
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1925 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands JAMAICA Reconstruetion of Streets of City.
cococo WHAT IS YOUR FORTUNE. GOOD LUCK HERBS on the YOUR People may neut. is sym.
208 ske The Gleaner understands Early Closing Law that the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation bas decided to HITS OLD CAPITAL. tion of the streets in the metrocarry through the re construc. package free with each 50c order; Loadstone 50c; magnetic sand, 50c.
polis on which tram lines are Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs things kept secret from foundation of Spanish Town, Aug. Quite Jamaica Public Service Company laid, without waiting the world, 75c; private lessons for meEach Week for Readers diums, 75e; Easi Indian spirit healing, an amount of excitement pre to relay ther rails work which 50e; the secret of Hindu visualization, vailed here on Friday last when they are evidently not prepared 50e: the reader of souls, 50; the the Shop Assistants, Law was to do at the present time.
WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE Everyone reads his boroscope now, priesthood of India 50e; the drugless road to perfect health, 2; Manta Yoga, brought into operation. Many Have you read yours?
50e; a physician in the house, 50 people suffered a great amount uion bas cabled for steel retainIt is stated that the Corporafive finer grass, package free with of foconvenierce Ancient Science Is The Cross Word Puzzle craze is dying each 750 order; Mantram words of power 2: the master key book, 3; Chinese shops closed. People ers so as to enable them to carry cut and HOROSCOPES are the latest Popular Rage who work at the plantations as through the asphalting of those signet and seal symbol rings for ladies fad. What do astrologers find in your and gents, 14 karat gold, only 20; labourers, and others who Isbour streets leaving the area occupied With what characteristics have tha birth date? Watch for it in this paper.
lucky seven stick pin for men, 9; one some distance from the town by the car rails and eighteen package John Conquerer Root and came in to find that not only the dealt with by the Public Service inches clear on either side to be stars eadowed you? What are your best one Adam and Eve root free with each HOROSCOPE talents and are you making use of them. order: lucky seven ring for ladies, dry goods stores were closed bat Company.
by 7: lucky seven ring for men. three From the beginning of history astrol by also the provision shops kept headed snake ring, 18; the under It is further learnt that on the ogers Imave studied the influence of the Madame Renee the Chinese and other local ground treasure book, 4; hair dressshopkeepers. These closed at arrival of the steel work, Har stars and placets upon the lives of ing for ladies and gents 50e; perfume about 02. 50e: face cream, 50e; gloss oil 50e; were to be bour Street will be taken in human beings and the result has been a July 30 August face powder, 50e; greater key of SoloSeen wandering about the street, hand.
science which they present to aid indivi. The Sign of Leo, the Lion mon, 16; the silent friend book, 25; Wondering where they can get duals in finding the work for which they The sun exerts a profound influence bir otomon, 18. 60. long lost friend book secrets book, the articles with which to provide are best fitted and in overcoming their of upon you who are born during this week their supper.
natural faulte They teach self know ise; fortune telling cards, 25; the Reported Closing of The when the siga of Leo is at its height, sealed book, 3; the great book of.
ledge in order that adverse influences On Saturday night all were Ordnance.
magical art, 15; the sixth and seven be combated.
This planet in the Zodiac gives you a books of Moses, 75e; gazing crystal, open until 10 and bad to superb courage, a splendid vigor and close at 10 when the dry Coming events also have been pre. inch, with stand and instructions, untiring ambition.
Only 5; de la Sphinx Hindu temple inA short time ago says the dicted. Miss Evangeline Adams, a noted goods stores closed. Previously Naturally sympathetic and genial you cense, Sl; secret of black art book, Gleaner we published a American astrologer, forcasted a worldChinese kepi their shops open have combined qualities that make an parehent paper, 75; special ink as until 11. 30 rumour that the War Ortice had used on parchment 75; candles all on Saturdays.
wide war within three years in 1912, attractive personality and vou draw under consideration scheme colors, per dozen 75; genuine parchIt is averred that the Chinese for the closing dowa or curtail.
and even in 1910 Madame de Bielski friends to you easily. Hearty and jovial ment skin, 50; lilly rose vanvan, sbopkeepers and others are meat of the Ordnance depart.
