
Court John Wallace Greatest Record Epoch Making Event No 9111 ANTICIPATED AT MAMMOTH CONVENTION.
Holds Triple Function of all Branches of Universal Negro Improvement Association Up to date Jewelry BEGINNING AUGUST 2nd IN PANAMA CITY.
style CIGARETTES LEITA MYERS 20 umpama King CR Gritto, si pe Fuller Jewelry Store We state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chesterfields are of finer quality (and hence of better taste) than in any other cigarette at the price.
Chesterfield CIGARETTES On Saturday evening. the 18th inst; at a regular meeting held at the above named Court, Candidates were loitiated into the mysteries of the grand and In every form can be seen noble Order, thus adding more here at its best See our links to the lengthy chain of Forestry.
Wrist Watches.
The ceremony was ably per formed by Bro, Albert Siracha, Bracelets, assisted by the Past Chief Rangers, and visiting Brothers of our sister Courts in this ReDiamond Rings public and a hundred other adornThis ceremony being concluded the Installation of Otticers for ments and you ll recognize the term July December then why this is the LEADING took vlace, and was directed by JEWELRY HOUSE in town Bro, Fleteber P, assisted by several oiher ask prices and you ll find still S, The Officers installed were another reason 84 fclows. Bros. Stuart Apule white, Secty(Reelected Clarke asst, Secty 122 Central Ave. Phone 629 (Re elected) Fredericke Treas. Re elected) Jeffers Leslie, Job Boleyne, Edwin The Officers being duly and and Legally installed, the Chair was handed over to Bro. Sam, Applewhite, R. for the conferring of the Sublime degree on Bros. Nehemiah Smith, Phillip Fredicks and Albert Strachn, assisted by Bro, F. Clarke, Sanches Fletcher.
Boxill, George, Ferguand Bro s, Conway, BabSLOAN LINIMENT bington Simons, Smith and Felix Cowes, Rs. of Court pains and aches than any Mizpah No 9198; Allan Thorpe other known remedy: that is and Fred Ioniss Rs. of Court why thousands of people the Paradise No 9292, as also Bro, world over call it pain enemy.
EN Twards, Of Cout Pacinie. Past Chief Ranger and SecRheumatism, sciatica, stift he neck, sore and tired muscles, retary Sister Thompson, of lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis, Court Mizpab No 8969 of Costa sprains and bruises are instantly relieved by Rico was our Guest or boncar. SLOAN LINIMENT Bro, Fredericks, after rewithout portrait caving the Sublime Degree, pre.
sented the Court with a beautiful Silver Engraved Compass and Square, as to be kept in remem At all drurists and dealers.
berance of his elevation, and as a token of an an appreciation and SLOAN thanks, LINIMENT All the ceremonies concluded. PAIN ENEMY the Brethren, along with the various visiting members, retired to the barqueting room, where ample justice was done to the Dentist Howell for the occasion, under Toast Master, Bro, Babbington Simons, of Court zpah, who is HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA well known for the ability of CANAL ZONE.
handling such a position, The usual toasts of the Health of the Office Hours: a. to 1p.
Executive authorities were to p. proposed, drunk, and responded, DAILY to in most betitiog manner; a nicely rendered song by Bro.
PHONE 1288 BALBOA Paynter brought the function to a close, in the wee bours of the Specializes in all the branches morning.
Dentistry. of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended son s of Court Wallace. Well Doer None and nature Dbarlllloan The main object of this convention is to consolidate the industrial commercial, economical, intellectual and tinancial resources of the Negroes domiciled in this Republis for their present and future development on mudern lines The most commemorative feature of this eventful season will by the unveiling of the Dominion Charter which has been regis.
tered so as to cover the opera.
tions of all branches thoroughout the Republic now and ever, and to inspire the spirit of oneness, unity, co operation and race pride beralded under our doctrine, ONE GOD, ONE AIM ONE DESTINY and THE FATHERHOOD OF GOD AND THE BROTHERHOOD OF MAN.
