
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST, Interesting News From The West Indian Islands WHAT IS YOUR FORTUNE. GOOD LUCK HERBS reading a tbelio YOUR they wide on unfair It has OK BARBADOS frontage of the land, occupied by 55039 Messrs Winfield, Fogarty Ltd.
and Bavley Son for the widen.
This matHouse of Assembly one out Broad Street, ter, which has been repeatedly considered, has been resurrected by the present building operaThe Weekly HERALD of June tlone being carrier out by package free with each 50e order; 27th says. At Tuesday mest Messrs Wo. Fogarty Ltd. and Loadstone 50e; magnetic sand, 50c, ing of the House of Assembly as this latter firm is willing to Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs things kept secret from foundation of Mr. Reece moved the second set back their building for the the world, 75e; private lessons for me of Bill to settle the pol diums, 75e; East Indian spirit healing, an effort is to be made purpose rates of Income Tax for the year to obtain the sanction of other Each Week for Readers 50e; the secret of Hindu visualization, 50e: the reader of souls, 50; the 1925 and to make provision for owners, who, it is suggested, priesthood of India 5e: the drugless certain other matters in connec will very likely be willing. The Everyone reads his boroscope now WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE road to perfect health, 2; Manta Yoga, Have you read yours?
tion with the levying of the Tax. Governor in Executive Commit50e; a physician in the house, 50 five finer grass, package free with Indoing so be explained that only tee will be approached and asked each 750 order; Mantram words of 35, 000 was required under The Crnes Word Puzzle craze is dying Ancient Science Is to guarantee the money andpower 2: the master key book, 3; Income Tax Act this year and Messrs. Yearwood, Brathwaite, out and HOROSCOPES are the latest signet and seal symbol rings for ladies the amount would he collected Wilkinson and Chenery have Popular Rage fad. What do astrologers find in your and gents, 14 karat gold, only 30; lucky seven stick pin for men, 9; one by cutting in half the present been appointed a Committee to With what characteristies have thə birth date? Watch for it in this paper.
package John Conquerer Root and existing rates. Mr. L Skeete stars endowed you? What are your best one Adam and Eve root free with each strongly opposed the Bill on the put the matter forward.
talents and are you making use of them?
HOROSCOPE order: lucky seven ring for ladies, ground that through. mistake by 7: lucky seven ring for men, S9; three From the beginning of history astrolheaded snake ring, 18; the under in collecting the revenue last JAMAICA year the sum of 121, 000 was ogers have studied the influeuce of the Madame Renee ground treasure book, 4; hair dressing for ladies and gents 50e; perfume raised under the Income ax Act stars and planets upon the lives of July 30 August 02. 50e: face cream, 50e; gloss oil 50e; human beings and the result has been a instead of 65. 000 the amount face powder, 50e; greater key of Solorequired and estimated for by amount ACTION TAKEN science which they present to aid indivi The Sign of Leo, the Lion mon, 16; the silent friend book, 25; duals in finding the work for which the Goverment. Inspite of the The sun exerts a profound influence Egyptian secrets book, 75e; lesser key are best fitted and in overcon. ing their of Solomon, 50. long lost friend book fact that the Goverment bad upon you who are bore during this week 15e; fortune telling cards, 25; the natural fault They teach self know when the siga of Leo is at its height, sealed book, 3; the great book of uowarrantably extracted 56 000 Appalling Conditions in Eleledge in order that adverse influences This planet in the Zodiac gives you a magical art, 15; the sixth and seven from the taxpayers by not refund me: tary Schools Disclosed may be combated.
superb courage, a splendid vigor and books of Moses, 75e; gazing crystal, iog that amount to them which ipoh, with stand and instructions, to Public Health Comwas undoubtedly the correct Coming events also have been pre untirirg ambition.
