
WORKMAN. PRINTERY Interesting West.
every Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products 20 BRITISH GUIANA The best Tonic in the World Sale of Daily Chronicle VIGOR TONIC Mr. Percy Wight Declared This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend Purchaser.
ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up Georgetown, Demerara, July a run down constitution.
25. Another stage was reached in It promotes digestion, impeuves the appetbe protracted liquidatigo pro tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system ceedings of the Daily Chronicle newspaper when Mr. Justice DOSE: One small Wine glass before each moal or Douglass ordere the removal of times a day.
AT THE Mr. Nelson Cannon, as liquidator and the substitution of the official Receiver in his stead. He also declared the sale to Mr. Webber null od viod, and ordered that Mr. Per y Wight bedeclared the purchaser at pulic auction in the sum of 000. Immediate application wa made for a stay of execution CALL IN AT pending the process of an appeal against the decision, The Workman PROF. INYANG Permanent Coloni.
accusing the witness in that sation Buard.
BOOK STORE Great occult. Latest master manner. now deprive you of the right to cross examine the mind of South Africa. Master witness any further.
No. 93, Central Avenue Mr. Cipriani: beg to differ The Port of Spain GAZETTE of of mystic science. Can help again Sir, and can refer you to July 7th saysmember of the Bar. The following are the recom.
The Magistrate replied that he mendations of the Committee ASSORTMENT OF you in case you are suffering Was satisfied the witness did not appointed to enquire as to the read the potes from his book and desirability of setting up a per GOOD STATIONERY in love, in business or other affairs bad no reason to refer to any manent Board of Colonisation member of the Bar. He further and Development in British of human interest.
added that the habit of insulting Guiana.
SOUVENIRS, witness in the box was becoming The establishment of a body, to Consultatior, in person or write for price frequent among practitioners be and he was not prepared to en Board, compɔs of the followstyled The Government list. Strictly confidential courage it.
No evidence was called for the targ, Chairman; The Director of ing members: he Colonial Secre.
Address: 206 129th St. New York City, defence and the defendant was Science and Agricalture, Daputs convicted.
Cbairman; The Commissioner of Lands and Mines; The Immigration Agent General; The Con Alleged Fraud on servator of Forest. ex officio 3, CHURCH SERVICES Tuesday Gospel service at the usual Elected members of the Comhour.
Bank. bined Court; Representative Regular Assortment of Bro. WILMOTT, Clark. in charg (Continued from page 4)
of the Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society; RepreSeventh Day Adventist Church WOMAN ACCUSED OF sentatives of the Sugar Pane, Bethlehem Church of God FALSE PRETENCES. Association; Represenstative STREET CALIDONIA ROAD Holiness of the Chamber of Commerce; (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA, Representative of the Farmers. SUCH AS Sunday Evening 30 Preach: No, MARIANO AROSEMENA St. woman, of 89 Luventille Road, Clarise Herbert, young Conference ing Service The general public is The Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, SAN MIGUEL cordially invited to turn out in large Wasparrested by Detective Lance Board obotics of Sacretary to the Corporal Caesan on Friday laet senior Government Officer, holdshould be numbers.
Sunday o clock Prayer Meeting Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine 11 a. Divine Service Preacher. week and charged with receiving ing a position not lower in rank Sabbath (Saturday) 945 SabBro. Small 8303. 38 from the Royal Bank of than that of or equivalent to a bath School; 11. 15 sm. General Worship p. Sunday School, Superinten Canada, by false pretenos Deputy or Assistavt to a Head of Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, 3, 30 pm. Spaniel Class; dent.
during the month of May.
a Department. 30 V, Society, meeting p. Programme It is alleged that some time in the candidate appointed should etc. etc. etc.