said, War clouds fill the heavens. The oz. 50. With any order for ten dolin manner, you can hold an audience first outbreak will fire the Balkans. If with little effort and would succeed as a lars worth of goods at one time we will making arrangements to get rid of such articles that are prooccurrences can be so accurately pro lawyer, minister, actor, public speaker send you the following goods absoluteIt 18 further reported that the bibited to be sold after closing scheme embraces the curtail: phesied, it is reasonable that characterisly free: package devil s, the famous or orator It is more your style of seals reprinted from the six and seven tics can also be traced from the position hours under the law.
delivery than what you say that enables books of Moses, on old time parehwent meut or closing down also of the of the stars in the Zodiac.
you to sway people to your opinions.
with gold ink, Fig 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; lodeGarrison at Port Royal, stone, magnet sand; also the origiToday popular interest in horoscopes aspirations and oride, With a power and grandeur, COM.
nal lucky glass with full instructions.
The matter, as far as can be is again aroused and people eagerly seek. your love of Address ail orders direct to De laOur Grapefruit And Pine gataerea, is under the consider ing to find what their signs portends, PASSION is your motto. You are inHerb Agency, No. 2802 Cottage Grove wbat traits are natural to them in what Ave. Chicago, III.
apples In the Dominion. alioa of the War Office, and if it herently charitable and are always able dues come about it will be quite occupations they will be most successful, to see both sides of a question.
and what is their mystie stone, flower little time yet: In the meana and soul color.
The psychic say the color of your soul Was a seaman and did not belong Three boxes of grapefruits wolle the civil settlement of the is orange a deep, reddish orange the to this island.
and three boxes of pineapples ancient town is somewhat perIn order that you may know your shade of the setting sun which promises His Worship: It does not were sent along with the Jamaica urbed over the report, because horoscope, we have secured Madame benevolent weather. Your lucky stone matter: yon will not be paid.
delegates to the recent Trade it the Garrison closed down the Renee, the mystical reader of the skies, is the amber whose clear tones represent Conference, at Ottawa.
small existing residental section to interpret the Zodiac each week. Per Roberts repeated that if no your fair spirit and unclouded nature, would certainly have to migrate Hon. Morrison, chairman of to Kingston haps your success depends upon the consideration was given with The marigold, bright and sunny.
career you choose and by your horos bolic of the disposition of Leo born.
respect to payment he was not the delegation, writes as follow: cope you judge your ability in various going to speak. did not see the fruit and kinds of work.
Being real home lovers, you should The in fact was not able to get at Magistrate: You again marry early and spend a great deal of BRIEF NOTES.
Watch for your birth date and those tbem until exactly a refuse to give evidence?
fortnight vour time in the home. People born of your friends, from the date that they were Whder this sign usually find greatest Witness: Yes, am not going shipped. The grapefruits were It has been detioitely decided (Copyrighted 1925 by Hense Adams happine to say anything unless am paid.
when united with those born poor looking and badly packed that an English cricket team will Syndicate)
under Aquarius, the latter half of JanAfter instructing the clerk to and so could not display them. visit Jamaica next year January.
uary and the first half of February, for to take a note of the incident, gave them over to the Chateau Arrangements are now being these people are also loyal and affectionHis Worship finally adjouroed Laurier who used them for fruit made in connection with the visit. It is the stars, the stars above us, ate and fond of home life. Congenial the case till August and ordered cocktails putting on the menu the witness to be detained in govern our condition. Shakespeare.
alliances can also be made with those Jamaica grapefruit cocktails born in Aries, the last of March and custody.
anc which believe were much tion in our elementary schools new Catechism for introducfirst of April, et. joyed. The pine apples were in If you are looking for hints on mar. Copyrighte: 1925 by Hense Adams lovely condition and sent them was been prepared by the Bishop Protection of WitSyndicate. riage read your horoscope.
that night to the banquet given to the Standing Committee of the of Jamaica. It has been referred by the Royal Bank of Canada at Board of Edutation fur consinesses. SCXOokoossosxocco SCROSSBoxes socks the Country Club at which the deration Chief Justice (Deputy Governor MAGISTRATES STERN RULGeral) the Prime Minister and all the public men of Canada ING.
