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A Abelen THE Gilkey.
PRICE CTS. Cy. STEP GREAT FORWARD BRITAIN Harlem Citizens Win In Fight For Colored Physicians Colored Doctor Driven From His Home By White Folk To Unify The British To Lay Down Cruisers West Indies.
in Current Yoar.
And Now Harlem Hospital is Open The Saturday Review an a Direct West India Cable New 22, 000 Residence PurEnglish periodical says: Company desputeh from London, to Colored Doctors After Few For some time past movement Hon. Bridgeman, First Lord dated July 27 states that the Rt: chased by Dr. Turner Causes Weeks Agitation.
gobiche chembe porinig be the foot of the Admirality, da supplied Rich Neighbours to Rise in Fury.
ciated Chambers, has been on in the West Indies for the Parliament with details of the unification of the comn. on interest proposed tew naval construction That much can be accomplished by Negro consolidaded of these Islands. At first the up to and including the year 1929 Detroit, Mich. July. milling crowd of more than effort is demonstrated in the following news despatch maiter made slow progress, but 30. Luring the current year four five thousand angry whites, hurling threats, stones and extracted from the Philadelphia Tribune and which is two years ago the Legislative cruisers will be laid down. They bricks was successful last Tuesday night, says the PHILAstrongly submitted for the consideration of thinking Negroes Council of Jamaica brogut matters Following year we clasice or Cabe DELPHIA TRIBUNE, despite the efforts of fifty policemen to of Class on the Isthmus:to a head by adopting a resolution and (wo of Class. will be stop it. in driving Dr. Alex. Turner from his newly purup of a New York, July On Tuesday, Harlem Hospital to meet annually and to include built. The three succeding year chased home at 4755 Spokane Ave. one of the most excluthe opened its doors to Negro physicians and internes. This members of Legl latiwe will have one of Class and sive residentals sections of the city.
action was taken at a conference between the Harlem Council or House of Assembly of provides for a total of twenty white packing concern and had been bought for the colored one of each. The programme The house had formerly been owned by the head of a Medical Board and a Committee of prominent Negro Cit: with favourable consideration in each Colony. The resolution met seven destroyers, twenty three izens of Harlem, representing the newly formed Citizens Downing Street, and steps were submarines of the o type and doctor by a real estate broker whose name is not divulged.
Welfare Council taken to ascertain officially the one of the fleet types, guaboats Turner Commissioned the broker to buy for him when the The fight for physicians in Harlem Hospital began in views of the digerent Governments and tour beri pof other auxilliaries, section in which he had been living because undesirable as although not cost 58 earnest a few weeks ago when this committee met the showing complete unanimity have 000. 000. Prime Minister Baldwin a necessity of improving his location. He paid 22, 500 for Mayor of New York and placed the matter squarely before at any rate decided the secretary informed the House to day that the Spokane Ave nue property, him. He expressed himself as in entire sympathy and of State to take action, and a the naval vote will be discussed Tlouble began as soon as he moved in. The first day Wednesday, directed Mr, Edward Buckley, Director of the Budget, to preliminary conference will be painters were put to work on the side of the building. The summon Dr. McGrath, President of the Board of Trustees of summoned nextu winter, when rich whites roundabout gathered and began hurling potatoes Bellevue and Allied Hospitals and work out a plan for res reguotatives from each colony Confirmation Service At St. at the workmen. When the latter moved to the rear of be conter with Paul Church.
opening the hospital to Negro physicians.
representatives from the Colonial the house, the crowd grew and was further incited to At the conference on Tuesday the whole matter was Office to prepare a Constitution for inst. The Rt. Rev. James Crail doctor on the porch in consulation with a police captain.
On Wednesday night, the 19th violent action in the afternoon by the appearance of the reviewed and the following appointments were made to the Conference to the West Morris D, will confira a dio One boy was arrested during the day. Shortly before eight visiting staff: Drs. B, Johnson, Louis Wright, Ralph Indies have long wanted a status of seventy five caodidaces at St. To clok in the evening Dr. Turner was counselled to leave the in the councils of the Empire, and Paul Church in this city.
