
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1925 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres United Joseph. El Excelsior plaintifi was ATLANTIC SIDE High Class Musical CANAL ZONE NOTES Treat Tomorrow.
Cycle and Athletic La Boca Pars There is certainly a rare musiMeet. cal treat in store for all who attend the Cristobal Colon BupAmong the passengers who tist Church tomorrow evening sailed on the Manchuris for At Colon Monday, September The choir is hard at work reCECILIA AMERICA New York on Thursday morning 7th, Labour way. bearsing and will be ready to last were Alonzo Robinson of the present to all music lovers an (PANAMA. COLON)
Balbo Quarantine Station and Miss Estelle Jackson, Mr. RobinWhat promises to be one of exceptionally attractive and loTODAY SATURDAY, August 22nd TODAY. Saturday Au ust 22nd son, after nine years with the the most entertaining entertain teresting program, which will umber of the well and TOMORROW Sunday August 23rd Shirley Mason in Quarantine Division of the Panamente offered the public for also include a THE ELEVENIH HOUR ma Canal, has decided to Marion vies in seek some time, slowly but surely known artistes of local fame. The further advocement under closer coming to a climes, and that proceeds of this effort are on be JANICE MEREDITT TOMORROW. Sunday August 23rd protection of Uncle Sam His the Beaner Cycle and athletic ball of the renovation of the.
Thomas Meighan in program is as Meet to be held in Colon on Aspiratione call for a wider field follove: MONDAY, August 24th TONGUES OF FLAME for action than that obtainable Monday September 7th. Labour Agnes Ayres in bere and hopes to be able to Day PROGRAM: on the Cyclone Cycle Club achieve better ends in the four Lap Track. It will be re 1: Chairman Opening Re TOMORROW LOVE MONDAY, August 24th membered that on the last meet marks, Pastor Thrift.
States. Starting but four years ago Alla Nazimova in to improve his intellectual ability, 30th. May The Panama Boys, Antbem Blow ye tbe TUESDAY, August 25th MADONNA OF THE STREETS Mr. Robinson obtained corres particularly Nimbley and Ather Trumpet The Choir.
Rex (KING OF WILD HORSES) in pondence courses in book keeping ton were the cause of leaving Fluto Bolo Selected, Mr.
TUESDAY, August 25th some very sore spots amongst mitb. BLACK CYCLUNE.
and commercial business in which Frank Mayo in be now holds certificates from the the Atlantic aide cyclists, but Solo Thou Pilot of my WEDNESDAY, August 26th International oplnou is very much divided as Soul Mr. Stephenson. THE PLUNDERER Correspondence School, be having made very high to the outcome of the September Recitation The Silent Com. Alice Lake in WEDNESDAY, August 26th marks in all his test lessons. In moet.
union Miss Morgan. THE GREATER CLAIM Violin Solo Selected, Master Marion Davies in steneraphy and typewriting be The track is in first class has proven exceptionally good, as Practice condition and many Davis. JANICE MEREDITH certified by Bernard Ellis of Baritone Solo Come Unto THURSDAY, August 27th cyclists may be seen doing their the THURSDAY, August 27th La Boca Shorthand and Stuft every evening, Weather Mo Me. Blades Thomas Meighan in typewriting Class, There is permitting. Le Gore one of the Violin Solo Selected, Mr. 00 TONGUES OF FLAME Thomas Meigham in doubt that Mr. Robinson, who is last cyclists to enter the game. TONGUES OF FLAME Colombian of reputed good is doing remarkbly well. He has Duos Telling and Living FRIDAY, August 28th character, will succeed in adding that tenacity which surely Mrs. Dixon and Miss Quarlos, FRIDAY, August 28th creditably to his present attainprotrays something more than Alla Nazimova in 10. Cornet Solo Dream of Agnes Ayres in ments in the land of opportunities.
surface value. Big Fellows Paradise Mr. Smith. MADONNA OF THE STREETS Leon, who bus been persistent in 11. Solo Some of these Days Rex (KING OF WILD HORSES) IN riding 194 Gear, has been Miss McFarlane.
SATURDAY August 29th and BLACK CYCLONE The juvenile mock trial beld at persuaded upon to ride a lower 12. Recitation The Church Sunday August 30th the Clubhouse on Tuesday evening gear, so bas decided to use a. 97, and the World Miss Brown SATURDAY, August 22nd under the auspices of the La Boca which is really more suitable, and 13. Solo Selected, Mr. Lowe. Cecil De Mille Production Alice Lake in Athenaeum furnished a very good as a consequence of which has 14. Cello Solo Selected, Mr. THE GOLDEN RED HE GREATER CLAIM entertainment. Notwithstanding shown marked improvement, Lawrenc great things are expected of him.
