
en(From Our Correspondent)
The Community (English)
School of New Providence, is not Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applies making the progress which was anticipated when the school was WALIOND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all matte Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited started on March 16th last, as All copy for publication must be the school is boycotted and PO Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and This Jit: ey Sign bampered by the Government Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of LUCKY Inspector and teachers of the STRIKE Spanish school. few weeks ago 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica One Year Six Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
ube Inspector came bere and FREE ordered Mr. Noel, the English Thre Ce.
We do not undertake to return reteacher. not to teach between Сре 25. LUCKY jected correspon. ence.
STRIKE The Sign is of baked enamel, a. and p. daily, claiming that all the children must attend fine workmanship and can The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS the Spanish school during those be secured free for hours, and threatened to have Mr. Noel arrested and imprisonSATURDAY, AUGUST 1925.
Oled if his order was not obeyed.
30 Empty Packages of LUCKY STRIKE or Previong 30 the opening of the WHAT IS EXPECTED OF OUR Community School, two Spanish in 60 VICTOR Cigarettes teachers were teaching the NEGRO TEACHERS as the government school, and as jurio prada were taught AT alternately for half day only, those grades were free to attend The following Article taken from the editorial columns the English school for half day of the PHILADELPHIA TRIBUNE, is a subject that had been BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. 93 Ave. also, but as soon as the children exercising our mind for some time and we had purposed began to make good progress in OR giving it editorial comment at an early date, but coming Continued on page 5)
across the same subject, dealt with along the same lines and practically the same ideas that had been passing FIDANQUE HENRIQUEZ CO. INC, Rev. Mu care through our thoughts from time to time, we at once extracted 102 BOLIVAR STREET. COLON Holy Baptiran 30 sarne und herewith serve it up in the hope that our Matins and address 11 am.
readers will read, mark, learn and inwardly digest same. Church Seb ol p. Our thoughts turn at this season of the year to the Save your empty packages, we have a large assortment Chral Evensong and sermoa, 30 pm large number of Negro boys and girls, men and women, of other Premiums Preacher The Rector Mid Week service, Wednesday 30 who are graduating from the various institutions of learning all over the country. This group represents our intelligentThursday. Transfiguration) Holy sia In it are to be found our leaders the men and women SSSSS Communion at who must set the pace and provide intelligent direction for Jl. MULCARE, Rector.
our racial group in all walks of life. Their superior opt. Barnabas Church, Empire portunities carry with them greater responsibilities.
There Tiany. Holy Rocharist and Sermon.
is hardly any field of human endeavor in which we are 11 Celebrant and prescher)
not represented by several graduates. We venture to Rev. J. Cows, assert, however, inindful as we are of the important conChureh Schol, and Confirmation class at pm tributions to society on the part of ministers, physicians, Choral Evensong and addrese p.
lawyers, pharmacists, engineers, and persons Mr Jocson (Officient)
gaged in other professional activities, that the Negro MULCARE Priest in Charge teacher has a chance to render real service to the Race St. Bartholomew s, Church that is not approached by any of the other graduating LAS CASCADAS.
groups. The proverb runs that the hand that rocks Meine Prayer, and address 11.
the cradle, rules, the word. In these days of economic Church Beool and Confirmation Class stress, when the hand that ought to be rocking the cradle a3 in.
is being occupied in an effort to contribute to the financial Evenir Pryer and address p.
upkeep of the home, the training of children and young Mr. Skin (Officient)
people is being left more and more to the public school UMULCARE Pritst inCharge teacher The Negro teacher, therefore has both a great St Jude Mission, Summit.
responsibility, and a great opportunity. Theirs is the task to Holy Euch. rs am.
deveiop character the love of truth and honesty, the pride Church Echoul p. m, of race and the love of humanity, the necessity for hygiene MULCA KL, Priest in charge and participation in health giving and wholesome amuse.
ments in the minds of the young people under their care.
at. Simon Mission, Gamboa This is no easy task. No teacher who is mainly mercenary Matins and address 11 a.
can ever fully measure up to the requirements. And the Church School and Confirmation Class m.
evidences are not lacking that, especially among the gradChoral Evensong and address p.
uates in recent years, the opportunities and desire to (Mr. Brathwaite (Officient)
render service of the kind indicated above, are secondary in MULCARE, Priest in Charge the minds of the graduates to the questions of salary and social prestige.
Corner Street, No. and Central Avenue Wesleyan Methodist Church It is not enough to go to Normal School and take the (BRITISH CONFERENCE. prescribed course. It is no more dishonest and unfair to Pasma 11 a. Mr, Martin of society for a minister to preach purely from mercenary GREAT REDUCTION Empire. 30 Rev. Wade.
motives than it is for a teacher to teach from tne same Cmrounion Subject The Great motives.
