
Interesting West.
The Workman BOOK STORE Take Notice the West also is Ho Ro Co Famous Products Red Tank Star Lodge The best Tonic in the World (Continued from page 5i the address of each officer in VIGOR TONIC which the audience beartily joined This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommendOf every description At the end of the ligious ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Ce amony the installation of Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up officers followed. By this time, DONE WITH NEATNESS AND a run down constitution there was ro: even standing room in thenscious Lodge Hill, It promotes digestion, improves the appeThe public had been cordially in cite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system vited and they heartily responded.
The following were appointed DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or as Grand Officers. times a day.
AT THE Worthy Sir Wallace, Commander.
JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Worthy Sir Thomas, of Gorgona Star Lodge, as G.
Vice Commander, Wortby Lady Bowen, Wortby Lady Lorde, Treasurer: Worthy Lady Tbomas Accountant.
CALL IN AT Worthy Lady Jordon, Chaplain Worthy Sir Minzie, Panama PROF. INYANG Star Inside Sentinel. Continued from page 2) Worthy Sir Walker.
Great occult. Latest master the possibly reluctant decision of Outside Sentinel.
other parties thereto. Now we Worthy Sir Myers, mind of South Africa. Master learn by cable of the carrying of Marshali.
the campaign a step further. Worthy Sir Griffiths, Gorgona No. 93, Central Avenue The West India Committee of the Star Asst. Marshall.
of mystic science. Can help Halifax Board of Trade acting in The installation Ceremony concert with other similar bodies proved to be a source of enjoyyou in case you are suffering said to be intimately connected ment, wonder and admiration to ASSORTMENT OF in love, in business or other affairs with the West Indies has formu all present. It was performed, it ated a report which clearly lays has been said, in wonderful GOOD STATIONERY down the advisability of having a manner, and reflected credit on of human interest.
contract with the Ryal Mail the Grand ficers as well as on Company on their own terms as the Lodge proper. In fact the SOUVENIRS, Consultatior, in person or write for price to size and speed of steamers and Ceremony, as performed, was a list. Strictly confidential subsidy to be paid and at the credit to the Order.
same time as to the discontinu The additional charges were Address: 206 129th St. New York City, ance of the service of Government delivered by the following apsteamers which has done so much pointed officers.
for the trade of these islands wars Worthy Sir Wallace to Com during recent years And incid. mander dentally it is a novel argument Worthy Sir. Smith to come from professedly disetur Vice Commander.
CHURCH SERVICES Bethlehem Church of God ested business men that competi Com Worthy Lady Queely of Paci Holiness tion has bad the effect of increas. tic Star to Scribe. Continued from page 4)
ing the rate for freights by ocean Worthy Sir Yard to Treas.
No, MARIANO AROSEMENA St. liners. As we have picted out, urer and Accountant.
SAN MIGUEL time and again, what wafael in Sir Shan to Chaplain. Regular Assortment of Seventh Day Adventist Church Indies or at any rate in Worthy Sir Fortune of Gor.
Sunday o clock Prayer Meeting Trinidae. and perhaps in Barba gona Star to Sentinels. STREET CALIDONI ROAD. dos that the proposal The officers installed were 38 (Deer Isthmiso Park. PANAMA.
Bro. Small.
that we should costribute to to the follows: p. Sunday School, Superinten subsidy of the Canadian service Sir McDonald Com.
Sunday Evening 30 Preachdent.
ought to b; strictly ntingent mander SUCH ASing Service The general public is p. Programme upon our receiving the very Lady Beckles, Vice Commandcordially invited to turn out in large 15 Gospel Service, Preache sake of which our delegates in moderate concessions for the er.
Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, Worthy Sir Walker, Bro. Webley.
Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sab1920 exceeded their instructions Scribe.
bath Sebool; 11. 15. General Worship Tuesday 30 pm. Gospel Service. to secure for us. And that is just Worthy Sir Thomas, Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine 30 pm. Spanish Class; Thursday 30 Sister meeting what we are being deprived of in and Testimony.
the present negotiations. Con Accountant.
Lidy Dickson. Chaplain.