15. Dnet Jesus Lover of my threatening showers there was a fairly good attendance. The juniors Charlie Abrahams, who has Soul Messrs Ellington Martin.
took always been a great favourite is 16. Violin Solo part did well. The case Ferns and was as follows; Miss Seraphina showing remarkable forms, and Flowers Mr Rodney Frivol (Miss Cumberland) a critics have already awarded him 17. Trio What is Thy will for poetical genius had been libelously the 2 Milo Sprint me Messrs. Stephenson, Quar criticized concerning her prem The flat men are working un.
less and Noble.
Correspondence Drops from a bleeding heart by der Camera, Smokey Joe Wall.
18, Quartet Cello, Flute, Violin Toopan shootingstick (Master and Organ ace, the 100 yard Prince, Doody Smith) Editor of the Silver Citg 19. Anthem The Lord Reignthe Truth Stronger Than News and a former unsuccessful Clarke, promising 440 yard Champ. and Joe Gordon another oth The Chole.
suitor to Miss Frivol hand, Miss 20 100 yard Prince, bave not showc Chairman Closing Re Daylight. Frivol had taken setion for libel themselves on the track yet, but arke, Doxology and BenedicAnd asked for damages. The case are working silently and earn tlon.
JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP TO THE EDITOR THE Workman: Justice Waite (Master Campwas tried before His Honour Mr.
estly, Ramon Jaen, the Kid, who it will be remembered, Corner 12 Street East Avenue Sir: read with much apprecia bell) and a jury of 12. The News Notes chased Wallace to very close tion the last paragraph of Spark Plus renresented by second in the 100 yards Dash.
We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also lets which appeared in last Satur Attorney Bluster (Master Herman may be seen on the track every The space between the Oristoday Workman under the con de Baype)
and the defence by evening and is fast becoming a bal Commissary and Bolivar watches. Our prices are the lowest and our plume Jack o, and which ser ms Autorey Shrewd (Master Arthur favourite amongst the bundred Street to the south of the Army Workmanship is guaranteed.
to me to be the acme of truth; and venena. Star witnesses were who go to see the boys working and Navy is being made since in Vliss Evergreen Maypole (Miss out. It is thought in same quar: into park. Many trees have Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you natural desire for truth, cannot Jump) Editor Looginu. Turtle ters that Reggie Beckford and been planted and the appearance may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may pass up the eligible statement be (Master Rolhp Eli) of the Public Wallace will bave to get pair of the place is already much under made Friend In Deed, Watchman! a rival paper of the electrically driven feet to breast improved.
drsire, provided the monthly payments of My notorious but not incorrigible News, and Jack Pi (Master Winthe tape before Jaen. In the interest are duly met.
friend ston Whyte) ass, editor in the High Jump, Rample and Markoffie of the afferoting Editor. Leacock has also observed Master Hines acted as clerk of record breaking crowd are every Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall clear 64, when slong comes the Prince of Wall Street on the notoriousness that is meted out the Court. The defendant was be pleased.
Coley in a pair of heavy foot ball on Tuesday night last tbe 18th to but, he lo rende obere acquitted.
shoes, and just steps over it. at the Strand Theatre. Long Martiu Luther, and staunchly be Coley is on our local football commencing there was a rush before the bour announced for lieves that when the light shines stars, member of the Local for tickets, and as on the first about us, throwing its rays in all The last house to house canvas Champion team, not very long open minds, notorious will be of the civil population of the Canal from Jamaica, so with new blood occasion hundreds bad to be changed to a similar word with the Zone, ta ken between June 1st and opposite of of year, shows in this event which bas agaib turaed away. King reart that stateme ot? La Boca has 2, 466 persoas, divided become popular overnight, it pro.
hope he did for this is also his as follows: 696 men, 484 women mises to be a very keenly contested one.
Edward Bernard, employed by opinion of PL and 1, 286 children. of the men the All America Cable ofice at Pacific slders are fortunate in Cristobal as messenger narrowly This gratifying statement made are listed as employees of the Pana, and women 693 and 8, respectively, by Jack o, now takes me back over ma Canal. No Americans are listed baving an excursion train lear: escaped death on Friday the 14th ing their to the happenings of the competicapital of that day and when he collided with another will no doubt take advantage of bicycle while on duty. He was LABOR DAY, MONDAY SEP. that opportunity to witness one rushed to the Colon hospital tion between Murray, Sam Goog in the population, and it is believed ing and McLeod orchestras which that over 90 percent are West of the keenest meets to be held webra it was found that he suswas held some time last week. The Indians.
10r some time.
judge decision was one biseda tained a fractured arm.
From Panama to Colon and return The Atlantic Side boys are that sound psychol gy which sat isfies the Negro, especially in this docks to say bon voyage to Alonzo Among those who were at the eager to bere of some of the Activities of their rivals and Benjamin Shaw, Past Deputy community should be pleased to get some Master of the Flower of thg UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE Robinson and Miss Estelle Jackson The contest was interesting and who left on Thursdav morning on newspaper tips from time to Isthmus Lodge, No, 1, IU.
