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PRICE Cts. Cy.
The Emancipation Day BRITISH ANNUAL MINISTER CONVENTION Garvey Work Extolled Celebration Controversy By hief GLieutenants. ES Britannie Majesty the the local branches of the entire al mes At Banquet Given Them at Belize British Honduras, Recently this of be sure to com issue By JacK 8 To Attend Service at St, Of Local Branch Paul Tomo rrow Night. es Bogan Lass Sunday Winslow Gaskin Attacks The Major Charles Brathwaite Wal The Annual Convention of the Question with a Scarlet Pen ter to. and Braib, gro Improve Association be waite Wallie will attend Divine gan its busines sessions in trumpet in Enrode that shook the this city to morrow evening.
Service at St. Paul Church in city at 9p. on the 5th inst, at the Hall of the e Guach pali Chap.
TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN: world to its very foundation. This The congregation at St. Paul ter No. 14, with High Commission Belize out to showed Dear Sir: regret very much is the greatest revolt that is known that was unable to take part in in history Why should not these Shich is made up chiefly of erhebarles Bryant Speaker. states that Sir William Sherrill necessity for the co operation of her British West Indians and the rela: The commencement of the sessions and Sir Clifford Bourne the dismembers of the race in order that the storm that raged on the shores people celebrate?
tion of the British Minister to came about after the unveiling of tinguished visitors of the Parent the programme might be accomEmancipation Day Celebra. Let us go over to America West Indians in this fecuntry gives the Dominion Charter on the pre: Body of the Universal Negro plished and the status of the race tion controversy regret the more Rightly or wrongly the Colonists importance to the visit: vious Sunday at Liberty Hall of Improvement Association who improved and placed on a better 18 would have been only too glad do not feel satisfied of the treat Major Wallis desires all British Division No. 17, following a spec. have foundation that been entertaining lugre will to join comrades White and Hun meat of the mother country and West Indians to know that he is tacular street demöstration by a audiences since their arr val con command the respect of the world.
ter, Although it is my opinion that they told the mother country so deeply interested in their welfaro large number of members and tinue to make known the high He paid high tribute to Marcus MT Whyre is more than a maten Great Britain does not stand for in every roint of experience in the branches in Colon and in the Association stands.
friends of the Association from aims and objects for which the carvey he founder of the for any celebrationist on the aoy back talk. And of course, the wishes to come in close contact Canal Zone, made up of officers of Association, as the greatest man Isthmus. Before going too far die was cast The Great Virginian with them took the sword. Patrick Henry permit.
ask your permision, whenever Occasions of the Association, Black Cross the race had yet seen in having very pleasant evening was succeeded to organize million of a field, would Mr. Editor, to allow me to address thundered in the Senate, and Nurses, Boy Scouts, Brigades, Le spent at the Red Theatre on Sun negroes in the short span of three myself to the gentleman who Thomas Paine fired the Colonists cions and others auxiliares, with duyen laste when a public meeting years. He felt that men writes the Sparklets. would with his now famous These are the 7810 Comunissioner Bryant at the head under the auspices of the Associa. Marcus Garvey were specially not call him by his non de plume, times that try men souls. new of affair tion was staged. Despite unpro prepared dou like it. It sounds too mwih celebrate such an event Who would not the work they pitious weather a large number performed and were hard to find as much nation was born.
The Convention program is to in attended to hear the distinguished they come once in he will Every This is nou a lottery number, but clude discussions on the location of speaker.
assume a better pen name. This man strives at the will to power the number that should have the Territorial Headquarters and every generation.
Ca. vey gentleman has stated my case Panama did not like the manar appear over the ad on page three Centrul offices of the Association; was regarded by the As already stated the weather enemies of the Association as a fairly well if not altogether accu in which she was trented by Col. of this issue; ond 7810 represents the headquarter stoff which is to was not as anticipated and some dreamer They regarded him as a rate. And not for the world would mbia She revolted. Today, the the number of premiums given include a High Cow misioner and delay was exrerienced before a fanatic. But the greatest quarrel with him. agree with Republic of Panama can buast of fa away by the British American To two assistants; two executive secre start was made. This handicap, pliment yet paid Marcus Garvey bit iu regards taking around the aational idea! These people have bacco Company for empty pack taries, one of whom will act as to however, was overcome by the was by those who called him hat. But his querry Whether the done something. In the case of ages of Lucky Strike and Victor terpreter in addition with his other presence of the Union Band under dreamer, he said. Ia support of his Negroes are right to celebrate the British West Indian Negroes, cigarettes up to date. Through an duties; Officer of Finance; General the direction of Mr. Fred Clarke remurks he directed the attention Emancipation Day? shows that the voice of the verb is changed omission, this number was not put Auditor and assistant; also the con which rendered some excellent of his hearers to the pages of fully. He is trying to make the Their liberty or as the historian. to note tre large wunber of prem ters; establi hment of Bureau of ing.