530 to. Junior and Senior Standard 15 Gospel Service, Preacher May, a letter coutaining 303 38 be an aoficare of energy aud of tainment Class p. Vespers.
was despatched from Dora Lawis initiative, capable Bro, Phillips of New York to her mother Rose responsibility and of acting as of taking Seventh Day Adventist Church Tuesday 30 pm. Gospel Service. Lewis who resides in the vicinity the Intelligence and Executive Brd STREET BROADWAY. COLON Thursday 30 pm. Sister meeting of Rose Hill. The letter, it Officer of the Board, and he Sunday evening 7, 30 Preaching and Testimony.
appears was directed to the Post sbould bave received suitable Servier. You are cordially invited to Saturday 30 Choir Rehearsal Office in that district and the remunera oa in addition 93 CENTRAL AVENUE to attend these services and bring your Elder FRANCIS, Post Offfce and enquired whether the saiary of his substantive they had received letters from appointment, as his duties will friends, Pastor in charse: from New York bearing her to a large extant be additional to Panama City.
Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabbath School; 11. 15 a. General Worship name and address. She got a his ordinary work.
BEULAH. m. Prayer meetine reply in the maiden name, but 30 p, Young people meeting 11 a. Devine Service Preacher. her title by marriage was now 30 Vespers Bro W, Campbell, Herbart and the drafts were. The secretary should be fur. p Sunday School, Superinten eventually cashed, it appears bisbed with clerical assistance JAMAICAN IN the building. modern safe dent. 30 Gospel Service, Preacher that Rose Lewis, to whom the either in the shape of a ty, ist deposit vault will be installed in The Church of God Bro 8, Webley, letter was addressed, received a clerk detailed from a Governthe basement, providing firePanama, Arosemena Street, House 25, GAMBOA MISSION Sunday York enquiring whether she bad required provided from a vote note from her daughter in New 500 Department whenever BIG BUSINESS CONCERN IN proof facilities for over popie.
San Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer School; 2, 30 Gospel Sermon meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 a. Bro. Phillips obtained the money, as no refe: placed at the Board disposal UNITED STATES rence bad been made thereto in for the purpose.
The second, third and fourth and 30 Sunday School at p.
Note Other Se vices for the week the last letter to her. Rose Lewis loors will contain officas. On the Monday at 30 estimony Meeting investigated the matter as a Tuesday at 15 Young People will be given from the pulpit.
The Board will require proper Dr. Sarrett, Former Gleaner fifth floor will be a large assem Reporter, Vice President of bly room and a large roof garden.
Meeting. Wednesday at 30 m, result of which she learnt that accommodation for a library and someone bad already been in for its staff and records, and this Gospel meeting. Thursday at 30 Large Corporation.
The People Finance CorporaEbenezer Church of God of the amount.
sle should if possible, be provided is Open air meeting, Friday at 30 tion is the largest finance com Holiness Prayer Meeting pady among negroes in the communicated with the Police the Public Buildings.
and on enquiries being made, The fancuons, of the proposed (Extra) Sunday 30th instant this The St. Louis Globe Democrat, world and its new building Church will observe the ordinance of CALIDONIA DISTRICT Herbert was arrested.
Board will b: advisory only but in its issue of July 19th publish will be one of the out tinding structures owned and controlled this should not preclude it from es the following feet washing and the Lord Supper at Sunday 5o clock, Prayer Meeting It is understood that the carı ying out such special work 30 pm. All are cordially invited.
11 Divius Service Preacher. Clarissa Lewis. She was known iavolving the exnenditure defendant maiden name was incidental to those functions and course of construction for the country The new building now under by negroes anywhere in the BRO, Pessoa. in charge. Supplied to the Solicitor and the person public funds Red Tank, Cspal Zoue. Sunday School Sunday School Superintendent. who brought her to him as Lewis Board.
assigned to the People Finaace Corporation, a. The corporation was organized negro organization, at the north three years ago by Daniel 3 Gospel meeting on Thursday p. Programme.
but apparently neither of them a prominent negro at 30 pm, 30 Gospel Service, Preacher was acquainted with her christwest corner of Jefferson Ave Bowles.
Ordinarily speaking, however, and Market Street, will cost attorney of St. Louis, and has Sin. GRAY Supplied.
ian name. Clarice Lewis bad a any works of actual development, 400, 000, it has been ano cunced been successfully directed by New Providenco. Gospel Meetings at Tuesday 30 Gospel Service sister in New York. The letter as opposed to preliminary inves by ofticiols of the Corporation. George Buckner, the present 11. 30a. and 30 Sunday School Thursday 30 Sister and Tes written by Dora Lewis to ber tigation or expriment which the structure will extend 81 feet vice president and manager. The at pm. Wednesday at 30 Gostimony meeting.
mother was not found at may be decided on as the result on Jefferson Avenge and 116 business of the company is to pel Meeting, Friday at 7:30 Prayer Saturday 30 Choir Reb sals. accused residence She make loans on real estate and to of the Board recommendations feet on Market Street.
