
YOUR SAXOX YO Canadian View of Operations MAGISTRATE ACCEPTS package free with each 50e order: Loadstone 50e; magnetic sand, 50c.
of the Jamaica Public Service APOLOGY, Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs things kept secret from foundation of the world, 75e; private lessons for me Company diums, 75e; East Indian spirit healing. From Weekly GUARDIAN)
Each Week for Readers 50e; the secret of Hindu visualization, 50e: the reader of souls, 50; the priesthood of India She; the drugless Yes they have tram cars in WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE Everyone reads his boroscope now, road to perfect health, 2; Manta Yoga Kingston, the capital city of JaThe bearing of a charge Have you read yours?
50e; a physician in the house, 50 maica, as well as in the adjacent brought by Detective Constable five finer grass, package free with parish of St. Andrew, forty three Beckles against Theophilus Kireach 75e order; Mantram words of The Cross Word Puzzle craze is dying Ancient Science Is to be exact, and one way ride in ton before the City Magistrate power 2: the master koy book, 3; them for the modest som of tup on Tuesday, of drivinz motor signet and seal symbol rings for ladies Popular Rago out and HOROSCOPES are the latest fad. What do astrologers find in your and gents, 14 karat gold, only 20; pence Zone, the lowest fare car on the wrong side of the lucky seven stick pin for men, o; one birth date? Watch for it in this paper.
prevailing in the West Ind! es to. road at Charlotte Street, led to With what characteristics have thə package John Conquerer Root and day, over a distance of 26 miles discussion in the course of stars eodowed you? What are your best one Adam and Eve root free with each HOROSCOPE talents and are you making use of them. order: lucky seven ring for ladies, of trackage, which is divided into which the Solicitor representing 7: lucky sevea ring for men, 8; three by two zones.
the defendant was asked to leave From the beginning of history astrol.
headed snake ring, 18; the underes.
The Jamaica Pablic Service the Court.
ogers have studied the influence of the Madame Renee ground treasure book, 4; hair dressCompany, Limited, who own and ing for ladies and gents 50e; perfume Mr, Roberts in the course of stars and placets upon the lives of operate the street car service in his cross examination of a wit 02. 50e; face cream, 50e; gloss oil 50e; human beings and the result has been a July 30 August Kingston, suppls a passenger ness for the prosecution asked face powder, 50e; greater key of Solo science which they present to aid indivi The Sign of Leo, the Lion mon, 16; the silent friend book, 25; and limited freight service to whether it was necessary for the duals in finding the work for which they The sun exerts a profound influence Egyptian secrets book, 75e; lesser key population of 91. 400 persons as defendant to have pune round cf Solomon, 50, long lost friend book are best fitted and in overcon. ing their upon you who are born during this week 75e; fortune telling cards, 25; the well as supplyiug light and power the corner in a new fashioned natural faults They teach self know when the siga of Leo is at its height, sealed book, 3; the great book of service to Kingston. St. Andrew ledge in order that adverse influences This planet in the Zodiac gives you a magical art, 15; the sixth and seven and St. Jago de la Vega, a small way.
may be combated.
superb courage, a splendid vigor and books of Moses, 75e; gazing crystal, In deciding the matter His tnwn situated 13 miles from inch, with stand and instructions, Coming events also have been pre untirirg ambition Only 5; de la Sphinx Hindu temple inKingston, the combined popala Worship referred to Mr. Robert dicted. Miss Evangeline Adams, a noted Naturally sympathetic and genial you cense, l; secret of black art book, 1; tions of wbich represent a total cross examination and said that American astrologer, forcasted a world have combined qualities that make an parchment paper, 75; special ink as of 100, 700. In addition this com when such remarks were made wide war within three years in 1912, attractive personality and you draw used on parchment 15; candles all colors, per dozen 755 genuine parchpany also conducts an electrical they only showed the ignorance of the utterer with respect to the and eyen in 1910 Madame de Bielski contracting busivess.
said, War elouds fill the heavens. The friends to you easily. Hearty and jovial ment skin, 50; lilly rose vanvan, rules of the road, Mr. Roberts, oz. 50. With any order for ten dolThe electric current distributed be observed, had not done his first in manner, ou can hold an audience outbreak will fire the Balkans. If with little effort and would succeed as a lars worth of goods at one time we will by the Jamaica Public Service case any good, but fortunately occurrences can be so accurately prosend you the following goods absolutelawyer, minister, actor, public speaker phesied, it is reasonable that characterisCompany Limited, is derived for defendant there was much ly free: package devii s, the famous or orator It is more your style of seals reprinted from the six and seven from two sources, tics can also be traced from the position delivery than what you say that enables books of Moses, on old time parchwent electric generating station of doubt in the evidence, the bene of the stars in the Zodiac.
fit of which he gave him and you to sway people to your opinions.
