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PRICE Cts. Cy.
MARCUS BISHOP GARVEY will be sent Back to Escapes Ducking in a Jamaica.
Says Givilization cannot Stand cable despatch from from According to press reports from Says Capt. Twose in Letter in York Another War.
Back to Junūnica rather than don, Dream For burham, who is over West India Committee Circular. England, Bishop Well Back to Africa for Marcus 70 years old, was manhandled and Garvey, was decreed Saturday narrowly escaped a ducking in a cable despatch from London dated August 7, quotes Augusto dion by the Uphtede ventes river wiegti be a litetendeig minden measure be re garrisoned is undonbtedly the wish of all That the British West India islands should to some Mr. David Lloyd George as saying:Immigration agents who gave him demonstration after baviog written For God sake keep America tree, but don abandon a bearing in Alanta, Ga. and about the coal situatiou in the those loyal British possessions lying, partially neglected, in afterwards bench. Europe. Don bring down the fire curtain that flames shall for his deportation.
the Carribbean, and the following timely suggestion by a not consume you.
sad news reached New York form at the referDuring spees hes from the plat. far seeing Englishman, Captain Twose, which appears in tbs Ir these and other sentences replete with his old time co the eve of the poor conveni conces were made ten at recent article West Indiese Committee circulatie of July 30th, is interest.
vigor and fire, David Lloyd George to day made an inpas vention of Negro Peoples of the sioned appeal to America to save Europe.
the by Bishop ing and deserves consideration by those who are world. Dreire Garvey, the provia Welldon in a London newspaper. ble for reviving that memorable West Indies Regiment which The occasion was a reception at Pwllheli, Wales, to leader of the organization which sional president of Africa and To hell with Biebops and Deane. played such an important part in the late world war.
was The letter reads. overseas viſitors in connection with a big Welsh Eisteddfod has for its aim the restoration of we want a living wage, celebration.
Africa to the black man, is serv wording of a banner which was Regarding the British West Indies Regiment, venture Looking squarely at the visitors from the United States iog a five years sentence in the raised after the audience had began to suggest that this regiment, now merely a name figuring Mr. Lloyd George said unless you in your continent, for frau in his stock Federal Penitentiary at Atlanta ugly a severe criticism of the Bishop bv on war memorials throughout the West Indies, be once temper following which has great advantages over us, come to rescue civili: scheme of the Black Star Steapa ta kemi nyomorboard, and other again brought into being, by the comparatively simple proselling Mr. Ramsay McDonald sation, am afraid of what will happen. honestly do not ship Lines. If he behaves him. peak, the ca foet in telluring the cesso of amalgamating the defence organisation in the. be after uproar. Here he is various West Indian saw the thing growing in destructiveness year by year, and ball years of service.
original home was the machinery, becoming more shattering terrible and Kingston, Jamaica, Brighton West ap the cry almost animultaneous. The British West Indies Regiment at the sme time a crowd; To the River went Territorial Arm lines, and calling the regiment so evolved ventions ready to be hurled into a mass of humanity which ized citizen of the United States the water edge. Fortunately for original regiment, badges, etc. would further sug.
devastating. When the armistice was signed there were in Indies. He never became a naturally, and in a twinkling the Dean cnferring on the Territorial Regiment the right to carwas hurled over a face course to ry the colours, with the battle honours of the would have been destructive beyond imagination. where he promoted his colonis.
Since then science has been working to stop some of this sebebi in double ore will be and with the help of some stron gest in the event of the Regiment being formed, the most ingenious brains at the command of the communi. sent back to the best where be men and the Police, the Bishop that each. Colony be allotted he a British subject, battalion, each ties who have been at the task of working out something belongs, 180515 this govern was hauled into the launch whose battalion having its own distinctive flash, and the various still more terrible. What happened in the last war is nothing ment feels that he has been sulti puaer. bad reben called to the companies, etc. of the battalion distribufed among the rescue. On reaching the boat land various islands of the Colony, or the different districts as to what would happen if there were to be a war in the ciently punished for his offence, ing the Bishop smiled under bis world to day.
agitation, but remai ked have the case may be, according to the available numbers.
