
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1925 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres year.
Excursion Train cussed interest of all concerned. This ATLANTIC SIDE New Providence Notes is a possibility if tbe frater.
nities, and otber societies will consider and send invitations (Continued rom page 4)
Correspondence to one another to formulate and bring into existence something English elementary education, the bullying of the school Inspec that will be worth their wbile Colon, Rep. of Panama, by belping the suffering ones tor, assisted by his subordinates, July 27th, 1925. suffering and dying through began and the eyil propaganda is taking root; a third teacher is neglect, and belp humanity in TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN: CECILIA AMERICA the real spirit of true Unity and Dow teaching in the Spanish Dear Mr. Editor. As sat Christian Brotherly Love.
school in ordor to block all Tending the Editorial of the (PANAMA. COLON)
Thanking you Mr. Editor for avenues to the English School.
WORKMAN of Saturday July 18, your courtesy of publication in TODAY SATURDAY, August 1st TODAY. Saturday August 1st At present the Community re The Possibilities of the Col. your valuable columps, and TOMORROW Sunday August 2nd Jane Novak in school begins after p. daily and continues until D. or nured People, particularly on the THE MAN LIFE PASSED BY Isthmus, the idea struck me to remain. RAFFLES the Amateur Cracksman 30 as the weather may it this letter with the bope Yours truly, permit, but very, heavy rains TOMORROW. Sunday August 2nd In conjunction with Shirley Mason in Wat it will interest and meet the fall bere during the rainy season JOSEPH INNOCENT.
Milton Sills in consideration of the thinking THE GREAT DIAMOND MYSTERY of the year, and it will be imp ople forming part of our lead WAN MY MAN possible to operate the school er bip here.
News Notes MONDAY, August 3rd under the present conditions, Bebe Daniels in MONDAY, August 3rd Representations are soon to be do not think that it will fall Betty Compson in Lade by this Community to the short of comment as am about ARGENTINE LOVE On Sunday night, the 26th ulto to tate therein the greatest GARDEN OF WEEDS Governor of Colon for our children to be taught English ball need of the day for the coloured quartett, Lead Kindly Light TUESDAY, August 4th people of this community. By was very acceptably rendered at TUESDAY, August 4th day and Spanisb ball day; our Cecil de Mille Production Christ Church by the sea by children with efficient tuition the united efforts of all there Messrs. Lowe, Savage, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Alice Lake in are capable to compete favourwill surely materialize a great KISSES sbly with the Spanish speaking deal of good for the West Indian Facey and Thomas.
WEDNESDAY, August 5th children of Limon with wbole people resident here.
Viola Dana in WEDNESDAY, August Sth day tuition, if the school examiPast failures should not be Tb past week on this side IN SEARCH OF THRILL Cecil de Mille Production Dation be reasonably and conlooked upon to bamper the good was a fairly rainy one. On Sun scientiously conducted at the one can do promoting a pro day evening the 26th it appeared THE TEN COMMANDMENTS THURSDAY, August 6th end of the school period each ject of this kind.
as though it was to have been We do not beliove that Milton Sills in THURSDAY, August 6th am no proguosticator, but IA repitition of the previous woek.
the officials of this Country WANT MY MAN believe a project of this kind, m It started to drizzle at about the Bebe Daniels in intend to bar our children from sure, positively sure, will do good same hour, and was followed by for our people. if by proper there was a change and the ARGENTINE LOVE beavy sbowers; but at about 80 FRIDAY, August 7th Education, receiving English for we are not all, or any of us administration, and if those to Betty Compson in FRIDAY, August 7th non compus mentis; we were able whom this is intended to reach evening turned out an ideal one. GARDEN OF WEEDS to transform the wilderness will take it seriously and don John Gilbert in wbicb existed here for centuries turn away from what will bene The Rev. E. Wado wil SATURDAY August 8th and MAN NAME into veritable babitation for fit all.
be the proacher at the Colon mankind, and If our freedom is What is our need, and urgent Wesleyan Church tomorrow at SUNDAY, Angust 9th SATURDAY, August 8th not impeached, we are able to Doris Kenyon in need at this pr. sent time? Our 11. and at the close of the Viola Dana in tasch our children as much as people have thrown away and Service, Holy Communion will THIEF IN PARADISE IN SEARCH OF THRILL we were taught and more too, are still doing so, in some way be administered. The Rev.
and they will become useful or other, money that would Gregory of the Bible House, cizens of the country, No to day repay by its Humanitarian Cristobal will occupy the palpit 10a onable per a high or low, work, bundredfold to our satis at night.
would agree that children can faction.
attend school from 8. to address this article to the The 1st annual convention of daily for five days a various Lodges and Friendly the on the Isthmus is week without Injuring their time and was relieved by the pres health, and it is not sanitary to Societies etc. as an invitation to open tonight at Liberty Hall, ent Secretary, Neely. He is do so either.
