept secret from foundation of which is a fine thing for football the world, 75c; private lessons for me in both Colonies and an except The Trinidad Guardian says example to other Cabb an Coldiums, 75e; Easi Indian spirit healing, 50e: the secret of Hindu visualization, United action in the West onies. No form of sport can look 50e: the reader of souls, 50; the Indies bas raised its head in askance at the sticulus of interpriesthood of India 5le: the drugless another direction Road to perfect health, 2: Manta Yoga. Trinidad says the colonial competition which creatIS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF 5e; a physician in the house, 50; Guardian.
five finer grass, package free with contr lling racing authorities of bealthy atmosphere of enormous int sest and guarantees various Colonies have for some success. There is a promise of each 75 order; Mantram words of power 2: the master key book, 3; time been feeling that it would stirring football in August, the signet and seal symbol rings for ladies and gents, 14 karat gold, only 20; be a great improvement if these Georgetown Footbul Olub, the lucky seven stick pin for men, 9; one was a general body controlling premier football orvantastion in package John Conquerer Root and racing in the West Indies and British Guiana, having arranged one Adam and Eve root free with each order: lucky seven ring for ladies, other acjacent countries These to visit the Colony with a strong 7; lucky seven ring for men, 8; three fe links crystallised into action, team. Several years ago tbe GF headed snake ring, 18; the underwher, op Whit Monday an revied the exchange of visits ground treasure book, 4; hair dress.
Inaugural meeting was held for and earned a good reputation by ing for ladies and gents 50e: perfume the purpose of discussing the powerful rlay against hicul team 02. 50. face cream, 50e; gloss oil 50e; possibility of forming a racing and to y were followed by face powder, 50e; greater key of Solomon, 16: the silent friend book, 25; association, as a controlling body team representing the British Egypian seerets book, 750; lesser key for racing in the West Indies, Giada Football Association of Solomon, 50, long lost friend book Bri ish Guiaca and the republic Trinidad teams hive Iso won 75e; fortune telling cards, 25; the of Venezuela. The meeting was a fame in mera ad now hold sealed book, 3; the great book of magical art. 15; the sixth and seven fai ly rep esentative one, Bar the Intercolonial Coallenge Cup books of Moses, 7e; gazing crystal, bidos, Grenada and Trinidad emblematic of the championship AT THE2 inch, with stand and instructions, being represented. The meeticg only 5; la Sphinx Hindu temple inagreed to the feasibility of the cense, i; secret of black. rt book, 1; parchment paper, 75; special ink as scheme and the Trinidad Turt JAMAICA used on parchment 15 candles all Club is to issue invitations to the colors, per dozen 75; genuine parch Turf Authorities, ment skin. 50; lilly rose vanvan, oz. 50. With any order for ten dol.
IN THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS The Post of Governor lars worth of goods at one time we will mangareal algung mga nagrade nem nd De zuela to attend a meetsend you the following goods absolutely free: package devi s, the famous 10 in July next, for the purpose seals reprinted from the six and seven oletinitely arranging for the COL SIR HERBERT BRYAN TO books of Moses, on old time parchment carrying out of the proposal. In CONTINUE TO ADMINISTER with gold ink, Fig 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; lodestone, magnet sand; also the origi.
thlist of Islands mentioned as THE GOVT.
nal lucky glass with full instructions.
those to whom invitations are Address ail Orders direct to De labeen issued, did not notice Ja Herb Agency, No 2902 ottage Grove The mica. Perhaps this is an omis Herald understand Ave. Chicago, Ill. S.
100. If it is not, trust that that advices have been received whatever difficulties may be in from the Secretary of State for May be saw from the papers the way will be swept aside, and the Colonies intimating that that seventeen me abans were tae circl in de complete by the Colonel Sir Herbert Bryan selected to practice. H9 Dame bringing in of Jamaica. Viewed in should continue to administer whatever light one may, there the Government. The peric was not among the seventeen and as his average at booting can be no doubting that the es for which Colonel Bryan will tablishment of such 80 asscuia. act as Governor is not detinitely was better than that of many of for the seventeen went to the tion on sound and proper lines known.
Militi. Offic at Ey arvo see must eventually lead to racing in It is understood that a sucCapt. Ramsay who was the Vice these parts being raised to a cessor to Sir Samuel Wilson a President of the Club. When be higher standard.
Governor of Jamaica will shortly entered the office he saw Capt.
be announced Tbe name of Recomnended for Removing the Humors of Ramsay and the Assistant AdSUCCESS OF TRINIDAD of British Guiana is mentioned Sir Graeme Thompson, Governor jutant, Mr. Sanders, the Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, latter of whom be asked it be STUDENT.
in certain quarters In last week issue of this Tetters.
could see the Captain and Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic told that he could. He approachd Brilliant University Career. journal we stated that the electRheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disthe defendant and told him that ed members had decided to take he had not seen his name among steps to urge on the Secretar: Friends and well wishers of of State for the Colonies the eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
those selected to practice. Capt.