Only 5; de la Sphinx Hindu temple inthing to do, they were now mittee.
dicted. Miss Evangeliae Adams, a noted Naturally sympathetic and genial you cense, Sl; secret of black art book, 1; aggravating the situation by American astrologer, foreasted a world. have combined qualities that make an parchment paper, 75; special ink as making a further levy used on parehment 75 candles all war withis three years in 1912, the attractive personality and vou draw colors, per dozen 75; genuine parchsame source of taxation. He was of children attending some of the The alarming health condition and even in 1910 Madame de Bielski friends to you easily. Hearty and jovial ment skin, 50; lilly rose vanvan, opposed to the said, War clouds fill the he vens. The principle of the oz. 50. With any order for ten dol.
in manner, you can hold an audience Bill and to lars worth of goods at one time we will attempt first outbreak will fire the Balkans. If by this Bill elementary schools in Kingston with little effort and would succeed as a to make another call on the same was discussed at a meeting of the occurrences can be so necurately pro lawyer, minister, actor, send you the following goods absolutepublic speaker source of taxation was writhe Kingston and St. Andrew CorPublic Health Committee of the ly free: package devi s, the famous phesied, it is reasonable that characterisIt or orator is more your style of seals reprinted from the six and seven might use the expression. tinantics can also be traced from the position delivery than what you say that enables books of Moses, on old time parchment of the stars in the Zodiac.
cially immoral and absolutely poration a few days ago.
with gold ink, Fig 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; lode. you to sway people to your opinions.
suara in disclosed that fully 80 stone, magnet sand; also the origiToday popular inte interest in horoscopes With all your aspirations and pride, nal lucky glass with full instructions.
Sir Charles Clarke, in a force percent of the children sufferec is again aroused and people eagerly seek your love of power and grandeur, COM Address all orders direct to De laful reply pointed out that in the from bad teeth, whilst a large ing to find what their signs portends, PASSION is your motto. You are inHerb Agency, No. 2802 Cottage Grove what traits are natural to them in what past when the Customs Revenue per centage were suffering from Ave. Chicago, Ill.
herently charitable and are always able exceeded the estimate by several suc diseases as consumption, occupations they will be most successful, to see both sides of a question.
thousand pounds nothing was tonsilltis, anemia, etc. The and what is their mystic stone, flower The psychic say the color of your soul and heard about it, Quite true it was Medical Officer of Health and the soul color, is orange a deep, reddish orange the TRINIDAD an error last year more money chlef Sanitary Officer stressed In order that you may know your In order shade of the setting sun which promises was collected by the Income Tax the point that something must be horoscope, we have secured Madame benevolent weather. Your lucky store then was required, but it was an done to improve the health Renee, the mystical reader of the skies, is the amber whose clear tones represent The Feeling Over The elementary principle of taxation condition of the school children. to interpret the Zodiac each week. Per your fair spirit and unclouded nature.
that each year must provide its The Councillors present viewed haps your success depends upon the The marigold, bright and sunny, is sym Steamship Service.
own revenue and expenditures the matter in the same serious career you choose and by your horostherefore they could not take last aspect in which it was reprebolic of the disposition of Leo born, cope you judge yoor ability on various Being real home lovers, you should year surplus and apply it to sented.
kinds of work marry early and spend a great deal of Port of Spain Gazette Says this year expenditure. It had During tbe discussion it was. Watch for your birth date and those People born also been laid down by eminent disclosed that a large number of vour time in the home.
Steamer Communication is authorities on the subject that a the childsen of your friends.
under this sigo usually find greatest were unable to Chiefly Needed by Canada.
tax on consumption alone was study and it was imperative that (Copyrighted 1925 by Hense. Adams happiness when united with those born most inequitable and in order to prompt action should be taken in Syndicate. under Aquarius, the latter half of Jan uary and the first half of February, for render the system of taxation the matter.
THE CONTRACT these people are also loyal and affection just and equitable they should It was decided to recommend It is the stars, the stars above us, ate and fond of home life. Congenial combine several methods. They to the Corporation that the govern our condition. Shakespeare.
had been trying to do that in services of a alliances can also be made with those Fears Colonies Have Far More Barbados by the Income Tax should be secured, to attend to special dentist born in Aries, the last of March and to Give Than Dominion Has first of April.
Act, and it non members rej. ct the beeth of children attending Or Intends to Yied.
ed this Bill those who were most elementary schools, his fees to be If you are looking for hints on mar. Copyrighted 1925 by Hense Adams able to bear taxation would not borne by the municipal authori.
riage read your horoscope.
