
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1925 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands WHAT IS YOUR FORTUNE. GOOD LUCK HERBS YOUR Soysexoco 50 jovial in lawyer.
speaker goes.
somoc بار را DY trying them.
JAMAICA Preparing For Visit of English Team.
Views Expressed On At a meeting of the selection ters who have accepted the inviCANADIAN WEST INDIAN tations sent to them, will take package free with each 50c order; part in a two two day test match Loadstone 50e; magnetic sand, 50c.
AGREEMENT the first of a series in connection Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs things kept secret from foundation of with the expected visit of the the world, 75e; private lessons for me Each Week for Readers What a Well known Banana English team in Jaunary next diums, 75e; East Indian spirit helling, 50e; the secret of Hindu visualintion, 50e: the reader of souls, 38; the Man Thinks of Its Probable to be played at Melbourne Park on August 1st and 3rd commen Effect.
priesthood of India 50e; the dragless cing at 12 noon on each day. One WATGH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE Everyone reads his boroscope now.
rond to perfect health, 2; Mana Yoga Have you read yours?
team will be captained by Mr.
60e; a physician in the house, 50; five threr grass, package Ince with Talking to a GLEANER repre Nunes and Dr. Cameron each 75cder; Mantram words of tative re the Canada Treaty roup ctively. There will be Anolont Soiono. Is The Cross Word Puzzle create is dying power the master koy book, 3; and its probable effect on the charge of 6d to the grouod and Popular Rago out and HOROSCOPES are the latest sigaet and soul symbol rings for ladies Canada burioess in Jamaica, 6d to the stand and gents, karat gold, om 20; fad. What do astrologers nd in your lucky seven stick pin for men, o; One a well know banans man sald THE TEAMS.
birth date? Watch for it in this paper, With what characteristics have the package foton Conquerer Root and sesterday. Personally, think Nunes (captain)
stars eodowed you? What are your best one Adam and Eve root free with each HOROSCOPE talents and are you making use of them?
all ibis discussion in regard to Williams, Riley, Young. order: lacky seven ring for ladies, by 7; lucky seven ring for men, three From the beginning the treaty just after it has been Young, Rae, of history astrol headed snake ring, 18; the under signed 19 rather futile, anyway Hearne, Morales, Dr. ogers have studied the influence of the Madame Renee kround treasure book, 4; hair dress.
it is a practical impossibility to Aris. Bloomfield, Greg. stars and placets upon the lives of ing for ladies and gents 50e; perfume ste bow the Treaty will work ory, Carr.
human beings and the result has been a 02. 50e: face cream, 50e; gloss oil 50e; July 30 August face powder, 50e; greater key of Solountil it is actually Dr. Cameron (captain) science which they present to aid indivi. The Sign of Leo, the Lion mon, 16; the silent friend book, 25; Certain theoretical principles, duals in finding the work for which they Martin, TC. Mercier, Bgrements etc. can be laid Holt, DaCosta, F: Bick.
The sun exerts a profound influence Egyptian secrets book, 75e; losser key are best fitted and in ofercon. ing their of Solomon, 50. long lost friend book a wo in discussion, but it cannot pell, Bell, o. Scott, Dr.
upon you who are born duriag this week natural fault. They teach self know 75e; fortune telling cards 25; the when the siga of Leo is at its height, sealed book, 3; the great book of Jelinitely be said whether they Constantine, Phillips, ledge in order that adverse influences This planet in the Zodiac gives you a magical art, 15; the sixth and seven will work well or badly, when Russell, DaSilva.
may be combated.
superb courage, a splendid vigor and books of Moses, The; gazing crystal, actually put into execution. For Umpires: Messts inch with stand and instructions, untiring ambition Coming events also have been preinstance, what is the good of Foster and Casely Only 5; de la Sphinx Hindu temple in dicted. Miss Evangeline Adams, a noted Naturally sympathetic and genial you cense, 1; secret of black art book, 13 talking about how a certain preAmerican astrologer, forcasted a worldhave combined qualities that make an parchment paper, 75; special ink as Terence on the Canadian markets wide war within three years in 1912, used on parchment 755 candles all will affect our bananas until we attractive personality and you draw colors, per dozen 75; genuine parchTRINIDAD know what are going to be the and even in 1910 Madame de Bielski friends to you easily. Hearty and ment skin. 50; lilly rose vanvad, e said, War clouds fill the heavens. The freight rates for carrying them manner, you can hold an audience oz. 50. With any order for ten dol.
