
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1925 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres finger CANAL ZONE NOTES spoke appreciative ls of wedlock, Excursion Train Among chosen ATLANTIC SIDE and in bis usual masterly way Celebration of 40th Rave very inspiring address therefrom. exborting the TeaAnniversary chers and scholars to run with Farewell Service patience the Christian race as set forth in the two verses.
Of the Marriage of Mr. and Chaplain Ramsdon, who will Mrs. Smythe.
FOR CHAPLAIN DEIBERT succeed Chaplain Deibert, was also on the platform, and was CECILIA On Sunday July 12th at P. introduced by the Chairman as On Sunday afternoon the 12th AMERICA instant, at their home in the ADthe Cristobal Colon Baptist the one who will fill Chaplain con Hospital grounds, Mr. and Church was the scene of a very School Deibart shoes, and the entire (PANAMA. COLON)
gave, hearty clap.
Mrs. Smythe, entertained interesting and impressive SerTODAY SATURDAY, July 25th Chaplain Ramsdon in respond TODAY. Saturday July 25th, vice, when the Primary, Inter: pointed out that he would not be some of their friends and welland TOMORROW Sunday July 26th Richard Talmadge in wishers at a dinner. This was in mediate and Senior Departments celebration of tbe marriage of of the Sunday Schocl jɔlped in able to fill Chaplin Diebert Colleen Moore in LAUGHING AT DANGER tbe bost and hostess on Sunday, united Farewell Service for shoes as their siz differ by SALLY July 12, 1885. In the town of Chaplalo Ralph Deibert of about inches. laughter)
but was TOMORROW. Sunday July 26th Montego Bay, Jamaica. The folFort Davis, who will shortly be indeed glad to be present at so MONDAY, July 27th Richard Dix in lowing were the guests: Mr. and enjoyable Service, and hinted Ver toe Canal Zone for the bis willingness to at any time Ricardo Cortex in MAN MUST LIVE Mrs. Moulton, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Bennett, Mr. Wm. Garnett, respond to the call of the Sunday The Chairman for the afternoon School. THE CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS MONDAY, July 27th Mrs. John Dixon and daughters, was Pastor Thrift, who after the Mesdames Seeley, Chandler opening exercises, spoke in die that Binds Our Heaats In The closing song, Blest be the TUESDAY, July 28th Doris Kenyon in Stanley, Edwards, Rowland Charles Jones in glowing terms of the great ser: Christian Lore was followed by THE LAST MOMENT Brown, Llewellyn, and vice rendered to the Sunday Prayer by the Superintendent. HONOR AMONG MEN Rose, Misses Dennis and School by the Chaplain, who Mr. N. Drummond, wbich TUESDAY, July 28th Goffe, Messrs. Mills, Pyle, during bis stay on the Canal WEDNESDAY, July 29th and Whyte.
The last named Zone has been the special speak. brought the afternoon service TUNNEY GIBBONS FIGHT PICTURE acted as toastmaster.
to a close.
Perey Marmont in as toastmaster.
er at the Quarterly Evangelistic Services of the Sunday School. THE MAN LIFE PASSED BY WEDNESDAY, July 29th Speeches congratulatory of the successful union of the host He eulogized the Chaplain Colleen Moore in willingness at all CRICKET.
times to ard hostess throughout this THURSDAY, July 30th SALLY period of years were made Richard Dix in respond to the call of the Sunday by Mesdames Moulton, Dixon, School, pointing out that through MAN MUST LIVE THURSDAY, July 30th and Stanley, and Messrs. Moul his etforts several of the children Interesting Match Abandontoo, Pgle, Bennett, Mills and have been led to take a definite Ricardo Cortez in ed Through Rain.
