
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1925 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres to be requests are these on Excursion Train comfor mer bad ATLANTIC SIDE CRICKET.
CANAL ZONE NOTES Boys of Colon Boys Sussex Defeated by west La Boca Pars.
Presentation ot medals The cup match of Sunday tbe winners of the last elocution Insufficiently Reformed, and 2nd instant between W:st End contest held at the Clubhouse Below 20, May Not be CC, and Sussex on the CECILIA AMERICA under the auspices cf the La Boca Victoria oval ended in win for Athenaeum will take place on Discharged.
the former by 10 runs the (PANAMA. COLON)
Tuesday evening next, the 11th respective scores being 65 and TODAY. SATURD 1Y, August 8th TODAY. Saturday August 8th instant. fine program, with all 55.
Due to the discharge, recently, the winners taking part, is being of certain boys of the Colon Boys The day was cool and erjvy. and TOMORROW Sunday August Sth Viola Dana in arranged. solos and instrumental Institute who were not suffi able, and in every way conducive Doris Kinya in IN SEARCH OF THRILL selections to intersperse the ciently reformed or wbo had not to good playing and keen enjoyelocationary items will be given by reached the age of twenty years, ment, and the match was wit THIEF IN PARADISE TOMORROW. Sunday August 9th members of the Orpheus Musical On account of persistent requests nessed by one of the largest Glorid Swansca in Club, and in this connection is of their parents for their dis gatherings seen on these MO DAY, August 10th WAGES OF VIRTUE understood that Mrs Olga King Playcharge and due to the fact that grounds for a long time, Bebe Daniels in who at the contest sang Villanelle these boys returned after a ing on both sides was decidely MONDAY, August 10th Hy Del Acqua will on this occasioa short time to be public nuts above the average and was a MISS BLUEBEARD interpret The ances. Commander Jewel Song Watson, masterly display of the old game.
Marie Prevost in (complete) by Gounod, from director of the Institute, begs Sussex won the toss, and sent to TUESDAY, August 11th CORNERED. Faust Panama foremost mluru the public and parents in West End, to face the bowling Harold Lloyd in pianist, Miss Lydia Holder, will in general whose boys are of Layne and Beckles. The first SAFETY LAST TUESDAY, August 11th also take part. couple of the iomnesof the Institute, that no pair of batsmen were Baptiste Mary Alden in winners who have been communiother inmates who have been and Clarke, but this partner WEDNESDAY, August 12th THE EAGLE FEATHER eated with, asking for a contribuplaced there by the Government ship did not last for any length ion, have not been heard from but he wiu discharged before of time as Baptiste was caught by Clara Kimball Young in WEDNESDAY, August 12th the Secretary of the Athenaeum reaching the age of twenty years Atherley for a cipher, the score WIFE ROMANCE Doris Kenyon in asserts that they will be heard except on request of tho Gov. board shoving only Porter, from at least by Monday evening ernment the star bat of the day then THURSDAY, August 13th THIEF IN PARADISE so that the program may be It has been the rule that boys followed, anti Clarke was caught Gloria Swanson in intelligently arranged. It is expected who were foued by the Gov at cover by Harding. Geneteau THURSDAY, August 13th that there will be a crowded house WAGES OF VIRTUE ernment to be public nuisances took bis place only to by return.
Bebe Daniels in as the Athenaeum has issued an invitation to the general public were turned over to the Institute ed to the pavilion by a tricky one FRIDAY, August 14th MISS BLUEBEARD The program is scheduled to start for correction, instead of being from Layne, for a singlº. Myers sent to the penitentiary, and this then came on the scene and Marie Prevoet in FRIDAY, August 14th as o clock sharp The President CORNERED.
system nad worked out splen partnered Porter, the two taking of the society, William DeSouza, Harold Lloyd id will preside.
dialy in favor of the boys, their the stand of the day and giving parents, the Government and considerable trouble to the SATURDAY August 15th and SAFETY LAST the public in generals of late bowlers before the latter was SUNDAY, Angust 16th party, headed by Bayne several parents bave adopted dislodged, from Cyrus for SATURDAY, August 15th journeyed over to Palo Seco on the system of asking for their a well earned 25. His partner John Barrymoore in Clara Kimball Young in Sunday evening last and enter.
boys after they have been in the followed shortly after, being BEAU BRUMMEL WIFE ROMANCE tained the inmates of the Leper Institute for a little while, and clean bowled by Layne for a with songs, instrumentel when their splendid 20. These two men it wa Sections Dot so and addresses. The Krauted some appeal to the Gov. was who really gained the day inmates are always appreciative of ernor of the Province and to the for West End, and they qar to kind remembrances and so nayor. specitic instance where be highly commended expressed themselves this parella bave. turough their The inning totalled 65 runs.