America can save us. You cannot say you doubt Am Our sympathy goes out to Mr. lost my new silk hat and umbrella. Each battalion would, of course, be numbered as part of the my brother keeper. No great country can have the brand Wilkioson, well known Later in the afternoon the Dean whole regiment.
of Cain on its brow and go through the world. Remember contractor and builder of this city preached to a congregation of In support of the foregoing would urge that on sentiyou belong to the same fraterrity as poor Europe, and the who received the rad news of the mineirant a intele eruise for the mental grounds alone the regiment ought to be kept up, best you have got came from Europe. Do not forget that death of his wife by eablegram on aadress urged both employers and and when one considers that the W. Regiment have the cathedral, and Thursday last you own some of the greatest ideas that have made the Mr. Wilkinson had been pre employed to spare no effort to proud distinction of being one of two regiments formed freedom of America to the sufferings of Europe. viously apprviced of her illness, avoid the supreme disaster of during the War (the other being the Welsh Guards. and but did not anticipatt this sudden industrial warfare; saying that that now non existent regiment was the outcome of the Worthless Coin Gets The March of Elkdom news of her death industrial warfare is unchristian.
concerted effort of the British West Indies during the war, in Trouble.
and was representative of every Colony including British in Panama Guiana, British Honduras and the Bahamas, the sentimental SPARKLETS It is reported from Colon that two grounds form a strong basis of appeal. To those who young men, Percival Payne and It is only a question of a couple BY JACK formed part of the original regiment and to those who Riley, were held by the Police and of weeks when quite a large numbe worked hard and gave their utmost to its inception and welber of pilgtime will join the charged with attempting to pass a fare, not forgetting those whose nearest and dearest fell worthles ten dollar gold piece indering Hert on the evergreen prairies of Elkdom. Among this Here under a continuation of STUDENT or Common Know whilst serving with the regiment, feel that the resuscitapeyment frr goods. It is alleged number are to be found constella. observations in connection with tion of the regiment would be the nature of a memorial.
that the imitation coin was stolen from a girl neck chain after sba tions from the literary world and my visit to the Wesleyan annaal Uolike some members of the Further, feel sure that by having a regiment in which missionary meeting on the 16th and the majority of West every Island and every Colony would be interested would had beeu seized with an attack of dizziness in a dance ball.
Mt. Olympus Lodge, No 559, insttat to hear Minister, Indians here, listen to what tend to a better intercolonial understanding and promote Oue of the men, it is alleged, 1:B. of Elks of the World is Major Braithwaite Wallis: anybody has to say, and when it presented the coin in payment for blazing the way for a modern comes to reading, practice my that much to be desired feeling of West Indianship, so two pairs of socke ordered from a Fraternity which does not exist Aspire Remain Loyal.
brains on the Bible, the hierogly necessary to federation.
Colon merchant, when the latter for the sole purpose of raring for phics turned out by my contem immediately detected that it was a the sick, burying the dead, and In line therefore, with the assur. porary Mr. Wilkins, Sound wortbless piece of metal and that banking monies for the benefit of ance given by Major Wallis, it is Talke published from time to ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN payment therefrom for his socks aliens. Elkdom has outgrown not necessary to show disloyalty to time by Brother Sam Whyte, not in these old traditions presents the flag to be able aspire to noble Inspirational daily 10. 00 of the parties held, it is to the membertia program terug he will always the granted to intelli bunk, and even on. Mocernor of the Panama Canal certain the practicability of us.
reasonable editions, my. Colonel Walker, Gov. National Government, to as.
alleged, was among those who with possibilities. To keep accompanied the girl home from needy from getting sick by timely kept groups berbag: many of my observations donc corner Coloured Zone left for the United States ing it as a substitute for gasoLloyd matured the dance hall when she fell ill. friends of the did properties; to diffuse happiness avail themselves of the opportuni Peril and Ward Price The on official business in connec line. If this is done, the pres.
and sunshine peoples ty to listen to the British Minister; Black Shadow over Africa.