The unveiling of this charter will necessarily demand the establishment of a Legation or Controlling Centre for Central Am.
erica, Among the many vital ques.
tions and problems scheduled for arbrotration and solution are: Industry, Commerce, Education and Politics.
INDUSTRY (1) What lines of industry should be pursued at present to raise the status of the Negro in this community (2) How should this line be pursued to bring success and coofort for the coin mon good of one and all. 3) What is the best policy or system by which Neg roes can realize self employment to his greatest living asset?
What inducement can be handed out to him tor adoption as ways and means to keep him constantly employed. 4) By such ways and means, how can a art be made effectively. 5) What factors are requirable by the to measure up to the full strength of and un limited success for his potential industrial forces. COMMERCE (1) Wbat lines of commerce can the Negro pursue to raise bis sia us in this community. 2) Give the best ideal for operation along comercial lines for the common god of one and all (3) Do the lsws of economy pruve in any way auccassful to commerce? If sb now and by what method can it be applied to ob aia practioal results. 1) By such practical results how cau a start be made effective by the NIA. 5) What factors are required at present by the NI to measure up to the full strength for the uolimited success of 159 commercial potential forces?
EDUCATION (1) What are the best lines of education adoptable to meet the urgent need of the Negro as a weapon or potential force for bim to battle present day conditiona. 2) How can these lines be sought and obtained, and what method can be applied in obtein(3) Does education prove a de terrent to crime? (4) What are the best ways 70and means adoptable to educate the destitute ones of cur race de.
mteiled in this community. 5) Along what lines can our education be successfully engin creered, and financed by the AP Tor POLITICS (1) What political channels should the Negro pursue to raise his status in this community. 2) Des the political protection accorded him by represent ative governments proved worthy to his advantage? If so in what way?
to (3) Does the present condition of the Negroes in this community u prevents bim grappline with the political aspects of the future. 4)
What solution can be brought to bear on the present political protection accorded to to Negroes in this community. 5) Along what lines can such protection be financed and supported to bring about better reALBOA Successful EST EER DR. HOFFMANN United States of America CANAL ZONE Has removed his clinic to No. 39 Central Avenue. En. In the United States Distric trance between La Mascota Court of the Canal Zone, Balboa Division at Ancon and Chong Kee Store, Canal Zone.
REWED ing them?
30 HAND IRONERS Wanted WILKINSON CIVIL No. 716 Notice of Pendency of Suit Contractor and Builder CECIL MARKLAND. Plaintiff VS.
House No. 20 MARION MARKLAND. Defendant 28th NOV. STREET, TO MARION MARKLAND SAN MIGUEL GREETINGS: Box 411, Panama, TAKE NOTICE That on the 9th day of July, Plans and Specifications Free Markland, filed an action against 1925, the above named Cecil you in the United States District First Class Workmanship Court, District of the Canal Zone, Guaranteed Balboa Division at Agcon, Canal Zone, praying for a decree of divorce Vinculo Matrimonii, according to sults for the advancement of the law.
Negro by the Now, therefore, unless you the No conscientious degro can said Marion Markland, shall perafford to miss this convention sonally appear before the United which will make every one who States District Court of the Canal attend realize the time has come Zone, at Ancon, Canal Zone on or for us to rise from our letbargy before the 21st day of August, and act part by contri. 1925 and plead, answer or demur to buting meritoriously a clean cut the said complaint, the matters and program for our present and things therein charged and stated future will be taken as confessed, and a generation.
and decree entered against you accordAll Negro Organizations and Fraternal Societies are specially ing to the prayer of said petition.
invited to send Representatives GOOLSBY.
to act and take part in the debate.
Clerk, United States District Court: All publishing agencies and Newspapers are requested to DAVID LEON, 7)
send reporters.
Attorney for plaintiff.


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