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Natives of South Africa BISHOP Negro Porter Was Hero Aroused by Bring Made by China ter urges Modellente Of Santa Barbara Quake sion and ELABORATE COLORED PREPARATIONS for Readjustment of Visit Prince Racial Relations in of Wales.
Says John Haumann Mayor of Dashes up Crumbling Stairway and Cable despatch from Santiago, Harrismith, South Africa.
Obile dated July states that pre issue of August 2nd publishes the The New York Times in its carries White Women to Safety.
parations are underway in that place following:for an elaborate program of entertaining the Prince of Wales duriog ROUND LAKE, N, Aug Late press despatches report that in the recent Africa may some day come under the complete bis brief visit to Chile in Septem. The foundations of America de catastrophe in the state of California, when the district of domination of the Negro race if the movement to establish beforriving in Santiago from the barriers and race antipathy, Bishop conspicuously is by daring all color prejudice and risked his mocracy are being shaken by race Santa Barbara suffered greatly a negro porter figured Ethiopianism on that continent now being promoted under the inspiration of Marcus Garvey, Negro leader of New visitor will find the cith virtualny the first heglo to be elevated to the life to save white women as the following cable despatch Argentine frontier, Robert Jones York, is successful, it was suggested recently by John S, en fete and with British and episcopacy of the Methodist Epis. wili show; Haumann, Mayor of Harrismith, Orange Free State, South Chilean emblems on display every copal Church, declared in a disa Santa Barbara, July 14. Forgetting his color and the Africa, now a Los Angeles visitor and a guest at the Clark. where some of the streets will be cussion, before the Men Council gross injustices heaped against his race, James Horton, a Black American porter at the Arlington Hotel here saved the Mr. Haumann, who was born in South Africa, and has specially illuminated for the occa. here today.
lived there all his life, si visiting this country for the first review the Chilean eteer vanpa ta belirtileri necorereatures is home Tones lives of a dozen women and recovered the dead body the be called upon to. Bishop time. He is on a pieasure tour that started last February and iso, the military here and also the warned his audience. His native Bertram Hancock, 21, the only son oft he Allan Hancock, has thus far included the east coast of Africa, most of the Chilea iBoy Scoute organizations, smile is turning to a frown, his Los Angeles millionaire amid the excitement following the races for the Prince of Wales of love to reseatment and revenge.
There will be day the docility.
Trophy And what is true of the negro in Horton, single handed with only his strength and The British heir will have an op: America is more largely true of the indominable will urging him to go to the rescue of the MOVEMENT WATCHED portunity to play a game or two of darker race throughout the world. quake victims, carried women after women down the The movement which has for its solgan Africa for the polo in Valparaiso, and later will Africans. is being watched closely by the white population, witness a display of Chilean horsere Let us hope that during his crumbing stairway of the almost completely demoslished Africans Haumann, The idea of Negro domination in Africa Another feature of his visit, acope white and colored races of America his streugth and brought fatigue and exhaustion to his body. native rodeo: reconstruction period that there Arlington Hotel and placed them in safety upon the lawn.
Though each trip up and down the stairs took away was conceived in the brain of Marcus Garvey, a Jamaica ding to present plans, will be the Negro, who has been carrying on his propaganda from New presentation of a collection of that will give us less friction and York for some years. He has sought to interest all the Ameri Aucanian jewels of pre colonial more cooperation, less suspicion with its attendant dangers from falling bricks and walls.
more confidence, less hatred Horton braved the danger, and on each time of his perilous can Negroes in his scheme, which briefly involves the Two grand balls will be given and more of good will. venture brought the almost lifeless form of unconscious renoval of Negroes in all parts of the world to Africa, where his honor, one by the Government If we will keep in mind that the white women to safety.
they will found a nation composed solely of the blacks and and another by the British resi negro does not want philanthropy Hancock body was brought from out the wreckage of including all the tribes now found on that continent.