that a meeting be held at a place 11. Street and Broadway. Towhicb can be determined later morrow there will be an excurnow Secretary the Cristobal for a Great Cause where intellision train to Papama where the Silver Clubhouse, for which posi On Tuesday the 14 ulto. was gent suggestions, ways and unveiling tion it is understood that he is of tbe Dominion better renumerated The Wallers the French Inderendence Day means, and so on can be discharter is to taka place.
will be le ving for the United the male Spanish teacher went Status on vacation some time it with the school children (som Again the question aris el In spite of the heavy rains on LABOR DAY, MONDAY SEP. the coming week, it is learnt, of whom are very small) aloog Woat in our present need? Well, Sunday the 26th ulto. the 3rd the road which is now being in my belief, a Hospital is the anniversary of the St. Ann prepared for construction, to From Panama to Colon and return most urgent need of the West Catholic Friendly Socioty which Mise Armstrong, member of the distance of nearly three Indian Poople resident on the took place at Liberty Hall 8th the Wesleyan Methodist Church miles, the rain is continuously Jethmus, for there are many Street and Hudson Lane was LA Boca branch, and also a mem falling (hough it did cot rain people dying out through want well attended. Among those who UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE ber of the Orpheus Musical Clob, early on that day. and the road of proper treatment, and who delivered addresses were Rov, has been admitted to Ancon Hospi was very muddy, some of the are unable to pay hospital dues, Fatber Burns and McGuire.
GRAND UNITED ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS tal suffering from appendicitis and smaller children went waist deep not being privileged as those for which she underwent an opera in mud. This was not very employd by the Panamanian or tion. News from the Hospital pleasant outing for school chilCanal Zone Governments. burglar in broad daylight Train leaves Panama 15 a. with stops at Balboa indicate that she is getting along dren on such a wet and rainy fine and it may not be long before day, and many of the parents There are many of the Frater fored the residence of silvera, Panamanian, 14th and Heights, Red Tank aud Pedro Miguel, returning she will recover her health.
pal Orders here possessing Streets on Tuesday morning the were dissatisfied with the conleaves Colon p, dition of their children clotbthousands of dollars understand 28th ulto, at about 30 o clock.
which in some measure are Silvera was absent but other It is learnt that the Women Ing, and their physical appearlying idle, ard nothing is done tenants on the building caught Life Problem Club is securing acce when they returned home, for the benefit of the members bim and turned him over to the The management guarantees there will be no conVery good band of music for their Those unable to pay their contri gestion. All will be comfortably seated Charity Ball which is to come off at the Clubhouse on Saturday the same teacher took the same Two days later, the 16th inst; butions after a little while, lose authorities. He was given 80 all clain on said lodge or society, days in juil.
night the 15th instant, children again to the Paleerque wh reas, it the funds were pul REFRESHMENTS ON SALE FROM THE STARTRiver, during school bours, in some good investment, it It is reported from Bocas del would not only belp pay the Toro that Mr. S. Alphonse, ING OFF UNTIL THE RETURN It will not be very long before where they were sent to bathe, contribution of those unable well known in co nection with several more married folks will be boys and girls together, and to do so but would also help the Indian Mission is seriously Get your train Tickets early to avoid the rush given quarters here, according to put to pull tug of war, across the the deserved. understand there ill and may not recover. He is at reliable information received by the river. Sometimes they are taken are in Colon, seventy tw lodg s, prosent a student in the Calabar into the jungles to cut sticke, correspondent of this section. One excluding friendly societies, all college Jamaica, but returned or more houses that were used to etc. we have a few tigers and house bachelors are to be converted plenty of snakes here, the could form a Corporation, and some two weeks ago on vacation. Inight July 17th 1925 at the thers rnd Sisters from the yari. into married quarters and it is former have eaten a few goats each lodge or society would have This is very sad news to all wo Flower of the Isthmus Lodgeous Lodges for their kind assis already understood that the occu already. Fortunately, no serious a representative acting as Secre know Mr. Alphonse, and the best tary for the one be represents, wishes are entertained for his Hall E Street Broadway tance rendered, and wished the pants of these bachelor quarter misadventure has as yet hap: Topened to the children. We did no matter wbat position the party recovery.
newly Installed Officers BUC have been notified to vacate not basten to bring these matters to is holding in the Union, so that The Ceremony was ably per. cessfuly Term.
other quarters. It is not known what ver business is transacted formed by Bro James After which all repaired to the when work will be started in this before the public.
he would acquaint his people CRICKET.
assisted by the following Banqueting Room and pardirection but present indications Committee could then be formed Grand Officers.
took of the refreshments pre are that will not be long before the Startling Surpriss.
of all the representatives comchange it is brought about.
bined, and appoint a President. Bro Leon V. pared for the occasion, Two cricket cup matches were Herdmap of Secretary, Treasurer Advisory played on Sunday the 26th ulto. Baxter Berto press Board, Trustees, and so on to Kent vs. Westmoreland at Gatun y Tres Desport discovered that the winner of Corporation. good Clinic man Victoria oval. The former match Con Andrews a recently awarded scholarned by competent coloured Phy. ended in a draw Kent 91, West In. Sen Morrow, La Boca Pars.
