p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 15, 1925 OUR SPORTING PAGE Cider Champagne TRADE MARK in enckages, Touch Races! Races!
empty than connected It would appear Excellent Races a THE TURF 1, Convention To Morrow Races Sparklets EL GAITERO LAST SUNDAY RACES. Continued from page Continued from page 1)
THE ONLY ELABORATED The Panama Jockey Club President of that Branch, the race program for tomorrow is now thinking on progression, not The Panama Jackey Club session was adjourned until the Spanish Cider with its own afternoon at Juan Franco regression.
program of oine races at Juan 12th intant.
Carbonic Acid Park, promises an excellent SUBJECTS For Discussion, Franco on Sunday last drews THIRD SESSION opportunity to spend a pleaslarge gathering of turfites from The subjects for discussion are, the Capital ank immediate vici tion was opened at the Hall of the The third session of the Conven.
ant time, or rather, hours in my opinion, too many to allow nity. All the races booked were Guachapali Chapter No. 14 on enjoying continual exciting of sufficient exchange of opinion by run off on time and under pleassporting events. The program delegates during the time slloted; and conditions. Several pools paid Wednesday night last, by High is made up of eight races in and if thrown off on committees well, including that of the eighth Commissioner Charles Bryaut, which nearly forty native and will likewise result in a volume of race of five furlongs for class Speaker, with the following Dele work which could not be URETIC AND REFRESHING native borses in which Glo gates present: A, Lindo, imported horses will take hardlej during the next three or properly ria, ridden by Moore, sprang. tebelard, Mrs Aird Collins, P, Flemmings, Geo. Monpart. Four of these races will four months of this year; while the soprise and paid ber. backers Lawson, Howard, Mrs. B, be for native ponies and the question of GOVERNMENT OF 10 60 on each straight ticket to Alkins, Parchment, Trotwin. Alta Mae, also, with man, Merchant, Myers.
VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ others for imported thorough the term implies national ment) to which is annexed citigoveru bred horses.
splendid ride from Moore, won zenship, S, judicial. and politics Pereque by a narrow margin in The Speaker addressed the audimay be conveniently suspended the sixth race, paving 40. Inti Ace, which uufortunately dropped VILLAVIASSA 8505 until something worthwbile has mo, ridden by Hildago, paid 10 in numbers from hundreds at the rn each straight ticket in the Previous meetings to within fifty, been achieved.
SPAIN fifth race of five furlongs for tering into the regular session. In and Delegates, briefly, before en(Continued from page 1)
class native borses.
Mr. Raul Espinosa Tribuno the course of his address be ob. ESTEBAN DURAN Vietor, whichever one suits the Twelve delegates including Mrswib Jockey Qulroga up easily served that with our present posiindividual pocketbook, and be Bridget Aird (Chapter 14) and won th day clasic a urlong tion we need to take on much more SOLE ACENT will be a convert. All has to do Mrs. Alkins (Division 17) and race for class imported before we can measure up with after that is to save his empty Commissioner Bryant in the Chair reag; and Caribe, owned by other races; that the work of the For the Republic of Panama.
and exchange them for met at Liberty Hall of Division Wri Marcedo won the furlong Association is, as a matter of fact, many articles on display at 6th, the principal subject for disa No. 17, on Thursday evening the uasb tor class native puoies. merely elementary at the present their various premium depots.
Frou Frou and Mi Pollera made time, but will grow year by year Mr. Gardiner also advises that Bryant opened with forceful being COMMERCE.
up the trio in the former race. from the experience gained from the company carries a large prem: appeal to a crowded house for ou Frou ran well but Mi each previous year; and admitted um display at Fidanque Henriquez lera, although slow in leaving the that the Assocition needs Co. Inc. 102 Bolivar Street, carry the grogram through que consolidation of efforts to help barrier, camg up and give him brain Colon, for the Rood run and succeeded in beat purpose so as to be able to go for: patrons on the Atlantic side, where to study and report at subse committee. ing bim at the post. Baby Paggy ward on practical grounds. His they can exchange their baveing been scratched to the discourse was replete with instrue packages for any premium desired. quent meeting upon possibilities race for class native horses, tive suggestions for the upliftment Other premium stations are also of the Ass ciation entering the fiel Caribe and Fenomeno were left of our people, and should have at the United Fruit Co. Almitate butchery, dry goods stores and in the operation of groceries, to run a match race. Fenomeno been listened to by more Carl Friese Co. Bocas del Toro; took the lead at the start and those who were preseut.
JUAN FRANCO TRACK Ari tides Romero, David; Miguel Dime Bank, the last nsmed to be beld this position for ball the The minutes of the previous Conte, Penonome; and Antonio observations are that more could to each Division, My distance when Carib. caught up meetinga being read and confirmed, Mock, Aguadulce.
with bim and immediately passed the subject for discussion EDUCA have been done TION was stated.
bim and won easily.