GRAND UNITED ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS such is very valuaole to our it. stru the Manchurin for New York were time. is at present a patient in mentalists, for it will make each Miss En Woodruff. Miss Nixie the Ancon Hospital where he one stick to the minor and major Bullen, Mesdames Allen. King and successfully underwent an operadetails of music which makes per Harris from the Quarantine Annex CRICKET.
Train leaves Panama 15 a, with stops at Balboa fect interpretation. Mr. Gooding and Mrs Don ld, Mr. Robin.
Heights, Red Tank aud Pedro Miguel, returning erchestra did well under the cir son sister. The Manchuria also leaves Colon p, cumstances, having six young took several passengers from Pana Kent Defeats Pickwicks. Ithmian banana growers have executants out of seven. Mr.
Mur organized themselves into a ray, orchestra was good ma city including Nathaniel James, and Federation to be known as Tbe deseryes much eredit. They played Nicolas Carter od Mrs Aaslio aud The Cup match of Sanday the Panama Fruit Growers Co oper The management guarantees there will be no conin good tempo, with good pre16 between Kent and ative Association with headgestion. All will be comfortably seated cisioo and release, and heir Pickwick on the Victoria quarters at Gatun for the purexpressions were very inarke Successful Missionary oval resulted in an easy victory pose of providing better facilities Mr. McLeod orchestra was ler for the former. The respective in the marketing of their fruits.
Meeting REFRESHMENTS ON SALE FROM THE START say similar. And about Murray scores were 118 and 72.
execution on the Zylophone: this ING OFF UNTIL THE RETURN earned him great applause. But The annual missianary services Westmoreland Inning wu how is it that the orchestra that of the Wesleyans at Colon came Silver City Worsted by just the opposite of their oppo Get your train Tickets early to avoid the rush Lied with Murray used three off successfully. On Sunday the Westmoreland. nents innings The op ning saxaphones of the same remeru. 16th, three stirring sermons was very slow, and it appeared ment, the musical saw, and played were preached by the Rev.
as though Silver City would Silver City aud Westmoreland have had a walk over.
without a corne. Have we any Wade, and on Wednesday The 1st orchestrati in for the saw? Was the night the 19th the public meer met in another cup fixture on the wicket yielded single. the 2nd Mount Hope oval, which termin: tell for the 3rd and 4th for 16, New Providence Notes where her remains were led to arrangement de for ul roe suxi ing took place, when the chair rest. Mr. Turner, the couch phones of the sime color? Would was occupied by Mr. Halloway, in a win for Westmoreland the 6th for 24. Just then the steward, performed the cere not the absence of a coruet make the general secretary of tbe by runs.
boys woke up and the score (Continued from page 4)
mons. She is survived by her the interpretation of the written A. activities on the IsthBatting first the losers put up jumped to 50 for the 7th wicket, 56 runs, Pounder 21, Small and the 10th add making breakfast she complained that husband, and one son, Robert score imperfect. What was the idea mus, and addresses delivered by 18. They started a bold inning total of 59. The principal scores she felt op well and retired to Benjamin, bere; and another son of baving all the orchestra play the the Revds. Notman of the Bapy.
securing 28 runs for the 1st were Yearwood 24 and Cel y 23, bed and at 12 o clock. She. Thomas Benjamin, who la sup: same piece? Wasn it to determine tist Church 10 Boras del Popo wicket, but slowed down con Small captured wickets for quested a drink of water, and as posed to be at present in Africa which orchestra contained the best and Gregory of the Bible siderably towards the end. When 25 rugs and Green for 16.
soon as she drank the water, she be is a soldier of the 1st battalion instrumentalists by having the House, Cristobal.
the 9th wicket fell only 12 runs passed on to the world unknown. Company, to show which of the three could were added, and the 10th fell for She was a member of the Wes whom we tender our sincere better interpret the orchestration 56. All the wickets were cap Fhxtures for Tomorrow, as written, in color and according our daily papers. But the light wil leyan Church, and was of a quiet condol nce. RI.
tured by Lambert and disposition; the funeral took (Jamaica papers please copy. to the law of tempo and general shine; it will shine unto Ethiopia place on Peters, who equally divided the Monday afternoon, execution? Ah, but suppose one day. Everybody knows that spoils. Peters got wickets for was in this you think of notori psychology, which satisfies our West End vs. Westmoreland on when a large congregation fol.
have bad to colored musician here, but himself.
16 runs, while the other tell to the Victoria oval, Kent vs. Wan lowed her remesine to the churen Advertise in the Workman busness be would derers at Gatan.
and thence to the cemetery IR PAYS. answer all these questions in one of Lambert for 22, LEACOCK laddare We Buy and Sell Pearls Excursion Train ated in


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