p. 8


a a state Last Sunday Races Sparklets To Morrow Races Chinese Being Sunday last was another gooi (Continued rom page 1)
Tomorrow afternoon card (Continued from page 1)
dry of sport at Juan Franco Melodramatic Association, took the at Juan Franco Park promises substantial profit bring mide Park Notwithstanding inter opportunity of expressing his desire to be an attractive affair. by agents who specialise in helping mittent showers of rain with the to also try along the lines of dramaattendant result of a heavy track. tier at some future date. That Eight snappy races are booked Chinese wishing to settle in this the topnotchers retained their being so, the public may yet see a to be run, and no less than country.
Neither did the show. play with the local setting portray.
England possesses an irresistible JUAN FRANCO TRACK twenty native horses and ers deter the presence of a large ing the different phases scientific twenty four imported tho fascination for many native of the Celestial Empire, and this natural and enthusiastic crowd.
agriculture, medical research cover roughbreds are to take part inclination has undoubtedly been The eight races booked were ing extensive work in the neuroTO MORROW The first event will bring accentuated by the constantly run on tue original schedule. The psychiatrie field and a noble display feature race of sx furiongs for of an aggregation of Isthmian out four crack thoroughbred reouring troubles in Chin.
the best imported horses won by literati.
Sunday, July 26th 1925 horses to rum a furlong LIMEHOUSE OLONY.
Maoua of the Stud Valparais.
OPPORTUNITIES THAT SLIPPED race purse 500. The entries Although a large proportion of Jockey Carillo who made his are: Tribuno and Dad, car those who come are seamen, not a BY delu on lo al track rode the One of the leaders of the defunct WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE winner. Manua passed the winrying 128 pounds top weight few educated Chinese find their way ning post three lengths abead of Silver Employees Association reeach, Frou Frou 127 and here, being attracted by letters from their cempatriats already Burlesco 126. who was also well ridden by cently informed me that if the domiciled in one or other of the Munoz. Manua showed a decided Association had honoured certain The first event will be a colonies which have long been superiority over Dad, Tiibuno, tentative plan womitted for its four. furlong race for four recognised as sacred the yellow and Burlesco. the other hotzes to consideration, West Indians world race, over a six farlorg dis. be the pioneers in the rig banana native horses: Dictador 120, Face tance.
industry is this republic. Recom.
During the war the Chinese pop, Lipac 105, Zapa 114 and El ulation of Limehouse numbered West Meat hran a splendid race rejected on the theory that we mendations along this line were Races For Imported horses Chichi 112. The purse will close on 000, but this dwindled, with Jockey Aranda up, beating re to be led back into bewers be 125 Kernan after the latter came up of wood and carriers of water.
through emigration and other the home stretch at a fast pace Now, what has happened?
and for Native bred Ponies Seven imported horses will causes, until a year or two ago We and to all appearances lois like a are taking to the big scheme, but leave the tape to compete in there were only about half that number in London Chinatown.
sure winner West Meath paid the almost in the same capacity we the third avent, which will be Now, however, colony is inbuy gest pool for the day S14 on Wire afraid of going into. There each straight ticket.
Another big day for Turfites thorsetirst hiace forme imported creasing in size, and pukom pu anda are some reasonable chances wh. ch. will be a four provide them with Result of the days events were we may take chances in which furlong race purse 225. The the means to live without working, as follows: can be seen a rinimum of failure; entries are: Milonga 135. It is not generally known that First race. For class native and one of these chances is agrihorses; distance four furlongs culture Scientific agriculture is Everybody will be there. Don miss it. Oriental 134, Fulera 121. Pon there is only one Chinese woman in Won by Lipac, Fermin second the foundation of all other indus.