FRIDAY, July 31st Whyte. The speakers showed stand for Christ. Following the Chairman remarks was Doris Kenyon in THE CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS preference for the old woman very and the old customs leading up interesting program consisting What promised to have been THE LAST MOMENT FRIDAY, July 31st to and during marriage, and of Solos, Duets and Recitation, one of the greatest struggles of Charles Jones in deplored (especially with respect by scholars of the Sunday the season and among the most SATURDAY August 1st and School. Special mention must interesting matches in the his HONOR AMONG MEN to this community) the present SUNDAY, Angust 2nd day tendency which is bringing be made of the Recitation, My tory of cricket on the Atlantic this institution the cradle of Psalm by Miss Winnie Brown, side the cup match of Sunday THE GREAT DIAMOND MYSTERY SATURDAY, August 1st civilized society more and more who is the Star Reciter of the the 19th inst. between West and Perey Marmont in into disrepute. Many of the School; the Solo, The Beautiful End and Wanderers sudKEITH VAUDEVILLE THE MAN LIFE PASSED BY dangers affecting modern marGarden Of Prayer by Miss denly terminated and was abanried life was touched upon. Mr.
Viola Noble, witb Mandolin doned at about 30 Sanythe gave a brief outline of he accompaniment Mr.
by A: Noble.
the existence of their union. He Wandered to bat on a bowl.
won the toss and Miss Kathleen Noble MIS sent West rezretted be had to admit some at dhe cmarus was pu presentants er wickets. Baptister and the wrong doing on his own part, and Coorus by pupils of but was proud be could not lifet a Clarke to face Chambers, who is the Organof accusation against ist for thy School, with little Miss bowling of Reid and Captain McDonald Runs came slowly, balMrs. Smythe Iris Charlton at the Organ, was nevertheless, 16 runs were up enjoyed by all. The Ferewell before Baptiste was clean bowl.
and said sbe bought one reason Address was read by the Secreed by Reid, and from then La Boca Pars. for their success was that she tary, Mr. Duffus, following wickets fell quickly up to the had made it rula not to which, beautiful Schofield fall of the 8th wicket. Gene.
into the blues when the old Bible with the Chaplain nametesu then went in and demon beautifully ingraved in gold on strated some good cricket in LABOR DAY, MONDAY SEP. R. Clan McKenzie of Panama was that way, that she alway the cover, was presented to him the course of which he sent city, winner of the first prize in the regarded berself as playing the last elocution contest beld by the son of the home. spoke in well secord fiddle. Mr. Saythe, by Miss Iris Charlton, and a Haucky to the rail for a boquet of flowers banded to Mrs. most unusual thing. He played From Panama to Colon and return La Boca Athenaeum, was a visitor come of the kuests.
Deibert. The Chaplain in a few Reid go confidently that the to that society on Tuesday evening other things he said he was words thanked tbe last. Mr. McKenzie was once presi proud of th example set him School for the beautiful gift, shook hands with him when he latter like a true sportsman dent of the society when it was by his par ots, and he hoped UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE promising that wherever he successfully played one of his under the name of La Boca that himself and went he would be sure to take it nee wife would GRAND UNITED ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS Literary Society special deliveries. Geneteen follow in those footsteps.
The along with him inning brought 17 runs. Everytoastmaster, although at the CRISTOBAL COLON BAPTIST body sympath zed with Myers On Tuesday evening last the outset had pleaded not guilty SUNDAY SCHOOL who apparently suffering from Train leaves Panama 15 a. with stops at Balboa Athenaeum held its first meeting to being a society man, and conexcess of zeal got stumped. The 12th July, 1925. stand of the day was taken when Heights, Red Tank aud Pedro Miguel, returning under the newly elected Officers. sequently not suited to the posiDear Chaplain Delbert, mock trial in which only children tion, kept thioga in pretty bright at the fall of the ninth wicket leaves Colon p, will take part will be given by the shape, and everyone seemed As we meet this afternoon, it for 63 runs, Lynton batting society in the early part of satisfied with him.
is bard to realize that it will be with Mootoo defied the bowlnext month. Mr. W, Reynolds The refreshments were varied your last visit to us. We asing of McDonald, Reid, The management guarantees there will be no conis in charge of this activity.
as well as toothsome.