occasion. The party was well Persistency, secured the release of two buys wbu, when placed in simply wonderful. He was in The bowling of Layne was ON THE EMANCIPATION received and thanked by Superintendent Tucker after which they thr Institute were unuble to real form for the occasion, and (Continued from page 4) were shown around the grounds by read or write but were after the batsmen were positively In many instances West In Mr. Sobers, one of Mr Tucker ward Laugat UCD subjects and unable to withstand bim. He dians on the Istomus do not liv assistants.
in auaruou developed into musi captured wickets for 18 runs; up to the principles Jupon which cians and were able to play be Blackman for 23, Weekes they lived in their West India 101e Ex President Porras and the for 10 homes, and don see that to Ladies Night program held The following ladies contributed presut chief executive President LABOR DAY, MONDAY SEP. Following the usual interval they are benefitted by such Roculto Chiari in the National act Palace, proved to be a bad thing of victory, seeing that the scre of disloyalty, Sussex went in feeling coatiden!
the intelligent at the Community Hall on the 31st From Panama to Colon and return mind would discountenance th instant nnder the aupi es of the La lor al Culceroud; as the boys in of claim that West Indians haye Boca. Panama District of the Pa.
a slaukt ume Poluined to their of their opponents was ways and for weeks paratively small but the fielding not, or did not Alght for their sama Canal West Indian Em had been beld by thy Police, one with. The only man to reach eeke and bowling were to be reckoned freedom, because 10 amicable ployees Association: Misses Unica UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE ble Sinamons and keith, piano settlement of any question is Laviog now secured bis releaae better than a bloody victory Moulton, vocal solos; Mrs Florence selections; Misses and GRAND UNITED ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS intougo lack of evidence for his double figures was Beckles, who 1urtaer du. ention. It may be well played and all fell for 55.
contributed 14. The inning was Inspired men in England nearly Smith, elocution; Miss Guillermina 100 years ago were used of God interested know that the runs Three wickets were capJump, violin solo, accompanied by to tight successfully in the mother ut one of these boys was tured by Lynton for 21 runs, Train leaves Panama 15 a. with stops at Balboa British Parliament for the free. her sister, Miss Jump; Mesdame 50 pour atte: he was first defor Heights, Red Tank aud Pedro Miguel, returning taldea that the Institute had to Geneteau for Gittens for 4, dom of Africans who were in Olga King and Constance Holder contribute three dollar per week leaves Colon p, serfdom in the West Indies, and in vocal solos.
because the British Government to her ner along true sportsmanlike spirit was peryaded throughout the game, divinely led, it went deep This year Christmas treat for The Institute will now be held and at the clove everybody dow into s trensury ind paid the children has already been responsible for the discharge of see med quite satisfied with the The management guarantees there will be no conthe huge sun of 20, 000, 000 given some deep thought. The La the boys, such discharges to be outcome.
gestion. All will be comfortably seated sterling for the freedom of Boca Panama District of the Pamade in accordance with the slaves in the West Indies, such wama Canal West Indian Emconduct of the boys who when acts can only be unrecognizza ployee Association has planned a practicable, will be recommended EDUCATIONAL REFRESHMENTS ON SALE FROM THE START by people wbo are not Christians concert to take place at the for certain positions. Parents, ING OFF UNTIL THE RETURN even though these circumstanbres community Hall on the evening of however, who are leaving the under 21st It has just been reported from country and desirious of taking Warbingion that among the this they are not worthy to be lead their boys can have them; but it Get your train Tickets early to avoid the rush ers of any people, as empty prominent artists have already promised to vessels generally make the most program for the benefit of the to the to contribute is not the desire of the Institute graduates for the present year to release boys who are under are Drs. Luther White and Frank kiddies. Tickets for this entertainimprovement and il released will Gray, both medical students.
in a short time be a source of Drs. White and Gray are old When God had fought the ment are on sale and due to the fact battle of the children of Israel that all the funds will be used should also see the wisdom in mus and their many friends are yan chursh will be occupied to the 13th inst, to commence at themselves, and delivered to be of them will be an easy matter, trouble to all concerned. Parents timers on this side of the IsthThe pulpit of the Colon Wesle Clubhouse on Thursday night who were unable to fight for towards giving the children a good time, it is expected that disposing takiog such a step.
indeed pleased to hear of their morrow night by Mr. 17. 30 sharp. The Scoutmaster is from their common enemy at the Kinnimouth. During the service exerting every effort to make it Red Sea, He commanded them. These tickets are being sold at Dr. Lewis Fairclough a violin solo will be rendered by surscessful and as a result some to keep the feast of their deliver twenty five cents and ten cents, NEW MARRIED QUARTERS another one time resident of Mr. Hurtos Rodney.
rare items will be on the pro ance as a memorial forever, and respectively, for adults and chil Colon is also mentioned as being gram. Tickets are selling fast at all gentiles today covet the dren, For Atlantic Silver Employees. smong the most successful and 250 for adults and 150 for chil inberitance of the Jewe even The Cristobal Colon Baptist popular practicing dentists of dren.
though they were slaves in Egypt It is reported that the old Camp Harlem, New York, and is to be church is working hard on a Bierd buildings which at one time congratulated.