Eu. cipation.
Teaching has always been a sacred trust, not to be Colon 11. Rev. E Wade.
lightly regarded, and in these days when it would seem (Communion) 30 Rev. Mr.
Gregory of the Bible House.
that the tendency is to shift the whole burden of training La Boes 11 a. Theo, Fullet, tue young from the home to the out side agencies, no one 30 Mi, Walters, ought to teach, or to prepare to teach, who does not feel a New Providence 11 a. Mr. Daley.
Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Walters compelling urge to measure up to the highest standards and requirements of the teaching profession.
Church Services. 30 Mr Walters.
Empire 11 a. Mr. Payne.
Is is our hope that our graduating teachers and those who are preparing to teach will catch the vision of their real AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH position of leadership in our group and will resolve from (Anglican Communion)
The Salvation Army henceforth to put the question of service above all other Eighth Sunday After Trinity PANAMA CITY CORPS.
considerations Si. Paul Church, Panama Sunday August, 2ud Toe Divisional JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP Commander will conduct Service morne Rev. Nightrogale, Rector)
ing and Evening.
The Security Pact Conversations.
Corner 12 Street East Avenue 6 a. Holy Communion The Rector Services for Sunday are as follows:10. 15 a. Matins, a. Early March and Prayer MeetWe make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also 10. 30 a. Holy Eucharist sermoring The Rector.
Political Attention in Great Britain is likely to be conwatches. Our prices are the lowest and our p. Church School, 10 a. Children Directory Meeting centrated for the next two or three months on the conten7. 30 Cboral Evensong, sermon and Brigade United Open Air Meeting tious questions arising out of the proposal for a Security Workmanship is guaranteed. the Rector, 11 am Holiness MeetingPact in which Britain, France and Germany shall be asso. Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you Thur day Feast of Transfiguration To be conducted by Major Bax, ciated. As everyone knows, the proposal was put forward may keep che pledge pawned as long as you may Holy Communion at a.
Subject Red Hot Gold pm. Young People of All Branches by Germany in the first instance and for the last three desire, provided the monthly payments of will muster at the Hall.
Also the months negotiations have been continuing between Britain St. Alban Church, Paraiso interest are duly met.
Seniurs. All is required to be in time in and France as to the attitude of these two allied countries CANAL ZONE.
on the subject. Now that the proposals are taking definite Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall (Rev. P. NIGHTENGALE, Junior Open Air.
shape, British opinion is showing itself a good deal divided be pleased.
Priest in Cbage 45 w. separate Brigade Open Air Meeting on the subject. Curiously enough, the division does not 45 am. Holy Communion Sermon entirely folow Party lines, for a section of the Conservative 7pm. Salvation Meeting, in the Hall The Rev Nightegale.
1o be conducted by Mojor Bax. p. to, Church School and ConfirmaParty, together with one or two of the leading Conservative Subject Christ of the Doorstep.
tion Class newspapers, is like, a section of the Liberals, showing con: 30 Choral Evensong sermon bearty invitation is extended to all.
siderable reluctance to enter into agreements which might (Rev. Cowan, Monday, Life Saving Gnards and increase the probability of Great Britain being drawn into St, Matthias Mission Sunbeams Parade at p. a continental War. The Labour Party, while not adopting Tuesday, Band of Love Work Claes LAS SABANAS at 30 p, precisely this attitude, still prefers the general arrangement (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, Wednesday, p. Life Saving Scouta typitied by the Geneva Protocol, and retains its old susPrieet in Charge.
and Chums parade. Home League at picion of any purely partial and regional Pacts. The full p. Church School, pm, All women from 18 years of strength of this opposition to the Government policy has 15 m. Evensong rod address age are invited to attend.
yet to be revealed. There is no reason, at present, to sup week. When that comes, serious decisions will have to be Mr. Richards, Catechist Thursday. Holiness meeting in the pose that it will seriously deflect Mr. Baldwin and Mr. teken, and still more important negotiations entered on.
Hall to be conducted by Commandant Martin at p.
Chamberlain from a course in which they themselves These must necessarily take time, and it looks as if their St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca All are invited to attend these meelthoroughly believe. Everything, however, will depend on culmination might coincide with the meeting of the League (American Episcopal) inge.
the nature of the reply to be sent by the German Govern Assembiy at Geneva in September, thus investing that Eighth Sunday After Trinity MARTIN. Commandant.
ment to the Franco British Note despatched to Berlin last Session with very considerable importance.
Holy Communion a. oelebrant. Contio ued on page 7)
You get good value and save money when you buy. AT THEBRANCH STONE OF THE The American Bazaar IN PRICES El Excelsior. We Buy and Sell Pearls ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN, IT PAYS


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