
New Providence, Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on appiles August 3rd, 1925 WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central ton. Correspondence on all mattes of public interest invited.
Avenue, Panama, de PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be Dear Sir, desire to say a written on one side of paper only, and This Jitney Sign few words on the subject of Retos of Subscription must be sompanied by the name of Emancipation not that as.
One Year 40 Cy the Writ, not necessarily for publicasume any position among the Six Months. 20 tion bures a mark of good faith.
FREE West Indian leaders of thought Three 6e.
We do not undertake to return reof the Isthmus of Panama, but One 25.
jooted correspondence.
because it concerns lovery on The Sign Is of baked enamel, of us as West Indie residents fine workmanship and can here, and it is my privilege as The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS be secured free for everyone else to express my views on the subject. believe SATURDAY, AUGUST 1885.
sbat Augwt 1st Emancipation Day should be kept is mem30 Empty Packages of LUCKY STRIKE or orial as well as any other holiday, SOME FACTS ABOUT THE COAL it matters not to me in what 60 VICTOR Cigarettes way, so long as it is reasonably and intelligently done in conTROUBLE.
formity with law and order.
AT Kvery body cannot be expected to have the same views and At a moment when Great Britain has been living for BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. 93 Ave. Ideas, and there is no reason ten days or so under a heat wave, and on the whole enjoywhy so much argument should ing it, it is rather less disposed than usual to take alarm at OR bo adduced in connection with West this subject; caonot rumours of a crisis in the coal trade. crisis, however, Indians on the Isthmus arrange there seems likely to be, and it may be serious enough FIDANQUE HENRIQUEZ CO. ING, for conference wbich may be before it ends, The fact is that, for a variety of reasons, beld at an appointed time and the outlook for British coal is distinctly bad, and the mas. 102 BOLIVAR STREET. COLON discuss the matter in an intelliters are credited with the intention of insisting on an exten.
gent manner and see if they sion of working hours, At present the miner works a can come to a resonable conSave your empty packages, we have a large assortment clusion of wbat may or may not nominal hours day, but as that means hours below the of other Premiums be done on such an important surface of the ground and considerable time is Spent in subject?
reaching the coal face from the bottom of the shaft, it (Continued on page 5)
means that often only six hours, or even only are put in at the actual hewing of coal. The mine owners claim Holy Baptism 30 a.
that if a longer day were worked and the product per man Litany. Holy Ruebariat and Sermon.
thus increased, without any general increase in working 10. 45. Celebraat preacher. costs, coal could be sold more cheaply and thus orders The Rector Church School p.
which are at present placed in Continental countries would be given to British pits. The men, who cling jealously to Chomel Broncong darmo, 30 pa.
Pressber The Rector their seven hour day, deny that the output would be really Mid Weekvico; Wed Deeday 30 greater, argue that in any case one part of the trouble is that more coal is being produced already than the world T. MULCAR. Rector.
needs, and contend that the right course is to get the workst. Barnabas Church, Empiro ing day reduced to seven hours in other countries rather Mating and addrem 11 a.
than increased to eight hours in Britain. There is no doubt Church School, and Confirmation clar.
something to be said on both sides, and a great deal is a3 likely to be heard of such arguments for all the indications Choral Evensong and addrese p. o.
are that rather serious trouble is in store. Fortunately, the Mr. Johnson (Officient)
extreme elements on the men side are being well kept in MULCARE Probia Charge hand by their leaders.
St. Bartholommow s, Church LAS CABOADAB, Matins and address Wirelese For The Sick.
Churah Sabool and Confirmation Clase at 2, 30 Evening Prayer and address p.
The value of wireless. in cheering the lives of invalids Mr. Skoen (Officient)
has long been proved in individual cases, but it is now JT MULCARE Priest in Charge about to be demonstrated in London on a far larger scale St Jude Mission, Summit.
an enterprising daily paper having embarked on the rather ambitious project of equipping every hospital of importance Evening Prayer and address 30 in London with a wireless installation for every patient. MULCARE, Priest in charros the proposal has naturally been warmly welcomed by the St. Simon Mission, Gamboa hospitals themselves, though there was at first some slight Litany, Holy Eucharist and wrmonconservations to overcome. There is, of course no question Corner Street, No. and Central Avenue 11 a. Celebrant and Preacher of a loud speaker in most wards, for there are usually Rev. Cowan, patients whose condition does not permit of their being disChurch School and Confirmation Clase turbed, but all the hospitals are to be wired so that the GREAT REDUCTION ordinary headpieces can be worn by patients in every bed.
Choral Eventong and addrew p.
The Royal Family has taken a warm interest in the enter(Mr. Brothwaite (Officient)
prise, the King and Queen, the Prince of Wales, and the IN PRICES MULCARE, Priest in Charyo Queen Mother Alexandra having all being among the earliest subscribers to the fund opened by the paper in question.
