
Eg Initiation and Installation ALBOA Up to date Jewelry EST belore me.
EER 21 from Morning Star Ligi Fuller Jewelry Store REWED Host. Well Doer REMEMEER!
British Finance And o Commerce OF STAR OF GUIANA LODGE London Correspondent writ.
No. 16, ing in June says: As find some of the newspaOn July 11 the general meeting pers at present more than usual was called to order by Bro ly pessimistic about the financial Draton, Gilkes M; and commercial prospect baye Irisb, Secretary, Regis, Assis taken the last nine Available tant Secretary, Howard, Tres industrial reports and propose aurer, Agard, Bayne, to examine them. It is perhaps acting Blanchard, Indoor In every form can be seen necessary to point out that the Guard. Dasherville, Chaplain here at its best See our terms inancial rain and Ford Host, and Bratb bankruptcy have been used waite Tyler.
Wrist Watches by certain newspapers and it is After the special part of its also useful to remember that transactions, the Lodge was Bracelets, lace is now to enjy prot ction Draped in the colours of Initiaand there is a question about the tion and the two following Gºn Diamond Rings iron and steel trade. Toese tlemen Mr. Samuel. Irish. And facts give point to the examinaMr. Marcelino Arias, was whirled and a hundred other adorntion of the reports oft into the mysteries of Mechan.
The first report deals with the ism by Bro. Draton and his ments and you ll recognize trading year of a firm of textile staff, assisted by Bro. Inness, why this is the LEADING machinists and calliery owhers. Weeks. Bayne, Atkins, JEWELRY HOUSE in town The dimensions of its business Star of Guiana IG Bros: may be gatbered from the net Forde, Hutson, and Stewart, ask prices and you ll find still profit: 216 859 and the amount from Ionic Lodge Bro: another reasonbrought forward 118, 484. It is Francis, Clarke, and Mingo.
in fact a large firm suitering, in fact, like most industrial and Jordon from King firms which deal with textil Solomon Lodge.
Phone 629 machinery or manage collieries.
After the cermony Bro. 122 Central Ave.
It has had a bad year and is Draton sealed Bros: Irish and paying 10 per cent. But it has Arias into the links of Mechanto be recorded that the shares ism and deputed Bro E, Atkins were reorganis and the return as for the purpose of inis certainly small.
stalling into their respective of fices tbe following Officers for th Anotber report comes from a colliery huge iron, steel and ensuicg term: Bros: Gilkes, E; Johnson, Innis fin Last year its profit Secretary, Cain Assistant amounted to 74, 743 and at the Secretary, Howard Treasurer; time was the highest figure This recorded for the firm, Weeks, D; Blanebard.
JD; Bellgrave, Indoor Guard, year the profit is nearly 60. 000 Brathwaite Tyler, Dashhigher. It is paying dividend erville Chaplain. And Forde upon the ordinary shares of ten per cent free of income tax and carrying forward nearly a quarBro Atkins made an address ter of a million. Wbat is anyone to his audience and selected bis DRio SLOAN LINIMENT to in fer from these two reports. grand Officers which are as The first, considering the reconfollows: Bros; T. Ford, pains and aches than any strption of shares, is not do.
from Io: ic LODGE Clarke, other known remedy: that is why thousands of people the 11g well; the second can dispose Grand Secretary, Mingo. GJ. world over call it pain D. from Morning Star Lodge, Din early a million pounds ster enemy.
link in profits and appears to be Hutson, Grand Treausurer, Rheumatism, sciatica, stiff marcaing tiom record to record.
Stewart, Grand Indoor Guard, neck, sore and tired muscles, Tae business of the two firms from lonic Lodge, Mckay, lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis, is not gravely different a conGS. from light of the Isthmus sprains and bruises are inStantly relieved by siderable part of it is as similar Lodke. Lindsay. Grand SLOAN LINIMENT as anything not identical can be.
Chaplain, from Loyal Sojournal None legitimate without portrait and olgnature of Toe one inference which seems to be justitied is that it is the Bro Akine with bis stalls detail that matters detail of performed the Ceremony, install management, detail of finance.
iog into their respective offices At all drurists and dealers.
But it no one would say Bro Gilkes, and his staffs.
these industries are booming, And to all visiting Brothers et SLOAN can anyone say they are on our Sister Lodges who has bepe LINIMENT the verge of ruin? And if it us through our initiation insti.
appeared justifiable to speak of lation, we the members of the Star decline with regard to the first, of Guiaua Lodge No. 16 what must be said with regard to the second? Caution would welcome you while our doors United States of America zuggest that we attribute decline will be thrown open at all times CANAL ZONE to receive you.
to companies rather than to indusvries Ali communication pertaining to the Star of Guiana Lodge No. In the United States Distric But take another report, that 16 are remitted to of a large textile machine works.
