
You get good value and save money when you buy PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1925 SSB GSSSSSSS SSSSSSS St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca (Ameriona Epiropal)
THE WORKMAN Eleventh Sunday After Trinity 11. Matine sud addrere, Mr. Hunter, the Layreader will officiate Church School p.
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applica.
Choral Evensong and Confirmation 30 WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all matte pm. Prescher, The Bimbop.
Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited. very cordial invitation to all.
PO Box 74, Paoams All copy for publication must be Monday, the 24th; inet is St, Barwritten on one side of paper only, and This Jitney Sign (LUCKY tholomew Day. The Holy Commun Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of ion will be celebrated at 7am Lat all (STRIKE One Year the writer, not necessarily for publica 40 Cy.
who can, krep the Past. 20 FREE Six Months tion but as a mark of good faith.
REMARK3 Bartholomew is comThree 60e.
wonly identified with Nathaniel on the We do not undertake to return reLUCKY 250.
jected correspondence.
One following grounde.
STRIKE The Sign Is of baked enamel, The name Bartholomew (Bar fine workmanship and can Thelmai, e. son of Tholmsi) is Only The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS be secured free for patronymie like Bar Jons, Barnabas ke, Nathaniel was brought to Jesus SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1925.
by Philip and in the three of the lista of the Apostles Philip And Bartholomew 30 Empty Packages of LUCKY STRIKE or are couple together, though they were THE HOUSE RENT PROBLEM.
connected by some close bond.
60 VICTOR Cigarettes Nathaniel was present with other 99 99 99 Apostles when our Lord appeared at the There are a good many things in every community that Bes of Tiberine after His resurrection.
all of the people understand; there are more that some of AT The Evangeliete who mention Bar the people understand but there are a few that nobody at all tholomew do not mention Nathanael, understands and the house rent question in Panamá today BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. 93 Ave. and St. Johu, who mention Nathannel, does not mention Bartholomew is in the category of these perplexing affairs, that puzzle the OR St. Bartholomew lo said to have mind and bid defiance even to one highest conception easbed in India, and to have been put to death at Alanopotie, on the Caspian along that line.
FIDANQUE HENRIQUEZ CO. ING, See, where he was flayed allve.
It is true that the cost of Lumber is higher here than in T. MULCARE, Rector.
many other places; it is to be admitted that the cost of 102 BOLIVAR STREET. COLON plumbing here is a little greater than in a few other places, St. Barnabas Church, Empire we must confess that it takes a dollar or two more to paint Save your empty packages, we have a largo assortmont Litany, Holy Eucharist and remona house in Panama than would probably be charged for 11 Celebrant and Preacher of other Premiums painting a house in the West Indies; it is known that Rev, Muloare the local government has raised the taxes on houses reChurch School, and Confirmation clase cently; but all these facts combined are not sufficient to at 3p.
warrant the grievous rentals imposed by many of those SWS SONSSSS SDSSS Chow Evensong and addrew 7, 30 rbe Layreader)
who own or lease the tenements. MULOARE Priest in Chargo It is nonsense to attempt to discuss the situation from St Jude Mission, Summit.
the view point of necessity for necessity never outreaches Holy Communion 8, 30. celebrant, a probability and the cats take my milk if house rent Rev. Muloare.
charges here are within such a range.
Evening Prayer. p.
The situation would appear to be the more unsatisfactory T. MULCARE, Priest in charge.
it we take into consideration the class of some of the build.
St. Bartholomew s, Church ings one is compelled to live in and the many domestic LAS CASCADAS.
inconveniences experienced.
Morning Prayer and addre 11 a.
There are about one hundred per cent more houses in Churcb Sebool and Confirmation clase the city of Panama today than there were within the last deat 30 cade and this increase has come about by the great increase Evening Prayer and address p.
Mr. Skven (Lay reader)
in population. But in the good old days after the Frenchmen JT MULCARE Priest in Charga had gone away leaving an unfinished canal and even during the early period of the American occupation house rent was St. Simon Mission, Gamboa a pleasant thing. Five dollars silver monthly paid for two or. AT THE Morning Prayer and Address 11 a.
three large rooms and a single room brought the meagre Church School and Confirmation Clan amount of silver per month. In those days the people lived comfortably and were happy, they could meet Choral Evensong and address p.
the necessary demands for sustenance much better than (The Layroader will Officiate)
they can today and such a thing as a little room for big MULCARE, Priest in Charge money was unknown in those times.
OF THE But as soon as it was perceived that the building of the Wesleyan Mothodist Church canal was a certainty house rent took an upward flight and (BRITISH CONFERENCE. has continued souring to such altitudes that it nas stirred the Pansms 11 Mr. K. Walters populace to action, the hope of invoking governmental 30 pm. Rev ER Wade Subject: intervention for a readjustment of the knotty house rent What is Wroug with Humanity?
Colon 11. Mr. Airall; 30 o.
Major Bax of the Salvation Army.
It is claimed that the present cost of living is not comCorner Street, No. and Central Avenue La Boca 11. m, Mr. Harris; mensurate with the wages earned and in the face of this 30 Mr, DS.
landlords have been imposing higher rents which the Now Providence 11. Mr. Laynia.
poorer classes tind it impossible to meet. The pittance many GREAT REDUCTION Parsino 11 Rev. Wade.
Communion 80p. Mr. Theo: Fuller, of them earn can barely meet the daily necessities to keep Empire 11. Mr. Payne; p. co.
life flickering and pay the usual rent furthermore to have IN PRICES Missionary Meeting, Rev.
the latter increased.
The situation is indeed grave and continues to grow more and more aggravating therefore it is hoped that action The Salvation Army will be taken in some quarter to relieve the strained PANAMA CITY CORPS relations between the landlords and tenants.