Svndicate. The following article appeared be doing so according to their ties.
ability. He warned bon members in the Port of Spain Gazette In view of the large amount of Sokosos sex soxoxo. Trinidad) of June 23rd: not to reject the Bill as it would work wbich the Medical Officer Recent telegrams from Canada creste a very unfavourable in: of Health in Kingston was to pression among the masses. To overtake, it was felt that Dr.
have left not much room for doubt that the settled determina.
bis mind it wou be an 000C under to create the represious Murray could not reasonsble be ISOVE tion of the Dominion is to use inat members of the bonse, who called upon to undertake the every effort possible for securing were most of them wall to ao additional duties of looking the comsummation of an Ocean the health of school children. In ere relieving them the circumstances a recommen: Mail Service to and from the persons, were Britisb West Indies along the selves of taxation and ieaving it dation bus been made to the lines which bave already been to be borne by the small man of ordinary means. division was medical officer to uodertake this Corporation to appoint a special cansidered acceptable on that taken of the second readios with work the officer to be attached slde. The question as to whether the West Indies themselves as a the result that it was carried by to the Public Health Depart. vote of 17 Ayes and Noes. ment. If he does the work dewhole or individually as separate colonies, endorse what Canada Messrs B. and Skeete volving on voted No. The Bill afterwards his time will be fully occupied, him thoroughly thinks good for us because she passed all its stages.
consequently it is proposed that not appear to loom thinks it good for you to does large in the officer sbould be a whole their Councils. It is, of course, CONTRIBUTIONS TO time officer. The recommedations true that at the conference which of the Committee will come up day or two ago at next Monday meeting of the for its open ing session this Imperial College of Agriculture Corporation, Recommended for Removing the Humors of question of the terms of a West Indies Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, mail and cargo service SITUATION SERIOUS In reply to a number of was a leading subject for debate; questions on the Imperial ColIn the course of an Interview Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic and it is perfectly true that in lege of Agriculture asked by which representative of the Trinidad and Barbados at least Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disthere is Mr. Jason Jones at a previous Herald had with a Councillor were very united or meeting, the Solicitor General. few days ago the latter admitted cordial body of public opinions in the House of Assembly on tar that the condition in our eases caused by Impurities of the Blood in support of what we are for offered by Canada. That is well six, which follows. How much action.
On account of the 16 Tuesday replying to question tary schools called An Alterative recommended for purify.
known in Canada. Yet the know ba: this colony ledge did not pr vent the Canaeases from which many of ing and enriching the BLOOD.
dian Government on the 27th towards the Imperial College were suffering. a large number since its inception, and bow of children in the elementary May last, before the assembly the conference from passing many students from this colony schools were unable to stady, have been taught at the College and a considerable sum of money through the Canadian House For Sale at all Drug Stores of during that period. said, The which was being expended on Commons vote for 344, 000 contributions by the elementary education was being dollars for such a subsidized Colony so far are: wasted. In the opinion of the And in Large Quantities by mail service as they had regarded 000 paid; 1928 29 1, 362 paid Councillor the time had arrived as suit able to themselves and as 1924 25 1, 922 paid; and 1925 26 when the Central Goverment and one which we sbould accept. It is 22, 174 paid. Six students were the Municipal authorities should JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy possible that the idea is that in Heatered for a course at the Col unite to improve conditions any case, whether the West lege. One did not complete bis which should not be allowed to AGENT Indies as a whole or in part fall in with the scheme.
Two more will prob exist in a civilized community.
ably enter the College in Novem. For bis own part the Councillor Canada is determined to have ber next.
in question had decided to let his Soosoo esi seos 4903903son this service at her own cost it voice be heard at next Monday need be. But even then it does meeting of the Corporation.
not seem to be quite playing the To Widen Broad Straet.
Saturday 11th instant, the byret under the direction of fcbange in the staff and the game for one party to a proposed joint agreement to enter into NEWS OF INTEREST balance of materials for baking, Sergeant Major Buray the bags isystem bitherto employed in the arrangements in advance of a At the meeting of the bigbconsisting of 21 bags of flour, 17 containing the flour being also bakery, bas been effected. It is nature that must have an imporways Commissioners of St.
Michael, held on Tuesday, dis.
From Spanish Town.
tins sugar, 11 bales wrapping destroyed by fire. The old paper, from Mr. Bennett fixtures in the bakery, troughs, alleged that Mr. Bennett will tant effect and influence from a moral standpoint in determining cussion ensued on the question bakery were conveyed to the pit tables etc. have been replaced of acquiring, a portion of the Spanish Town, duly 15. On at Old Harbour and destroyed by new ones, and thorough re start baking at an early date. Continued from page 7)
alter do Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD met at Ottawa bota elemen contributed of them made course.


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