Young, Lucien Brown, and James W, Granady, who were to some extent this end will be already serving in out patient department Dr. Godfrey gained by unification, which it is class to be confirmed on This will be the largest individual house by the officers and was driven away in his car, Nurse presented for the committee a list of positions hoped may before long lead to Isthmus: the through the windows of which the members of mob threw requested including 10 Internes and Doctors in special go a long way to bring the West 30 All are iuvited: Federationwill The service will commence at police guard, Lee Bullard.
missiles, striking him, his chauffeur and, oddly enough, the departments as well as visiiing physicians and dentists. The lodian Colonies closer together, Medical Boord granted the entire request as far as was only by Federation can they take practicable and offered to carry out the program as soon as their proper place side by side with ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO Convention 8505 vacancies occurred on the staff. The next examination for the Dominious at Imperial Con THE POPULAR HIPODROME OF internes, held in December will give preference to Negro fereaces.
Doctors, and those wishing interneship are requested to file Further Details of Discus of the WORKMAN will think that No Doubt a good many readers their application with Dr, Neff, President of Harlem Medical sion Locally. this is a lottery number won by Board. If advisable, the Board offered to arrange for special BRIEF NOTES SPARKLETS The second session of the Annual some good friend but such is not examination. Dr. McGrath declared that as vacancies occur Convention of the local branches the case. This represents the in the higher grades, colored men will receive full consider. The N. Convention of the Universal Negro Improve large oumber of the various premiA Wireless telephone ment Association opened at Liberums given out for empty pack.
ation and preference.
Continuing my superficial ob Iconversotion between Eng. ty Hall, Division No. 17, o ages of Lucky Strike and Victor The plans to place Negro physicians in the hospital servations on the discussions of the land and the United States Thursday night of last week, with cigarettes, as shown in the ad on were worked out in a conference called by Dr. Chas. in Convention: By warshịp Seattle, 500 miles the following Delegates present. paxe of this issue. It is really Butler, President of the Citizens Welfare Council at Har this time the majority of the east High Commissioner Charles remarkable row the public is tak of Australia, members who attended the unveil was Bryant, representing the Parent ing to this scheme, which is original lem, at the New York Urban League, Wednesday, May 27th. ing of the Dominion Charter a successfully carried out Body; representing the local and exceptionally attractive Other members of the Committee that conferred with the couple of Sundays ago have recently. The successful branches were: Collins Mr Kent Gardiner, the Medical Board were Dr. Godfrey Nurse, Dr. Conrad Vin forgotten all about the Convention. connection was made by a Parchment, D Trotman, genial and enterprising Manager cent, Dr. and Mrs. Corbin, Rev. John Rawlins, Dr. may be wrong in thinking that German wireless enthuiast Howard, Flemmings, Mrs of the British American Tobacco Allen Greaves, and James Hubert.
way but it is my experience that named Gerald Marcuse, who Mrs. B, Aird, Lawson that the redemption of premiB. Alkins, George Montebelard, Company, Panama. Ltd. advises Harlem is one of the allied hospitals of Bellevue and is Bridget Aird sentencious style of talked my.
with Lieutenant and Louis Liodo.
ums has increased to such an situated in the heart of the largest Negro District in America. discourse following High Com Schnell of the Seattle, the Commissioner Bryant, Speaker extent that he has been compelled More than 60 per cent. of the patients are colored.
missioner Bryant appeal for a conversation covering about in Convention, opened the meeting to employ a young lady to look with a special appeal to hundreds only after the Premium Dept. in This action is regarded as one of the most far reaching areness of spirit in working toward two hours.
a of members who filled the Hall, for their office situated at No 93 in effect that has taken place in many years. The Citizen ting that very little has been a consolidation of their intelligence Ave. opposite the Parama RailWelfare Council regards this as the initial step in a move done in the past. were the cutSix Silver roll employees so as to be able to tackle and carry road Freight House, Panama City.
ment recently inaugurated to secure larger representation in standing features which, to my of the Panama Railroad out a program for the upliftment of The xirl, he states, is kept busy the various institutions and enterprises in the district Serv. mind, morked the first sitting of commissary at Cristobal are the race. In the carrying out such from eight in the morning anty ing Negro citizens. Officers of the Council are Dr. Chas. the Convention on Wednesday on trial in the Cristobal Divi program he reminded his audience twelve at noon, and from one that among other things it will be thirty to five doing Butler, President: Miss Nettie Olden, Secretary: Dr. Chaptr No 14. As sion of the Canal Zone most important that they support nothing but exchanging empty Godfrey Nurse, Treasurer: Mrs. Louis Corbin Chairman, Represt atative of that Chapter, District Court for the alleged to the fullest extent Negro enter packages of Lucky Strike and Victor Executive Committee, and James Hubert.