cho Roto 98, West Meath nu, Chinese who for years has been the Limehouse. She is the wife of a and Zapito third. Winner idden tries. For further information First Race Starts p. Sharp Plaudellia 110 and Kernan 104 proprietor of the cosy cafe, and the by Cases. Owner of wioner J, refer the question for answer to the Six crack native flyers, couple do a considerable trade, Huid, Pool paid 700 and 3, 60 United Fruit Company on the tirst horse and 3, 20 on Renown with 120 lbs, Infinio catering for the wants of curious THE SPOILS GO TO THE STRONG visitors to the locality.
the second horse ADMISSION: 118, Second race For class with our friend Mr. Kito Chen and One must purely sympathize 103 Toto 99 and Zapa 90 are formed at tachments with Chilluese, of English bave native ponies; distance six for the rest of his countrymen in China Grand Stand Ground 50c. booked for the fifth event, a but few, if any, of tnem bave gone longs. Won by Renown, Toto who are said to be suffering under furlong dash purse 200. through a formal marriage ceresecond Woner ridden by Capas foreign exploiters; but to my mind Owner of wioner White. Pool this condition of affairs wil ever Another race which pro. mony mises to be a keen competiDRUG TRAFFIC pala 90 of the winner. No exist in this mandame sphere, or at place täcker sollen this race. pleast continue so until according DEATH OF ITEMT OF INTEREST. tion, will be the fourth in sinister side of the problem of. For to some orthodox preachers and which Confetti will take up the association of white girls with imported horses; distance seved turlongs. Won by Pereque op few modera theologians, our world (Continued from page li (Continued from page 1)
128 lbs to run over a furlong Chinese is that of the drug traffic.
of distance with Buck Dancer Instituted against Orientals who in.
Again and again prosecutions are Pan second, Capitana third is transformed into Winner ridden by Aranguiz pea de perfect pence. It the as a profession. Was first connected of the La Boca Athenaeum 114 and Pereque 110.
dulge in opium smoking, and the same with money; each man would to the JAMAICA Post in 1895, to Owner of winner: Sud Carmen like to have enough and to spare, 1898. The CENTRAL AMERICAN have been received at the Pereque will again appear neighbourhood of the West India. The in the last race, and this time and women reorgaged in the coming Docks is known to harbour first horse and 30 on the under the present regime. Disposs: over 10 years, PANAMA MORNING be presented to the winners carry 138 lbs and face the radio.
he rich of riches 1918 and 1919: Tigre Though Chinesa imported hot e distance seven thene sa tulong as mendisti yatio will the Workwan; Organized Panama When a high class musical and 123, Marcela 99, Alta Mae og gratulorum three chiers ema nins for Fourth race Fur class then IL ake sietequal distributionand Star HERALD ant later with within the furlong; won by Mi Pollera; find that after the first ten years Branch literary will be and Capitana 115, to run a no means negligible, for scores of Contenui secund, Super Gloria there will have sprung up a few Assoc atien 1920: was by unani rendered.
five furlong distance. white women and even children, thud. Winner ilden by Ara. Fords and Rockefellers. What mous election appointed represenThe turf promises much get the fever and risk their sixpence guz Owner of winner Simons. is genuinely true is to be found in tative to Jamaica on a committee Mrs. Margaret Washington, enjoyment tomorrow after on puik a pu in the hope of winning Puol paid 4, 10 on the extravagant odds cffered by the No place uckets werre sold in Wallis address to the Boy Scouts sion consisting of Major Wood, widow of Booker Washing noon, and a large crowd of Chinese syodicates who run the the winner, British Minister Major Brathwaite to wait on the Imperial Commisthis race.
on July 4th: Make no mistake, Major Gore and Mr. Wiseman to ton, founder of the Tuskegee fans is expected. banks.