Many residents here are making musical program to be rendered for so many years.
were used as laborers camps, on Sunday evening the 23rd and more recently as schools mong those On Saturday night the 1st would say therefore, that ready for a trip to Pearl Island in a echbir heard the inst. crowded mass meeting the principles of life in their Bayine olis TebogeTa mede Arrange West Indians should live up to party sponsored by McCauley and places of worships, are soon Among the passengers who addition to the choir. will be took place in Colon the object of native countries, and in so doing ments have been made totes vie to be converted in family quar arrived ters. The Bible Students Asso: days ago was Mr Hurtos Rodney Lowrence, PSmith, and among the people in the etfort to upon and be more recognizeak by Balboa on the night of September there is the most podfey Messe wenke ww. one. oseph which was tooltimulate interest they would be better looked Badoostood heroing et par september ciation, the Bible Truth church brother of Miss Doris Rodney.
and some day schools which Mr. Rodney is a student at the choir. Tickets are going at 50c. iucreasing price of e veryday residing on the Isthmus.
members of the Colon Wadley reduce house rent and the ever the peoples of other Faces also sth. in a lanch. The historic island is said to about one hunbeen occupying some of these Calabar Callege, Kingston Jamanecessaries Whethea dred miles from Balboa.
buildings have all been given ica, and is spending his vacation What bad brought recognition, The Rev. Surgeon writes notice to vacate sod it is stated with his parents, honour, and exaltation to Daniel, from Cartago Costa Rica that he that the work is soon to commended. It is believed that the is being much benefitted by bis Friends of Mrs. Mary Thomas procession started from the Hasanian, Mishael and Azariah were of Jamaica Prado will be glad to new quarters, along with three News Notes vacation. He is due to return park to the corner of 5th Street those mere youths who or four that have been taken early in September.
and Hudson Lane where address: dragged away from their coun know that after a couple of weeks es were given.
try as slaves to Babylon! It was iljoess, which confined her to bed, down from Gatun and are being because they were loyal to the she has now been much improved rebuilt in Silver City, will be for great rally, to be known as Athletes of the Atlantic side principles of Jewish life in their and will soon be able to resume the purpose of housing employees The Review of the Great Poets bave started training for the now occupying the old French is planned by the St. Joseph athletic meet which is announced It is understood that some of hom land, and were faithful to her regular vocation, their convictions, and in this these, it is reported are to be rica Theatre on Sunaay the 18 Club of Colon to take place at the rested as agitators, but when it demarcation between their life W, V, Harrison and torn down, in the near future. of October, when many of the baseball park on Labor Day. the more found that there was no and the life of the Chaldeans. Fontenelle who went to Jamaica most famous poets of the worla 7th Prox move against the Government They never dtd as the Childeans and the United States, repectively they were set free.
Wanderers vs. Victoria To will be represented. The purpos even though it would bave bene on vacation, returned during the morrow of this effort is to raise funds toA meeting of the West Indian fitted them materially. Unlike last few days. Mr. Harrison exwards the building of the new Tomorron cup fixtures ecal. church. Will the poets be as Sonounced to take place at Cris table case of considerable gravity in 1838. we say, When we are in account of the change of elimate, Employees been It is understood that a regret them and also those too well perienced some set back in his known inspired me in England health while in Jamaica for another.
Much interest is centered also total on the night of Friday, the is looming in the commissary Rome, we must do like the apparently, on this match, as these teams 14th inst. large number of department in which are impli. Romans. It is good to take from home for nearly a score of are also top notchers. fine monster parade was held on employees will be present as cated number of employees care of other peoples goods but years. He had, however, recuper.
display of the game is also Saturday. the 1st inst by Mr, they have the idea that something Several arrests have been made, it is also good to appreciate and late enough, to return without anticipated, and should the day Hector Connor of the local of great importance is in the air. and it is believed that there are take care of your own.
be as fair as was last Sunday at 8th street and Hudson looking very bad for the experience further developements to follow Thanking you for space Mr. while Mr. Fontenelle returned from huge crowd is also to be ex. Lane. They went hrough the Editor. God Country looking the pected. Both teams are feeling principal streets of the city, and Graed variety entertainment pontident and are talking success at night addresses were delivered will be giver by the St. Joseph ish and English for sale at the Rent Receipt Books In SpanI beg to remain, picture of health and reported and this Bould mean a keen at the ball by many speakers troop of Baden Yours truly, having spent a glorious time.
Powell Boy contest including the British Consul. Scouts at the Cristobal Silver Workman Printery MARKAAM. Continued on page 8)
Porter noise.
success: have on away


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