Ouicers, Teachers and Scholars Clarke, Hamilton, and others, gestion. All will be comfortably seated Mr, Smythe, senior, bas been ou the Cristobal Colon Baptist at which point the rain interThrough an error, it was re an employee of the Ancou HospiSunday School, therefore take vened, resulting in the abandonthis opportunity to express to ment of the game with Lynton REFRESHMENTS ON SALE FROM THE STARTported in last week issue that tal since September 1904. He is Ladies Night under the one of the few staid and dependyou our bigu appreciation of 41 pot out, and Mootoo not out.
your continued services to our ING OFF UNTIL THE RETURN auspices of the La Boca. Panama able landmarks amongst the It is obevious that West End District of the Panama Canal West older West Indians in this com school. Ву your quarterly visits, is fighting hard for supremacy Indian Employees inmunity.
Get your train Tickets early to avoid the rush He is said to be in bis you bave endeared yourself to in cricket on the Isthmus, and the children, and many of them such determination on their would be held at the Community 66th year, and his wife in her have cause to thank God, that part is sure to add more interest Hall on Friday night last It 70th, but each is looking about There are you have been used to should have been next Friday 15 years younger.
lead night the 31st instant. The pro 1935 they may give their friends good indications that on July 12, them to Christ.
gam on this occasion promises to Your addresses have always Fixtures for the succeeding The members will been cheery and forceful; you Schedule of Cup Matches to months, it is understood. are through th: principal streets of members of the District have been march be a very another spread and a good time.
interesting one, 28 bave faithfully striven and have be Played. beld in abeyance in view of the the city, headed by the Boys distributing invitations from early parents and guardians will help to been successful in bringing tbe anticipated rainy weather which Iostitute Band, and on return to this week. The District Chairman dispose of ese and so help in children to a definite decision is generally experienced at this the ball addresses will be informs the correspondent for this giving the kiddies a very good time You have always been most ready Following is the scbedule of time of the year.
Clubs are delivered.
section that the number of written at Christmas to respond to the call to serve us. Cup matches to be played up to therefore requested to keep invitations are found to be in Your visito have always been the end of September.
themselves in readiness to acsufficient for the number of ladies looked forward to with asure notices to play, when July 26th. Kent vs Westmore possible, until it is practicable to y Society No. 2, will bold its 3rd desires to see at the Community citis, in Ancon Hospital, turned The St. Ann Catholic Friend and their husbands whom Miss Florie Cole, who underwent by all, and it is with our deep land at Gatun.
he a successful operation for appendiregret that you are so soon leav.
August 2nd, Sussex vs West make further publication: Anniversary tomorrow evening Hall next Friday night, and he is home on Wednesday feeling much ing us. We assure you we shall at Liberty Hall, 8th Street and asking those who receive written improved.
never forget your service of love. End at Sussex oyal Hudson Lane, commencing at invitations to also invite their and will ever remember you in August 9th, Wanderers vs Vic At a meeting of the Cricket o clock. Ao enjoyable time is friends and neighbours, All will be our prayers, and pray that toria at Victoria oval.
Council beld on Friday night the anticipated.
welcome. The program, as far as It is learned that Miss Estelle wherever the path of service August 16th, Pickwick vs 17th icstant it was decided that may tind you, you will continue Kent at Victoria oval.
cup matches which bave been practicable, will be rendered by the Jackson will be leaving here shortly to be used of God to the salvageatler sex, and they also will be for the United States Miss Jackson The Peerless August 16th, Westmoreland washed out would not be played Quartette of allowed to express, briefly, their is well known in social circles and tion of souls.
vs Silver City at Mt. Hope oval again in any case, bat would be Colon, consisting of Messrs. views. Three addresses will be is one of the pupils of Teacher We desire that you may be abandoned.