Two courses are open to the uFuta race for class na life is a battle, and the spoils go to affect a change in the Political Institute, is reported to have tive norsus di tance toue forlong the strongly take it that that which luty was efficiently left fifty thousand dollars the Society to Discuss thorities if the growth of the Chi wou by kipuise Hero secona, real Englishman did not mean on water in 1922 at a public meeting buik of which, according to Race Problem.
of to be regulated. One to institute Lada. Wianer riddeo by to be strong physically, but Alanda: Owner of winger: Sud in all ways. Then again, aceonline held at the Ward Theatre, Kg the provisions of her will. is. Volpi, niso. Puol panda ss. so and my superficial bervation ston, by a resolution Wyat was to go her adopted daughter The Achive ne its and Acvanre. and the other to tighten the regu. 3, 00 ja tie tiro no se aud an right is right only in theory bu ananimously elected a member of Mrs. Bentley Cyrus of Chica ment of the Coloured People will lations either by orastie legislation to qul amunt ou tue second in practice it is the reverse. There the fore, not until China is strong England to lay before His Majes go. Tom Murray Washington be the main sutióect discussed at the or insistence on a rigid application sixib race For class im enough to enact an iomigratioc law ty Goverainent. Memorial for an adopted son; Miss Alice annual session of the Christian of the existing powers under the purteu buses distance stå tur and will not admit into their e vun Jamaici.
and set forth who the Chinese will a change in the Coustivution of Simmons, a cousin, and Miss leavour society affiliated with aliens act.
Margaret Cyrus, will also church. The session will be con Panama District.
the Panama Wesleyan thodist Order of 10. won by Manua. the Stud try. will their rights be In October 1923 Wynter was share in the estate. The home. dacted in the church on Wednes.
Valparaiso; Ded stoond, Tribuno respected. Of course, if such a law stricken Druids with heart toiu, winer ridden by Carrillo is put into force Samuicans will lagoosed as Aneurison whics laid site at Tuskegee is to be day evening next and many pro owner of winter. Po paid 50 have a good chauve un entering him up for some time: he now.
divided between Booker minent speakers of this city and The Half Yearly Meeting of the 35. 00 on second Semester til he horse and China as non quota immigrants ver rallied and was able to Washington Jr. and Davidson sportiguous to these bijele pe George Georg Panana District Order Of Droids, if only the Jamaicans over is Jabe around again but was debarrel Washington, and Mrs Sydney Richards, former Serretary for the Frendly Socity, will be held on eventh race For class race For class maica will stop Llowing bubbles from en zaging in any active work Pitman, all children of Booker Christian Endeavour Convention, Sutura ay July th at the Gabrie imporied horses distance five over the presence of the John. He was vain attac ked abou: three Washington by former will be the chairman, and it is Union Lodge Hall, 6th Street and 1urlongs. Won by West Meath; Citizens of Little England. at months ago during which time he understood that the evening pro. Hudson Lan Colon, Meeting to Kini second and Fulera third, home and abroad, will not, then, was confined to his bed. But the wives gram will be interspersed with commence at 30. Sharp winner ridaen by Aranda; owner be allowed to exploit China or the end actually come on Wednesday Vocal and instru nental selections.
of winner: Stud Valparaiso. Pool Chiceze, as Barbadians will cer. the 16th inst. when he was seized Supreme Court Grants Pata 14. 00 and 80 on the first tainly come under the head of with an appopletic stroke which Divorce LEGAL NOTICE Lord, 20 on the second horse Undesirable and Prohibited rendered him and Stork Pays Visit and 20 on the third horse. Aliens. for the reason that not although he became slightly gou race for class im single Johu is allowed in conscious when nearing the end of The Supreame Court of Panama Notice of Pendency of Suit po ud horses distance 6! fur. Barbados his carinly journey, he never has rendered ju Igement in tavour visit of the stork at the Sama ogs; won by Buck Dancer regained his speech, and so passed of Louzetta Dalbertina Bovell de ritan Hospital a few days ago JUHITED STATES DISTRICT Surry second and gre third; DXPEDITING TRAVEL out to the Great Beyond. Sargeont, who sued birth of jolly Winger riduen by Munez, winne.
