p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 8, 1925 OUR SPORTING PAGE THE TURF Lodge Notice biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii e To Morrow Races THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders to take part.
Workman Stationery Store тас Races! Races!
tend refuse the it were LAST SUNDAY RACES. To whom it may concern.
Making up for a somewhat This will notify the public in short program at Juan Franco The seven races arranged by Lindsay is no longer secretary general that Mr. John Park on Sunday afternoon the Panama Jockey Club for OF last, and adding a ltttle bit Sunday afternoon last were or member of the Loyal Brillmore. the Panama Jockey carried out without a bitch, with iant Star Lodge 1241 of Club will be giving a program exception to the third race of as he has been exof nine races tomorrow six furlongs for class pelled for the period of nintyImported horses, which resulted afternoon, and turfites must in a match race between West nine years, for Breach of be prepared for real good Meath and Guitarra, the latter Rules.
IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF time. Forty horses are booked winning by two lengths, after three of the entries had broken ARNOLD SMALL, througb the tape and staged a Secretary.
The day classic will be start, running the entire July 28th, 1925.
run by Frou Frou, Tribuno distanee.
and Mi Pollera, carrying 128, Caribe, owned by Diez, 120 and 107 lbs respectively; furlong race class wan native horses, beating Rial Sparklets while in the native division, class Caribe will take to by halt a length, after every turfite present bad settled down up 122 lbs to run over six with the assurance that alto (Continued from page 7)
furlongs against Baby Peggy would have won easily, be bav the spirit to preach it to West ing led bis field and held that Indians; with a similar weight Fenoand so they either said Suitable for Lodge Business meno with 95 lbs.
position up to within 1100 yards withing he spoken principally love from winning Negro bas What promises to be event for class imported the American Negro. Ho has given another pretty race will be a Mi Pollera won the five furlong done Let then give credit to furlong dash to be staged borses. This race carried un his history, plenty of it, in AT THEby Buck Dancer whith 128 purse of 500. Alta Mae jumped books. It is a fact thut person off dirst and ran ahead of her ally know more about the Ameri up, Pipiolo 120 and Pereque field until entering the last can Negro than about Hector 120. This will be the eighth furlong with Kerman behind, Josephs, the new Postmorter race.
when Jockey Aranguiz brought General of Jamaisa and Albert Hero 122, El Chichi 120, up Mi Pollera from behind, set Marryshow of Greuada and it is back Kerian and beat Alta Mae because enough has not been writ. google again go ang magpagod. 900 gonga gangguan samalga magaganggaran Dictador 116 and Zapa 98 will at the post. Tigrewbo was ten about them.
compete in the first race, rurn ng last came up and took RACR CONSCIOUSNESS IS NECESthe distance of which will be third position from Kernan.
five furlongs; while Cicero SARY. ckey zcanio. in the last Annual Convention. 120. Buck Dancer 102, Mi The lack of modern progressive rode Alta Mae and won Pollera 117 and Oriental 90 Capitana over the Torlong spirit and race consciousness 18 a streicb.
retarding factor of the West Indian are booked for another five (Continued from page 1)
We to promote that spirit Saguila in the class dative of inteuse love for spectacular ching out the association into the furlong journey for the third event of four furloors, sprang a demonstration with empty pockets; field of business are on the agenda. event.
surprise and paid the biggest and we so keep ourselves tensioned These are to be discussed under the The ninth race will bring pool of the day 14 10 for each following heads: INDUSTRIES Jout Rolanda 128, Alta Mae use to be serious. We are and wib ticier.
carefree bunch; we receive a mite including Farming Establishment 126, Gallineta 123 and Oh Following are the results of for our services and are perfectly JUAN FRANCO TRACK of Stores, Trade Schools Printing, Pah 116.