Meeting Elder ODLE ed before the City Magistrate in would be carried out by the parfive salaried people on the same plan The building will be Bro. MeDONALD to the charge mentioned. ticular department of Govern stories in height and basement, as that used by Bindustrial loan Paleor in charge Gatun, Canal Zone Gospel Meeting Inspector W, Power ap would naturally fall.
ment within whose sphere they which will be used for a cate companies.
at 11. 30 a. and 39 m; Sunday peared on behalf of the Police terria and billiard room.
The officers and directors of School at pm. Wedneeday 30 Baptist Churches and Mr.
Vignale repreexterior will be constructed of the company are all negroes Goepel Meeting, Friday at 30 aented the accused.
and business (Under the auspices of the Southern infancy were, however, respon tapestry brick and terra cotta prominent in Prayer Meeting.
Mr. Power are: trimmings. The Widmer Engin professional life. They informed the sible for 855 deaths.
Baptist Convention. Bro. GEORGE GRIPPITH Magistrate that he was not ready eering Company has been engag. Charles Herriot, president; Colon. and Streets. Gospel meer of Bocas del Toro.
Colon 11 a. Rev. Notman to go on and accused ed as architects to draw up the George Buckner, vice presiThe total birth rate of the Co plans and specifications and to dent and maneger, Mitchel, ings at 11. 30 ac and 30 Bunday remarded on bail in 100 with p. Grand Sacred Concert, surety.
School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 secretary; Eward Grant, aslony last year was 33. 66 per 000 supervise construction. p. Pastor Thrift.
of the population. The total pm. Gospel Meeting, Friday at 30 Gatun 11 a. Deacon Edwards; All the old landmarks which sistant secretary; Harris, of births was. as Prayer Meeting. p. m, Crawford Committee and eDobring the past year 609 against 18. 060 in 1923. 7914 e have stood on this site for alty treasuer; Bowles, chair Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Now Providence. 11 m. Deacon deaths were recorded as compa ligitimate births of the general ground, and the new building is Cleaves, Cox, Dixon, years have been razed to the man Finance courcil; F, Abbott: Broome.
with 862 in 1928. There bas population (East Indians exC. Greenup, William Perry Chorrillo. 11. Deacon Reid; been a steady decrease in the cluded numbered 2, 950, and being rapidly built.
Bethel Church of God p. Tencher Walters, death rate for the past four years the illegitimate 4, 830. Or the The first floor will contain spa Charles Phillips, Jr.
HolinessCalidonis 11 a. Deacon Stewart; 8, 824, In 1921 the total number was East Indian population thero clous quarters with the equid. Turpio and Williams.
RIO ABAJO, LAS SABANAS p. m, Deroon Linton or 24, 02 per 000 ot were 558 births classified as lement of a modern bank, and will Dr. Barrett, who is Red Tank 11 a. Deacon McIntosh population in 1922, 451 or 22. 35 gitimate and 4, 453 as illigitimate. be occupied by the People one of the vice presidents of the Sunday. sm, Prayer Meeting. p. Deacon Yearwood.
ON per thousand, as against 7, 609 in Dealing with the total births of Finance Corporation. In addition new concern is a Jamaican an 1) Divine Service. Preacher 3p. Sunday School; Superintendent Empire 11 a. and was birth rate 27. as will 1924, or 20. 02 per thousand. As the population, the ligitimate there will be seven stores, which old Wolmers boy, and a reporter from the for the Gleaner from 1904 to 1905. 30 pm. Gospel Sarvice, Preacher Supplied. p. Supplied Puebos Norte 11 a. Elder Neil, the chief cause of death claiming against te. s, classified acentegi street and also from the arcade He has been in the United States 757 victims. Diseases of early timates.
running through the centre of about twenty years, The Workman Printery ment receipt COI191 answer The le was ne ned ort irs Bix iה inion


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