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British Guiana Colonisation Scheme Actively Taken Up Pay BY JACKSECRETARY Great Britain Wants FLEET GENERAL RECEIVES Her Debtors To Gives Details of Steam Warm Welcome in Land ship Maiden Trip of the Antipodes Sixty Million Pounds Due Her To Recounting a tale of hardships endurdd by the crew of the despatch from Melbourne, dated Direct West Indian cable Government Wants Jamaica LaReimburse United States Booker Washington on its July 23, States that Premier Bruce borers to Settle in That Colony voyage to the West Indies and Central America Rev. Carter speaking in behalf of the Gov. cable despatch from London, dated July 12, says. Secretary General of the UN hic extended an enthusiastic welcome Telegram TO GOVERNORS, SIERRE LEONE, GOLD COAST ero people or. Sixty million pounds is the sum Great Britain has mentioned overflowed Bulter Hall on Sunday officers of the visiting United bivught bis large audience which to Admiral Robert Coents and AND NIGERIA, DATED NOVEMBER 19, 1923.
in her note to the Allies concerning their debts as the to tears. says tlle Boston Chronicle States fleet. The great republe amount she would gladly receive from them as soon as of the 4th June. The following is a precis of the correspondence be the United States and the Com tween the Government of British Guiana and the Govpossible.
Robed in bis academic gown calm monwealth of Australia stand for ernments of Sierre Leone, Gold Coast. Lagos and Jamaica her to raise the question at this time. The British Treasury cording to a member of the division he said. Facing similar teribiens telative to the possibility with bateriese sente large roumbiero se is apprehensive that Washington may get ahead of this was second to none ever delivered under vastly different circumstance colony should be read with interest by a large number of country in collecting money from their common debtors.
at any of the Sunday asesmblies, both desired maintenance of the West Indians here: The speaker began his address by world peace and the limitation of Not that Great Britain questions the least the right expressing his happiness to be pre the bardea of armaments. The whether there is a supply of surplus agricultural labour in Please inform me by telegraph as early as practicable (a)
of the United States to get all she can from the European sent in the newly renovated ball future prosperity and peace of all the colony under your Government and (b) if so whether debtors or is concerning herself in the least with what which he thought was worthy of our countries bordering the Paci: terms she likes to give in influential quarters bere it is fully the city of Boston. Then he fic is best aesared by mutual your administration would be in favour of organised reorganized that Great Britain, what ever arrangement she manner and counted the story of launched forth in his forceful intercourse, undertanding and emigration of families for land settlement in British Guiana herself made with America, has no right to question the the maiden under auspices and at expense of this Government. Please terms of bargains America thinks it wise to make with her Cross Shir Voyage of the Black Sympathy. be stated.
repeat this telegram to the Governor of Gold Coast and ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO Nigeria.
other debtors. Wall Street he said had wag All Great Britain asks is that as soon as any of her ered that they could never take the THE POPULAR HIPODROME OP TELEGRAM FROM GOVERNOR, SIERRE LEONE, DATED allies begin to negotiate with the United States they ship out and bring it back to New JUAN FRANCO TO MOROW.
NOVEMBER 21, 1923 should proceed pari passu to discuss in London their debts York Various obetacles had been put up to thwart the progress of Mrs. McLaine Improvos to England. That is the reason why the British Goverment the ship. The captain and engin Your telegram dated 19th November. All available agricultural labour required for development. Regret no has now circularized her debtors to remind them what she eer pre ved unfaithful to their After undergoing successful surplus for emigration.
thinks is due te herself.
duties by cerating thousands operatira at the Panama Hospital, The reasoning by which the note arrives at 60. 000. dollars of expenses at nearly every Mrs. McLaine, wife ord. TELEGRAM FROM GOVERNOR, GOLD COAST, DATED 000 as the amount which Great Britain would receive port of call by delaying or dampg Mel side of the Panama Agencie NOVEMBER 21, 1923 gladly at present is also dependent on the America debt. The trated the nach cations of the and is expected to be back home supply of surplus agricultural labour in this colony.
ing the ship. They, however frus. Company, is improving nicely Reference your telegram dated 20th November. No note informs France, Italy, Portugal, Serbia, Rumania and enemy.