TO MORROW Try Lucky Strike or Vietor next that all the delegates failed to Having come prepared for this de la Cerda Hero, as on beforeband.
save the empty packages.
time you intend buying smokes anottudy their bave spoken more Mrs, Aird might the previous Sunday, won the discussion, the Delegates used first race on the program, a five nearly two hours on the subject Sunday, August 16th 1925 freely if she bad given a thought to OLD TIMERS BALL, the subjects as arranged on the jurlong dis ance for class which, as was later brought out, local ager da of Subjects for Disnative horses. El Chichi dropped really included the essentials or back nearing the home stretch basis for all the other enterprises WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE cussio furnished the delegates An event which will be cor and Press. The session rose at after a good run with Hero and contemplated. They agree that an sidered as a break in the present Il rm, to meet again on the eve Dictador. In the straight ro organization with a majority of pulled away and won by lees unintelligent votes actually helps social lethargy among certaining of the 12th tban a length.
to keep down intelligence; that tie class of West Indians in sb City of Panama takes place on FURTHER OBSERVATIONS Gloria won her first race, from status of inteliigence of our people Saturday, September 5th, with nine other entries, in five lur here is dangerously low, while the Old Timers, Ball at the in prepe handle, would no doubt The Dime Bank suggested, if put long dash for class native money which could be used towards Pacific Cub.
prove to be Invitations bave en given out of tenching our young, people ponies; jockey Moore baving educating them was being diverted wholesome method Races For Imported horses riven ber a spleodid ride not to the Chance scheme and other to guests both in Panama and thrift Delegate eorge Montelbe withstanding the lead that had degraded forms. With regard to the and for Native bred Ponies Colon. The occasion proi lard on account of being out of been taken by Lioda and Super kind of schools most needed, it was 4po.
to be unique outside of the fact order did not get an opportunity agreed that secondary, business that about half a zen young! to ress his point showing where To last race resulted in a and manual training schools gentlemen bave cided to do our prople must first be taught. away with the tux do and resort how to consolidate their spending to the Swallow there will be a power scratched, Alta Mae, Rolando and Myers. Delegate Myers, in showing the and Galineta were left. Galineta special bridge table set aside ic power before discussing urgeat need for educaan room for bash ul forgies possibilities of who will amuse showed good style when set over tion on proper lines; made referbusiness. This is themselves be essential ence to an advertisement in a Ja the six furlong distance.
be point which should not Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
tween cances.
maica paper for a cart man who Result of the days events: There will be an iptovation in uverlooked. Of course the comFirst race for class native must be able to read and write and First Race Starts p. Sharp ponies: connection with the ball which aittee will consider the problems furlongs understand some elements in busi Distance will be announced later in these market prices and where and from conection with flaetuation of Durse 125 Hero, D. stador, ness. Heretofore, he said, a cart columns.
whom they are going to El Chicbi.
Winner ridden by man was only considered to be one 90 on the first borse and 00 murs, but today, with the advance.
zpaid ADMISSION: wholesale purchases. Another point Brief Notes is that courtesy in ment of moderu civilization educa.
on the second borse.
treating customers of their own 100 proper lines is absolutely Grand Stand Ground 50c.
shade or hue must be rigidly Second race for class necessary in all business transacDative ponies: Distance fortions Contiouing, be said he was (Continued from page 1)
taught; if not, all the shareholders will not only by buying from the longs purse 200. Carib, Fa of the opinion that education wuich every unenployed man of John what they can get from encia; Navarro roda Fenomeno results, and is better appreciated by. paid ficially registered; 15 shillings their own stores but will also be Pool paid 70 on the winner. then that obtained free, as the cation was the best yet handled, vention that the subject of edu CHANGE OF SALVATION apiece for women; seven influencing others to do likewise. No place ticksts were sold in this things most valued by us are those on account of it being ARMY OFFICERS. shillings and six pence for and then! the inevitable; failure.
The next thing is the shareholders; гасе.
which we have to pay for from our lay for boys between the ages of 16 Customers know nothing about Potreda valor do posledice pockets; hence money speat by operation of all the other subjects In The Panama Division, and 18 and six shilling for who are the shareholders in the Distance furlongs parse 450. Mi Pollera and their child ren along the right committee of seven was appointed parents in educating themselves already Chinese Silk of ages, Major Box, the Divisional Offi(Arangu z) 2nd Buck (Munoz. Pool paid 50 on the was bound to bring good results, Dancer lines will be money well spent and to further study the question and cer has issued farewell orders wioner. No place tickete sola.
recommend at subsequent to a number of his Oficers, and Percy Carrington, Barbadian FRIEND IN DED Pourth race for class of many so called Negro The influence from the activities session of the Convention definite the changes will take place with labourer, employed by the My notorious but not incorrid teacher imported horses: Distance of action to be taken in carrying out in the next two weeks. Pacific Mail Steamship Com gible friend may yet be religion was claimed to furlongs. pusae 275, 1st Tigre somewhat injurious to our people; be an educational program. has He (Quiroga) 2nd On Pah (Munoz)
for The question, Does Education been in charge of the work in pany at Cristobal docks was naved from his adventurous career.
