
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1925 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres.
ܕܪ no ished El Excelsior eum ATLANTIC SIDE An Open Challenge. De New Providence Notes Activities of the Colon Cristobol. Continued from page 4)
Christian Endeavour August 6th 1925.
ment. The three Sparish teach TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN: ers were present at the cho cb, Society.
Dear Mr. Editor. Please perand also or the play ground.
mit me space in your most valu.
Prizes will be delivered to the able columas in expressing my winners at a later date, CECILIA AMERICA On Wednesday night, 29th idea, wherebyl the music loving July, the members of the socie y community am sure will appre (PANAMA. COLON)
Yes! there are enough West staged a Patriotic programm, ciate. Toere are several Siaging Iodians on the sthmus (and having for its feature, The Choirs or Companies in Colon TODAY. SATURDY, August 15th TODAY. Saturday August 15th some of them are well ott) to progress and achievements of and also in Panama, seemingly and TOM RROW Sunday August 16th Clara Kimball Young in equip and run their own hospithe Neg o Race.
they are afraid one for tbe other; tal, and nowbere offers better Although there was an up. but the Colon Fraternal Cboral Jobn Burmere in WIFE ROMANCE facilities for such an institution usual attendance, it cannot be Union is here with fearless and BEAU BRUMMLI.
than New Providence Colony, considered record breaking dauntless advertisement to wel TOMORROW. Sunday August 16th wbre enough land at the most one. The meeting was presided come any Challenge by way of Jack Holt in economic conditions is available; over by Conrad Whittingbam, contests, wbether it bo friend or MONDAY, August 17th the colony is cool, sanitary and Secretary of the Society, who foe, 80 as to decide, as to the NORTH OF 36 Richard Dix in hesliby, cte, etc.
certainly measured up to the greater capabllity in interperting demands of the occasion. At 45 and vocalizing any piece of Music MANHATTAN MONDAY, August 17th No other spot on the Isthmus would m, the hymn From Green written in the Author key.
Barbara La Marr in be more suitable for a secondary school land Icy for West Mountains, TUESDAY, August 18th re This said company drew in THE WHITE MOTH Indian youths and maidens than echoed through the edifice, huge contest with the Red Black Gareth Hughes in New Providence and it is a pity ascended the rafters; then, and Green Choral Union (The LITTLE EVA ASCENDS TUESDAY, August 18th that outside of this colony, West waiting through the balmy air, Champion of Panama) which took WILIS WEIRNET FIGHT Indians are so much disinterestspread Its melodious strains place on July 11th last, and it is WEDNESDAY, August 19th in the welfare of their fellow throughout the peacelul neigb anxious to bave it decide as to Charles Jones in WEDNESDAY, August 19th pen bere.
bourhood, swelling in volume, as whom are the Champion Singe Those who claim the singers with one accord, ers of the Isthmos.
net to be our leaders (outaide of HE 11TH HOUR John Barrymore in religious circles) never thought made the first step, in making Thanking you for space, Mr.
that night a momentous one in Editor. BEAU BRUMMEL of even paying us a visit; such the history of the THURSDAY, August 20th people, may quaintly put it.
society. beg to remain, THURSDAY, August 20th Prayer followed this brilliant ruffles no Jack Holt in opening Yours respectfully, Richard Dix in The road is still going abead; CALLENDER. NORTH OF 36 Somewhat inspired by this MANHATTAN telephone posts are now being unlooked for enthusiasm, the ADDRESS: I, Callender erected, and in a short time FRIDAY, August 21st FRIDAY, August 21st communications will be estabChairman, in well chosen words, General Delivery, Cristobal, Z, It is hoped that the and eloquent delivery, Barbara La Marin cited Gareth Hughes in government means business, and examples of the Race leading THE WHITE MOTH ITTLE EVA ASCENDS that grading for the commercial men on the pages of History: CRICKET.
road, will in fact, and indeed, be and recalled the bardships they SATURDAY August 22nd SATURDAY, August 22nd commenced with the next dry endured, before attaining the Victoria Wanderers Cup Marion Davies in Charles Jones in season.
positions they finally held.
men Match Ends in a Draw THE 11TH HOUR Among the lllustrious JANICE MEREDITH vill help by their presence. Many mentioned were, Booker prominent and talented residents Washington, foremost Negro of La Boca and Panam have educator: Hon. PinchThe Victoria Wanderers cup promised to take part including in back, the Politician. who once match played on the Victoria these is Mr. Alfonso, Ferreira Isthmian champion elocutionist.
served in the capacity of Gov. oval on Sunday the inst. eror of Louisiana; Frederick ended in a draw.
Tickets for the concert may be bad Douglass, the Statesinan; Prof.
