p. 8


post and 600D RACES. beat furlong and Jolly man, Another big day for Turfites are used and his cluding the freion their freedom, should not be po.
factors in the Negro a are this connec Book Binding!
Still SPARKLETS. THE TURF Progress Made by Death of Mr. Ronald MacNish. Continued from page 1)
LAST SUNDAY. Continued from page 1)
as they will scarcely be so taught Britania rules the waves; Britons The death of Ronald MasNish never, never, never shall be slaves. well known business mºn of this There was much thrill at Juan by the white man; but the ad itted however, that there are white In agreeing that the day should city, took place on Tuesday last at co on Sunday last; most of people who are working with not become absolete, am in line the Panama Hospital. It had been thu eight races on the program Negroes in helping the latter along with Mr. Wbyte opinion that the known that Mr. MacNish was in having Gruisbed splendid exhibi JUAN FRANCO TRACK reminder should take different ill health for some time, but his tio on the part of jockeys who The race should get rid of ferr, rode a few of the most keenly declared, and pool its money to one of its principal drawbacks, he form, as the major idea of freeing early demise at the age of forty the slaves is not ºn outstanding was hardly expected by this comcorrest. races TO MORROW and noble act of distinguished mu The xaad a ball furlong race bring about commercial indepen dence and at the same time philantropists, it is a part of the unity which was somewhat shock.
for the best imported horses, acquire education, the only eradied when the sad news beocme plan of the Ruler of the Uuiverse; known which brought out Dad, Tributo cator of race prejudice and the Sunday, August 2nd 1925 the recollection of slavery should be We understand that the body and Frou Frou, was won by Dad road to better and more rapid a serious thought in our lives, and was embalmed and shipred to his who made ev ry post a winning progress we should learn to hate, more and relatives in Jamaica on Thursday was only serionsly more, the institution as do the last The address of Mr. Walters was en alleaged by Frou Frou in run WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE other fellows, Ling up to the winning post.
more generalized and included a recital of the successes of a people In the six furlong race for class with a dark beginning, He touch But in Jamaica and other British Items of Interest West Indian islands where EmanBimported borses Cicero, Jollyed on such characters as Phyllis Fellow and Mi Pollera finished in Wheatlev, who gained distinction cipation Day is being of served a dead alt ra most sensa in literature and art; Paul Taw.
on a very high scale by Negroes, tional race. Mi Pullera started in it is even more bordering on com. Continued from page 1)
third place and the fourth horse Josephs, the lawyer: Dr.
dirence; Dunbar, the poet; Hector in the race, Super Gloria, broke DuBois, the man of letters boy and girl knows the signifi. The opinion is held by some monsense, as nearly every school year as Emancipation Day.
away last. the forth Races For Imported horses Mh Pollera ran into second posi of the race, Booker Washand cance of the occasion; but here in Panama 90 of the unfortunate that freedom from chatte!
tion af far which the three jockeys ington, who at 19 was unable and for Native bred Ponies children are called upon to slavery when the slaves of Aranda on. parade the streets to Standard themselves did not contribute Oval to be fed from charity know on Mi Pollura and Munoz o. otto read, but afterwards grew into a great and noole educator. He cero called on their superior skill then spoke of Marcus Garvey, the notbing about the incidents which anything to help bring about last furlongs bad their horses vegro race as it of their great grand the freed was never stirred fathers and mothers. The idea of while some hold that the on even terms, which positio before, man whom no man will celebration under these conditions Was maintained to the windig not admit that he is a great is an altogether ill conceived and emancipation should be the thinker and writer. As a medium a Everybody will be there. Don miss it. unfortunate one.
cause of rejoicing. Others The Stewards awarded the of helping the further progress of furlong race for class impor the race, Mr. Walters believed that also object to the acts of a First Race Starts p. Sharp Aims AND OBJECTS OF COLLEC few who are disposed to ask ted bor es to Pereque, di quali the IA. despite all its diffifying Back Dancer afver deciding cultias will stand, grow and go for donations, around the As a rule honest working men first of August, from other Un protest waich was lodged Referring to some of that the former was crossed by the per don beg they are too proud to than West Indians to finance obstacles ADMISSION: the latter.
beg. One can understand the the way of progress, Women Life problem Club of La the affairs of the Day.
