
JOB. PRINTING Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH WORKMAN PRINTERY CALL IN AT The Workman BOOK STORE No. 93, Central Avenue avalanche Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, The best Tonic in the World (Continued from page 2)
termination of the extended term VIGOR TONIC of his office as Governor and Commander in Chief of Barbados This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend and its dependeney.
ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness. 2) His Excellency proposes to Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up vail bimselt of this leave by the S:t Motagna on or about 5th a run down constitution.
August next.
It promotes digestion, improves the appe10 best. 3) In taking leave of Your tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system Honorard Your Honourable Council, the Governor desires to DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or express his most sincere good times a day.
wishes for the present and future AT THE wulfare of this ancient and loyal colony and to assured you that JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy Barbados and ber people and her int rests will ever be of great pe sonal concern to him, and bat be trusts the Almighty in His goodness may be pleased to prosper you in all ways.
CHARLES BRIEN, Governpr and Commander in Chief Correspondence Government House Barbados PROF. INYANG Balboa Heights July 31st 1925. TO PENSION PUBLIC Great occult. Latest master TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN SCHOOL TEACAERS Dear Sir: Any individual o mind of South Africa. Master organization designed for public The some paper states that at service is always the target for a meeting of the House of of mystic science. Can help thes arfths of adverse eri icism. Assembly the Bill to make Whether anything is accom provision for pensions for teachyou in case you are suffering plished by either of the woulders in public schools was again ASSORTMENT OF in love, in business or other affairs be public servante, there will be brough forward. In presenting always some criticism of what it, Mr. Rzece informed bon s been done and no matter hw members that the Executive had GOOD STATIONERY of human interest.
advantageous to the communits accepted the principle of fixing the modus operande of than age limit, as was proposed by SOUVENIRS, Consultatior, in person or write for price accompslishment is bound to be the hon senior member for the abot at.
list. Strictly confidential It nothing appears to City, by inserting a new section Bave been accomplished gives making it compulsory on the Address: 206 129th St. New York City, another cause for criticism. tea :hers to retire on attaining the The Boys Institute of Colon is age of sixty five years. He, bowone of these targets which sine ever, was not personally in favour it years ago, has bad to stand ab it would work a hardship on the was organized, a number of of the section because it adopted CHURCH SERVICES of shafts dipped in the poorly paid elementary shool Bethlehem Church of God vial of unfairness and injustic teachers who would be forced to Holiness Whatever it did or has done is retire at sixty five. The average is (Continued from page 4)
very soon forgotten, and very lit salaries were too small and gave tle of it placed on the credit side too little pensions to justify the Seventh Day Adventist Church No, MARIANO AROSEMENA St. of the ledger to its honor, what bringing into operation of comA Regular Assortment of SAN MIGUEL is has ot done is very promptly Mr Walcott rapported Me pulsory retirement against them.
charged up against it in red Reece views but the maiority STREET CALIDONIA ROAD Sunday, o clock Prayer Meeting letters in the debit column.
of members were in favour of (near Isthmias Park. PANAMA. 11 a. Divice Service Preacher, The man to whom is intrusted adopting the same principle, as Sunday Evening 30 Preach Supplied p. m, Sunday School, Superinten ing the affars of the Institution as was in operation in the case of the responsibilities of conduct regards retirement for teachers. SUCH ASing Service The general public is dent.
cordially invited to turn out in large p. Programme receives no emolum nts, and the Civil Service Clerks, and bumbers.
have made a sacritice by so do after some discussion the section 15 Gospel Service, Preachering, through a desire to meet the was eventually passed on the Sabbath (Sature ny) 945 a. Sab Supplied duty of an individual of service diviston: Ayes, Messrs, Evelyn Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine bath Ecbool; 11. 15 a. Genera! Worship Tuesday 30 pm. Gospel Service to the community. There are few Pite, L Skeete, laynes, BG 30 pm. Spanish Clase; 30 Society, meeting and Testimony.