Mrs. Aird Report on its opera theft and conspiring to steal prises.
tions for the past two years showed commissary goods worth sion was COMMERCE; and this in this paper. for various premiums such as have The subject selected for discus. been advertised from time to time that something had been at 3, 500. It is alleged that one drew out apparently very serious Mr. Gardiner further advises us Wesleyan Missionary Personal.
tempted and something done of them was some time ago discussion from all the Delegates. that, although there are about on Somewhat late, was probably not Anniversary at Panama.
in time to have heard the discus discharged on account of the deliberation included the pos. hundred different articles un dis.
Dr. Connell well known sion in connection with items one, shortage in his stock and he sibilities of opering up lines of play at present, an additional lot at The Wesleyan is Church Panama Jamaica on Wednesday last where which should have o included the a way others when he was be attached to each branch of the fers, a pitchers wervery attractive The Annual Missionary Meeting Dentist of this City returned from two and three of the Agenda, in turn, unknowingly, gave stores, groceries, dry goods, butch are coming, some of which are face a dime and talcum powders, dishes, tumbа will take place on Monday evening he was urgently called, on account location of a cherritorial headquar refused. a Clearance Slip local Association. Drug stores were desting, temen silk Yose, mens commencing at 45, pm, His Ex of the illness of his second son Will. ters. headquater staff. conrelleney, Majur Braithwaite He reports the boy has greatly solidation of Divisions and after discharge.
also suggested. he fact that it handkerchiefs, cameras, flash lights, Deeds gradual handling of our and many others too numerous to Wallis, His Brittanie Majesty improved and out of all danger. Chapters. etc. Or it may be that Minister will preside. Collections The doctor resumed practice imme deliberations upon these subjects Millions of people in Brit people before they can be brought mention. He says he hopes to have are being held in abeyarce for a ain are living part of the time not overlooked. After lengthy dred different articles soon that are on behalf of Wesleyan Missions: diately on bis retura, into big business undertakings was an assortment of at least two huo.
The following is the program date. However, Hymn sheets will be provided.
working down to a point borciering on one meal a day according discussion on the pros and cons of will appeal not only to men, but The British Nationol Anthem.
Hymn. What shall do my God on rationality after many years of to press reports from London the subject a committee of tive was also to women and children.
propaganda and Hymn. Hail to the Lord to love.
theoretical and hundreds of millions of appointed to go further into details It is also stated that, due to the Annited.
Collection for Wesleyan Mis Workings which sank millions of pounds sterling has been and report at de subsequent meeting Pray the pr mium scheme and the high dollars of the Association funds, War, into practicability of the schemes, quality of Lucky rike and Victor Ineeroduction of the Chairman Abthem. Let God Arise. seems not a bad idea; and am of pouring, since by Rev. R, Wade.
the opinion that a rational conduct the pockets of these people. The Convention then voted to cigarettes in their respective classes Hymn. Jesus shall reign.
Address, Rev. Joseph Thrift.
on the part of the leaders will in Many a veteran is among the cable a message of cheer to the the company in Panama shower Coaiarman Remarks. His ExVote of Thanks.
time succeed in helping the Asto hundreds of soloists who Mr. Garvey and also to forward an increase of 40 in May, 100 cellency Major Braithwaite Hymn. All Hail the Power of help in constructive thinking. It doors nightly singing ciation to acquire the necessary stand beseechingly at pub ments of the Republic of Panama previous months. This month it.
letters of greetings to the Govern in June, and 76 in July ove Wallis Jesus Name.
Reading of Annual Report.
or and the Canal Zone, and to the claimed is running ahead of a only those who are able to think Solo, Mrs, Olga King.
Benediction, constructively are of any use in a playing for pennies. The British Minister to Panama. After others.
Hymo, My heart and voice most cordialiovation is extend. Convention of this kind as if dole from the goverment hearing a report on Division No. All the management asks of ar ded to all British West Indians to uaderstand rightly, the Association is 18 ghillings a week for 17 from Delegate Collins, who is one is that he try Lucky Strike Address, Commandant Martin. this meeting. Continued on page Continued on page Continued on page Continued on page 8)
Simper raise.


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