Caribe easily won tbe four fur ne touched upon Jimerowism and Grand Stand of Ground 50c. Boca serving a few of long distance for class native lynching in the United States our people with invitation to series ot borses wito Baby Popky ruQOID America; but thought that the terpischoreon exercises and then shock of earthquake was a close second and Fenomeno Negroes there have Jumped these bialy beaten; Rialto was secached obstacles and inding follow it up with the information the ladder of success he result wara as followe: laddero In that that dollar is needed to helfelt here at half past ten a our people who are deserv o clock yesterday morning First race, for class Dative tioa he gave credit to some of the ing of help, and whether you are lasting for about three second.
horses, distanc: furlongs won. ly helped Negrees to surmount the other races who have conscientious.
wall flewer or a preacher, a No demage has been reported.
by El Chichi of the Stad Aliado; bachelor of twenty five or are just as Dictad. 2nd ann Linac third, obstacles, and said that it taking on your three scores of The pool paid 90 and stands to day, Negros have a very ammers, they are expecting a 50 on the first horse and 300 bright future before them; although dollar for each card. But would John Martyn of Washun the second horse.
be did not counteuance the retro. Why throw away your old, but no disagree with them had they ington is enroute to the grative tendencies of some of our been going around soliciting sub Isthmus to inspect conditions 2nd race: class native young peorle.
doubt interesting, books when you seription from the Chinaman, tbe in the Canal Zone and report burs s; distance four furlongs; Mr. Reyaolds, being the last won by by CR Diz Caribe, speaker and, as he expressed it. can have them neatly bound at Englishman and the American to help in this way; as our charge to Secretary of War John ridden by Mun Baby Perry not being a student of Negro upon the Red Cross is more than Weeks, on authority of the Becond and Fenomeno third history and race di Pool paid 40 on the winner. was consequently at a sufficient THE. WORKMAN Secretaly of War, according No place tickeis sold to reports reaching here.
but he however wound up CAN WE STAND 3rd race for class impor by saying that unles: we appre93 CENTRAL AVENUE If after eighty seven years of ted borses four furlongs; won by ciate the bigher things of life the Paud lia; Pancho Rito second spiritual side of life, and other Opposite Cecilia Theatre freedom from slavery including William May, first and Kirnan third, Toe pool paid things of sublime nature our twenty one years in the employment Marshall of the United States 39. 50 and 86 on the first horse progress will not be valued; that of the great self respecting United 10 on the second and 30 on we should not only claim to be States of America, we are unable District Court appointed on stand on our oars and, ac the Canal Zone and who was to third.
progressive, but sbow that we are. cording to Mr.
Wbyte dig down in private secretary to Colonel Fu 15 race: furlongs for progressive.
our pockets and furnish refreshment Geo. Goethals, Chairman class Quarantine Passengers imported horses; won On requst of the Chairman, Rev.
Co Morrow Races and other things for our children of by Prae; Confetti secood and Wade, at the end of the program, Released.
on what we term Emancipation the Isthmian Canal Bank Dancer third Puol paid addressed the audience and exand 60 the winner.
pressed himself as having highly Dav. then we are fit subjects to Commission Fifty five passengers program of seven races will forcefully hurled back into chattel engineer of the Paanma Caaporeciated the progra:n, He made of the make up the card for tomorrow slavery for two hundred years nal, arrived on the Isthmus thrace: furlongs for class special reference to the elocution Italian, steamsh:o Napoli who afternoon at Juan Franco Park. more dative horses. won by from New York on Sunday fime with Dardenela and Renown ary item on Toussaint LeOverture. were detained in quarantine at No class entries have been to of SHOULD BE STOPPED.
last. It is said that Mr. May sovetively.
Fool paid 60 and ber of years with West Indians in passenger having died from men press, but in the native division The question needs more than will probably spend a few 80 on the first horse and 70 the West Indies and found that ingitis on the voyage here, were ther will be a five furlong race passing comment, but our great weeks on the Canal Zone. tbe secoud the people have made some pro released on Saturday afternoon for class borses which family weekly has very lunited out five of the And. obis the racea Distance six for being boser tous better release was seriously retarded by Cultures from best nati longs for class importag bepaling in legitimate garde chien he taine and inspecte in the standen berry retive flyers. Baby Perry observations are being written on Seven States of the United horses. This race was a dead thought was to a certain extent Hospital showed u evidence of the Realto ith similar weight, cipation Day August lat, today for the suppression of lynchcarrying a top weight of 120 Tuesday for publication on Eman. States have passed a new law heat. Pel paid 10 and 00 blamed on the housing problem. the disease Fenomeno 96, when the celebration will on Jolly Fullow, Cicero Mi Poli Other era who came in on even terms items Caribe 118.
the program were Miss Dixon with The fifth event will also bring next July this condition of affairs according to a report prepared be in progress, but am sure that ing, during the past ten years class imported borse. won plano accompaniment by her sister LEGAL NOTICE out five imported horses for another will not be allowed to take a simi by Professor Monroe Seventh race: 64 furlongs for by Dad Frou second, Tribuno Doris Hamer; an organ selection Miss Dixon; a vocal solo by Miss five furloog distance, and suen well lar turn.