No. 13, ship to the Fountainbleau sician Surgeons locally, from the moreland 89, Bilver City won 10. Sen of School of Music in Paris was States, or west Indies, Dispen: from Pickwicka 51 43.
sers, Nurses and Orderlies could Tomorrow game will be Murrey of Sister Gjoden D. of Richly Entertains Public With a colored girl, Miss Maud be obtained locally. Grocery between two top notchers: Sus F; Campbell of Relocution contest held at the Medals for the winners of the Demonstration, Wanzer of Charleston, shops along with this would get sex vo West End on the oval of Lucas of S. F: Clubhouse in April last having been apk Star Lodge No. 18, threatened every means of the patronage of the members the former. This match will be Taylor of of C: received by the Athenaeum under in its temple. the Lodge Hall, On Sunday 28th, ulto. the Red they were astounded and for they would be buying from intensely interesting, as both Gamel of Con K, whose auspices the contest was Paraiso, celebrated 8t preventing the girl from sailthemselves also provide work teams are not contending only Desport of Keys Lo 0; held, that society is now preparing John Day Ceremony. one of ing for France; trip, but she for some, and after a few years for the cup, but as well for Sharp of F; of bonest. sincere and straighta program to be rendered on the the perlodical institutions of that the whites of false pretense; sailed. She was accused by West End reposes forward supremacy.
administration, Installed the The following were its confidence in Lynton, Geneevening when the medals will be Order.
Communities would reap the presented to the winners. The date benefit of their labour.
teau, Myers and others who wei in Ofice.
At the close of the Ceremony, and she was told that they Bros Francis re is definitely fixed for the 11th of be representing that team, sod There are men sufficiently Irels sure of tomorrow match elected Edward re elec. this month. It is learned that the the officers for the next term would cable the French intelligent in the different Asso and also the issue of the com ted Thomasseau, S. e elec medals will, no doubt, be delivered were installed with much pomp. school not to admit her. BeChatlons to form rules to protect petition for the season, but ted Williams re elected by a lady who may also address splendour rande impressiveness fore sailing Miss Wanzer the interest of the Corporation. Sussex holds that her men are Luke Prelate re elected, Lee, to this entertaiment will be free, ST. JOHN DAY CEREMONY Tres re elected, the society on elocution. Admission into their respective offices.
referred the case to the We see today our many needs; tried and true and are sure to con; Sinclair Inner Sen re and indications are that a very the money is there, lying idlo wia, This Ceremony began at 2P and is being used for the benefit elected, Francis, Sen re good program will be rendered. with Worthy Sir Walof other people while the poor elected The Athenaeum extends an invitalace, Lodge Legate, presiding, After the prelude was read by Negroes are paying and still payRoyal King Ceorge Sisters C, Boland PD. tion to the general public to attend Wortby Sir Thom, Wortby Sir Brown and ing, and have not had the opporCousins of Oamberland.
Lodge No. 31 witness the presentation of vice Commander, Worthy Sir and prayer was offered by the tunity of getting anything to of Parchiment, of Fin medals to the three best elocu. Walker as Chaplain and Chaplain, the Commander Sir compensate them in one way or Vendries: P, of Trust; tionists in the abovementioned Worthy Sir Myers als pared McDonald, read a brief from another for their hard earned the Ceremony Stewart. of Lesson, Har de test and a consolation prize to Commander.
INSTALLS OFFICERS the contestant The Ceremony was performed Then followed the Legate Much more could be said Keys, Robinson of Pass.
about the Fraternal Organizain an able manner; and was very address. The officers cash dell: vered their appointed parts The Installation of Officers of The Honour of was also On Saturday last Mr. and Mrs. Impressive and inspiring. Worthy tons forming a league to the Royal King George the bth cooferred on Be Francis, Waller were ple sant visitors Sir Crooks Organizing with much pathos and inspiration promotes vetterment of the Lodge No 31. o. of Brow. James others here. Mr. Waller has been Secre Legate, delivered a short address and beautiful by ons followed conditions prevailing in the of took place of Friday. congratulated the visiting Bro tary of the Clubhouse for some on the Life of St. John. Continued on page 9)
CANAL ZONE NOTES Red Tank Star Lorge when a party of white people


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