
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 25 1925 PAGE SEVEN VIGOR TONIC HAND IRONERS Wanted JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy, ESPERANZA LAUNDRY JOB. PRINTING DESPATCH WORKMAN PRINTERY The Workman BOOK STORE Interesting West. appreciated at the conclusion 09350x50 cosetes Court Paradise Installs The best Tonic in the World (Continued from page 4)
opened up the function in his usual intelligent and happy style and called upon Bro. Walters This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend of Court Pacitie to deliver the trast to His Majesty the King Oa ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, this Brother Walters made a very Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up lucid and impressive address.
a run down constitution.
The British Nation be said, claims the goodwill and admiration of It promotes digestion, improves the appeevery right thinking person. tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system There is truth that the suo never sets on the British Flag. The DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or APPLY AT good wishes that are being ex4 times a day.
tended from time to time to the King of England are warranted expression; for the underlying principles of the British Nation www www are Peace, Justice, and Goodwill.
The British Government upholds the freedom its people; so that if the King is loved, it is because Xoose SOKSOSOK SOS. So sexsexo the principles of Jutice are ex tended by the nation of which he PROF. A, INYANG is the head. Despite all criti cisms, England is the ideal Kingdom of the world today. The Great occult. Latest master essentially democratic principles of that empire put it in the front mind of South Africa. Master rak. No one attached to the British Empire would denounce of mystic science. Can help is entirely, for be would know that, in comparison with others you in case you are suffering tha Union Jack stands for fairplay and love that the King Of every description dom is ideal. so that Britishers in love, in business or other affairs would all sing to its praise. At of human interest.
the conclusion of this very DONE WITH NEATNESS AND appropriate discourse the brethren all drank to the success Consultatior, in person or write for price of the British Empire, and sang list. Stric ly confidential God Save The King.
On the President and Repub Address: 206 129th St. New York City, lic of Panama. Brother Alfred AT THE Snitb, of Court Mizpab dwelt at length on the peculiar privileges that West Indians and others enjoy und the Panamanian flag; that the esident is always ready and CALL IN AT willing to adjust any grievar ce brought by dwellers here. He referred to the bospitality and the commendable educational system of the Government, Those who study the system of will CHURCH SERVICES Panama, Arosemena Street, House 25, San Miguel Gospel meetings at bis address, amid 11. 30 and 30 Sunday (Continued from page 4)
cheers, the brethren drank tbe No. 93, Central Avenue School at 3p. Meeting on (Continued from page 2) beaith of the President of Tuesday evenings 15 the occurrence the complainant Panama.
Seventh Day Adventist Church Bro. Albert Pessoa, consulted Mr. Hill and there Brother Samuels, of STREET CALIDONI ROAD ASSORTMENT OF upon Mr. McCowan very proper Court Brock, Eulogised the (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
Bethlehem Church of God ly declined to proceed and Mr. Order of Forestry and congrataHill GOOD withdrew. Complainant lated Court Paradise for her STATIONERY Holiness Sunday Evening 30 Preachcounsel unwilling to embarrassindumpitable efforts in assisting ing Service. The general public is No, MARIANO AROSEMENA st. defendant a qu esced to a post to promulgate the Order. Ha cordially invited to turn out in large SOUVENIRS, SAN MIGUEL ponement as suggested by the spoke at length on the bords of cumbers.
Magistrate to give opportunity fraternity, and conveyed the Babbath (Saturday) 945 a. SabSunday o clock Prayer Meeting for the accused getting anotber Rood Wishes of Court Brok conduct counsel the bath Sebool: 11. 15 General Worship Elder Francis of bis (the Mother Court on the Istb12 noon Holy Communion 11 am. Divine Service Preacher. defence. Supplied mus. In concluding the Bril.
always 30 pm. Spanish Class; liant speech, all cheered to the make his administration suc the frateroity would 20 Society, meeting. p. w, Sunday School, Superintengood old Court Brock. The cess and invited the Coop ratioa adhere to these principles.
Negro Scientist Honoured at Ancient Order of Foresters ng of all the PC. s and members.