Tablets, 30 Society, meeting Shampoo, Hair Dressing, 30 Junior and Senior Standard Saturday 30 Choir Bebearsal pared with its necessity to the Sir Springer, Marsball.
Elder T, C, FRANCIS, Dominion we in Trinidad have of attainment Class p. Vespers.
Sir Diniels, Asst. Marshall.
etc. etc. etc.
absolutely no real need for the Pastor in charge.
Sir Martin, Inside Sentinel Canadian service. We coald do Sir Brawster Outside SeaSeventh Day Adventist Church BEULAH 11 a. Devine Servies very well without it: because to Brotter WH. Campbell use an Irisbism we are sure Sir p Sunday School, Superinten that as soon as it was realiz e Clarke, Aides to Commander.
Prendergast and Lady Brd STREET BROADWAY COLON dant. 30 Gospel Service, Preacher that we did not need is so much Sunday evening 30 o Preaching Bro. Campbell Preacher as to pay for it we should be Ailes to Vice Commander.
Sir Conliffe and Sir Votier. You are cordially invited to offered it for nothing, as we bava 93 CENTRAL AVENUE serenid there wervices and bring your GAMBOA MISSION Sunday been in the past. And it it did declared Complete, refreshments The installation having been School; 2, 30 m. Gospăl Sermon Bro. result in the curtailment of our were served lavishly to a vers friends Panama City.
Sabbath (Saturday) 45 Sabbath Harris, Preacher. we sebol; 11. 15 a, General Worship Note. Oher Se vice for the week keenly suspect it would be listle orderly and respectabie gatherwill be made from the pulpit. 30 pm. Young people meeting that we experience in the amount of During this part of the program 30 Vespers either Canadian of American Professor Förd with his Clariogoods would arrive in Port ot Musical Saw, and Mr. Shan New Immigration very at the cooperation of the Ebenezer Church of God net Williams 0g hi. This, he saidwas Spain. It is chiefly after all for daughter with a Duet entertain Holiness Baptist Churches Canada berselt and for the sake the house most appreciativ ly.
of the smaller islands, that a Eien rendition received great tion Law.
American Consuls abroad in the selection of emigrants, Canadian service is needed, and applauze. Under the auspices of the Southern CALIDONIA DISTRICT really we do not see that it forms Because of the Consuls strict Baptist Convention. Sunday 5o clock, Prayer Meetin: addresses ware Colon 11 a. Pastor Thrift and any part of the duty of Trinidad delivered by Worthses sime RESULT IN MORE EVEN DIS and intelligent selections, Major 11 Divine Service Preacher. to subsidise a line that refuses to Thomas, Bro. Joo Watkis of Corporal Elliot, 7p. Panor Thrift. Supplied give us what we stipulated for TRIBUTION OF IMMIseeking admission during the Gatun 11 a. Deacon Crawford; p. Sunday School Superintendent in the Canadian trade agreement Sirs Walker the Fishermen Lodge, Worthy GRANTS past year bave been youuger men p. Teacher Filis of Wes and women and of a higher type New Providence. 11 mm. Deacon 30 Gospel Service, Preacher Indies. That is a matter for Can expressed the thanke Myer of the than the alien arrivals during Broome Supplid.
Chorrillo 11 Deacon Yearwood: ada and the Imperial Government Lodge to the Visitors. The Legate p. on Deacon Linton Tuesday 30 Gorpel Service Nevertheless as we have said, it pronounced the Benediction and Says Commissioner Curran, previous years.
The 1, 000, 000 examinations Calidonia 11 a. Leader Gallimore Thursday 30 Pintur a and Tes looks very much as though the all jpined in singing the Doxologi conducted by the Ellis Island intimony meeting, probabilities lay in the direction which ended a most enjoyable New York, July Ellis Island spectors wera classified in the p. Descon Russell.
Saturday 30 Choir Reb reale. of our to the finding ourselves pledged the well spent ovening.
officials examined approximately following groups: 250, 000 examiRed Tank 11 Deacon Reid.
Elder ODLE to the proposals of the Canadian Govern inent; and p. Lesder Crooke.