Capt. McDonald of the Wanapplying to any Scarborough, the linguist, derers won the loss and CANAL ZONE NOTES of the District. or at the door at the who is the author or a set of sent in his opponents to bat olla right of the 2ist. The prices are Greek text books, tbat have perfect wicket. Victoria tuok for adults, twenty five cen and La Boca Pars.
the full advantage of the situation, been a lopted by one of for children ten cents, leading Universities of the u. Jand played a good inning making accient and modern languages; hey dickets at which stage and who al o and authority on 124 for The principal At the Clubhouse on Tuesday Next Tuesday evening a mock JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP night last a splendid program was crial will be held at the Clubhouse, and Hector, Josephs, now Attor scores were. Thorpe 22. Emman ney Ger eral of British Guiana. uel 25, Coleridge 20, Boland 16 rendered in connection with the Inder the auspices of the La Boca Allen 16 not out. To this Wander Corner 12 Street East Avenue presentntian of medals to win Atheaaeum, Much fun is looked for Concluding his remarks, the ers ners of the elocution contest helt rom this entertainment ng it will Chairman id. What woulders replied with 52 for wickets up to the call of time.
The ols We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also at that place last April, under the be staged by juniors. Everybody you call a race that, after en ich man to reach double tigures wa ing the Treaturies of Govern. Uter who made 15.
auspices of the La Boca Athena is invited.
The Athenaeum awarded ments for Centuries watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Icf ceaseless Bowling for Victoria, Boland three gold medals as first, second toil, was cast additt without any Workmanship is guaranteed.
and third prizes and these were len Club will hold their Charity To sight the Women Life Prob.
visible means of support, and captured wickets for 16 ruos aad Blackman for 12. Th Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you won by Clan McKenzie, yet has reached the height it is may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may Russell Phillips and Miss Lilias Ball at the Clubhouse. It is said on, in World advancement? playing of Wandere that a bevy af Those who p:ophesied that the left much to be desired.
young ladies from Cragwell, respectively, and a con up to the usual standard. and ull sestions of the Pacifio end will Negro would not survive for teu all apearances the morale of to From drsire, provided the monthly payments of solation prize to Jo Miles who be there. In connection with the years. did not reckon with the interest are duly met.
fourthThe me book The presentation was made to the present is very conserva men the number which is is expected indomitable spirit of our race; outset, when Captain McDonald teain was broken down from the Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall by K. Baxter, one or the judges Lively pinced at a century, John and the courage our forefathers instead of taking advantage of of the contest. There was a large Murray orchestra will dispense showed in lighting against the perfect wicker after winning be pleased.
and representative overwhelming odds. Having been the tuse, nu iu Victoria to.
including prominent resident from music for the occasion, it is under stood received from but doety years Victoria, on the other hand Panama City among whom was of British yoke, and sixty from Ferreira, champion elocuAmerica oppression, today, in played a brilliant game, butik tionist of the lathinus, who is the Milton Garvey four act meloLiterature, Industry, Religion welding, and bowling weru good proud holder of and Music, the ro is rivalling und their supporters were all three medals irama The Prince of Wall Street toe best the nations of the worla satisfied.
won in three contests and a wardes caused more La Bocans, at any Had Wanderers won this match 220 yards open handicap. o e of the booms of the boat on by nine different judges. Follow one time, to climb the steps MD they would have been in the lead High jump which he was working gave was, ing are the contributions to the leading into the auditorium of the Mr Milington, prominent 120 yards burdle.
and struck him on the head program: Elocutionary items Clubhouse than school master, and Vice presis in the race for the cup. At pres.
dent of the Society, displayed bis West End for that position.
ent they tie with Sussex and New blood is being introduced another man who was also work To whon Shall we Give Thanks when the curtain was lifted for the Cragwell; right to be considered as deep into the athletic world of Colon ing at the same place, was Russell Phillips: The Spanish first act the only unoccupied places thinker contining bis sentiments and it is said that many sur struck down and injured, and is Champion. Clan McKenzie. were to be found in the vacant directly to the progress the Cup Matches for Tomorrow. prises will be sprung, now in the Colon hospital Vocal solos. Why Must We Say places above the heads of hundreds women of the race bave made, he Good bye. Miss Doris Evans: he play was immensely enjoyed struck the keynote to a responsive audience. Recalling the con The Bridge. Cragwell; by all who attended.
Two cup matches have been News Notes The two brothers Messrs. Sing, Smil and Slumber Miss ditions in whicb so journer Truth fixed for to morrow: Pickwick Jonn and Toaddeus Williamson, Lena Moulton; The Jewel Song and Phyllis Wheatley lived, and and Kent will meet on the VicWhen good Manchurjewellers of Colon cently rethe ran out to remos ta women of and Silver City will play at Mi, ing of the Color Werlechther Williamson in their home, St. Tanhauser. Miss Lidia Holder. Balboa Quarantine Station will be attainme totoria oval, wbile Westmoreland The annual missionary meet ceived the news of the death of Mrs. Olga King. Piano selections in heads north through the her their mother, Mrs, Elizabeth Polonaise Joyeuse. Miss Lydia ama Canal on Wednesday next, Holder. Pilgrim Chorus from Alonzo Robinson, employee of the the world, he kept the audience Hope.
will take place tomorrow.
spe! bound all through bis maswill be three servic 8: 11 a. Mary, Jamaica at the age of 70 Violin solo, Sextette. Miss among the passengers on her for ter ful delivery. Finally, winding More About the Athletic and 30 ard the pulpit will years.