The Toastmaster thanked the 53 Junior and Senior Standard p. Farewell Message and ComBro. Alfred Rouget (Toast Bro. Jerome Conway repre brethren for their presence, of a tainment Class p. Vespers.
munion, Elder Francis, Preacher. Southern Exposition was weil represented. senting Court Mizpah was lis service and happy expressions Cordial invitation to all.
He spoke of the very ofticient tened to with rapt attention. He and called on Brother Jas.
Seventh Day Adventist Church Tuesday 30 pm. Gospel Service.
management by the Executive reviewed the History of Court Innis and Treasurer to Thursday 30 Sister meeting CARVER PROCESS OF OB Council. Districts and Courts. Paradise and expressed the make the closing address.
ård STREET BROADWAY, COLON TAINING PIGMENTS FROM That the Executive Couocil was pleasure behaviour of our breth Brothat Saturday 30 Choir Rehearsal CLAY EXPLOITED AT GRANU a Power in Eagland, and its ren around the festive board. tism and devotion bave made the Service You are cordially invited to No efficiency in carrying out the in closing his remarks on the what it is today the Order attend these services and bring your Elder FRANCIS, CENTRAL PALACE, work ot the Order was incom universality of Forestry and the could be counted on for efficiency friends, Pastor in charge.
parable; that during the great benevolent principlos of the and Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabbath never failing BEULAH 830 a. Baptism Serschol; 11. 15 sm. General Worship não exbibit of dyes, pigments War, the Foresters made great order. He wished the Court and and safety that it holds out true vice. Elder Francis, and cosmetics, abtained from sacritice on behalf of the Empire, newly installed Chief Ranger mankind; and that it brings us 30. a. Young people meeting 10 a Farewell Meessage and Com clay combinations, through pro that service and sacrifice were success. On the Sister Courts closer to a higher sphere of life.
Continuing cesses indented by Professor commendable, and that it is Bro. Fred Innis, paid tbe 30 pm Vespero speaker dwelt on munion p. Sunday School, Superinten George Carver, the Negro through bard work, strict atten due regards o the other Courts the obligations of the Order: to dent. 30 zn. Gospel Service, Preacher chemist at the head of the labo tion to duty with Charity in and expressed his delight for alleviate distress; to help the Baptist Churches Bro. Watson and ratories experimental view why the Ancient Order of the Unity that exists among widow and orphans, and its GAMBOA MISSION p. Mis station of Tuskeveo Institute, Foresters stands first in the them that they were all one practice of Benevolence and (Under the auspices of the Southern was featured recently at the world of Friendly Societies. family and hoped that the exist Charity. We ought to rejoice Baptist Convention. sion School; p Gospel Address Southern Industrial Exposition, ing friendship may continue, know that we are connected to Bro. Small.
Brother Sam Merrit of in Grand Central Palace, Visitors Colon. 11 a. Tencber Drummond an Order which stands for Replying Bro. McPhunn of liberty and right; that we should Court Mizpah was greeted with Note Other Services for the week were reminded of the 5, 000. 000 applause on rising to respond to Court Minerva said thated consider ourselves, the sons of p. Mrs. Thrift Gatun 11 a. Teacher Webster; will be made from the pulpit. endowment fund being raised for pm Descon Rutie Tuskegee and Hampton Insti to the toast of the Past Chiet behalf of bis Court he desired to consolation and willing to render Rangers Court. He said Forestry congratulate Court Paradise on That we New Providence. 11 am. Deacon teaches Love and Charity that its new administration and hope service and devotion.
Ebenezer Church of God Professor Carver bas dis mankind should love each other, that she will continue ber good are always ready to answer the Chorrillo. 11 am. Pastor Thrift Holiness covered that the soil surrounding that the principle of the Past work.
call of the destitute, and to (L. oid Supper Servie) p. Teacher the scene of his experimental Chief Ranger Court is in line carry the flag of mercy. ForesBro. Geo, Pierre speaking for try he said, is the greatest Walters CALIDONIA DISTRICT work will produce tweaty seven with the Order and stands in sup Court Pacific on the Calidonis 11. m, Deacon Linton. Social Organ of modern me, and her Sunday So clock, Prayer Meetin different wash colour combi port of the Courts; that the Advantages of the Order excell. principles of mercy, makes her p. tn. Pastor Thrift (Lord Supper Divine Service Preacher. nations applicable to plastered have banded themselves toge ed ilmselt he elaborated on the the greatest nother in the world.
surfaces, sixteen stains Elder ther to Forestry. He advantages of the Sympathy, he adep.