of the Prince arrival 115 huge chase and not charity, we shall the hotel after the first tremor had swayed back the center dents in the republic. On the night but justice; that the negro wants a Garvey has been active among the native, in bonfires, representing many have an approach to the subject of Sf the hotel, causing the interior and other walls of the Africa, where he numbers thousands of adherents. Great years of Chilean national lite will race relations that will give us building to fall in.
numbers of them have gone to the United States and to burn along the foothills of the An finally an entirely different result Mrs. Hazen Titus, a wealthy resident of Los Angeles different European countries, where they have entered the des within easy visibility of San to that which we have had hereto was saved from the falling walls when Horton made a fore.
colleges and universities, fitting themselves for various tingo.
desperate dash for her safety to the fourth floor of the positions.
building and brought her down the steps with the cool and The movement is carried on quietly among the native BRITISH MINISTER Negro Editor Agrees calm attitude of a real hero.
They realize that the time for action is not yet ripe, but Today, Horton is quietly aiding in the relief work With Southern White. being administered to residents of the stricken city.
there are many activities. BOSTON CHRONICLE. Interviews High ComHe is declared to be the hero of heroes of the great missioner Bryant of ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN MAJOR COX SPEAKING BEFORE disaster which happened last Monday. I.
Horton is a native of Santa Barbara. He is 22 years of age, COLORED AUDIENCE SPONSORS unmarried and highly esteemed by all who know hlm.
His Highness Prince Maha fuller house. Tonight the At the request of His Britannic rajah of Jhalawar, Indian Company, will stage Peg o Majesty Minister, Major c, Richmond, Va. July By Prince, who arrived at Balboa My Heart with Miss Irene Braituwaite Wallis, High Commis: Frequently SPARKLETS forgetting on the steamchip lonic on Kelly, the leading lady, in sianer Charles Bryant, of the himself using the word nigger BY JACK Thursday last, left on the Bluebeard Eight Wife, as Universal Negro Improvement As throughout his entire address, sociation, accompanied by Execu: Major Cox speaking at the evening of the same day. He Peg.
tive Secretary Myers, visited True Reformers hall here Sunday EMANCIPATION.
perform to help me to keep near was met at the docks at Balboa by Captain Tomb, the British Legation on Monday afternoon, bazenly declared that why had not been more deris the standard set for one who must Committee appointed by last for an interview which subse Africa is the place fort he nigger ively rebuked for writing under a get meals a day and a bunk aft ar representative of Gov the Convention of the N, quently lasted for an hour, it was Major Cox, who is the author or non de plume so closely related to twilight, from the result of his own ernor Walker of the at present sitting here, learnt yesterday.
White My the engaged Panama Canal Zone. The to study possibilities and of Interviewed by a representative People Go, two books in which he able to state, and for that am of na uking superdicial observations of Prince was leter driven to the submit statistics of this paper, Secretary Myers said plainly sets forth his belief in the opinion that Winslow Arthur the in Convention.
British Legation to pay his nection with an industrial missioner, in response to a request the auspices of the Universal Ne am, however, not contemplating ly on that will mention a few in con: that himself and the High Com. white supremacy, lectured under Gaskin has let me off lightly. Never heless, before entering brief: respect to His Britannic program, presented its report made to the High Commissioner by gro Improvement Association. He any change in the immediate future things which seem to have merited Majesty Minister Braith at a session of the Conven the British Minister, went to the is also a member of the Anglo as hold that Sambo hiss some passing notice waite Wallis.
tion held at Liberty Hall. Legation at 10. 30 on Monday last Saxon. club the name under which latest talent which the world wil The Colon Boys INSTITUTE.