Greece that the British Government stands by the principles during the next fortnight.
TELEGRAM FROM GOVERNOR, NIGERIA, DATED DECEMBER laid down in the famous Balfour pote deciding how much 15, 1923 she wants repaid to her. That document declared that Great SPARKLETS With reference to your telegram emigration, both Britain was only seeking enough money from her allies to questions answer is in the negative.
reimburse her for her payments to the United States.
LETTER FROM GOVERNOR OF BRITISH GUIANA To Up to the present she has paid Washington 80. 000, 000 SOME PROMINENT CHARACTERS beg the other fellows for donations GOVERNOR OF JAMAICA, DATED JULY 18, 1924, and against that she is willing to write off the 20, 000, 000 AND WORKS.
to finance the undertaking. The w: ich has been received from German reparations. That first qustion is, in my opinion, a Sir, With reference to Sir Wilfred Jollet letter of leaves 60. 000, 000 Great Britain would like to receive from theorists among West Indians on ond question, according to my subject of the recruitment of agricultural labour in Jamaica Among the political realists and controversial subject, and the sec the 21st January, 1920, and previous correspondence on the her alles.
the Isthmus are Sam Whyte, superficial observations and limited The statement of British expectations is couched in leader of thought for higher valus intelligence, in No; IT IS NOT for employment in British Guiana, have the honour to language that suggests it is rather a reminder of certain tion of West Indian labour and RIGHC, NEVER WAS RIGHT, enquire whether, in view of the existing conditions in Cuba financial facts than a definite demand It does not appear that higher appraisal in general of West AND NEVER WILL BE RIGHT as regards West Indian labour, there is now any possibility Britain is contemplating applying pressure in case it is ourable High Commissioner Charles OBSERVATIONS ON THE Question Jamaica on behalf of this colony.
the of the recruiting of labour being successfully undertaken in disregarded. At the same time the wording was framed to Bryant representative of Mar Claiming the floor on a point of show the Allies that Great Britain was beginning to be serieus Garvey in the political and have, etc. ously concerned at the burden she has to carry.
nomic awakening of the New Negro personal privilege will record GRAEME THOMSON. The duty of the British Government to its taxpayers the tofColon UNIA. with its questions: Last year Mr. Gaskin Hector Conaor, anateur leader of the following observations on the was referred to and the belief expressed that in the cir technical school and other scho»ls Colon a letter to the Star. be Letter FROM GOVERNOR OF JAMAICA TO GOVERNOR Governor.
cumstances England was justified in pressing a settlement of lower grade which have no in HERALD opposed in of the debt question and that in any case she hope there terestre whatever iniciar la conservers celebration of Emancipation Day OF BRITISH GUIANA, DATED SEPTEMBER 6, 1924.
would be a renewal of proposals for a solution.
representative program. There by West Indian Negores, in that Sir. have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of also another prominent personage in no other people celebrated their Blanchford Thompson. LLB. freedom from chattel slavery when your letter dated the 18th of July, relative to the question contributed by of labour being required in Jamaica for work in British PROGRESS MADE BY NECROES SINCE author of Resume of Silver Em they had not ployes Strike, who is one of the fightiog in some way in bringing Guiana.
DELIVERATION FROM SLAVERY principal figures the freedom; shall b? glad if you will be so good as to inform me best todiagur Enancipation Day was an institution from which what amount per week labourers would be able to earn Celebration; his activities in this nearly every race developed; that special program under the aus Superintendent of connection being limited to the they don celebrate this freedom under the existing form of contract and furnish me with pio so be Christian Endeavour Wesleyan Society, and a. period between the latter part of and West Indians should be no full particulars as to living condition, rates of house rent and Society of ite Panama Wesleyan Burrows, the Society Secretary July to the first part of August. exception to the rule. About that any other information which will be of interest to the class Metho list Church was held in the The principal points discussed in which time, 87 years ago, a few time the West Indian Committee of persons concerned.