meet: satisfied, and the other fellows are Financing and Mangemente inFirst race: Distance four for. given an inroad to tell us anything, dustries; EDUCATION, including This card promises to be longs for class native horses, pleasant or unpleasant, and we gria TO MORROW establishment maig ment and an exceptionally good one and won by Hero; Super Zapo 2nd; and bow our heads; and nancing of a system of schools Un the large number of lovers Distador third. Owner of the win not for the humanitarian spirit of der GOVERNMENT, the conven ner de La Cerda, Pool paid some of the white people some of us Sunday, August 9th 1925 tion is to take up Citizenshf, ju of the Sport of Kings 350 and 50 on the first horse would be satisfied with three meals diciary, and Politics. Amend who will certainly visit the and 20 on the second horse. a Winner ridden by Aranguiz.
ments to the constitution of the popular track are promised a day from the crumbs off their tables It is believed that the WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE Association are to be dealt with splendid time.
lastly according to the agenda.
Second race: Distance 6t tur American Negro, too, would be Trotman, Secretary of longs for clas native horses; sleeping if he were not forced to won by Dardanela; Toto second, for progress cannot be staged by a act ior himself. The proper fight Chapter No. 14 apcointed Regis Canal Zone Notes Infimo third. Owner of winner trar for the Convention and T. Diez; Winner ridden by race of people uoless race consciLawson as one of the Secretaries Munoz. Pool paid 70 on the ousness is at the bottom of it. No Fourteen Delegates, representing (Continued from page 1)
branches in the Republic and in th wipner, No place tickets were cause, or religion or nation or class Canal Zone were registered, with the women Life tryblem Club ever attained lasting success unSaturday niggt, sold in this race.
Third race: Distance furlongs Race consciousness does not mean less it was compelled to fight for it. Races For Imported horses ornicionero Bryandere vorenting will held their Charity Balm for class imported horses, disrºspect for the other fellows; the parent in New and for Native bred Ponies won by Guitarra; West Meath but confidence in oneself that he is Guachapali Chapter, by one of over one men and their fair second. Owner of winner able to achieve higher things either representatives, Mrs. Bridget E, bundred Fernandez, Winner ridden by by himself or by cooperating with Aird, furnished an elaborate Archan beau. The pool paid 10 bis own race to achieve those written report, inteligently prepa partners, lovers of the Terpis.
on the winner. No place tickets things red, covering the chapter opera. chorean art, will trip the light word were sold in this race.
tions during 1924 and the present fantastic in the spacious audiFourth race. Distance four The institntion in Colon known year The Chapter membership torium of La Boca Clubhouse.
Was given as 349 with 14 deaths furlongs for class o native as the Colon Boys League Institut recorded during the period for borses; won by Saquila; Formio ionwhich is directed by Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
which the report was made, Paraiso Notes.
Becond and Ben Battle third. Watson, West Indian, ex soldier of Several unite, such Black Cross Owner of wioner Cerco; wio the late World War, has been ner ridden by Navarro. The pool heralded as one of our First Race Starts p. Sharp Nurses. Boy Scouts, Girl. paid 14 10 and 80, 70 and institutions on the Isthmus This is Legions, a choir, a literary depart. Tre at Ir Store For Pa 10 on the first, second and senuinely true.
ralso Folks.
ment, a sick fund to which 349 le. Any institution third horses, respectively. that takes care of the destitute, tbe ADMISSION: member contributed day schools fatherless and motherless, and seeks Fifth race: Distance five furto correct the incorrigibility of the of 224 and a business colləge wowith an average daily attendance There will be big doings at the longs for class o imported Grand Stand Ground 50c.
horses; won by Mi Pollera; Alta young, has merited a high place in men, boys and girls, were reported Salvation Army. Paraiso, on human affairs According to vari.
Mae second and Tigres ithind: cus publications the institution has upon. The Chapter also owns, ac Sunday night, August 9th, when cording to the Report, a house, Major and Mrs Bax accompanied Simons; been by the fine Songster Brigade winner ridden by Aranguiz. The among other property, velued at recei iving support only íron pool paid 90 and 60 on the Indians.