Work of Tuskegee Institute.
third. Pool paid 30 on the by Dottin, Organist of the known cracks as Tigre with 106 lbs Notice of Pendency of Sult Mi Pollera 128, Alta Mae 90, TIME OFF IS IN ORDER.
Two other States have also winner. No place tickets were sold in this race Panam Wesleyan Church and a Kernan 100 and West Meath 90 strengthened The Panama Canal Government against the crime, laws musical selection on a carpenter UNITED STATES DISTRICT will take part.
Eighth race: Five furlongs for saw by Asber.
class imported horses: won is perfectly within its right in COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE will be a four furlong distance for granting its Westerndian empleryprogram tana second and Tigre tbird: thanked the au tence for their keen Espin ise Marcela; Capi M. Harris, President of the Society in his closing remarks the following four native ho ses: ees time off to observe an importBalboa Division As the result of discoveries Dictador and Hero 128 its each, ant event; but the basic cause for Pool paid 80 and 50 on the attention to the entire program. He 100 and Super Zapu 95 observance should not be of British School of tirst horse and 20 tbe also pointed out that there was a аро because we are glad to have been Archaeology CIVIL No: 717 Three entries are booked for the freed on the first of August 1838; in more decided appreciative second event, six and a half there is a rejoicing, it should be according to Professor Sir.
progress on the part of the AmeriELIAS WORRELL, Plaintiff furlong race for native borses.
Graduated In Music over the successes which we would Flinders Petrie in the London to leave the barrier and be able to boast of as being Times, there is a continuous can Negroes, which he thought was accounted by the fact that they acaso en el foro de tardor to under ANASTACIA WOBRELL, Defendant Infimo, Dardanela and Toto. All well thinking West Indians, betion in Egypt for over fourteen compete over this distance are brought about by our owo initiative. view of successive civilizaThe many friends of Miss that, to the contrary, the Divorce 92 progress would a Richards, well known or hfe of West Indiaas, especially on To ANASTACIA WORRELL ganist of this City will be glad to the Isthmus of Panama is appar. a noble cause over which we should thousand years.
are hereby koow that afrer. two years ently not helping them to make so July 21, 1925 Blias Worreli filed in the six imported horses: Oriental 132, we are lapparently in a deplorable six furlong race is set apart for rejoice. But on the face of things course in music with the Exien rapid a headway. sion Conservatory in Chicago, United States Secretary of above entitled court a petition wherein Milonga 132. Plaudilla 120, Gui condition, if it is necessary for us he pra. for an absolute divorce from tarra 118, West Meath 115 and to solicit contributions from the the Navy Wilbur is due to Illinois, she has graduated with you on the statutory grounds of desertion.
Poncho Roto 104 honors and bave recived her diother fellows to furnish ourselves arrive on the Isthmus next ploma by this ma She sbould You are, therefore, hereby notified The prog am will wind up with with refreshments when celebrating Thursday on the Army Transbe congratulated for her ambithat you are required to enter your 36 12 furlong dash in which Ti our eighty seventh year as a freeport Henderson.
tions aud persistent effort in Marcela. people.
LIBERTY HALL the Clerk of said court at Anem and Oriental will compete.
gre gaining such distic ction.
29 Street, Panama on or before August 28, 1926.
Canal Zone, and make answer thereto, On the whole the TAKE NOTICE program The eleventh of this month ENGLISH CLASSES If you fail to do so within the time promises to be of the same high British Consulate Notice aforesaid the petltion will be takea as standard as on previous occasions, by Day and by Night are confessed, and the petitionale file can and a big attendance is expected. paper can be had at the fol presentation of medals to the The WORKMAN News is the date fixed for the The British Consul at Colna would be glad of information as to DOW opened for the judgement against you by default the elocution Summer the present whereabouts of one lowing places: applied for in the petition.
Isage Reid, recently a resident of For particulars apply on the spot te Rent Receipt Books in Span F, SHEIBLEY Lindsay Place, No. 2, contest held at La Boca Club Colou, who is stated to be emhouse on April 14th last under Sr. Assi. Clerk, Street, San Miguel.
ish and Engiysh for sale at the BARTON, D, ployed on board one of the vessels ROBINSON March, Barber55, Cali the auspices of the La Boca using the Panama Canal.
Principal Workman Printery Athenaeum.
donia Roed.
age to as chief will bring.
on a salo by their by th a second.
Egypt, and Vs.
care free respectively Private Academy Smand from said court the relief Atto. ney


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