1, 000 000 immigrants, citizens nations at Ellis Island, composed that be so, it Empire 11 a. m, and p. Supplied Pateor in charge only mains to be seen to what Administrator of Dominica. left and sea men who arrived in the of 135, 000 immigrants and 115, 000 Puebo Nuevo 11 a. Descop Linton port of New York during the returning visitors; 5, 000 seamen extent our delegates to the Otta. on Mondav by the Chaudiera. fiscal year 1924 25, which ended and 250, 000 citizens.
wa Conterenc will succeed in unloved and unsung. His out yesterday, Henry Curran, ImBethel Church of God The Church of God Holiness wringing from Canada something spoken boast that he spento na migration It is the duty of the immito night over Dominica.
Sigration authorities not only to immiare to do in the matter of the was born out by his actions grands admitted since July protect the counterpambathelseto nounced. Of the 150, 000 Colon and Streets. Gospel meet RIO BAJO, LAS BABANAS stea mobip service or whether His Administration has proved 1924, approximately 185, 000 or 90 dccord the plg migranter the best the whole conference is to re barren and detrimental. When per cent, were examined by the treatment possible during their ings at 11. 30 aw 30 Bup.
Sunday. 8. Prayer Mieti. solve itself, as we feared from the news that the Governor Ellis Island inspectors, while examination detention at day School at 3p. was. he Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON 3p. Sunday School; Superintendent sions to Canada on the part of retreated loss was recentes inbe only abjat 500 were deported Ellis Island Commissioner CurMost of the are Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meeting: 30 p, Gospel Service, Preacher the series of colonies who have when he has not been able to see and about 3, 000 were excluded ran polated out. He said the provided with st 11. 30 a. and 30 m; Sud Supplied.
far more to give to Canada under bis soul his own. Concerned chief as undesirable.
Tuesday Goupel service at the usual bas or intends to give to us.
day School at pm.
barade agreement that she either ly with getting jobs for the one 000 excloded had lived in the clean quarters, pourishing food United States for and entertainment, He also said from six or two who posed as his friends, months to one year.
that no speeches are permitted Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH hour, be bastened his over the radio at Ellis Island.
New Providence. Gospel Meetings at Wednesday Sunbeam Class meet than face the Elective element in With the reduction in the 11. 30a. and 30 Sunday Most of the immigrants during at p.
our new Legislative Council. Ellis Island force from 540 to 469 the last fiscal year were from DOMINICA School at pm.
Bro. WILMOTT, Cark in charg Uader certain cricumstances, the Government will save ap. Northwestern Europe. In former Bis, CAMPBELL.
which he and his cenncillors did proximately 165 000 dollars a Red Tank, Canal Zoue. Gepel meeting Mal Administration their best to bring about but year, Commissioner Curran said years the greatest number came Salvation Army Hall.
failed to carry through, at least In spite of the deceased parsontries. The Commissioner emphafrom Southwest European counon Thursday night 30 pm. Sua three of the Elected Members nel, the aliens have been handled sised that there is no congestion day School at p.
and possibly all four would have satisfactorily and without com at Ellis Island.
Sis. GRAY LA BOCA CORPS By Dominica Administrator refused to take their seats. The plaint, he continued.
Patams, Arosemens Street, House 26, 30. Knee Drill cloud on the horizon, first seen a San Miguel Gospel weetings at 11 Holiness Meeting.
little more than a year ago, was Commissioner Curran declared 11, 30 and 730 Sunday p. Sunday School.
Commenting on the departure fast gatbering into a storm of the new Inmigration law bad Rent Receipt Books In SpanSchool at 3p. P. Meeting op 30 Open Air.
TRIBUNE says: admiaisti avor the indignation. The writing was on resulted in a more even distribuTuesday eveninge 15 30 Salvation meeting.
the wall. May we never see bis tion of immigrant arrivals each Ish and English for sale at the His Honour Eliot, Esq. like We extend a cordial invitaton to sli month and Bro. Albert Peatos.
fewer déporta. Workman Printery tin The Workman Printery difference should ing for sake departure rather of


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