TRINIDAD XOXOX were present, The pine apples 98XKS0S0 ere displayed on the table with During the bearing of a case cards marked Jamaica pine brought by Detective Constable apples, and made a splendid (From WEEKLY GUARDIAN)
Forde against Mababir, an East snow. They were not cut up, but Indian chauffeur, before the were sent round the following An Obdurate Witness.
City Magistrate on Thursday, day by the bostess, Mrs. Gray, a discussion arose in the course to the leaders of both parties and of which the Solicitor appearing Lo various other public men, and PAYMENT DEMANDED FOR for the defence was deprived on all sides heard excellent EVIDENCE of bis right to continue his crossreports as to their flavour, ete.
examination of one of the witThey looked splendid and when Refusal Leads To Imprisonnesses.
you recollect that they were While cross examining Constaaway from the cold storage for ment.
ble Beckles in connection with at least eight days, the result the accuracy of the watches used consider most hopeful and The City Magistrate on Tues.
for timing motor vehicles, Mr.
augurs well for the time when Cipriani who represented the we will have a fast and direct day ordered Os prian Roberta, a middle aged a lo be detained Recommended for Removing the Humors of defendant asked the witness to shipping service to Canada.
in custody for one week as a band him his note book.
result of his refusal to give evi Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, The Magistrate objected on denca in respect of an assault Truck With Passengers the ground that the statements Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic charge, unless payment was in the book bad not been put in Rushes Into River.
made to him for the day.
Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and DisRoberts appeared as a wittness eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
Mr. Cipriani replied that for the prosecution in a private defendant had read certain notes from the book and on that The Spanish Town correspon matter in answer to a summons, An Alterative recommended for purify.
dent writing to the GLEANER on but after taking the oath, he account he thought he was August 8th states that a truck made inquiries from the Court as ing and enriching the BLOOD, entitled to see it.
belonging fto one Alfred Mowatt to whether he would be paid for The Magistrate repeated that of this town, was coming from the day and how much would be the witness bad not done so, Bog Walk yesterday evening at allowed.
stating that he was watching him about o clock with about twelve His Worship, in reply, told the For Sale at all Drug Stores and have seen it be had pasengers and a sideman and witness that he would not be chauffer. On reaching Flat paid.
Mr. Cipriani (to witness. Dia Briege it bad a double lock in Roberts remarked that he And in Large Quantities by you not look at the book when the steering and went over the could not give evidence unless be you were answering certain bridge with all its passengers. was assured that remuneration JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy questions No.
The passengers who were able for this day would be considered.
You swear that you did not to swim saved those that were The Magistrate informed him unable to do so besides sideman that it was a criminal matter AGENT read some of the notes Yes.
And why did you take it out and chauffeur. The number of and he would not be paid. as it and open it. did so in case it persons that were on the truck was his business to assist in the was required, but never used bas not been ascertained, and it administration of justice.
Sociocciolo it.
is believed that one or more of them have been drowned.
Witness: Must speak for Mr. Cipriani, well, that is a deliberate falsehood. saw him The truck and what it conThe Magistrate: Yes.
tials were and that if he did not case and ordered him to be after some reflection taided now lie at the bottom of reading notes from the book answer his questions be would detained in custody. Wben the river, Witness: am a seamanland postpone the case and put him in Roberts was about to be taken warned the witness to the effect Subsequently His Worsbip myself, His Worship: He did nothing of Divars from here are gone to find am also. the cells for a week.
to the cells, the Magistrate asked out whether there is any loss of The Magistrate told Roberts lives and to extract the contents he had nothing to do with what declining to give evidence and in the Court for a while, as be another chance to decide.
The witness persisted in the policeman to allow him to sit that he was going to giva him the sort. Had he done so would bave seen and will not have you of the submerged truck. he was or with what his creden the Magistrate adjourned the would probably change his mind The witness remarked that he (Continued on page 7)
Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR 08 For strengthening the BLOOD as evidence done 80.
would nothing


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