first outbreak will fire the Balkans. If with little effort and would succeed as a lars worth of goods at one time we will 10 Canada? It seems to me occurrences can be so accurately propublic send you the following goods absoluteDot much good can be done by minister, actor, Work Praised phesied, it is reasonable that characterisly free: package devi s, the famous or orator It is more your style of tics can also be traced from the position seals reprinted from the six and seven talking about the matter until delivery than what you say that enables books of Moses, on old time parchment we know the whole situationof the stars in the Zodiac out with gold ink, Fig 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; lodelers lit:le then by talk as far as you to sway people to your opinions.
The GUARDIAN of recent date stone, magnet sand; also the origituat Today popular interest in horoscopes With all your aspirations and pride, nal lucky glass with full instructions.
says:is again aroused and people eagerly seekwhole What we want is Address all orders direct to De la The various communities in your love of power and grandeur, COM ing to find what their signs portends, PASSION is yoor motto. You are inHerb Agency, No 2902 Cottage Grove hearted effort and co orporatio the Caribbean Sea owe much to what traits are natural to them in what herently charitable and are always able Ave. Chicago, III.
given that, there no doubt that the West India Committee and ne thing will work all right but and their untiring Secretary, occupations they will be most successful, to see both sides of a question.
Du får all see is a lot of talk Mr. Algernon Aspinal, whose and what is their mystic stone, flower and soul color.
The psychic say the color of your soul ment to our gambling law was and no effort.
zeal in their cause and knowis orange a deep, reddish orange the enacted here, giving the BarbaIn order that you may know your shade of the setting sun which promises As far as can jidge, since ledge of prevailing conditions, dos Turt Club the privilege benevolent weather. Your lucky stone horoscope, we have secured Madame conferred on its Trinidad conyou ask me, the terms of the make him ambassador of Renee, the mystical reader of the skies, is the amber whose clear tones represent Treaty on the face of them seem their interests in London. It is to interpret the Zodiac each week. Per your fair spirit and unclouded nature.
temporary; would be a step in as far as possibly could be to quite impossible to measure the the righ: direction. At present haps your success depends upon the The marigold, bright and suony, is sym sweepstakes of all kinds are say, how thes will work in mittee in aid of the British West parties, to Canada and to us; accomplishments of the Con. career you choose and by your horos bolic of the disposition of Leo boro.
prohibited from being offered to practics can only be determined Indian acd Atlantic Colonies cope you judge yoor ability in various Being real home lovers, you should the public. But on the occasion kinds of work.
CE and the benefits that flow from marry early aod spend a great deal of of every race neeting, a large Watch for your birth date and those It is service that is as your time in the home. People born Anyway, one thing is entirely them number of sweepstakes are run crtain the banana situation is inestimable as it is essential to of your friends.
under this sigo usually find greatest by private individuals. They are awallingly bad we had to do the general progress of these (Copyrighted 1923 by Hense Adams happiness wheo united with those born not openly advertised, since that Syndicate)
auwethog and we ve done the Colonies, and for wider know would compel attention from the under Aquarius, the latter half of Janust think we could; so let ledge of them in the heart of the uary and the first half of February, for police authorities, but the vell is these people are also loyal and affection vers thinly drawn over their Stick to it and make a success Empire, of their geographical situation life and economics. An It is the stars, the stars above us, ate and fond of home life. Congenial transactions. The responsibility outstanding instance of the Com. govern Our condition. Shakespeare.
alliaaces can al o be made with those is of the flimsiest. It seems to mittee beneficial activities that born in Aries, the last of March and us that it would be better to deserves special NEXT GOVERNOR their dogged representation of referenca first of April.
in allow the Barbados Turf Club to If you are looking for hints on mar. Copyrighted 1925 by Hense Adams iegally run a sweepstake in the sugar Colonies in the matter riage read your horoscope.
Syndicate. connection with their meetings.
This action would we believe put Comment on Administration got rid of the ruinous bounties, of the sugar preference. Having an end to all the little ventures Polo SOOME Soosexoxo of Sir Graeme Thompson, that are flouted during the weeks the question was kept in the Likely Successor to Sir forefront of their business public would have guarantee. Samuel Wilson, through all its vicissitudes and that they gave much assistance to the the management was on Soes Conservative Government during proper lines.