1, 340 horse power, installed dismissed the information. That with gold ink, Fig 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; lodestone, magnet sand; also the origiToday popular interest in horoscopes capacity, is situated in Kingston, the defendant was discharged, With all your aspiratioas and pride nal lucky glass with full instructions.
while a hydro electric station of be added, was not due however, is again aroused and people eagerly seek.
Address ail Orders direct to De layour love of power and grandeur, COM.
iog to find what their signs portends, PASSION is your motto. You are inHerb Ageney, No 2802 Cottage Grove 200 borsepower capacity is to any effort on the part of his what traits are natural to them in what herently charitable and are always able Ave. Chicago, Ill.
situated at Bog Walk on the Rio Solicitor.
occupations they will be most successful, to see both sides of a question, Cobre about 20 miles from and what is their mystic stone, flower Mr. Roberts made an observa plant NO DEARTH OF HOUSES, Kingston. This The psychic say the color of your soul was and soul color.
severely camaged by the flood in tion to the effect that he could In order that you may know your is orange a deep, reddish orange che November last, which was caused not answer the Magistrate in shade of the setting sun which promisės by a torrential downpour in Court, but he might have done so hopper the mystical reader of the skies, we have secured Madame benevolent weather. Your lucky stone Under the caption Round The wbich sixteen inches of rain fell elsewhere.
is the amber whose clear tones represent Town The Weekly GUARDIAN in twenty four hours. However, The Magistrate, overhearing, to interpret the Zodiac each week. Per your fair spirit and unclouded nature.
repairs were promptly under told him if he continued to make haps your success depends upon the says:The marigold, bright and sunny, is sym: career you choose and by your horos bolic of the disposition of Leo born. Through the march of settlers taken and the plant again placed observations of the kind, be eastward and westward and the in overation in February. would deal with him and eventcope you judge yoor ability in various kirds of work.
Being real home lovers, you should emigration to America up to marry early and spend a great deal of July last year the housing Watch for your birth date and those The company has carried on a unelmasked Mr. Roberts to leave your time in the home. People born accommodation in the city has persistent proof your friends.
under this sign usually find Some time after, Mr. Roberts greatest been much relieved. There is no of an gramme educational Court character for the betterment of returned to the in (Copyrighted 1925 by Hense Adams happinesg when united with those born deartb of bouzes for the middle Syndicate)
under Aquarius, the latter half of Janthe service, and this, together connection with another metter classes though, the rough the num.
uary and the first half of February, for ber of fires in barracks in the with the improved facilities and the Magistrate remarked these are also loyal and affection people since their ownership of the that he had told him some time city cheap rooms for the poorer It is the stars, the stars above us, ate and fond of home life, Congenial classes are scarce. It is strange, tramway systen, bas brought before to leave the Court and he about a very friendly attitude on did not wish to see him tbere.
govern our coodition. Shakespeare.
alliances can also be made with those however, that every attempt is the part of the public to the Mr. Roberts: Well, Sir born in Aries, the last of March and being made by landlords and first of April.
express my regret for what took agents to cling to the rentals of If you are looking for hints on mar. Copyrighted 1925 by Hense Adams war days, and cottages which are 441 people are employed by the place.