Sleday School Superintendent. furniture and inside woodwork, lieved in the uniformity of the and concluded a briliant speech By tubs brder and Court Paradise extended Red Tank 11 a. Leader Crooke; p. Pastor Thrift. Lord Supper p. Programme. two and working of the Courts and that in pracucal form. 30 numerous other stains Service) p. m, Corporal Elliott. Gospel Service, Preacher painting bungalows and box set by the s Court (Apis marching to duty. Our Laws be for good example wold always Brother Kirvin Sub Chiet and Constitution bring us to Empire. 11 a. Elder Neal; Supplied.
cars, as well as toilet powders. plause)
Ranger Court Paradise thanked a bigher standard, and tend to Buplied.
Tuesday 30 Gospel Service and the long sought ultramarine Puebo Nuevo 11 a. Corpl. Elliott Thursday 30 Sisters and Tes blues which were used by the Thorpe and Secretary expressed his love for Forestry hope in benevolence and charity, Court Paradise by Bro. Allan ve members for his early ad change barbarity to civic life.
vancament in the court. He Wo find sweet consolation and timony meeting.
Egyptians of Tutankh Amen was well delivered. The Secretary and also thanked the Buturday 30 Choir Reb sals. time.
Visiting that life without love is agony.
The Church of God gave the Elder ODLE An feature of welcome visiting brethrenbrethren for their material help He hoped Foresters will keep unity in concrete form, Colon and Streets. Gospel meetPastor in charge.
Exhibit associates itself with the good will both to the foresters in in the work of installation.
ings at 11. 30 a. 30 Suninventor Career Republic of and Brother Dodier being always show the sincere maniday School at 3p.
Bethel Church of God Carver research work, has won those across the sea. Pana na con absent the Toast to Court si festation of Friendship. That the Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON for him thu Spingarn medal, lusion, made special reference to Georges Star was left ott the Ancient Oader of Foresters is Holiness held in veneration by the entire given each year to the man or the visit of the brethren from the programme.
world. In conclusion he hoped Gatun, Canal Zone Gospel Meetings RIO BAJO, LAS SABANAS woman of Africa descent, who Atlantic end. All drank to the at 11. 30 a. and 39 Sun Brother Macaulay Bayne the good work of the Order will make the bighest achievement in future prosperity of Court Par and Lecture Master af the eventually take us to the Eternal day School at p Sunday a. Prayer Meeti. any field of human endeavour, adise.
Court gave very interesting City whose Builder and Maker Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH 11 m, Divine Service. Preacher and be also has been given a New Providence. Gospel Meetings at Brother Chas. Worrell discourse on Concord He said is God.(Loud applause. The por ciento Schooldel )form 11. 30 and 30 Sunday 30 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher of Geat Britain. He was born the success of the Old Admin principles of Forestry, that the istration. D: Sutton, Chiel School at pm.
a slave, the and extended good teachings of Concord is eternal Ranger, Kirvin Sub Chiel Sis. CAMPBELL Tuesday Gospel service at the usua Missouri.
farm of Moses Garver, in istration wishes for the new regime. In and running contemporaneously Ranger; Jas Inais Treasurer, hour, Red Tank, Canal Zoue, Gospel meeting reply Bro. Sutton (Chlef Ranger) with Unity, the teachings of the Allan Thorpe Secretary; Guy on Thursday night 30 m, Sun Wednesday Sunbeam Class meeta Rent Receipt Books in Span reviewed his carrer in the Court Order is made sublime conclad Senior Woodward. Brebner day School at p.
at p.
ish and English for sale at the bromotion to the place of honour. interesting address be expressed Senior Beadle, Chas. Gordon banked the brethren for his inng a very intelligent and Junior Woodward; Sam Bullen Sis, GRAY Bro. WILMOTT, Clerk in charge Workman Printery He promised to do his best to the wish that the members of Junior Beadle, maste Sunday evening 7, 30 Preaching and Testimony.
such tute.
Broome Service)


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