Eunday August 23rd Day NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES Superintendent. the Rev. Church Services will be celebrated throughout the West Wade, the meeting Indian Territory in Army. FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT) a novel one.
There was a good In this Corpe Special service will be The Conquering Ford.
congregation and a good soirit AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH held in Commemoration of Mother, and The Missionary Anniversary was manifested throughout Only (Anglican Communion) will be conducteu by Capt. Solomon of the Wesleyan Church came off one thing was missing, e. the Eleventh Sunday After Trinity Clarke and wife, late of Cuba for Port Limon Henry Ford is continuing in Great Britain the co on Sunday and Monday the 9th presence of the Rev. Sur Services are foliowe:quering, progress that has made him famous in America. and 10:b inst. Bro. Theo. Faller geon, Pas or at the Church, who from Paraiso preached at 11 a is absent in Costa Rica Op Early and Prayer Mooting.
His British factory has just turned out its first 250, 000 cars, and agala at 2:30 on Sunday. evangelistic work, and for a St. Paul Church, Panama 10 Children Directory Meeting and the event has been duly celebrated, a distinguished the text at 11 a. was taken abort vacation. Rev. Nightengale, Rector) and Brigndo. United Open Air Meeting company watching the process of assembling the parts of from St. Matthew 9th chapter s. Holy Communion.
11 Holiness Meeting to be conthe last car in the factory and seeing it triumphantly driven large and Bro. Faller displayed Jamaican. an vid rimer on the 9th.
Robert Francia, aged 64 years, 10. 15 a. Matins, ducted by Capt. and Mrs. Clarke.
out to head a procession through the streets of Manchester. his sterling ability as Mission listhmus, and a resident of this 10. 30 a. Holy kucbarist sermon 3p. Young People Special Service This, of course, is a small matter compared with what the ary Preacher. During the ser colony, died at the Santo Tomas The Rector.
for Mother Day. All mothers are 12 Holy Baptiem tendered a hearty invitation to this Ford has achieved in America, but it is helping to fill Brit men, be asked leave to divert bis Hospital ou the 11th inst. as a p. Church Bobool, service. And listen to what the chilish roads with traffic they cannot carry. Mr. Ford does not subject for or minutes to say result of injuries which he 30 Choral Evensong, sermon recitations and address dren have to my to you, both in Songt, bear the sole, or indeed the major, responsibility for that, town worden gambling received from the fall ot a tree Preacher, The Rev. Louis Mel for there are other excellent cheap cars made in Great Bri which, he said, is he idol of the whilst at work on his faran a few. and is worshipped by days previously, unfortunately 45 m. Separate Brigade Open Air ober.
Meeting tain and produced in British factories in increasing number. thousands of West Indians.
Monday, 24ib August Peast of St.
bis wife did not receive the Dewa But the result of these combined efforts is that new Bartholomew p. Salvation Meeting, in the Hall The 230 service was of his death until after he was Holy Communion at methods and habits are growing up in English life, involving attended by a large and repre already buried.
to be conducted by Captain and Mrs.
Clarke, sciated with address from as they must do certain new problems. The chief of these sentative congregation of Wes his death he was memdar ol motben.
latter is, as has been suggested, how the traffic is to be leyane, National Baptists, Union the Unioa Baptist Church, and St. Alban Church, Paraiso bearty invitation is extended to all, many carried in city streets and on country roads. The latter part Bro. Fuller text was taken from School. He was of a peaceful Baptists, and others. Superintendent of the Sunday CANAL ZONE.
Monday, Life Saving Guarda and of the problem can be and is being solved by the construc St. Mark 16th chapter verse 16, diaposition and was very Atten. Røv, NIGA TENGALE, Sunbeam, Parade at p.
tion of great new arterial highways, which do much to and be kept the congregation tive and punctual to his spiritual Prieet in Charge p. Mother Day deme astration relieve existing roads. In some of the cities the situation is spell bound from start to finish; du ties; be is survived by his wife 45 a. Ho. y Communion Sermon by the Young People with various items getting very nearly desparate. In London, in particular, the be however, had to leave during who is here in New Providence, p. m, Church School ad Confirma interest, Captain Clarke will preside.
Tuoday, Band of Love Work Clase prospect of new underground roads is being considered, but the singing of the last bymn, to whom we tyder our heartfelt tion Clou.
it is not easy to see how very much can be achieved o time to take the motor boat (N. 207, H. in order to be sympathy 30 Choral Evensong addrene 30 Mr. Osborne. Catechist. Wednesday, p. Life Saving Scouts without new streets being constructed or old ones greatly which leaves for Monte Lirio at Mrs. Elzabeth Irying aged sad Chume parade. Home Lengue at widened, a process which would involve almost ruinous 35 65 years died suddenly at her p. m, All women from 18 years of expenditure in the destruction of property.
At the close of the service residence here at 12 o clock St, Matthias Mission age are invited to attend.
several of the visitors expressed noon on Sunday, the 16th inst, LAS SABANAS Thursday Holinese meeting in the their delight lo ibe sermon, and she was in Colon the day before Hall to be conducted by Commandant wished to hear (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, Martin at p.
Bro. Fuller and on Sunday morning she got ADVERTISE again, Priest in Charge.
All are invited to attend these meet The public meeting was beld her family up apparently well and prepared p. Church School.
breakfast; after IN THE WORKMAN, IT PAYS on tbe 10th inst. at 12 noon. 15 Evensong end addreso. MARTIN. Commandant.
The only sp aker was our (Oontinged on page 5)
Mr. Richards, Catechist (Continued on page 7)
BRANCH STORE The American Bazaar Johnson Wade.
At the time of 1.


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