The funeral took place on Mon in the first Oricuit Court of Colon Mrs. elman Cleark of Cam)
for a divorce The action was begun baby weighing lbs to Mr and COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE uwned by Stud Aguila. The pool The Executive Secretary of the day aftert oon when his mortal and judgement was delivered by Bierd.
Balboa Division paid 10 on to: winner. No Panama Canal has issued, under reinaios were borne from his late the Supreme Court on the 8th place tickets were sold in this date of July 20th, the following residence 201h street West to St.
Both mother and baby are hear instant circular to all concerned. CIVIL No: 717 ul Episcopal Church where the Tae parties are from Borbados ty and will be out of hospital with It has been pointed out by one burnal servicewas performed by the and were married at that place in in a couple of days.
of the local consuls that Canal Zone Rev Nighteng le, Rector, with the vear 1908. Sargeant is a tailor ELIAS WORRELL, Plaintiff LA BOCA PARS residents going to foreign coun the choir and organ assisting and his wife works as maid.
After the obsequies in the tries are cocasionally delayed and The attorney for the plaintiff ANASTACIA WORRELL, Defendant Divorce Contigueu fram page 5)
inconvenienced because of the fact Church the funeral procession, com Mr and Mrs. Allen of TO ANASTACIA WORRELL ET Williams, clerk cat the for a passport visa until shortly Wishers. Wended its way to the LOCAL PASSENGERS that they delay making application prising a goodly number of was Jas Edwards.
Wynter relatives friends and well Boca have announced the mar District Quartermaster Office at before the date on which they Herrera Cemetery where the last riage on July 4th, of their daug ter July 21, 1925 Elias Worrell tiled in the You are here oy noted that on Lalbon Hergets, siled a few days ntend to leave the Isthmus.
Wilhelmina to Mr. Dyer of New above entitled court a petition wherein go for a well earned Vacation in (Continued from page 1)
The be pras from Costa Rica. It is understood that As the proper ermpletion of rites of com citting the body to was coaducted by he will be away for a couple of passport formalities requires con Nightengale whụ headed the bovage here. The cause of performed at St. Luke Church of the statutory decorandson siderable time, it is suggested that proces in.
death is said to be spinal New York City, by Reverend desertion You are, therefore, hereby notified such matters be attended to as for in advance of the date of departure children the WORKMAN tenders that you are required to enter your To the bereaved wife and five meningitis.
Miss Allen is well known in appearance in writing in the office of It is understood that the social and religious circles here. She the Cleric of said court at The Clubhouse has a quantity of as is possible.
absolete book which, it is learned, sincere condolence in this their passengers will be help in was a member of St. Paul churen Canal Zone, and make answer thereto will be disposed of cheaply to Personal hour of sorrow quarantine until the health lihis city, and left the Isthmus on or before August 28, 1925.
If you fail to do so within the time employees. As reading maketh a grand farewell serv ce was authorities of the Zone have about fourteen months ago for New full mao and there is no doubt held at the Christian Mission ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO THE York. Her sister, Edna, also sailed aforesaid the petltion will be takea as coafessed, and the petitioner will take that some valuable reading matter Church of Panama, for Sister POPULAR JUAN FRANCO PARK made a thorough examination a few weeks ago to join her in New ju igemeat against you by default and of all the passengers who are York.
naad from said court the relief will be found in some of these Adina Bennett, who left on the TO MORROW.
volumes, it seems not a bad idea 16th of this month for Jamaica.
held and have satisfied them applied for in the petition.
to see Secretary Neely of the She expects to spend months with Advertise in the Workman danger consequent upon their THE POPULAR HIPODROME OP selves that there will be no ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO Clubhouse in connection with the her family and friends, we wish her ROBINSON de.
a happy time in her homeland.
1921 strong fulls unconscious race.
F, SHEIBLEY Sr. Asst. Clerk, Atto. ney


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