Guillermioa Jump An instructive New York. Mr. Robinson is a up with an earnest appeal for the Meet.
be occupied throughout by the women of the race to endeavour address on elocution was given by Colombian, and old and reliable Rev. R. Wade of Panama Tuesday night, the 18ch is Reynolds, President William employee of the Quarantine to live up to their principles, and The public meeting which was being anxiously awaited, when all De Souza of the Athenaeum Division. He goes to join his pr.
mote their hidden talents. He left an impression that time will Alletie Meut at the Color Base. night the 18tb Lay been pos Theatre for the staging of 108 Eatries close today for the planned to take place on Tuesday roads will lead to the Strand presided.
brother, Victor, in the land of opportunities. We wish bim a not easily eradicate, ball Park on Labur Day, Monday poned to the fall wing night. Prince of Wall Street, ho Wednesday the 19.
An Address by Mr. Chambers, the 7th prox.
will be the second staging on the Sunday afternoon last, the subject surcess in bis new At the Community Hall on pleasant trip up north and much field op and paper submitted on the sub Toe boys are now working in Atlantic Side. On the first occa Is Capital Punishment Justifiable endeavor.
ject by Mr. McKenzo were earnest and are determined to sion at the Cristobal Silver Clubwell rendered and applauded.
keep the greater part of the The juvenile residents of Silof La Boca and Panama. The GRAND MUSICAL PROMaster Joseph Bruno, in pezas in Colon this time.
ver Chy Mt. Hope. feel very bouse, bundreds were turned was debated by the Catholic Clubs away, because of lack of space bome club championed the affirm capacity of the organist, and The terms of entry are: 25c, grateful to Mr. Waller for the and it looks as if the same thing mative of the question and won on GRAM for an organ solo rendered, dis for one fiat event, 50c. for three erection of a number of swings may happen at the Strand the decision of three competent played himself in a manner flat events. 50c. for ong cycle on the play ground. They are taka Theatre this time, for even those judges. Arrangements, is is said, By St. Peter Church School, worthy to be commended. event 100 for three.
ing full advantage of them, and who saw it then are anxious to are under way for a series of great future in the musical field La Boca.
Following is a list of the events: all the time large numbers are see it again.
debates among the various clubs.
awaits tbis youth.
CYCLE to be seen enjoying themselves.
Other contributors The grown aps however, while the mila cycle, open scratch.
On Sunday, Sep: 13th, 1925, a musical end of the programme, they appreciate the idea foil that Tomorrow is to be a big day The secular concert planned by Grand Musical Program will be ho rendered solos with extra1 mile cycle novice scratch. the Coco Solo road and track line for the hranch at the La Boca Panama District of rendered in St. Peter Church, ordinary merit, were, the Misses between the city and the grounds ilth street and Broadway.
An Panama Canal LA West Boca, Bruno, Hibbert, Kill mile cycle seratch men ex might be a source of danger to excursioa train from Panama Employees Association for the assisted by pupils of other schools: ingbeck, and Henry.
the small. children running will arrive here at about 10 am, purpose of starting a fund for the very pleasant afternoon with the across and returning, leave about p. Children Christmas treat, will be young folks may be anticipated, When the final invocation was mile cycle open scratch.
held at the Community Hall on and it is hoped pronounced, and the audience 12 mile cycie open scratch.
that parents, realized that this treat was over, Friday night next the 21st instant. guardians and friends will turn out Miss and out.
Misses Edna and Grace Sur British Consulate Notice.
Officers and members of the Dis in large numbers and show their they beaved a sigb; recalling that, as an Eodeavour Suciety. mile cycle Boys under 18 geon returned from their bolitrict are working hard so as to be sympathy with the pupils and tbey were partakers of the finest day trip on Tuesday the 11th, years, example of patriotic demonFLAT EVENTS apparently much benefitted by the short cbange.
Colon would be glad of imforma this occasion, and present indica. of the united effort in aid of the stration.
100 yards. open handicap tion as to the present whereabouts tion point to success. The price of work of the School in question 440 yards open scratch.
Leopold Russell Brown, contractor admi sion has been fixed so as to the admission will be by ticket at Percy Carrington, Barbadian, and builder, who left Jamaica reach the pocket book of one and a very moderate price. Doors will ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO THE mile open (scratch POPULAR JUAN FRANCO PARK mile walk open bacdicap.
24 years of age was accidently several years ago, and is stated to all and it is hoped that all parents open at 3, Keep your eyes on killed while working on the Cris. have lived in this Republic and in who are interested in giving the these columns for more news about TO MORROW.
880 yards open scratch. tobal docks on Tuesday, the 11tb Cuba.
kiddies a good time at Christmas Ithis Big Musical Program. S no audience We Buy and Sell Pearls Bold can reduce any other on


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