he does not grasp my contention They had som sthing done to them on the ad, and readers uto asked solidation of Divisons and Chap items before and during the meet history and showed what had been done by dreamers. He spoke of a moral one. It is not a Barrie, has comically put it their sums that have already been given sick and death Grant payments: Mr. Staine, the local Napoleon, Joan of Arc, Stevensoa. away by. and said matter Toni ot be judged by an ethical Mornia oven the floor and the bar that bodo Crumparnyfelté police and we we funds and the acquiring of real es chade preliminary itembo were con Marcus Garvey they all demon It just. Parliament. If it is advanced your cigarette packages so as tate.
were and unlike cluded delivered speech social value which is very we should thank God for our in acquire some of these handsome degrading.
For instance, look to emancipation, rom chattel slavery presents. Look out in our next Questions in conection with laun. during which he paid high com strated the superior ability in their youth. Iu conclusion he expressed ask pertinent question pliment to Mr. Martinez for his assurance in the programme of (Continued on page 8) a poem which he had composed the Association and was confident celebrationist, a ing Whom shell we damn for lead a university training and dedicated to the Association.
notwithstanding would descend, ing us into slavery? By this begging for funds to celebrate the mean that the question has no He also explained that the weather that nothing would be able to Lad caused a change in the prostand before it.
II SPARKLETS fuel that, he, too, like other folk theological value. is a puestion gramme as time would not permit gain, of sociology and economics HiThe meeting was afterwards IN 10 lunger a chattel slave. Again, the two speakers to address the brought to a close and all dispersed It has su economic value. it is tery reveals the facts, and these wasteful. It is a miserable waste of sciences give then their respective THE Convention.
and my wife, my son John and his decided that only one of the gentle.
meeting and it was therefore in the best of spirit.
precious time, for it carries no value. historical diagnosis tay wife, are going to be interested men should speak. He then called Sunday Aug. 2: It was uafortu: primarily in us four and no more At Liberty Hall the same night wo putation in it. Every intelligent find a pathological nffinity between meeting.
emiu would like to know if itish the French Revolution and the date for me not to have witnessed Secondly, we are interested in the upon Sir William to address the solclock, Sir Clifford Bourne Was the speaker subjects aloue were chattel slaves! American War. But there is abso the gigantic demonstration held by welfare of our fellowmen, but that interested menbers of the race in Aud of su2 Wny so? And if not? lutely no consanguinity between the local branches of the Univer largely because we know if he MARCUS GARVEY PRAISED.
the aims and objects of the Asso.
West the one or the other with the sal Negro Improvement Associa doesn get along happily, we won don wby the other.
ciation, Sir Clifford touched on lucians who were once slaves emancipation of British slaves lotion on sunday last; but was be happy. It is a fact that one the meeting expressed his great his discourse which must have been Sir William in rising to address some very important points during celebrate better their Emancipation? the West Indis, If Mr. Barrie can uired, and discretion is the the herench West Indian name any historian who so treats part of valour. Notwithstaadiug other on mere philantropic grounds pleasure in doing so He spoke of helpful and wakening to in the And is bis less loyal to the French Flag, the subject, will willingly join that, Jintend to follow and observe the Prince of Wales goes to the great work the Association had bearers.
than we British West Indian the ranks of the celebrationists keenly, the deliberations of the India, Jamaics and Africa to now to the British Flag? Again, it is next year. Until then, Whyte, Association during the entire Conpromote the goodwill towards him bad economy, for it diverts money Hunter, Gaskin and others of us ventiou which is set to occupy the of tue Indiaas, Jamaicans and ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN from a useful chaunel and throws are not in the noh. Thanking you greater part of the present month, Africans primarily to promote and will, each week give the result th assurance of happiness in his it into the bands of those who for space, Sir, keep up an institution only for the of my superficial observations home; as these people must be am, Although it is learnt that York, as his successor, were loaves and fishes.
tnose who read our family Week, happy so as to allow the Royal attorneys on both sides of announced on July 18th at ly. Suoday evening, however, Family to have uninterrupted This year Mr. Barrie claims to WINSLOW ARTHUR GASKIN. attended the last session which sleep. Unless Negroes promote the trial of John Scopes, Portland, Oregon, by be the spokesman for the celebramarked the termination of the ex tionists would not bave taken any race consciousness they will never 24 year old High School trustees of the international with the be respected genuinely respected teacher of Dayton, Tennessee, organization. Doctor Clark, no ice of him if he did not clain PROMISING PUPIL Dominion Charter by implication that he is a studeut and there was but one thing which bevether the tracebreas they will accused of teaching evolution more than 70 years old, is will able to achieve.
