p. 8


It is de to Top Notch Races. 7 oto 92.
THE TURF to Tour West To Morrow Races EL GAITERO West Indians Indies.
THE ONLY ELABORATED Tomorrow race program gives promise of an afternoon desiring to take advantage of Last Sunday program of eight Famous Professionals superior opportunities regarding Spanish Cider with its own of real sport, judging from their children (high school and races, four for imported borses Expected.
the entries which make up business) education, with board and four for native borses, at Carbonic Acid the seven races, four in the and lodging if desired, should Juan Franco Park, was exceptionally good. There was not a The TRINIDAD GUARDIAN imported classes and three in write at once to Mr. Fitzthe native classes.
Henley, Excelsior dense crowd on the grand stand learns ou the best authority that Schools, 19 North St. Kingston, but there were hundreds there arraogements have been practically Bataclan, a new blood, Ja. B, who spent a pleasant afternoon. settled for an C, side to visit will make up the fitth entry Mi Pollera, owned by de La 1925 26. It is expected that the the West Indies in the win in the feature race for the Please mention this paper, Carda, and ridden by Nayarro, team will arrive in Barbados early won tbe feature race of seven in January and will be in Trinidad URETIC AND REFRESHING afternoon, in class for imfurlongs for the best imported ported horses. The others book horses, with Tribuno and Frou for the first half of February.
ed are Dad with 129 lbs top Miss Josephine BosFrou taking second and third From this point, the visitors will VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ weight against, Tribuno 125, places, respectively. Mi Pollera proceed to Demerara and from quette Engagod.
Frou Frou 114 and Mi Pollera took the lead in the second that colony they will go to Jamaica S, 109. This will be a seven turlong and ran away to win via Trinidad and Colon returning The home of Mrs. Clearcia easily, paying her backers 40 to England about the end of April.
VILLAVICIOSA furlong race purse 500. Bosquette at No. 11 22nd Street for each ticket bought on her to The trip will be made under the In class entries are Guachapali, was the scene of a win. Tabuno ran in good form old the arrangements, viz: that SPAIN booked: Chomba Loca 135. ncon the 16th Inst, when a num.
delightful function on Sunday after bat was unable to overtake the four Colonies will be responsible winner who was carriying a tip sailing to the return to England. In for all expenses from the date of Pereque 133, Capitana 107, ber of relatives and friends were wetgbt of 96 lbs. Cicero, the ESTEBAN DURAN Mary Erb 103, Alta Mae 99. entertained on the occasion of the fourth borse in the race, started addition they will pay the sum of 500 as remuneration for profesTigre 102 and Ciclon 102. engagement of her daughter Mise out with Mi Pollera but was SOLE ACENT sional.
In class Capitana will Josephine Bosquette, to Mr. Fitz ourtran and came in last.
The race for class native It is expected that the gate re.
carry 128 lbs against Rolanda Clarence Bourne, employed by the For the Republic of Panama.
Commissary Division at Balboa.
124, Marcela 118, Oh Pah 115 Followiog are the names of horses, which was won by Feno ceipts will barely cover the expen and Guitarra 90, Distance those in attendance. Misses meno of the Siod Valparaiso, ses incurred by each colony, but an was a well contested one. Feao effort is being made by the West furlong.
Robinson, Primas, Taylor, meno displayed his superiority Ladian Cricket Authorities to give Seven entries, Plaudelia Zephrine, Albert Mastre, over Caribe, Baby Peggy Rialto additional guarantees with the 128, Gallineta 122, Fulera 119 Gaetan, Alfred, Bourne Thomas, Thomas, Cazaubon, by winning atter a not very good hope that the MC. team will side Guitarra 118, Celia start. He paid nis backers 10 be able to include 13, Mesars Joseph. Elliek, Kernan and Johnnie Walker Deville, Dedier, Peterson, for each ticket bought on him to certain professionals whose names wib.
are by words in the cricket. world 108 each, will run in class and Thos. Edward.
Peter Pan, in the four furlong cricket lovers here the opportunity and whose presence would give The distance will be The unique function was carried five furlongs, by of sprang a surprise when he ran the best cricketers that England out by a well prepared prozr It the native division, class tions, toasts, and speeches, in consisting of songs, solos reeitsaway from his competitors and his produced, won easily. paying his backeres JUAN FRANCO TRACK Caribe will carry 128 lbs which special mention must be 90 for each ticket to win.
certain that the publie will and run a four furlong race made of the following la ies and co operate with the cricket Hero won the first race of for authorities in the West Indies to with Rialto 125, Baby Peggy gentlemen tor their sple, lid TO MORROW longs for class Jaulve ponies, enable them to secure tue presence 118 and Fenomeno 102.
renditions, frequently interrupted beaung Dictador in the home of these professional cricket giants enthusiastic applause. Speech by Seven enmies are booked by Mr. Thos. Edwart; song by Stretch after neck and neck whore display must tend race. Dictador the lost second stimulate greater interest to the Sunday, August 23rd 1925 for the class native Miss Alfred; toast by Mr. place at the post to Landro who English national game besides af horses event, which will be Joseph; speech and song. Mr. came up from behind with a fording o practical object lesson to over a distance of five fur recitation by Miss Mastre; Ellick; speech by Mr. Paterson; territic speed.
budding cricke. ers.
WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE longs. These will be Renown toast by Mr. Dedier; Solo by In the imported borses division, class On Pab beat Guitarra The will play two 126, Dardenela 118, Zipi Zape Miss Zephrine; Speech by Mr.
after a great struggle over Colony matches and one test 110, Hero 108, Candlewood Deville furlongs of the one mile stretch mateb, in each Colony vis ted.
and Repulse 97 each, and The refreshments served were of special preparation, and after aa Result of the eight races: elaborate indulgence by all present, First race or class conativa Sparklets There will be another five the function was brought to a elose furlongs, furlong dash for class by Mr. Thos. Edward at 10PM Hero (Arangu2) Liandro (Scoultz) D. Clador (Mytor. Races For Imported horses horses for which eight entries who ably conducted the program (Continued from page 1)
to the satisfaction of all concerned.
Owner ou winner de la Cerda.
are booked.
Puoi paid 3, 30 and 2, 40 on the Association, except in a supervi and for Native bred Ponies Tirst horse and 3, 10 on the sory capacity, am eligible Concert for Kiddies Treat btcond borse.
membership in either President Intercolonial Cricket Postponed.
Second race for class Connor Ú. or in any of Due the to signs of continuous Tuclonrs. Retowo (Co wan) missioner Bryant, and would not jurisdiction of High ComTournament. rains, the secular Concert wbich Canulewood (switb) Repulse object joining either one which is should have come off at the LA (Moore. Owner of winner Boca Community Hall yesteaday Weite. Puol paid 750 and 10 doing real work for the benefit of Everybody will be there. Don miss it. NEXT SERIES AT DEMERARA. evening. In the purpose of starting a und for the Children ou the first borse and 40 on my people, lbe second borse.
Christmas that, bas been poste second BOSCH UNDER THE British Flag, First Race Starts. p. Sharp Owing to the fact that the poned. It will, bowever come off Thiru racu for class native His Britannic Majesty Minister, MC. team will visit the Westduring next week Tha date huid. Dissance Turlongo Major Braithwaite Wallis, mude lodies during the winter of will be announced later.
purse 150. 1st Fenomeno (Moore) a very wood impression on itish 1925 26, the next Inter colonial 2nd Caribe (Valencia) 2nd Baby West Indians at the Panama WesADMISSION: Cricket Tournament will be held Pokey (Escobar. Oawer of win leyan Methodist Church on Monthis year at British Guiana.
British Consulate Notice, ner: Diud Valparaiso. Pool paid day evening last, at the annual Grand Stand 86. 10 and 90 on the first Wesleyan missionary meeting.
Ground 50c. Interest in this tournament bas been greatly increased as Trini Colon would be glad of joformation The Acting British Consul at horse and 30 on the second Minister was the Chairman.
dad, the victors of the last series us to the present whereabouts of bad vistted the meeting for the held early this year at the Furth race for class im sole purpose of listening to the James Greenadge, a purtea notes. Distance one mile King representative, and it is Better Education and Living Result Les angeons Paterowie koelbewerbliche native of British Guiana, who is ink turt on stated 250. believed the Barbados is lieved, by many during Construction Days, et San have buen working Zud Guitarro (Vizcalnu) 3rd he was asked to preside on that sening Crime in United Kingdom. to be invincible. The Demerara Fulara (E. cobar. Vuer of win occasion, and no doubt that was players have been showing ner Stud El Aguila. Pool paid why he had accepted the invitation 60 and 10 ou the tirst borse to speak on the occasion for the London, Aug. Better education an increase in pretty good form and th y will and 50 on the second horse sole purpose of being listened to by sobriety and an advanced standard of living have resulted in they can be assisted by Mr.
give Barbados a good game it LEGAL NOTICE Puth race tor class native sobe. kung colouredi West Indian a tremendous decrease of crime in England in the last 50 Browne, their stock bawlor.
horses purse 125. 1st Peter Pan şubjects years, Sir Wm. JoynsonHicks, Home Secretary, told the whose health has been indiffer Notice of Pendency of Sult (nilauan) Wormwood NavaInternational Prison Congress to day, ent. Trinidad wrested the cup from Barbados who held it sine rru) 3rd Fermin (Vizcapo) Ow REAL DIPLOMAT.