The Magistrate: Unless you Syndicate. company, of which 95 per cent, riage read your horoscope.
now rented at 12 and 15 month should in keeping with are Jamaicans, and of the 436 are prepared to apologise in a CSOKOKO the sbarebolders, 410 reside in the proper way, do not wish to drop in the cost of materials and other things, be not more Dominion of Canada.
hear you.
than and 12. In the happy The building which houses the Mr. Roberts: apologise, Sir.
pre war days these places were oftices of administration for the His Worship told Mr Roberts rented at much less than these Jamaica Public Service Company if he did not wish to do so in a figures wbich take into considerLimited, is situated on King proper way, then he would be tion the fact that conditions are street, and is one of the finest asked to leave again. He was still short of those which existed and most imposing structures in prepared to make allowances for up to the war. For apartments Kinsgton.
certain things and would extend are also demanded exorbitant the leniency he was sometimes rates. The City would settle inclined to do. He would there.
down better to the gradual apDrug Habit Developing was trying to do the proper fore presume that Mr. Roberts proach to normal conditions were the rentals of the houses wade thing easier and landlords and agents which he accepted.
would be assured of their rents, INVESTIGATION REVEAL FACT Mr.
Accordingly THAT LARGE NUMBER OF apologise and said as his presenca CHAUFFEURS TAKE COCAINE, would be now accepted, he would Installation of Officers appear in the matter.
Says the HERALD of July 25th: The drug habit amongsta certain Death of Mr. Dudley Of Flower of Paradise class of chauffeurs iu Kingston Recommended for Removing the Humors of Lodge.
and the neighbouring parishes, Blackman.
Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, is becoming a serious matter, and enquiries made by a répreTetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic The half yearly installation of sentative of the Herald elicit The death of Mr.
Dudley Oificers of Flower of Paradise the fact that a good many of the Blackman, Clerk to the Port Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and DisLodge No. 88, of and motor accidents not only in Health Officer, occurred at his eases caused by Impurities of the Blood. of took place at the FriendKingston but in different parts residence, 26 Maravel Road, on ly Society hall, Cristobal, of the country are attributable Wednesday morning at 11 on Tuesday Julp 21st, 1925. The to the taking of cocaine by these o clock. Mr. Blackman illness An Alterative recommended for purify.
ceremony was performed by chauffeurs.
extended over a period of six Brother Walter James, Dismonths with an interval of a few ing and enriching the BLOOD.
trict Supreme Deputy for Colon, Only a doctor, dentist licenced druggist is allowed to weeks during which he attended assisted by his staff of Grand Oficers.
purchase cocaine but of late there office; but bis confinement to bed has been anlawful trading going months ago.
for good took place about two For Sale at all Drug Stores The following were the officers going on with the drug. As much installed to form the Julyas four shillings is charged for Born in Barbados on the 8th December administration: five grains and those chauffeurs of November, 1876, Mr. BlackAnd in Large Quantities by Brothers: West, who purchase the drug are ready man came to Trinidad when be Bowen, Blocum, and willing to pay the price. Not was a lad and joined the start of JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy Lawrence, only do they take cocaine them the Trinidad Government RailWood Messiah, selves, but the sell it to the dope way Workshop. After some AGENT Layne, Eddie, fiends who happen to visit the years he decided upon a change Brary Robincolony.
of occupation and secured the son, Con. Sisters: Norse, In order to obtain some cocaine Port Health Officer on the 1st of appointment as Clerk to the Brooms, a short time ago one chauffeur July, 1920. In 1921 be qualified Sekcioccolato Williams, Lawwent the length of forging a rence, Sealey, certain professional man name.
as a Sanitary Inspector.
J, Moore, L; Lawrence, It is a fact that the habit is By his death the musical known. He served a number of portant part in securing for publicly invested with the robe Wilkinson, pe: developing here, and when it is section of the Colony bas lost years as a chorister at Holy Tranquillity Church pedal of membership in the same year Brathwaite Con.
known that some men holding one of its most prominent figures Trinity Cathedral under Canon organ by organising a fumber of by Major Rust. For some years Davis, the responsible position of chauf Ever since his arrival in the Doorly and some years concerts chiefly sacred in its he was a member of the TriniAfter the installation members teur are addicted to drag it is Colony he identified himself after was appointed Choirmaster aid. In 1920 he was admitted a dad Artillery Volunteers and the and visitors retired to the bans to be hoped that the police aa with musical movements and bio of Tranquility Wesleyan Chureb. Member of the Victoria College olunteer Section of the Fire queting hall where an enjoyable thorities will be on the qui vive, reputation as a vocalist is well Mr. Blackman played an and was Brigade.
time was spent until morning.
per Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR Roberts For strengthening the BLOOD or


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