Miss Giscome Sailed For tion with the Panama Canal. ent small demand for alcohol Elkdom does not aim to build up read the Workman. In the British MILTON Garvey Play.
just as many of them never used to During his abscence Colonel 200, 000 gallons annually for New York. wall of mysteries. It has secrets West Indies, West Indians live a Milton Garvey has scored a won. Maintenance, will act as Gov. dant small production and Harry Burgess. Engineer of use in liquors and its attenlike all Orders, but seriously Amung the pas engers who left realizes that this is a practical and Leaving Jamaica and Barbados for The Princess of Wall Street. Wanno ernor of the Panama Canal.
for Mew York on Thursday, 20th. material world, and that possession the United Statos and Panama other play, local or foreigo, has derful success with his melodrama, high price, would mean increased production and a deinst on the SS. Manchuria, of the is nine tenths of the Law.
ipesty on the life Line was Mis oigo The Imperial Lodge of New York and like the American Negere must Ordinarily on the battle bacolo e church ceived həre from Cairo, Egypt be used annually in the Rethey are thrown upon their oars made such a sweeping success bere.
cline in price. Three million church concert is Cable graphic advices re gallons of gasoline are said to My George Melderisce age of this cost of half a miliga dollars, and sofondiar les con And because we had a large polo tanto, and meme duriug this week, stated that public, and it is thought that Giscome, daughter of recently constructed home fight to live; that 19 from city. Miss Gisome studied at the St, the aim of every Elk lodge is to have to put up tort we are not to do the same get their friends the murderers of Sidar Stack even one tenth of this amount Pauls eay school, which is render build and purchase properties, it apt to think fight we are bers suport it and ing Eight years ago community in molding the houdegis very. of the young; and she will pursue stands for in Charity Justice, who think so, for if the sum total and his play it was done by a black The condemned men, it was give an impetus to local agrilive wire Order is all that it blame the less superficial fellow have been paid to Milton Garvey at intervals of 45 minutes. hol. The change would also further studies New York City. Brotherly Love and Fidelity.
as West Indians must argue special service was held in the the point we will agree by a Uorpi Iman and there very little, if any stated, met their fate with culture of sugar cane for the St. Pauls Cathedral on the 14th, in.
thing, in. But at this. st. when rites of confirmation Dlvoro. Granted mous vote or decision that we want apart from being. very good Mansour, who shouted and production of alcohol.
a better a were confered on her by the Right Revd, James Craik Morris, circulation of the gold from south play, Garvey brilliant success was ascomplished on the score struggled to escape. The bodassisted by the Revd, Nigbt. Cecil Varkland was on the 29th might be, so the young men of the Africa or West Africa as the case of the fast developing race con ies of the men were handed District Judge Martin of the engale, Rector of the Church iust, granted a Divorce by Judge Slands may stay at home, care for ciousness of West Indians, Milton over to their relatives. Canal Zone District Court finard on Sunday morning last, she Martin, in the United States Dis our women and help develop the ed Homer Irvin, United was given her first communion by tretourt at Aucon, on the satis. resources of the Island. It can be the Rector. Numerous friends and factory grounds of Adultery. The MARCUS GARVEY AND RACE done and it should be done and it As a motor fuel, alcohol has States soldier stationed at Fort acquaintaoces went to tha Balboa parties were married at Ancon on ought to be done if the Mother COHESION been tried out here on a mot Davis, two hundred dollars docks to bid her adieu. We wish April 21 1919, and lived together Country cares anything abou remarked a few weeks ago thator with success: the demon and sentenced him to six When Waltcrs of La Boca ber bon Voyage untill August 1924. Attorney their itish West Indian subjects David Leon appeared for the and islands. Were kidesa frubie te with all the knocks received by the stration necessitated only a months in the Gamboa peniPOPULAR JUAN FRANCO PARK enter her appearance and the case moster eleertiahlel poleme na for the accomplish good things it was reter. The trial was made it to the Canal Zone in violation ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO THE Plaintiff. The defendant did not mother con Mhet kibe baboyn the A, it will forge ahead and slight ajustment of the carbu tentiary for bringing liquor inwent against her on default. upkeep lies in the milk. Continued on page 8)
was learnt, by an agent of the (Continned on page 7) LEDGE.
elite of the city It among all it re of us TO MORROW.

    EnglandFranceWorld War

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