Wesleyan Schoolroom on Wednes connection with the subject include Englishmen, leaders of civilization in Panama dedied a ramour that shall also be glad to be furnished with full particulars day nigut last, having for its prin. the sum total of the progress made and in accordance with the evolu the Day has being promoted here as to the scheme for giving preference to agricultural labocipal subject the Progress and by American and West Indiscution of things caused Victoria the under the auspices Aavancement of the Coloured Negroes from the time following Good, Queen of England, to com Comunittee, while the WorkManurers willing to settle in British Guiana and for granting People. the program developed their liberation from slavery, Mr. promise with a number of British did not see its way to support the such labourers special facilities for obtaining land. have, etc. into one of the most interesting Fallea, who is an American Negroes slave owners by paying them mill. Celebration in the way in which it evouts ever carried out in Panama spoke principally on the achieve ions of pounda (nearly million was being carried out. On Sunday BRYAN, along the lines of encouraging the ment of the American N«gros terling for 255, 000 slaves in Jama last Whyte came out in Acting Governor.
Negio in his progressive march. Among other things he said he ica alone) for the conditional re long. winded article in the STAR Iuer were three procipal addres believed that certain teachings lease from chatt elslavery natives of HERALD in which he deplored es bich were delivered by of the church had helped to drive Africa whom they had brought tunate blander, especially in regard ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN what is Waluers, Principal of La Boca fear into the Nero which, from that country and had enslaved tan Coloured School, Roland consequently, retarded his more and iltreated for years.
system employed in financing the seheme. As to the house and Reynolds of the people have forged ahead, anu bulten, secretary of Paraiso Club rapit progress; but the main his Should NEGROES CELE celebration of the day register According to a recent press the Hampton Tuskegee Insstall of teachers of La Boca school. succeeded in setting up themselves BRATE?
Other prominent items on the prominent y in various depart It makes very little difference grounds. which, unfortunately, despatch from London, taken titute in the United States have time to from the Public Ledger, the might be assured, ninety per.
program were Toussaint LeOver. meats of some of the most pro what a man does, he is subjected remarkable work of a Negroſcent, of five million dollar bure what a white mau wrote gressive human endeavours. He to opposition and criticism; if he is Tue Occasion SHOULD BE Per prophet, independent of all Hampton Endowment Fund abi ul a black man, a recitation by developmeat and promovoa of arts crite and if he does not attend. Emancipation mentioned the splendid nelp in the a hypcorganized missions, gave to has been subscribed, leaving Alfonso Ferreira, Day, Isthmian elocutionist; a paper on and sciences afforded by such church he is classed with the aeth shougd not be laid aside and be the world the larger part of but 500, 000 to be obtained. Distinguished Coloured in Negro institutions as the National ists; but this is not the line of forgotten, and in saying this 22. 000 converts to Christianthe Unised States of America by Association for the Advanceinent of argument intend to follow, and agree with Marcus Garvey who ity. The discovery of this Our local dailies here have Miss Doris Craig, and vocal fer stitate, the National Urban League into circumlocution, it is neces. And to drift backwards is because has been reported by Rev. printed, during this week, Coloured People, Tuskegee In so to put as early stop to a break thinks that why we sometimes hitherto unsuspected flock lection by Geo. Boyke member and such eminent men as B. sary that come to the point and we forget that we were slaves: Platt, a Wesleyan several letters from West DuBois and others who are say that the question foremost in forget the horrors of slavery. Bri George Richards Secretary CE, connected wita these institutions. my mind is (a) Whether it is right tons disapprove, in song, the sad missionary.
Indians resident here, in Union presided, while among those He stressed the necessity for for West Indian Negroes to cele and pernicious action of uncivilized connection with the observon the plauorm were, Rev. E. Negroes to study their own history brate Emancipation Day and (b) man, hence there is. Rule Britania Wade, Superintendent of the PausWhether, if it is right to do so, we In order that a conditional ance of August first of each ma Wesleyan Circuit, Harris, Continued on page 8) should take around our bats and (Continued on page 8) Igift of two million dollars to (Continued on page 8)
is to the my protest on some PETUATED en in


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