Thursday 30 Sister meeting who readily rec gniz: the ser. Austin, Jones, Brathwaite, vices rendered or the benefits Mabon and Dr Boxill Noes: 30 Junior and Senior Standard derived Saturday 30 pm. Choir Rebéarsala Dr Briggs Clarke, Messrs CB etc. etc. etc.
cf attainment Claes pm. Vespers.
Elder FRANCIS, Those most unfamiliar with Austin, and Reece, Sir Charles the inner workings of the Instit Clarke, Messrs Baeza, and Pastor in charge.
Seventh Day Adventist Church tution are the most blantan. Walcott and the Spea ker. critics and go to less trouble to ascertain it there is really any Brd STREET BROADWAY. COLON BEULAH 11 a. Devine Servies cause for kicking.
Sunday evening 30 Preaching p. Sunday School, Superinten Service. You are cordially invited to dent. 30 Gospel Service, Preacher of this kind in the Republic of The existence of an Institution 93 CENTRAL AVENUE attend these servior and bring your GAMBOA MISSIO 1 Sunday Panatda gives to it a certain Deaths during the week infriends, School; 2, 30 pm. Gospel Sermon prestige, the more active, and clude that of Mr. Joshua Baeza, Panama City.
Sabbath (Saturday) 45 am Sabbath Note Other Se vices for the week the more accomplished by it 83 years of age, somewbat sudSchool; 11. 15 6, 00. General Worship will be made from the pulpit.
adds to that prestice and though dealy in the rooms of the 30 Young people e meeting the Institution is not putting Coamber of Commerce after a 30 pm Vespere fortba euperlative degree of meeting on Thursday afternoon.
Ebenezer Church of God activity tbe many little detail of services it provides to individuals MRS. BOOKER WASH HOUSE TO HOUSE CANVAS Baptist Churches Holiness Mr. Jack Murray partner in and the public in general in the firm of Messrs. Wilkinson INGTON.
musical entertaint giveenms ita Haynes, Ltd. died at his (Under the auspiors of the Suthern reason or right to exist. not residence, Collymore Rock, yesBaptist Covention. CALIDONIA DISTRICT withstanding the criticisms of terday, after a few weeks illLeaves Estate of Fifty Shows Civil Population of tbose wbose vision is so warped nesz.
Thousand Dollars.
Canal Zone 27, 151.
Colon 11. Mrs. Thrift. Young Sunday 5o clock, Prayer Meetin People Service. 7pm. Rev. 11 a. Divine Service Preacher that they cannot see anything Supplied good comiog out of Nazareth Gregory According to the provisions of Mr. Alexander Jones the will of the late Mrs. Margaret civil population of the Canal Zone, house to house canvas of the Gatun 11 a. Mr. Wigen: p. p. Sunday School Superintendent. desire to welld a hammer and retired schoslmaster, died at his Washington, widow of the founder taken by the Police and Fire DiviOnly is Mr. Geo. Borosa. p. Programme.
phantoms. residence Rock, on Wed of Tuskegee, Mrs. of New Providence. 11 m. Deacon Rubie Supplied Chorrillo. 11. Descon Linton by an exaggerated idea of self many years an of present year, shows Tuesday 30 Gospel Service outstanding get the bulk of the property, Tom p. Me. Geo. Elargis Thursday 30 Rister and Tes: Burgeriordes conti dudgment. The figure amongst masters of the Murray Washington, an adopted of 27 151 persons Iostitution Calidonis. 11. Deacon McIntosh timony meeting.
For the purpose of the canvas Colon elementary schools and was a son, Miss. Alice Simmons, a cousin. p. m, Deacon Yearwood.