Dr. Sidat Singh of Couva necessity of appointing a capable Ramsay looked at bim from head will be pleased to know that he administrator An Alterative recommended for purify.
to foot in a very peculiar magner a to succeed Sir has graduated Doctor of Medi Samuel Wilson here and told him that he prefered to ing and enriching the BLOOO.
cine at Howard University pected that a memorial on the see him off the Ranges, to which on the 5th June last. He had subject will shortly be for he replied that he had a perfect kraduated Bachelor of Science warded to the Colonial Ofdice.
right to be there. The Captain retorted that he would give him three years The people representative will For Sale at all Drug Stores no satisfaction and he Young Sidat Singh has had a urge that the present economic (complain ant) repli that he would refer vere distinguiseed career since situation of the island warrants he left Trinidad sx years ago. the appointment of a most casa.
And ia Large Quantities by the matter to the General who was Prespector He was at one time a pripil at the ble man at the head of the Govthe Club. He then left the office Naparima College, wbence beernment.
JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy and went downstairs to went to the Training School for the Mounted Police Guard room for Teachers of the Canadian Mission and qualified for the second Tourist Trade Board.
AGENT his bicycle. Lance Sgt. Major Holderand PC. Small were in the Class Certificate. was Headroom: Wbile putting on his master of the Exchange CM Government Favourable To School, and was a very successful bicycle clips be heard footsteps SoOXOOXOC: ostisossoxos behind him and looking around and capable teacher Its Continuation For Three he saw Capt. Ramsay behind Six years ago Sidat Singh More Years.
him with his hands uplifte, and entored Howard Univers ty and began his premedical BRITISH GUIANA the Captain said to him.
course The Herald understands that HAVE COME DOWN HERE TO which took him WO years, the Government bave requested MURDER YOU.
gaining oigh marks in each year.
the members of the Tourist Staff Officer Charged Witness stepped back and Capt After qualifying he entered Trade Development Board lo Ramsay struck him on the right the Mediesl School, wbere he continue as a Committee, th gradua ed Bachelor of Science Law setting up the organization Griminally. Regular Assortment of side of the jaw, then kave in a and Doctor of Medicine with having expired yesterday, second cuft in his mouth which First Class Honours at each barst the lips. He followed this It is KICKS AND BEATS MILITIA up with two cutta on the left şearly examination rendered valuable MAN.
sides of the nose. His right nos.
At bis tieal examination when services in the interest of the tui became blocked and had to 79 sat for the examination for the tourist trade, and it t is felt that SUCH ASbe opened on four occasions by degree. Sidat Singh came it would be a great mistake 16 it The Weekly Guardian of second with such a close shave should go out of existence recent date savs:the Doctor who was still att nding to him. Cap. Ramsay never that it was difficult to distinguish permanently. It will be nec ssary Olunu nal Interest is the spoke to bim but with teeth who was the better of the two to get a fresh Law passed and part beard case at the City men on the average. Eventually there is good reason to believe Police Court last Thursday by grinding and bacds clenched Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine continued to beat him. Capt.
th first man got an average of that such a measure will be in Magistrate McCowan of the Ramsay punched him in the head 92. per cent. while Sidat Singh troduced at the autumn session charge by Mr. Virgil Gomes, a Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, and whenever he tried to scape got an average of 91 58 per cent of the Legislative Council Bombardier of the Artillery and he would keep him back. DefendSida: Sio zb went one better, few oft the members of the member of the Local Forces however, when he won the first Board recently had an interview Rifle Club against Captain etc. etc. etc.
ant eased for a minute then rushed him again bitting off his prize tio gold coin) for his paper with the acing Governor, and as Ramsay, C, with assault iso hat and when he attempted to en Nervous and Mental Diseases stated above the Government areas to cause him actual bodily pick it up the Capt, kicked him Toe Faculty exácts seven years disposed to the proposal that the harm. It is understood that full on the right hip. After that he of continuous study to do the operation of the organization opportunity was given for an said: Well have ven you work woich Dr. Sidat Singh did should continue.
amicable settlement out of Court enough now, and left him and in six years, caining bonours and It will be remembered that at which however, it is apparent, distinctions at each early exami the last session of the Legislative was not availed of by the Captain 93 CENTRAL AVENUE returned upstairs. Neither Lance Sgt. Major Holder nor Council, a vote of 000 was of the Local Forces. On the case Small said anything but the Dr. Sidat Singh has decided to passed so that the Board could being called Mr. A. Fernandes Panama City.
former later went to the telephone du intern work at a hospital for continue its work; and if the entered appearance for the comwith bis back to witness and the one year, during which time he amount on the Estimates is plainant and Mr. Hill, Capt. He then left and went to the door and told some Mounted will sit the State Board Exami aproved by the cretary of for Capt. Ramsay. In giving bis ration. After that he will practice State for the Colonies then all evidence on oath the complainant Policemen who were approaching his profession in New York for a wil be necessary is to re enact said that he was a member of to go back. Witness wiped his lew years, and then qualify in the Law creating the Board. the Local Forces Rifle Club mouth and taking the bicycle left London for diplomas of the and at the time of the assault the compound.
British Empire. He aims at Advertise in the Workman the Club was engaged in pracspecialising is genito urinary ticing for the West Indian Cup.
During the cross examination diseasts.
it transpired that on the day of On the morning of the 19th IN THE WORKMAN, IT PAYS (Continned on page 7)
It is tx on the years ago.
Take Notice the Boara herally admitted that Ho Ro Co Famous Products Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, The Workman Printery nation.


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