August 23rd, West End va Lowe, Savage, Facey and delivered, as follows: The Asso Ellis Shorthand and Typewriting spared many many years and Westmoreland at Victoria oval. Thomas is being enlarged ciation in relation to women and Class. She has submitted, that you may be bappily settled August 23rd, Kent ve Wap.
in your new sphere of labour. derers at Gatun.
News Notes into a glee club and is soon to be young people by Mr. Windsor several other pupils in a recent heard by the Colon public.
Boyd, How our women may examination, specimen in Pitman It is not likely that you may August 30th, Westmoreland help to advance the interest phonography, to the Examination pass this way again, but when vs Sussex at Mount Hope.
All religious services and Misses Edna and Grace Surof the Association. by President Department, Pitman Institute, lite journey is over, we hope to meet again in glory, when we August 30th, Victoria vs Pick other activities of Sunday eye: geon, daughters of Rev. Whyte of the Association. Bath, England, with a view to ning the 19th Instant in Colon Surgeon of Colon lefe for Costa national and communal life. by The influence of women in securing Theory Certificate.
sball realize the greatness of wick at Victoria oval.
were completely wasbed out by Rica via Bocas del Toro on Mr. Hunter.
your service to us.
September, 6th Wanderers vs a shower of rain which began at Thursday the 16th inst. They Gold medals for winners of the We cannot repay you, but ask Silver City at Victoria oval.
about 30 and lasted until intend to spend one week with elocution contest held under the you to accept as a small token of September 6th, Kent vs Sussex 10 o clock. It started as a mere their father who is now in The District is also arranging for auspices of the La Boca Athenaam our esteem the gift of a Schofiela at Gatan oval.
drizzie, and increased in intensi Cartago, and return in about a secular concert to be held at the at the Clubhouse co aprile 14th Bible, September 6th, Westmoreland ty as the evening wore op, weeks time.
Community Hall on the 21st of last arrived day before yesterday, We are yours sincerely, on vs Pickwick at Mt Hope.
During a storm on the voyage next month. The proceeds from President De Souza of the Athenabebalf of the Sunday School.
September 13th, Victoria Vs Sgd: DUFFUS, West End at Victoria oval.
The corner stones of the pew last week Captain Bruce Surgeon this entertainment will go towards eum advises. The Management St. Joseph college near the was struck on his face by light a fuod to furnish this year Christ Committee of that society bas Secretary September 13th, Silver City vs corner of 9th and Streets ning, but was not badly burnt. mas treat for the children. It will called a meeting for seven o clock Kent at Mt. Hope.
were laid on Sunday morning be remembered that the District sharp, at the Clubhouse, this DRUMMOND, September 20:h, Victoria vs the 19. Appropriate addresses British Consulate Notice the kiddies feel happy last Christments in csenection with a pio: took a prominent part in makin evening to make definite arrangeSuperintendent, Westmoreland at Victoria oval, were delivered and the Munich Approved.
The British Consul at September 20th, Pickwick vs pal Band was in attendance.
Colo mas and it is the Chairman desire gram to be rendered on the night REY, THRIFT, Wanderers at Mt. Hope.
would be glad of information as to to improve upon last year cont of the presentation of the medals.
September 27th, West End ys the present whereabouts of one bution. Admission to this concert It is believed that this funtion will big parade, to celebrate the Isaac Reid, recently a resident of has been tixed at twenty five cents take place either on the first or a He then opened his new Bible Kent at Victoris oval.
anniversary of the UNI 8: Colon, who is stated to be em for adults and ten cents for children second Tuesday evening in next and read the 1st and 2nd verses September 27th, Sussex vs Street Colon is planned to take ployed on board one of the vessels and tickets will be on sale in the month.
from the 12th chapter of Hebrews, Silver City at Sussex oval. place this evening at o clock. using the Panama Canal, next few days. It is hoped that Continued on page 8)
and liberal as Association to the game.


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