Saturday 30 Choir Reh csals.
should be the head and spoke most successful teacher.
man of the Red Tank. 11 Lender Crooke.
community, ana had reached the advanced age of and Miss, Margaret Cyrus will also the Zone was divided into two Dis.
shara in the estate which is said to tricts; Balb a District on the PaciElder ODLE authorized 75. p. Descon Linton He was a respected citizen amount to 50, 000, including pro fic aide extending north to and Pateor in charge Empire 11 a. p. Supplied letter coming Mr the recipients of Puebo Nuero 11 a. Die Smith bomesite at Tuskegee is to be and Cristobal District extending Watson recommending a boy sympathy.
divided between Bocker Wash south to and including Gambua Bethel Church of God and contiguous areas.
carries a weight that few can ington. Jr, and Davidson Washing: The Church of God Holiness In the Balboa District there egual, what it says goes with Mr. Josiah Eden Clarke, died children of Booker Washington follows: Americans 5114, all others ton and Mrs. Sidney Pittman, all were 16, 129 persons, divided as the public every where perhaps, at his residencs. Eagle Hall Colon and Street Gopal meetHIO BAJO, LAS BABANAS at home where the integrity of Road, on Monday evening last. by former wives.
ings at 11. 30am 30 Bupits personael as individual is Mr. Clarke was a pbotographer 11, 015; Cristobal District 10, 888 persons of whom were, Americans day School at 3p.
Banday. m. Prayer Meetlug. know. recognized anu respected by profession but as a result of by three sons and a daughter. 1, 977, all others 8, 911.
11 a. Divine Service. Preacher Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON In case of the Institution, if ill health some years ago, be The canvas also shows that, of Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Moeting 30 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher it besides a shoe shop, it would medical adviser last year, but bla children we extend our the total population, two thousand 8p. Sunday School; Superintendent pothing else was being done by was practically given over by his He dles deeply respected and to in at 21. 30 a. and 11. 30 m; Sur Supplied.
their three hundred and four of the sincere sympathy worth what it costs, but this is following the visit to the colony bereavement.
Americans were working and four dsy School at pm.
Tuoeday Gospel service at the usual a drop in the volume of its of his second son, Dr. Cecil thousand five hundred and thrteen Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH activities, even it it appears to Belfield Clarke, the practitioner of all others. One hundred and New Providence. Google Meetings at 11. 30. and 30 Sunday Wednesday Sunbeam Class meet have fallen io nocous dessuetude in London and brilliant scholar Scbool at pm employed in civilian status with at p. ro It is very easy to criticiz. but to the colony in the letter months Postman Found Drowned. sixty of the total employees were the critics would have been more to get once more at his bags and of 1924 reviyed fficiently the Army.
Sis, M: CAMPBELL Bro. WILMorr, Clark in chark Tally vested with proper quali even cast bis vote at politica The body of Frederick Banfield fication in the persuit of their Red Tank, Capal Zout sepel meeting Salvation Army Hall, on Thursday night 730 pm, dua lavourite pastime, if they can contest. Mr. Clarke is survived a well known postman on the Black Rock route, was found by British Consulate Notice.
point to particularly weritious day Behoal at p.
two fishermen Thursday elis, GRAY The LA BOCA GPS conduct by sacrificing of contri toice awakeno take our place and morning in the sea at Brandon our to make Panams, Arosemena Street, Boune 25, 30 Knee Drill. batimes to offer the public weal. grand melody that wanna be heard At ar inquiry held during the colon would be glad of ioformation San Miguel Gospel meetings at 11 a. Holiness Meeting.
reshenebeli shall all in this far and wide, and the returning same day a verdict of death trom as to the present whereabouts of 11. 30 a. and 730. Sunday great Republic have realized that echoes awake in our hearts a jury. There are many wild native of British Guiana, who is drowuing was returned by the James Beresford Greenadge, a p. Sunday School.
each of us are part of it, essen joy unblemished.
Behool at p. Meeting on 80p. Open Air.
tial to its progress and that each rumours afloat which offer the stated to have baea working, Tuesday evenings 15 30 Salvation meeting. of us is expected to furnisba suggestion that it was a case of during Construction Days, et San Dahl Bro. Albert Person We extend a cordial invitato to sli note to its harmony, we shall GEO. RICHARDS.
suicide and not accident.
Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, The Workman Printery upp. com, Gospel Service. Preacher blinded to the tani one realities nesday night. Wr. Someo was for Chioago, we adopted daughter will be the between yune towalute to regarded as cat si in to valuable information and helping to and while repreza per bour.
on am.


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