
his You get good value and save money when you buy BRANCH STORE AS CHIEF RANGER Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applies, WALROND, at the office No. 33 Central tion. Correspondence on all matte very beautiful and impresA segue, Panama, de publie interest invited.
sive Ceremony of Installation of All copy for publication must be Officers was pertorced under the PO Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and This Jitney Sign LUCKY auspices of Court Paradise No.
Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of 9292 F. by Brother Alfred 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica STRIKE One Year Rouget, Senior Past Chief RangFREE Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
er assisted by brother Macaulay 6e.
Ihree We do not undertake to return reBs PCR Chief Herald, Bros 25.
ne LUCKY jected correspondence.
Jerome Conway, Edwards, STRIKE The Sign Is of baked enamel, Mc. Phunn, Septimus ன fine workmanship and can James, Alfred Smith, The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JONUIS be secured free for Cowes; Phillips, Fred Innes, A, Taylor, Regioald Norville, SATURDAY, JULY 25 1925.
Michael Giscome, Herbert Davidson, Turner, Waller, 30 Empty Packages of LUCKY STRIKE or Geo. Pierre.
THE PASSING OF PROMINENT To retiring, Bro. Chas, Wor.
60 VICTOR Cigarettes rell presented the incoming WEST INDIAN.
99 Chief Ranger (Bro. Sutton) a quet of flowers which was AT bighly appreciated by him and When, last Sunday morning in the Santo Tomas Hosthe brethron.
BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. 93 Ave. Bro. Sutton, in returning pital in this city, Benjamin Wynter breathed his last, a thanks to the brethren, partigreat and noble soul had passed away from the earthly OR cularly those of Sister Courts, scenes of life. spirit, charged with a perfect sense of said he felt very grateful for national integrity, personal responsibility and fraternal sympathy, has left its generous influence upon a sorrowing FIDANQUE HENRIQUEZ CO. ING, their presence. He dwelt on the beauty and benefits of Forestry, community which regrets to record the early end of so 102 BOLIVAR STREET. COLON and referred to the Unity that exists among them, by which active and useful a life.
means also he hoped for a sucThe West Indian colony, or rather, the whole British Save your empty packages, we have a large assortment cessful administration.
colony on the Isthmus of Panama has lost a man whose of other Premiums At the conclusion of the Cere.
mony tbe brothron repaired to patriotism and racial pride knew no limits. Instinctively the Banquet Hall, where a very combative for the honour of his country and openly pleasant time was spent. Brother defensive for the rights and interests of his countrymen, 40: SSS SOSSSSSSSSS OG. Alfred Rouget as Toastmaster Wynter allowed no semblance of antagonism to pass (Continued on page 7)
unchallenged, and all who knew him well understood that his fiery disposition was positively untarnished with Holy Baptism a.
rancour or prejudice.
Matins and addres 11 am. Wynter always employed sledge hammer deA. Hunter. Officient)
mnouncements uport insularity and disloyalty. While he was Church School p.
sen true son of Jamaica he always proved himself to be suChoral Evensong and sermoa, 30 pm fica. nely a West Indian. In this way his broad sympathies Preacher The Rector for him a place of warm affection in the hearts of Mid Week service; Wednesday 30 Sefiends and acquaintances whose number is legion and T. MULCARE, Rector, who hail from the various island possessions of Great St. Barnabas Church, Empire Britain in the Caribbees.
itany. Holy Eucharist and Sermon.
That B: Wynter was respected by many of the high 10. 45 Celebrant and preacher. officials of Panama is a fact of unnecessary utterance. His Church Sehuol, and Confirmation class erudite but simple proclivities always assured him of ready at p. acceptance with the authorities of the Goverment with Choral Evensong and addrese p.
Mr. Johnson (Officient)
whom he frequentiy treated on matters pertaining to the. AT THEJ. MULCARE Priest in Charge interests of his countrymen, and who were always ready to supply him with every possible information regarding St. Barthomew s, Church the laws of the land and their application, in a general way, LAS CASSADAS.
to West Indians domiciled here: Morning Prayer, and addrese 11.
Church School and Confirmation Class The highest value of the life of Wynter is known at 30 only to the members of the West Indian Committee in this OF THE Evening Prayer and address p.
city with which body be has held uninterrupted connection Mr. Siseca (Officient)
during its past eight years of official attachment to the T MULCARE Priest in Charg British Legation in Panama. Once, as Secretary, he demSt Jude Mission, Summit.
onstrated untiring interest in the activities of the CommitChurch School 30 tee, allowing no personal interest to divert his attention Evening Prayer and Address p.
from the exacting duties of the office. His debates at the (Mr. Brathwaite (Officient)
sessions of the Committee were always fired with true Corner Street, No. and Central Avenue MULCARE, Priest in chance.
patriotic zeal, and when the quivering tones of his voice rang through the meeting hall all present knew that the high St. Simon Mission, Gamboa notes of national pride had been touched in a chord of GREAT REDUCTION Matins and address. 11 a.
sincere devotion.