That not even so bad an insignificant number of West hundreds dollars. During the term from Panawa Corpe will pay a first borde acd 10 on the But some are reported to have been an amaunt approximating three visit.
thousand dollarswas. eollected, a The Brigade nembers about second horse. knocking the movement. No Sixth race. Distance five fur organization is above submitting large amount of which has been twenty voices, and in addition to longs for class native horses; to constructive criticisms, and the expended in varios Ways and un. the singing, they are all active der proper supervision for the fur. workers, and full of life and go won by Caribe; Rialto second Boys Institution is no exception to therence of the work of the Chap and Maruja third. Owner of the rule, and so it does not do any Tha party will leave Panama ter.
about 30, and will stop for wioner Diez. Winner and Why throw away your old, but no Oral reports of much less impor. about twonty minutes in Red ridden by Munoz. the pool paid good to hide behind the dark One of the hi: drances to doubt interesting, books when you tance were given by other delegates. Tank, to give the folks there 4, 10 on the winner. No ob Pace) knock.
The Conventiou rose at 11 30 some good tickets were sold in this race. ce to our progress will be the develop songs. They will tben meat of an idea that poor people can have them neatly bound at Seventh race: Distance who assume or are given responsim, on the same night after having go on to Paraiso, where, as soon definitely decided on Farming and as they arrive, a big openair furlongs for class Imported ble positi vs to promote the com Trade Schools as industries to be seryice will be held not far from horses: won by Alta Mae; Capi mon interest of a people and who THE WORKMAN pursued, and at the same time the Hall. This will be followed by tana second and Marcela tbird fulfil these duties creditably, inust.
Owner of winner Espinosa; not eat, drik and appear clean 93 CENTRAL AVENUE appointed a Committee of Five to the Indoor service at 15, led by Bax.
Vizcanio rode the winner. The from the product of their labour.
iteras coming under INDUSTRIES be tornado of music and pool paid 60 on the winner.
No place tickets were sold in this Opposite Cecilia Theatre to the Convention at a subsequeet singing, both by the Brigade, and by individuals. The party race.
ITEMS OF INTERESTDelegates to this session were: will come wet or fine because if (Continued from page 1) Brigaat, repressenting the it is raining in Paraiso, it may FOOT BALL Parent Body, new collins. aw. not be raining in Panama, so has decided that the proJules Doisserre Dies ently well before going to bed.
Howevers, Tlemmings, Mrs. we should come. If it is raining Suddeny He was an old employee of the Alkins, Lonis Lindo, Geo. in Panema, we shall trust it is On Sunday afternoon the Nation visions of Decree number 36 al Institute ground will be the which prescribes zones for Panama Canal having worked for Montebelard. Parcbnont, fine in Paraiso, so we shall come the Isthmian Canal Commission, Frontmen Mrs. Aird, in any case.
matebes At. PM the Inter cover cabaret entertainers. his bedroom at about 10 o clock on generous old mae and was liked by Lawson and then of very women Fell while leaving his toilet to filling several important positionsMerebant, Aberdeen, Come early, as we anticipate but Morrison the sign will have to be nacional of of Celon and the According to the Decree any Thursday night last, Jules Dois: all whom he come in contact with. convened at Liberty Hall of Davi Paraiso. TIME. 15. Cecilia will clash as the prelimio. of the aforementioned inter serre, native of Trinitad and well wife and nine small children are Sion No. 17 on Thursday last will session used. DATE August 9tb. PLACE between the Rovergrand. Pana. tainers dweling in the pro advanced. inocencinidad atrobis left to mornn his loss, and to whom be covered in our next issue.
championship game Special offering will be taken for the work in Paraiso ma which wiil commence at 4P, M, hibited areas who do 1065. street, this offers not La Boca, at 11:30 on the said night olence.
vacate by Semtember first shortly after the arrival of a docALL ROADS WILL LEAD To next will come nnder the tor.
Rent Books Span WILL TO THE POPULAR SIPODROME of provisions of Decree number The deceased worked up tosh and English for Sale at the POPELAR JUAN FRANCO PARK Advertise in the Workman JUAN FRACNO TO MOROW.
Thursday evening and was appar. Workman Printery TO MORROW IT PAYS. CLASSY RACES. its Another big day for Turfites as useful Book Binding!

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