
London Correspondence Biggest Machine In The World BRITISH FINANCE AND COMMERCE NEVER STOP RAILWAY AT WEMBLEY Up to date Jewelry Fuller Jewelry Store Chesterfield rich aroma and mellow goodness are the direct result of using only the choic.
est grades of fine Turkish and American tobaccos.
You ll surely like their pleasing taste.
The Never Stop Railway is one of the many sights wbich visitors to Wembley should be sure not to miss 000 tons of machinery, controlled by a push In every form can be seen button, the largest machine in here at its best See our the world!
Over a million people were car Wrist Watches ried by the Never Stop last year, without trouble or complaint of Bracelets, any kind, and the car mileage at present totals will over 400, 000 or sixteen times round the wo lt.
Diamond Rings Nether Stopesiyle teen, as its no me ments and you ll recognize princpal feature of the and a hundred other adornsuggests, is tbat the cars never stop, although they slow down to why this is the LEADING a very slow pace when travelling JEWELRY HOUSE in town through the stations, and there is always a slowly moving train ask prices and you ll find still of cars in each station. Tois another reasonenables the stations to be avail able for the use of passer gets 100 per cent of the time instead of only some 10 per cent. as is 122 Central Ave.
the case with the tube and sub Phone 629 way electric railway stations, which act as 90 per cent. time: wasting places for the public at great loss to the community.
of general interest may be men Among other characteristics tionod that in the Never. Stop System there is no need for brakes, signals or drivers.
The Weinbley Never Stop Railway bas a continuous service between the Metropolitan Station at Wembley Park and the Southern The length of round trip is 14 miles. It is running from 30 DR. SLOAN LINIMENT a. till 11 the whole time does more to drive away the Exhibition is open; and the pains and aches than any other known remedy, that is faies, which have recently been why thousands of people the reduced, are for any 1e world over call it pain journey, returning to the start enemy.
ing point if desired, adults 3d. Rheumatism, sciatica, stiff neck, sore and tired muscles, children 2d. season ticket, lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis, from the first to the last day of sprains and bruises are inany month. costs 53. for short stantly relieved by periods, to the last day of the SLOAN LINIMENT current montb, it is cbarged at None legitimate without portrait and signature of ls. 3d. per week.
They Satisfy Chesterfield Section of the Exhibition. Well Doer CIGARETTES. of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended LIOGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
Dbarellloan At all drugests and dealers.
Rent Receipt Bouks in Span, ish and Englựsh for sale at the Workman Printery SLOAN LINIMENT (PAIN ENEMY)
London, July, 1925. The report just issued by the Commi. tee on Industry and Trade appoiated by Mr. Ramsay MacDonald when Prime Minister, is a valuable piece of work. It covers only one of the main subjets of enquiry the factors operating in foreign markets by wbicb the development of British export trade is, or may be, affected; and two otber volumes are to be devoted to such subjacts as industrial efficiency and the relations between those engaged in industry. But it is obvious that these volumes deal with much more controversial matter; and the committee, which was carefully selected to be as represeаtative as possible.
will bave more difficulty in prepariog a unanimous report. It is probable that the present volume would bave shown some sigos of the different views of the various members of the Committee if it had attempted to deal with recommendations for the improve.
ment of trade. But contining itself to a survey of conditions the Committee bad produced a report which no one is likely to challenge.
So much discontent is felt about our trade, 90 many attempts are constantly being made to make political capital out of the number of the unemploped or about a decline in our exports that it is of immense importance to have this thorougbly authoritative survey of the actual conditions. The first ouestion ore expects to answer is, how far is British trade holding its own against its competitors old and new? To this question a very careful reply is kiven. Ii we cons der in bass values alone, the proportion of export trade secured by this country has actually increased slightly since before the war.
But if course the general level of prices has risen and there has been a change in the average value of our exports. The two factors moderate any tendency to rejoice that, on a basis of values, our Export trade has improved, lo point of fact there is a decline in the volume of exports as compared win the years before the war. Taking the year 1913 as the standard the actual volume of our exports in the year 1923 was only about three quarters ul pre war level.
but neither of those statements River wbolly just view of the uation If the basis of value is 10) assuring, the basis of volutue is too discouraging. The report goes on to point out tbat British lad: 18 suffering no more than the trade of and other country.
We still secure the same sbare of the world trade that we enjoyed before the wa. but there is less to go round. Toe Committee could find no special factor in the decline of our trade except that, of course, Great Britain depends so greatly upon her foreign trade to maintain employment of her population.
In so far as our trade has suf tered it is due to world forces which operate with intensity against the trade of other exporting countries.
The world forces are well known The decline of purchasing power of our customers is, says the repor, a 1actor of decreasing importanc.
There are other related factors such as the instability of th: exchanges, the dearth of capic: and toancial and economo Weakness. Many attempts have been made to minimise the effect of these conditors, The Exports Credit Act has bad an important iofluence upon them; but it does not cover all the difficulties and a Committee has just been ap.
pointed the Department of Overseas Trade to consider another aspect of the problem.
Can workable scheme be evolved for insurance against bad debts in export trade? This is the question which the Committee will investigate: and, as a gecd deal of preliminary work has been done already there is a Od prospect of a scheme being produced But to return to the report on our foreign trade. Another question which the Committee attempted to answer was bow tar local manufactures are affecting our exports? The report points out that the war intensi tied tendencies to manufacture locally instead of importing, but it draws attention to two cousiderations. Some of the wartime developments will not Canadian Repartee At Wembley.
Dentist Howell EST EER Equal REWED Scotland is not the only bcm HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA of dry humour, nor has Ameri a monopoly of the pithy pbras CANAL ZONE.
The other day in the Pavilion Office Hours: a. to p. m, of the Canadian National Rail. to p.
ways at Wembley, the Young DAILY Idea was tiring off questions about Canada in machine gun PHONE 1288 BALBOA fashian to Canadian Visitor As long as the questions related Specializes in all the branches to Canada things were all righ, but when the youthful seeker of Dentistrv.
after knowledge, asked questions outside the ken of his guide, the latter became rather tired of DR. HOFFMANN the cross examination.
At last, in answer to a query if he bad ever been in Canada, Has removed his clinic to the cicerone drawled; Say, No. 39 Central Avenue. Ed.
young feller, you ve got enough cheek for two sets of teeth, trance between La Mascota and Chong Kee Store.
prove permanent and so far such local manufacturer have been confined to the simpler and WILKINSON coarser goods: For quality British goods still retain their Contractor old reputation and as international commerce tends to deal and Builder more and more with the tiner qualities of manufactures we are still well placed relatively to our competitors House No. 20 There are numerous other 28th NOV, STREET, points in the report wblch de.
serve study. For instance the SAN MIGUEL Committee made a special effort to discover the effect of the in: Box 411, Panama, R, creases which have been made in the tarit of foreign countries.
The conclusion is that these tn. Plans and Specifications Free creases have not so far been an important factor in retarding First Class Workmanshlp question of the preferential Guaranteed treatment accorded to British goods in the British Dominions azd Colonies is dismissed rather briefly. But it is pointed out that the percentage of exports taken by other parts of the Empire LIBERTY HALL rose from 37. before the war to 29 Street, Panama 38. in 1934 while the rates of the preterences have risen ENGLISH CLASSES materially, by Day and by Night are The report contains many how opened for the tables and much statistical matSummer ter. But it is most valuable for its general survey of the state of For particulars apply on the spot to our export trade and in this BARTON, D, matter it: will set many doubts at rest.


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