Division No. 17, on the Major Wallis.
were, graciously received by the Richmond branch of the Ku openly, subscribe to when he has brought out George Richards was severely foht inst. The report, which Further hearing in the case is believed to be only The Minister, Secretary Myers racial iategrity law passed by the bave dra wo something out of some. the olon Bovs lastitute which he prime movers in having the pation controversy knew would rebuked for the lot of things about of the six silver employees tentative estimate, as it was that he was desirous of knowing General Assembly of Virginia.
body, and was also sure that Mr assumed responsibilite for in last charged with stealing and received for further discuss more about the Universal Negre Throughout his entire talk Major Barrie siding with the celebration week ipsue of this paper. George conspiring to steal commis sion, includes, among other improvement Association and that com arubstantiated Marcus Garvey: Jacing. oute a pity that our friend superficial as the writer. It was would them a deserved is sary goods valued at more things, a probable expendi bere. is As the interview proceediea ment was the best thing for the Mr. Markham from New Provi stated some time ago that he was reason for than three thousand dollars of 11, 400, as declaring was further postponed, after Agricultural outlay (proper) spoke in glowing termost cordirica more for the race than any other the scene of battle. It cannot be the A. and which high follows: the British Minister most cordially Negro and that Garvey had dose dence was late in appearing upon assistant secretary of a branch of Thurday hearing, at the 5, 360, transportation 1, 380, and the Africans that he had wann auf lading Booker Toast in everybody cannot be expected to attached to his name in these understood why he thought that title I, on one or two accasions, Cristobal Magistrate Court, 00, merchandise 3, 500, farm lived in Africa for many years and ton and all of the present day to next Tuesday: District animals 210: Bakery 500, there. He also pointed out many brought the Negro here from Afri and there is no reason why so much have been told that the gentleman won nearly all his promotions educators. The white people have the same views and ideas. columns: but o investigation Attorney Mitchell, procecutes for the Canal Zone Trade Schools 150. 00. cancerned and offered many friend nience, said Cox, and think then went off and filled a columu foundation oa which the attack on coonection with the subject, od for such position. So be it. The Government, being sick and ly advices.
they ought to send them back, unable to cross the Isthmus Convention Con Commissioner Bryant, the Secre. believe the United States Govern and a half, By this, one is lead to friend George was built is from the to Cristobal.
tary said, succeeded in putting ment would pay transportation believe that he meant to bave dele fact that the Colon Beys Institute very forcefully and clearly the of the Negro back to Africa. The ted the no. The question merited is in sympathy with President The fifth and sixth sessions of the aims, objects and principles of the ball was packed to the doors and the discussion. It is also noted that Connor U 1, and George organization he represeuts to The Lloyd Davidson Come local convention of the Univereal Major Wallis who in turn emphati made short talks in which they years have sponsored the Day have sympathy with both, as well as the after the mia lecture Jobin the Jamaica Herald observes is in sympathy with the Colon Mitchell and Dr. Hatcher both dy Company of London Nemo emprovements the sociazione cally declared his unstiated syn coincide in tart with hische now begun to show some unwilling he properties and the scenes that the Jamaicans who for eighty Boys Institute Tae writer is in continued 13th 20th the al Theatre on Thurday night border, Discussion de cha Politics was organization, and bade to be com exception, and that was when the ness to celebrate. At any rate, Mr. Wayne he is with all branches the Major siid in last in Bluebeard Eighth dealing mostly with reports from missioner convey to the members, effect that Gaskin has applied a sufficiency of of the church; as the former are evil working towards the upliftment Wife. a There Frenchli comedy the various committees appointed and British West Indians in everybody who did not believe in antidote to a growing translated into English. The to study in detail and make specific general, the fact that not only the Garvey mɔvement was a fool.
few important of the Negro and the common happenings during the week, welfare of uur community, and the play drew a representative recommendations on different bimself but the British Govern (Bxchange)
anomg the many eveats which latter towards man spiritual ment also was most friendly and gathering Last night the subjects. Some bave already repor and sympathetic toward tht Assoted but further discussions are ciation and its ambition.
ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO for this columu is really insignifi while am eligible for membercould be written on but writing welfare It is fortonate for me that Company appeared in Tilly necessary so as to bring things of Bloomsbury before a down to a workable stage.
Commander Watson THE POPULAR HIPODROME Op cant to the volume of the other ship in (Continued on page 8) JUAN FRACNO TO MOROW.
odds and ends that have to Continued on page 8)


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