Wesleyan Mothodist Church The whole undertaking will cost some 50, 000, and there (BRITISH CONFERENCE. Panams 11 a. Mr, Jopes of Colon.
seems little doubt that once the value of the experiment has thus been proved other large towns will follow the 30 Rev. Wade. Subjeot. The Cured Last of Money.
example of London.
Church Services. Colon 11 om. Mr. Brathwaite 30 Mr Kipimouib.
La Boos 11. Rev. BR. Wade.
Back To Protection.
AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH Communion 30 Mr, Applican Communion) Johnson Ninth Sunday After Trinity Missionary Mooting on Wednesday curious and important element in English polical life at the present moment is the gradual introdution of at 30 pm JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP St. Paul Church, Panama Now Providence 11 and p Mr.
something very like the beginning of a protective system (Rov. Nightengale, Restor) meeting on Monday at 12 noon, Theo, Fuller of Paraiso, Minionary in that essentially free trade country. During the last Corner 12 Street East Avenue 6 a. no. Holy Communion. The Rector General Election, the Prime Minister, Mr. Baldwin, gave 10. 18 mm. Matins, Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Jobnog definite assurances against the introduction of any full 30 Mr. Kennedy.
We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also 10. 30 a. Holy Eucharist fermos Empire 11 a. Mr. Marka. Mio measure of protective tariffs, but he left open certain doors The Rector, watches. Our prices are the lowest and our 12 Holy Baptiem sionary Meeting on Tuesday 16 whereby such tariffs could be imposed in the case of Workmanship is guaranteed.
3p. Church Behool, certain industries by Government action, subject, of course, 17. 30 m, Choral Broncong, ormonThe Salvation Army Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you to the approval of Parliament. fairly substantial beginning The Bishop PANAMA CITY CORPS.
wa made by the reimposition of the so called McKenna may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may St. Alban Church, Paraiso Services for Sunday are followduties, which were removed last year by Mr. Philip drsire, provided the monthly payments of sm. Early March and Prayer Moot CANAL ZONE.
Snowdon as Chancellor of the Exchequer in a Labour Govinterest are duly met.
ing. Rov: A, B, NIGHTENGALE, ernment. These duties, which were imposed in the first 10 am, Children Directory Meeting instance during the war, mainly for the object of restricting Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall Priest ia Charge sad Brigade United Open Air Meeting imports which made a heavy claim on tonnage that was be pleased.
Matins and addrew 11 a.
Mr. Osborne Catebit.
11 am. Holine Mootingneeded for other purposes, imposeed a 33. 3rd per cent ad8 m, Church Sohool and Care p. Junior Open Air. 45. Beparate Brigade Open Air valorem import tax on motor cars, watches and clocks and tion Clas.
Mooting various other commodities which can hardly be described as 30 e. Choral Evennoog sermon p. Salvation Meeting, in the Hall (Rev. Cowan, luxuries. Now, under another arrangement, the lace trade hearty invitation in extended to all.
has successfully made representations to the Government St, Matthias alaston Monday, Life Saving Gaarde and for the importation of a similar 33. 3rd tax on all foreign LAS BABANAS Sunbeame Parede 5 imports. That is not a great matter in itself, but the action Labour members, headed by the former Minister, Mr. (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, Tuesday, Band of Love Work Clase At 30 of the heavy steel trade in seeking similar protection is far Thomas, have just voted in favour of Imperial Preference, Prieet in Charge.
more important.
Wednesday, p. Life Saving Sooute which, it is true, means in the first instance, not the p. Church School.
It is doubtful whether a duty on foreign steel could imposition of taxation, but the reduction of the tax levied 15 Evensong and addres.
and Chume parade. Home League at pm, All women from 18 years of be carried through the British Parliament, as it would generally on certain imports such as currants and other Mr. Richards, Catechist age are invited to attend.
transgress a traditional British principle that neither food dried fruits in cases where these commodities come from nor the raw material of industry must be thus burdenee Bristish Dominions. Great Britain still stands as a whole. St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca Hall to be conducted by Commandant Martin at p.
with taxation. The most interesting feature however, of the for Free Trade, but the Conservative Party does not. American Episcopal)
All are invited to attend these mootwhole situation is the tendency of a section of the Labour and the Conservative Government has undoubtedly Ninth Sunday After Trinity inga, Party which has hitherto been rigidly Free Trade, to succeeded in making a few breaches, whether permanent Holy Communion a. oelebrant, MARTIN, Commandant.
depart from its established allegiance. Quite a number of or temporary, in the citadel.
Rev. Muloare (Continued en page 7)
You get good value and save money when you buy. AT THE BRANCH STORE OF THE The American Bazaar El Excelsior We Buy and Sell Pearls


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