Church School and Confirmation Class Wynter was fully conversant with the political affairs of the British Government and especially win those Evening Prayer and address p. Mr. N, McCarty Officient)
phases of Government policy that affected the colonies. MULCARE, Priest in Charge This familiarity with the politics of his mother country and his knowledge of the needs of Jamaica gained for him election as a member of the abortive Jamaican Delegation to Wesleyan Methodist Church (BRITISH CONFERENCE. England, a few years ago. Although this delegation never left the shores of Jamaica, his election as a member was Church Services. Panama 11 a, tn, Mr, Harris; 30 Rev. Wade, Subject proof of the appreciation of his political ability and evidence of contidence in his honour as a worthy representative of Sour Grapes AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH Colon 11 a. Harris; 30 his people. Anglican Communion Mr. Jones Although still a young man, the cares of domestic life Seventh Sunday After Trinity La Bocs 11 a. Mr. K, Walters.
and the unfaltering concentration upon the problems affect7. 30 Mr, Louie Lind.
St. Paul Church, Panama ing the progress of his race produced upon him the impresJEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP New Providence 11 a. Mr. Bratbsion of premature age, and it is a matter of general regret Corner 12 Street East Avenue (Rev, Nightengale, Rector) waite.
Paraiso 11 a. Rev. RER. Wade.
that so purposeful a life has not been spared to a greater a. Holy Communion (Communion) 30 Mr. Martin age.
But in this short life he performed a great and noble 10. 15 a. Matins, Euopire a. Mr, Headley 3p.
10. 30 a. Holy Eucharist sermot Rev. Wade (Cummunion. Service to his country and to his countrymen.
We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also The Rev Nightengale.
Wynter did not believe in the abusive policy of noisy watches. Our prices are the lowest and our 12 Holy Baptism would be Negro leaders who infest our community and Workmanship is guaranteed. p. Church Bebool, The Salvation Army whose ignorant and loud mouthed braggadocia has earned 30 Cboral Evensong, sermonOur rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you (Rev. Cowan, PANAMA CITY CORPS.
for them the disgust and opprobrium of the better element may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may Services for Sunday are as follows: of their own race and the scorn and contempt of those of another. Neither was he a coward. He had, at all times, desire, provided the monthly payments of Early March and Prayer MeetSt. Alban Church, Paraiso ing.
the moral courage to call wrong and injustice by their interest are duly met.
10 a. Children Directory Meeting proper terms. well poised mind, a stalwart disposition Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, and Brigade United Open Air Meeting and an invuinerable will were the constituents of his amibe pleased.
Priest in Charge 11 am. Holiness Meetingable character which shone as brilliantly in his platform 11 a. Matins and address, To be conducted by Commandant orations as in his journalistic productions.
Mr. Osborne. Catechist.
As a member of the colored race he proved himself a p. m, Church School and Confirmap. Y, Company meeting and tion Clase.
Brigade. Open sir.
true man. While holding tenaciously to his personal cun7. 30 Choral Evensong sermon p. Junior Open Air.
victions, he ever showed a profound respect for the convicRev. A, Nighten gale, 45 m. separate Brigade Open Air tions and opinions of others, and his entire life on the Meeting St, Matthias Mission p Salvation Meeting, in the Hall Isthmus is correctly computed as one of self sacrifice in the LAS BABANAS To be conducted by Commandant cause of the racial advancement of his people. What he (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, Martin, has succeeded in accomplishing has been wrought in the face of tremendous odds and discouragements, and what he IN THE WORKMAN, IT PAYS Prieet in Charge p. Church School.
Salvation Army Hall.
has failed to perform must be viewed from the standpoint 30 Evensong and address LA BOCA (PS of the human limitations with which the genius and faculties of all men are bound.
We pay our token of respect and tribute of love to one 5, 30. m, Knee Drill who in ilfe was a briliant luminary in the constellation of St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca 11 a. Holinee Meeting, Wynter is gone, but his spirit will live on in the West Indian intelligence in this country, and whose every p. Sunday School. American Episcopal) 30 Open Air.
memory of every loyal Britisher who knew him and will action was fraught with the spirit of generosity and good Seventh Sunday After Trinity 30 Salvation meeting.
supply an inspiration with which all great objects are will. friend of all and an enemy of none. Requiescat Holy Communion 30 a. celebrant, We extend cordial invitaton to ali pursued.
in pace. the Rector. Continuedon page The American Bazaar IN PRICES El Excelsior We Buy and Sell Pearls ADVERTISE


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