3rd Guitarra (Archam beau. teachers there are many of these prove a Determent to Crime, Colon for quite a while, will take instantly killed on Monday local daily a wonderful account of Pool paid 30 and 10 on the around with Bibles and very gone into by the Convention with Captain Houghton, from Port of the steamship. City of missioners Bryant et al. By nature in Panama who gº was thought to be too broad to be charge of the Crops in La Boca, afternoon last when a boom ine recent intentions of High Com. disposal. will him if Becond horse.
religion; that it can be observed Fifth Race for class native that when the Europeans send out in the from of a debate by Divi it was agreed that it be taken up Colon. Captain and Mrs Solor in the head, fracturing the temperamenta! make up fits him things as ponies: Distance five furlongs a preacher be, in almost every case, sion No. 17 and Chapter No. 14, in Jamacia, will be taking bharge skull.
playwriting, sont writing and the music, purse 125. 1st Iofino (Hildago) is qualified for that kind of work. pd that the general public be of the work in Port Limon, Costa exalted position of journalist; of Zad Toto (Moore. 3rd Renown Furthermore, while we are walking invited to listen to the discussion. Rica. Captain Walker and Lieut (Arcbambeau. Pool paid 10 around with these Bibles and know An Americah by the name these be is best fitted for a The session adjourned at 11:30 Spence, at present stationed at and 20 on the first borse and got what is in them the other are 00 on the second horse.
other p, to again meet at the Hall of Boca, will be taking onother of Young was reported to musician. If the N. folke going to decide defiSixth Race for class im or community centers studying, evening.
races; he said, are lo their homes Division 17 on the following appointment, but the place is not have received a badly batter: nitely to pulo isto practice their Report of subsequent settled yet.
ed nose on Sunday night recent decision to operate trade ported horses: Distance fur. diligently, sciences, trades and meetings will appear in Captain and Mrs. Clark will last, and in addition was schools they cannot afford to leave longs purse 50 1st Alta Mae professions for the advancement of issues of this paper. Moore) 2nd Pereque (Escobar) their race.
arrive on the Isthmus on the relieved of his twenty five him out of the membership of the 3rd Pipiolo (Archam beau. Pool 19:b, and by the same boat will dollar watch, at the corner of directing force. If to bring this The teaching of Negro history core several new Officers, just cost peid 40 on the winner.
Sat For in conjuntion with that of the commissioned from the Training with Street, Colon. Young join Seventh race for class other races was spokea of as of vital the I. and then College at Jamaica, and on their claimed to been been attacked backslide if things refuse to keep in imported borses: Distance fru importance as a means to inculcate longs purse 600. 1st Tribuno pride and race conscirusness in the Miss Nella Taitt, Headmistress of way to Trinidad, and other lo lateſ in the night by a colored their proper course will be too Barbados Exchange states that lands ever that side. Quiroga) 2nd Mi Pollera (Aran Negr) boy and girl.
All these Officers will be in man in company with a girl willing to further clinch my guiz) 3rd Frou Frou (Munoz. Puol paid 60 on the winner.
It was the feeling o! the Gon a private school in Fairchild Street, Colon next Thursday night, and who looked on while her promue to remain a and Mr. Broome, Head Teacher of they will all take part in the gentleman friend connected Die Eighth race for class Shrewsbury Boy School, St Phil. large united meeting held every with Young nose, knocked dative panies; distance five fur.
Ninth race for class Im lip, took papers for the intermedi week in the fine Hall, 14th, and him to the ground and re shand English for sale at the Rent Receipt Books In Spain, longs purse 125. 1st Gloria ported horses distance furlongs ate London University) in St. Colon.
lieved him of his watch. Moore) 2nd Linda (Martinez) purse 250. Resulted in walk the House of Assembly rooms warm invitation is extended Workman Prttery 3rd Super Zapo (Muncz) Pool over for Mr. Raul Espinosa; Oh during the week to everyone to come along and paid 10. 40 and 00 on the first Pah having been scratched the Miss Taitt, is a cousin of Mr, hear them. The service comborse 50 on the second horse other three entries were owned Taitt, Stenogrrapher at the mence at o clock, and Major POPULAR JUAN FRANCO PARK Advertise in the Workman aud 40 on the third horse.
by Mr. Espinosa Panama Electrie Co. of this city, Box will be in charge.
IT PAYS. An afternoon of good sport by opening the up an mske common tion means to horses: shops!
as other dicision to friend in ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO THE


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