He said that in 1875 there were 10, 000 persons 1912, and it is possible UNITED STATES DISTRICT Wallis paid 85 90 and 00 on the first that he is a sound, typical British undergoing penal servitude. He said there were only 1, 600 Demerara will awako trom her COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE Borse, 60 on thu sceond horse diplomat of the first order. Intelli now in spite of the increase of population. Besides this thirty year sleep and take the and 20 on the third borse. gent readers may be curious about number there are 1, 000 young people undergoing correc honours for the second time. Balboa Division Practice will start locally durine Sixth race for the best impor my knowledge as to what makes a tional treatment.
CIVIL No: 718 the first week in August and it is tea Ly:ses. Distalcu seven tur. good diplomat, but may be able so the boped that the first test te luuga purse 400. Ist Mi Pollera to tell them that am a student in (Navarro) 2nd Iribuno (Quiroga) the world school of common BRITISH MINISTER LUKE GILLETTE, Plaintiff Big Picnic Sept 1925. will be played on August The team will leave Trinidad durine šiu Frou Frou (Carrillo. Owner knowledge. The Minister stateLabour Day.
the last week in September and GLADYS GILLETTE, Defendant Ut Wilbur: de la Cerda. Pool ments in reference to the Continued from page 1)
the tournament will commerce Divorce 38 40 and 83. 20 on the first horse Universal Negro Improvement Association) that, as representative early in October, but the exact After examining Commissioner Commander says follow the date has not yet been fixed. To Gladys GILLETTE Seventh race for imported the aspirations of British West Iu Myers said the Minister courteous ing baach at am on Labor Day made to issue Invitations of the King he is not opposed to Bryant credentials, Secretary crowd to the new Cristobal bath. Arrangements are now being You are hereby notified that on borsts iour furlongs parse 250. dians neither is the British gevern.
to August 1, 1925 Luke Gillette filed in the 1st Tigre (Quiroga) 2nd Ciclon ment opposed to their coloured Ny remarked: see Mr.
Bryant, when you will have a full day practice to probable candidates. he prays for an absolute divorce frein wherein (munuz) 3rd Kernas (schutz subjects aspiring to better things, and yoam therefore satisfied that enjoyment. All sort of games will your Exchange. you on the statutory grounds of Owner of winnut: Raul Espinosa. but that he was just as serious in desertion.
Puol paid 20 auu 50 on the saying that British West Indians it. Do not fail to acquaint me have a good time. Tuis pienie will can you have the authority. Please use swim bring your batai suit, and You are, therefore, hereby notified British Consulate Notice.
aud 40 ou the should to loyal to Great Britain whenever you think can assist be given in aid of the Boys Instithat you are required to enter your us worse appearance in writing in the office of atboua burse, and respect and stand by the the Clerk of sald court at Ancon, ereste tute.
Eighth race for imported horses fag. were intrinsically cordial. you or your people, as am very, in them and The Acting British Consul at Canal Zone, and make answer thereto, Qistance oue mile purse 400. British West Indians cando con will always be. Do not fail to imon or before the 23rd day of Septem.
Colon would be glad of imforma ber, 1926.
Refreshments will be on sale.
a 1st Pertque (Escobar) 2nd Alta scientiously say that there is press them that we are friends and tion as to the present whereabouts If you fail to do so within the time hoteleromelu Mary Erb better substitute ostali bersetion not enemies, and that they must le Tis expected that all the wall be and builder, who left Jamaica confessed, and the petitione al The Band will be in Leopold. contractor aforesaid the will be as Schweiz. Puede para 3, 60. No the writer meye enoti nebes sable to the dear old British Government of people will be present. Admission have lived in this Republic and in applied for in the petition Schult. wuer ut winner: Stua Jack Lease superficial thinkers tento still gratefully honour and revere the first of its kind a great number several years ago and is stated to judgement against you by default and the genuineness of the court placa tickets sold in this race.
protection offered them under the Adults 150. Children 10. Cents. Cuba.
British flag. There are thousands Commissioner Bryant reciproF, SHEIBLEY of us here who are being taught cated the feelings of good will on Sr. Asst. Clerk, Rent Receipt Books in Span that our aspirations must be cir. behalf of the people te represented members of the organization were ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO THE Ish and English tor sale at the cumscribed to hewers of wood and impressed the Minister that and will always be loyal to good POPULAR JUAN FRANCO PARK Advertise in the Workman Workman Printery and carriers of water, the British subjects who were old England.
LE PAYS An afternoon of good sport Laurse.
Pool Vs.
abu 00 On be secund borse.


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