The HERALD understands that the last elections by putting into But we should not support any within the next few days the the hands of candidates in the permission to the Barbados Turt name of Jamaica next Gover different constituencies an infor.
Club or any other conserto nor will be announced. beliet mative circular, setting out suc run sweepstakes or lotteries in prevaails in certain quarters that cioctiy the importance of British coonection with sports other Sir Graeme Thomson, Governor sugar as an Imperial asset to the than those they control. Such of British Guiana, will be appoin United Kingdom as well as to the permission would be a danger to d to succeed Sir Samuel Wil Empire as a whole. Their iast the public and la encouragement son as Governor of this colony. effort was to get the effective to the gambling habit, which In reviewing the Administra date of the preference advanced already bas so large a portion of tion of Sir Graeme Thomson, which was not found possible by our population in its grip, with Majesty Governor of British Guiana who is Government results which are becoming has just gone on leave, the Daily Another success gained on behalt more and more deplorable.
says: of the Colonies was the concess. His Excellency has allowed ion secured from the Coiference himself to be cajoled into takiog Lines that the Committee would BARBADOS sides with a clique, to his eternal be informed equally, with the Recommended for Removing the Humors of disaster. It is an admitted fact Colonies of notices of freight inand an unfortunate one that the creases. Mr. Aspioall plays Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, The Governor Retires colony is divided into two war many exacting roles in his la.
Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic ring camps; and until this state bours for the Caribbean lɔnies.
ot is Besides to the Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and DisThe Weekly Herald of the Governor duty, if he is not Committee he is the Commiss11th ulto, says: strong enough to compose those ioner of the West Indian ana eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
The Solicitor General, Dr Boxdifierences and to well all the Atlantic Group of Colonies para III and Messrs Austin, elements into one harmonious ticipating at the Wembley ExhibAn Alterative recommended for purify. Jason Jones, Haynes whole, to steer an even course ition and Secretary to the Imper ing and enriching the BLOOD.
and Skeete were appointed, between them; to choose his ial College of Tropical Agriculture at the last meeting of the House advisors equally from among the among his many otices, while be of Assembly, to form a Committee contending groups; and not let it is in charge of the arrangements to prepare a reply to the Govbe sald that he is determined to of the Parliamentary Delegation.
ernor message to the House seek advice only in one direction.
For Sale at all Drug Stores intimating his retirement from Otherwise inevitably he must be office and departure for Englard accused of being the cerature of Gambling Law Amended.
And in Large Quantities by on August 5th by the Moncabal, wbichever side he learns togna. similar message was upon, and whatever counsels he also sent to the Legislative Counaccepts no matter what the jas TO ENABLE THE TURF CLUB TO JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy cil. The Governor message to tice or the purity of the particu PROMOTE SWEEPSTAKE IN tbe latter body reads as fol lar clique. This as we pointed out lows: AGENT CONNECTION WITH RACES, is where Sir Graeme Thomson His Excellency the Governor signally failed, and by so notТо oriously choosing his advise In the Trinidad Legislative sos His Honor the President of the from one clique exclusi yely, while excluding representatives Council on 12th inst. an amend Legislative Council of the other from all his adminis: ordinance was passed to enable the lines of the Grenada Derby money could well be kept at Mr. Carr opposed the Bill and ment to the ganbling prevention The Governor has the honour trative Boards and Committees to inform Your Honor and the earned the accusation atoresaid. the Trinidad Turf Club to pro and other sweeps. This was bome, and applied to the benefit Mr. Reilly. amendment The Honourable Members of the mote a sweepstake in connection supported by Mr Cipriani who of horse breeding in Trinidad, latter amendment was lost, but Legilative Council, that his mae with a race meeting before the Rent Receipt Books In Span day of racing. Mr. Reills argued that large sums of money which was one of the objects the the original, which stood in the jesty Secretary of State bas moved an amendment which went abroad for sweepstakes and Trinidad Turt Club intended to name of the Solicitor General been pleased to krant him a short Ish and English for sale at the would bave empowered the Tart lotteries promoted in other promote.
was carried period of leave pending the Workman Printery Club to promote sweepstakes on places, and he considered this Mr. Kellsall, Dr. McShine and We believe if a similar amend(Continued on page 7)
ادامه Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD


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