of history. That is just the kinu genuinely impressed me, and that in violation of the Tennessee known as the Father of of man. m looking for How much For Westwood High School was a manifestation of an apparent. The One Price System, law, bore their own expenses Christian Endeavor.
he knows of history, we will see Jamaica.
implicit faith which the huired. It is not known whether the and served without fees, just now. It is but fair to let him who forced their way into the know that in future be must spell, influence of the Rotary Club will approximately 25. 000 dcllars One of the latest ways of kogero with a capitalom This Among the passengers leaving to deve laced commedbring about some price system is have been expended on the serving beer, according to a have stores and.
historiaa claims that the French these shores today co the ioner Bryant as a represent enhance to de may tend to case, most of which, it is press despatch from BingA change 10 the abolition of battel slavery in Myrtle lona Barnes, the step Marcus Garevy. am not disposed bu ve been trained in running nesses from different parts of water faucet. The system was Revolution, the American War and Cavina for Jamaira is Miss ative of the ladomnitable leader, inconvenience many buyers who stated, was for expert wit hampton, is from a hotthe British West Indian are histo daughter of the Rev T. Mul to give my opinion as to whether duwu prices; but if the common the United States, who were detected by the city prohibitells us to an American La Boca, Miss Barnes sympathi of Association change be a.
tical acts of the same values, while ea rector of St. Peter Church, eben Daundreds homembers a diod interest of all could be served the not allowed to testify. The tion agents. One of the officers July? And pupil Ito Westwood High sich Jol, who gathered there were usk a Freuchman why he keeps up where she will pursue her studies serious about what they were deli and, deep rooted as nearreseat system, however, is a old court fees of the trial amount of the dry squad, while wine apded to over 300.
looking through the window upon, but a the 14th ot July? don koowl for at least three years. She erries Ibero could see that Comine ing women and will be hard to be what has been Mr. Barrie ex. to Westwood a fair knowledge of of a store saw a woman draw perience. But mine has been this, music, and is able to give good Bryant bore marks of changed having comA recent issue of the Los a beverage from a hot water find the average American is as account of herself on the piano menced to realize bis position the PROGRESS OF THE Race, unorant of the cause and signif and violin. Let us hope that her position of a leader and teacher.
Angeles Examiner says that faucet of a sink and serve it customers. He dance of the American War se Mr. career at Westwood may be a very so ordinary incapabl: mau may advancement of the Negro at the reveals that in the year 1656 investigated and fallend the Oa the subject of Progress and a Massachusette court docket to several Barrie and the other celebrationists brilliant one, reflecting credit on dare accept such a are of tne cause and significance of the famous High School and also Wesleyan Schoolroom some nights one Henry Walton was fined fauced to be the outlet of a the abolition of slavery. Every on St. Peter by the see, RACE CONSCIOUẾNESS. ago, of the speakers remarked that for saying that he would as barrel of high powered beer cebr tionist is dominated by the My ideas are entirely out of the opposition to the American Nesentiment of the mob. Like the soldiers at Balaclava they are not Teacher McCarthy Con in race consciousness, tune with those who do not believe gro by his white countryman helps soon hear a dog bark as a in the basement of the buildRace con clearly demonstrated on the night Cobbell.
the forme along That fact was sermon from one Reverend ing.
to reason why Inspired by the valescing. sciousness, believe, ruus in line of the discussion, in that Mr Fallen, writings of Diderot, Voltaire, with what bourgeois father once an American Negro, was able to Having found out that Alembert and the other Eneyclowrote recite the progress and advance Resignation of Doctor some cabaret entertainers pedists. The French people shook their fingers in the very faces of Boca School start; hee. sick in bent toward communism.
Edgarh McCarthy of the Lawhom he really loved but who was ment of Americans negroes, waile Francis Clark, after 44 have been, under such disThe currupt Church and state. They Ancon Hospital for the past two old man wrote: As long as you nothing of the history of progres. United Society of Christian unbecoming to their profesthe other speakers either knew years as President of the guise, carrying on deeds Stormed the Bastile, over their weeksEi nowmerons friends in and and Mars and Venus endue ligte West Indians oy had reaked Endeavor, and election of Dr. sion, Mayor Garcia Fabrega Governmentinstituted be glad to that convales. going to own Constitution and blasted a cing.
be the first law of nature, and me (Continued on page 8) Daniel Polling of New (Continued on page 8)
wa ercises in connection ted 091. sensus he keeps up the 4th of


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