William Inniss ScCourt of the Canal Zone, The profit is about 150. 000 and ne ordinary dividend ten per retary, Pedro Miguel, Canal Balboa Division at Ancon cent. This is lower than in recent Zone, Box No. 235.
Canal Zone.
years when there were bonus distributions. In the year 1922 DR. HOFFMANN CIVIL No. 716 23 there was also a 25 per cent Notice of Pendency of Suit share bonus. There is neither share nor bonus this time, but Has removed his clinic to ten per cent is surely bot negli6 No. 39 Central Avenue. En.
CECIL MARKLAND Pluin tif gible.
VS. fourth report refers to the trance between La Mascota MARION MARKLAND, Defendant year trading of an iron and and Chong Kee Store.
steel merchants. This is a much smaller concern that the other TO MARION MARKLAND three and the balance sheet WILKINSON GREETINGS: sbows loss of 7, 459. The dimensions of this loss may be TAKE NOTICE Contractor gathered from the fact that it That on the 9th, day of July, would represent about per cent and Builder 1925, the above named Cecil on the ordinary sbares But the Markland, filed firm has made full provision for you in the United States District depreciation and for income tax, House No. 20 Court, District of the Canal Zone, and no more can be inferred Balboa Division at Ancon, Canal tban that it bas struck a bad 28th NOV. STREET, Zone, praying for a decree of divorce year. Four years ago it gave a Vinculo Matrimonii, according to SAN MIGUEL sbare bonus of 33. 3. per cent.
on the preference and 100 per Box 411, Panama, said Marion Markland, shall perNow, therefore, unless you the cent.
on the ordinary shares. fifth report deals the sonally appear before the United working of a Velvet Catters Plans and Specifications Free States District Court of the Canal Last year it paid 24 Zone, at Ancon, Canal Zone on or per cent upon the ordinary First Class Workmanship before the 21st day of August, shares. This year it has declared 1925 and plead, answer or demur to 25 per cent and it carries forward Guaranteed the said complaint, the matters and only a little less than last year.
things therein charged and stated It is only a small firm as com: will be taken as confessed, and a pared with the first three decree you accordmentioned; but no one would be able to suggest that it is not GOOLSBY.
doing well.
Taking those Clerk, United States District Court: reports bap HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA hazard the next is that of a large DAVID LEON, CANAL ZONE.
ironworks. Its profit is the Attorney for plaintiff.
largest realised since the year Office Hours: a. to p. 1920 21. The dividend declared large iron mpany has beer assumption of a general depress. Baptism at Chiva Chiva to p.
upon the ordinary shares is ten harder hit by the depression in ion. With two exceptions one per cent free of tax. It has paid the coal, coke and iron trades. showing a poor and one an excelThere will be a baptism ser DAILY larger dividends and there have Last year was a good one. The lent record. they all deal with PHONE 1288 BALBOA LIBERTY HALL been sbare bonuses. But the present which allows of a divid much the same sort of business. vice at the Buelab Church at 29 Street, Panama present year can hardly be end of only per cent on the Most of them have such splendid Chiva Chiva to morrow, Sunday ordinary sbares is poor, records behind them that the July 26th, also Elder Francis ENGLISH CLASSES The seventh report is that of a present position must seem to be will preach his farewell service Specializes in all the branches The last report is that of a firm poor. But this merely bears out there at 11 am. and at the somewbat similar firm which of Portland Cement manufactur what suggested some time ago He will be leaving on the 28th Dentistry by Day and by Night are Bethlehem Church at 15 declares a five per cent dividend ers which in paying five perce to shat the depression is really re Instant for the purpose ot lose him for that time, anyway now opened for the on the ordinary shares. It is not upon the ordinary shares seems to lative and not absolute.
Summer good as a higher yield is now be improving after a run of lean attending the convention which we are glad that he is going to For particulars apply on the spot to given by gilt edged securities. years. If these reports are con Advertise in the Workman takes place on the 10th to the represent the churches from sidered it will BARTON, D, 18th inclusive. We are glad that here, may God keep and proing out of business. Another that no case can be made for toe IT PAYS. he is going, but we are sorry to tect bim.
Principal, House Rent Receipt Books Dobarlllloon (PAIN ENEMY)
SPANISH ENGLISH Order Books Secretary and Treasurer For Friendly Soceties CAN BE HAD AT with The Workman tirm Stationery Store Dentist Howell love to the prayer of enia petition.
Private Academy unsuccessful.


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